Business Question

Business   Ethics and Corporate Governance

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applying the Ethical concepts in Business through simulated scenarios.

Excelling (17-20)
understanding of ethical
principles. Clearly
Understanding of identifies and articulates
Ethical Principles multiple ethical issues in
the scenario. Provides
detailed explanations of
the principles and their
Achieving (13-16)
Shows good
understanding of
ethical principles.
Identifies key ethical
issues with clear
articulation. Explains
the principles
accurately but with
less detail.
Developing (9-12)
Emerging (5-8)
Novice (0-4)
Displays basic
Demonstrates little to no
Shows limited
understanding of ethical
understanding of ethical understanding of ethical
principles. Identifies
principles. Fails to
some ethical issues but principles. Struggles to
identify ethical issues.
identify key ethical
may miss minor ones.
Provides incorrect or
issues. Offers vague or
Provides general
incomplete explanations. irrelevant explanations.
explanations of the
Applies ethical
Effectively applies ethical
Attempts to apply
Does not apply ethical
Applies basic ethical
decision-making to the
decision-making but with
decision-making. Fails to
decision-making. Offers
Provides logical
scenario. Justifies
significant errors.
Application of
provide reasoning for
reasoning and some some reasoning but may
decisions with strong
Provides weak or unclear
Ethical Decisiondecisions. Ignores
reasoning and evidence.
reasoning. Considers few
different perspectives
decisions. Considers limited perspectives and
Considers multiple
or no alternative
and outcomes.
different perspectives
perspectives and
and outcomes, though
less thoroughly.
and Interaction
Communicates clearly
and effectively. Actively
listens and responds
appropriately to others.
Uses professional
language and tone
Struggles with clear
Communicates well
adequately but may have
with minor errors.
Fails to communicate
some clarity issues.
Demonstrates poor
effectively. Does not
Listens and responds
adequately to others. Shows some listening and listening and response
listen or respond
Generally maintains
skills. Occasionally uses appropriately. Frequently
response skills. Uses
mostly professional
professional language
unprofessional language
uses unprofessional
or tone.
language and tone.
language or tone.
and tone.
Course Work Assessment – Alternative Assessment
Assessment title in
Course Code
Course Title
Role Play
MGT 3003
Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
Course Instructor
Assessment Weight
Week 5
For Group Work submissions an additional individual assessment will be conducted.
Grades for the students in one group will vary based on the individual performance
in the additional assessment.
Student Declaration:
Academic Integrity Statement
In accordance with the HCT Academic Integrity Policy
• Students are required to refrain from all forms of academic integrity breaches as
defined and explained by HCT.
• A student found guilty of having committed acts of academic integrity breach(es) will
be subject to the relevant sanctions as outlined by HCT.
‫إفادة النزاهة األكاديمية‬
‫وفقًاًلسياس ًةًكليا ًتًالتقني ًةًالعليًاًللنزاه ًةًاألكاديمية‬
ً‫ ًكما ًهو ًمبيّن ًوموضح ًفي ًالسياسات ًواإلجراءات ًالخاصة ًبكليات ًالتقنية‬،‫•عل ًى ًالطلبة ًاإللتزام ًبلوائح ًوقواعد ًالنزاهة ًاألكاديمية‬
ً‫ًسيتعرضًالىًالعقوباتًالموضح ًةًفيًالسياساتًذات‬،‫•ف ًيًحال ًةًارتكابًالطالبًأيًشكلًمنًأشكالًًاإلخاللًبالنزاه ًةًاألكاديمية‬
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other
sources in the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not
previously submitted this work to the HCT, or any other entity. I understand that I may
be orally examined on my submission.
Student (s) Signature: ___________________________________
Student Name(s):
Student HCT ID(s):
MGT 3003 _ Role Play_ 2 0 2 4 1 0 _ 3 0 %
For Examiner’s Use Only
Section No.
HCT Policy statement: Alternative Assessment: Any assessment in which the students
know the instructions, questions, requirements, purpose, and grading criteria in advance,
such as portfolios, reports, presentations, projects, etc.
Chatbot ( e.g. ChatGPT ) statement
This submission does not allow you to use any AI tool to complete. Any breach of this
requirement will be treated as a plagiarism attempt and shall be subject to the HCT
Academic Integrity Policy.
