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Week 2 Assignment

CO-2, CO-3

PowerPoint Slides Presentation

Topic: Use of Artificial Intelligence; Legal and Ethical Issues

Review the Attached APUS Student Code of Conduct and Plagiarism Update – and Artificial Intelligence and Potential Copyright and Ethical Issues regarding Artificial Intelligence

Slide Design

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Illustrations and graphics are needed to help enhance the visual appeal of each content slide. Slide design should be professional and easy to read on a pleasing background. Not cluttered, overly fancy, or dark.

Speaker’s Notes should be used for all content slides, All the information must be fully cited on the slides and/or the speaker’s notes.   Even if we use audio as the speaker’s note we must still cite the information on the slide and write it out in the speaker’s notes with full citation.  We must also provide a full listing of references on the reference slide. Please note that a link to a website is never a full reference, it can be part of a reference but never a reference on its own.

Here is a link for help with Speaker’s Notes:

How to Add Speaker’s Notes to Your PPT Slides

Slide Content

Title Slide + 5 content slides + References slide = 7 slides total (See below for slide details.)

Research and explain the following: (at least one slide each, please also use the speakers notes area and make sure to fully cite all the information presented on the slide and in the speakers notes and to also provide full references on the reference slide.)

Slide 1: Title Slide –The title of your presentation is: Use of Artificial Intelligence; Ethical and Legal Issues. Includes title slide – with assignment name student name, course name and number, school, date, professor’s name.

Slide 2: Introduction/Overview –Provide an introductory overview of the use of AI in university and work settings.

Slide 3: Content and Analysis – Rules of the University

List the specific rules of the University that forbid certain uses of AI as it is deemed cheating. List the specific rule that forbids certain use of AI as it could be deemed plagiarism. Explain why these updates are so important for students to understand.

Slide 4: Content and Analysis – Professional Writing.

Research and explain why professional writing must be based on credible sources that can be verified and why it must be fully cited in the body and referenced at the end? Is it unethical to use AI or chat bots to complete our work for us?

  • Slide 5: Content and Analysis – Legal and Ethical Analysis.  Analyze the use of AI in our work as it may not be considered original work and therefore could be a violation of copyright law. Research if there are ways, we can safely use AI to assist in our research without violating the rules or copyright?

Slide 6:  Conclusion and Recommendation– Analyze if using AI is worth the risk legally and ethically?  Explain if we humans are cheating ourselves out of the experience of critically analyzing and creating?  Recommendation: Should we limit the use of AI by law?

Slide 7: References slide – Listing of at least 4 Credible References in APA7 format

  • For help with this assignment, see Week 2 Lesson sections on Intellectual Property, Trademark and Patent, and eReserve readings. Review APUS Student Code of Conduct and Plagiarism Update – and Artificial Intelligence and Potential Copyright and Ethical Issues regarding Artificial Intelligence (Attached)

APUS Student Code of Conduct and Plagiarism Update – Artificial Intelligence
What is Generative AI?
Generative AI is a type of Artificial Intelligence that can make new content based on what it
learned from datasets of examples and interactions with humans. Humans give GenAI models
prompts to create the original content, including natural-sounding language, images, audio, or
video. This broad term includes chatbots like ChatGPT, GPT-4 (OpenAI), Bard (Google), or
LLaMA (Meta), as well as digital image generators like DALL-E or Midjourney, which generate
images based on natural language prompts. These models are trained on large datasets of
examples which they use to generate new content in response to prompts. Although AI can be a
helpful tool in many ways it could also be considered a form of plagiarism if we present the work
of AI as our own work.
APUS Student Code of Conduct and Plagiarism Update – Artificial Intelligence
The Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook has been updated to reflect inappropriate
usage of generative AI tools in the definitions of Cheating and Plagiarism. The new language is
reflected below in the bold, red text.
Is defined as fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in an academic assignment, or using or
attempting to use materials, or assisting others in using materials that are prohibited or
inappropriate in the context of the academic assignment in question.
Allowing others to do an assignment or portion of an assignment for you, including the
use of a commercial term-paper service,

Inappropriate use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate content as
defined by course instructions,
Purchasing test solutions and sharing test solutions in a public area
Wrongful reuse of work,
Collaborating on an exam or assignment with any other person or AI provider
without prior approval from the instructor,
Doing academic work for another person and allowing that person to represent the
work as their own.

Is the adoption or incorporation of another’s ideas without proper attribution of the
It is more simply defined as taking the writings of another person or people or
content generated by an Artificial Intelligence provider and representing them to
be one’s own.

Plagiarism may include text mining, defined as weak paraphrasing or combining
content from other authors whereby the ideas of the original author(s) are not clearly
or formally documented.
In addition, it is plagiarism to keep the same sentence structure and change a few
words without providing proper attribution of the source.
To avoid plagiarism, all should follow the accepted practices of academic writing
when summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting.
APU Student Handbook
AMU Student Handbook
Potential Copyright Issues with Artificial Intelligence
The many legal issues regarding artificial intelligence are just beginning to emerge, it is a
complex web of issues. However, when we look at copyright there are a few certainties which
pose legal issues especially for those who are using artificial intelligence to create something
they consider their own.
Whether it be a work of art based on or a paper for a class. It would be impossible for the user of
artificial intelligence to claim copyright as they did not actually create, they just prompted what
was created. Some argue that the artificial intelligence itself or the website (i.e. CHAT GPT)
should be able to claim copyright. However, artificial intelligence is based on collecting
information and data from other sources so in fact it could also be easily argued that the original
source that the artificial intelligent uses should have the copyright. Or at the very least be cited
and referenced to give proper credit.
As students and creators of business plans and other works that can be copyrighted, we always
use a certain amount of research but at what point does artificial intelligence take over and we
can no longer claim the copyright for ourselves? If we use artificial intelligence to do the entire
project it would be difficult to claim copyright of that information, difficult to say that the user of
artificial intelligence is truly the author or creator of the final product.
Ethical Issues – are we only cheating ourselves?
The ethical issues surrounding artificial intelligence are just beginning to be understood. But the
problems are wide and varied, not only are there ethical issues with cheating and plagiarism in
the academic setting, as well as issues of copyright ownership in violation. There are also ethical
questions we should ask about whether asking artificial intelligence to do our work for us truly
helps us or harms us in the long run? With certain tasks it may be easier and quicker, but will we
lose the ability to do these tasks? Certainly, AI can be helpful for boring and mundane tasks that
we do not enjoy that are repetitious and can often be more accurately completed with AI or
automation. But what about works of art, we are now using AI to create videos and pictures and
artwork and music, we are letting AI do our creative work as well? Or will we lose our creativity
if we rely on these tools too much?
Higher education costs a great deal of money in this country, and it provides us with the ability
to critically analyze and reason new situations and scenarios that will happen in our lives. If we
use artificial intelligence to critically analyze the world it may do so well, but will we lose the
ability to do so? Are we wasting our money on education if we allow artificial intelligence to do
all the work for us? If we do not learn how to critically analyze the world around us and we no
longer want to create if we let artificial intelligence do all of this for us, what will we humans
BUSN 311 Week 2 Assignment
The next page is a sample Title Slide for this Assignment. You are
free to design your PPT slides background according to Assignment
parameters. This sample is to illustrate the Title slide text for you.
Trademark and Patent
Student Name
BUSN311 – Week 2 Assignment
University Name
Instructor Name

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