Coversheet instructions:
Introduction: Welcome to the Role Play assessment for MGT 2113 course! This assessment
is designed to provide you with hands-on experience in understanding and applying the
Ethical concepts in Business through simulated scenarios. For those of you who might not
be familiar with the concept of role-play, it involves enacting specific roles and scenarios to
simulate real-life situations. This immersive approach allows you to actively engage with
Ethical Concepts in Business in a practical context, enhancing your understanding and
Assessment Weightage: This assessment is worth 30% of your total course grade,
highlighting its significance in evaluating your understanding and application of Ethical
Role-Play Scenarios: You will be participating in a series of role-play scenarios, each of
which is linked to the practice of Ethical concepts in Business. Four role-play scenarios are
given. In case more student groups are involved, faculty must create their own scenarios based on
the number of groups. The scenarios provided are examples, but you are also allowed to
develop your own scenario after seeking approval from the faculty.
MGT 3003 _ Role Play_ 2 0 2 4 1 0 _ 3 0 %
Course Learning Outcomes
CLO1: Demonstrate knowledge of
the theories and practices related
to ethics in a complex business
environment in the UAE context
CLO2: Examine the sustainability
principles within the business
context, using Environmental,
Social, and Governance (ESG)
CLO3: Apply ethical and
sustainability concepts in
contemporary business
organizations in the UAE or
QF Emirates Level 7 Descriptors
7K1: Through this project, students will demonstrate an
understanding of the theories and practices related to ethics in
various business contexts.
7K2: Students will critically examine their chosen business using ESG
framework and identify the issues which need improving to make
their chosen company more sustainable.
7RC3: Students will actively collaborate and communicate with
peers to develop and launch an Ethical and Sustainability action
7RC4: Develop managerial competencies of self and team
7SD1 and 7SD2: In teams, students will manage their independent
tasks to create ethical and sustainability action plan to make the
chosen business more ethical and sustainable. 7SD3: Students
follow academic honesty and ethical research practices throughout
the project work to become competent managers.
1. Team Formation: Depending on the specific role-play scenario, teams will consist of
varying numbers of 4 to 6 participants. Faculty will assign you to your respective
role-play scenario and provide details about your team members.
2. Understanding the Scenario: Carefully read and understand the provided role-play
scenario. Each scenario presents a unique set of challenges and objectives.
Assigned Tasks: The faculty will outline the tasks that each participant or team should
perform within the role-play scenario. These tasks are designed to demonstrate your
understanding of Business Ethics and your ability to apply relevant concepts. Additionally,
teams’ tasks might be similar in some scenarios due to the nature of the Business Ethics
or chosen role-play scenario.
3. Research and Preparation: While the provided scenario and teaching materials offer
a foundation, conducting additional research is highly recommended. This will allow
you to gather more information, discover new insights, and enhance the depth of
your role-play performance.
4. Learning Outcomes: The role-play scenarios are aligned with specific learning
outcomes. However, faculty may also target other learning outcomes to enhance
your overall understanding of Business Ethics.
Faculty’s Role: The faculty will guide the role-play process, clarify any doubts, and evaluate
MGT 3003 _ Role Play_ 2 0 2 4 1 0 _ 3 0 %
your performance based on the provided marking rubric. While discussing Business Ethics,
keep in mind that the goal is not to provide in-depth details but to introduce the functions
for later in-depth exploration.
5. Originality: You have the freedom to modify or develop your own scenario, but
approval from the faculty is necessary to ensure suitability and alignment with the
learning objectives.
Marking Rubric: Please refer to the provided marking rubric for details on how your
performance will be evaluated. It outlines the key criteria and performance indicators that
will be considered during the assessment.
Script Submission: it’s crucial for students to submit a script (Report) or the summary of
their work on role-play to enable the application of the rubric effectively within BBL. On the
other hand, the reflection component mentioned in the rubric should be done verbally. The
script will be submitted through Safe assign following HCT’s policy.
Time allocation: time allocated for each group’s performance, typically, allocate a window
of 15 to 20 minutes. However, there’s some flexibility, and faculty members have the
discretion to add an additional 5 minutes or so for commenting on the performance.
Improvement Comments: The scenarios provided are examples that can be used right
away; however, the faculty are encouraged to design their own scenarios that resonate with
their teaching approach. Students are free to tailor or generate new scenarios, but they
should secure faculty approval to confirm alignment with learning objectives.
Conclusion: This Role Play assessment is a valuable opportunity for you to practically apply
Business Ethics concepts and enhance your understanding of the topic. By actively
participating and engaging in the scenarios, you’ll gain insights that will prove beneficial
in your future studies of Business Ethics and professional endeavors. Remember that this
exercise may not guarantee real-life outcomes, but it is an excellent way to build
foundational skills.
If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact your faculty. Good luck
and enjoy the learning experience!
MGT 3003 _ Role Play_ 2 0 2 4 1 0 _ 3 0 %
You have been working for a large corporation for three years. The job is tough and you have
fought your way up the ladder of success. The manager of your department was your co-worker
from two years ago and the power has gone to her head. She is overly demanding and has my
way or the highway attitude that grates on your nerves daily.
Six months ago, Trish was hired in a position three levels above yours due to years of
accounting and SEC reporting experience. Trish and your manager never see eye-to-eye on any
issues and there are daily battles between them that you observe. This person talks non-stop
most of the day and sits across from you in a cube environment.
One day after a particularly ugly discussion with your manager, this person comes to you and
informs you that she is going to quit her job and sue the company. She believes that the
manager is treating her unfairly and that it constitutes harassment. You smile politely and blow
off the comment as just anger being vented due to the current situation and go on with your day.
As time progresses, you hear this same comment about suing the company several more times
from your co-worker and you hear her discussing this with several other members of your
Paula is 20 years old working for an employee health clinic at a local medical school. Paula files,
runs errands, types correspondence and orders supplies for the office and clinic. She initiates all
orders to the appropriate vendor when the nurses tell her they are running low on supplies.
However, there is one vendor that calls her regularly to see if they need gloves or syringes.
When supplies were low, Paula would have this vendor fill the order. One day, she received a
package from this company. Inside was an underwater camera and a note thanking her for the
A few weeks later the vendor called to get approval to ship more supplies. Paula declined as she
informed him supplies were not low. The salesperson became annoyed and reminded her that
they were under a contract and would face a penalty if the supplies were not shipped and paid
for within a specified time. Paula knew nothing of a contract and assumed that it was set up
before she started working there. The salespersons told her that after payment
was received, they would send her a stereo to thank her for continued business.
What do you do?
Marie Fox is an assistant manager at a retail-clothing store. She is aware of numerous incidents
of insider theft. The cash drawer is always short several dollars at a time and there are bogus
returns with a common customer.
Her manager, Paul Martin, is also her friend. She has worked with him at other companies, and
he is responsible for her obtaining her present job as an assistant manager. Marie is in charge of
the paperwork that deals with customer returns, deposits, and inventory. The entire staff only
consists of six people, including the manager, Paul and assistant manager, Marie. Everyone is
aware of the problems and Paul is telling you the sales associates are the ones he is
suspicious of. You know only the manager and assistant can do the deposits, paperwork, and all
returns. All the clues are pointing to your manager, but he insists it is the lower-level employees.
All cash drawer shortages are reported to the corporate office of the company, and it reflects on
you. The customer that keeps getting the returns comes in and tries to return items that don’t
have a receipt. Marie is already aware of the bogus returns and declines the return without proof
of purchase. Paul realizes that Marie has proof that he is acting unethically and harming the
company. She believes that most likely there are other instances of Paul’s
unethical behavior.
What do you do?
Margaret works in the Marketing Department for a large American multi-family housing
company. Recently she was told the company would be hiring to fill the Regional Marketing
Director (RMD) position in the Central Region. The position has been vacant for a long time and
Margaret has been performing the duties for both her job and the job of the RMD.
However, the work has begun to be too demanding, and you have been working overtime to
complete both jobs. Therefore, filling the RMD position is going to help lessen your workload.
Margaret’s supervisor, Paul Smith, has made the final decision about who should be hired for
the RMD position.
The company has a process for new hires to complete that includes paperwork that personnel in
the Human Resources department help the new employee to complete. Part of the process for
the new employee is the completion of a drug test. The company has a strict drug free
workplace policy. Every new employee must pass a drug test prior to receiving a written
agreement of employment from the company. The candidate that Paul wants to
hire is working with the Human Resources department completing paperwork to take to the lab
for the drug test.
A coworker of yours in Human Resources, in a conversation the two of you were having, tells
you that the candidate listed on her paperwork medications she is currently taking as folic acid
and prenatal vitamins. She also reveals she could be pregnant. Although you know it is not
required for an employee to tell a potential employer that you are or might be pregnant, still you
feel betrayed. You are worried that you will spend the next six months training the new
employee and after such time, she will go on maternity leave or worse, quit. Once again you will
be doing two jobs. Margaret is also concerned that the candidate might be taking the job just to
receive insurance benefits until after the baby arrives.
What do you do?

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