Business Question

Task summary:You are to read the feedback\results and assess the progress towards the results indicators. The project contributes to the Central Asia Regional Links Programs higher-level development objectives of increasing cross-border connectivity

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Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)

The Project development objectives of the Fourth Phase of the Central Asia Regional Links Program are to enhance the efficiency of cross-border trade for participants of the regional economy and to improve the resilience and safety of regional connectivity infrastructure in Sughd region and Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous region.

The project contributes to the Central Asia Regional Links Programs higher-level development objectives of increasing cross-border connectivity and enhancing integrated regional development to revitalize historically active economic exchanges in Central Asia and beyond along the Silk Route.

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Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan
Project Implementation Group
Fourth Phase of the Central Asia Regional Links Program
(Including Component of the Customs Service under the Government
of the Republic of Tajikistan)
Dushanbe, 2024
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION / BACKGROUND…………………………………………………………………. 4
1.1 Project description………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.2 Project objectives ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.3 Project beneficiaries: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
1.4 Project components and activities ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
1.4.1 Component 1 Improve regional links in Sugd oblast and GBAO. …………………………………………….. 5
1.4.2 Component 2 Improve road asset preservation and road safety……………………………………………….. 6
Sub-Component 2a Improve road asset preservation (US$8 million equivalent)………………………… 6
Sub-Component 2b Improve Road Safety (US$12 million equivalent). ……………………………………… 6
1.4.3 Component 3 Facilitate cross-border movement of goods ………………………………………………………… 7
1.4.4 Component 4 Support project implementation, coordination and management ……………………….. 7
1.4.5 Component 5: Contingency Emergency Response …………………………………………………………………… 7
2. SECTION 2: IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS ……………………………………………………………………….. 9
2.1 Project management and implementation………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
2.2 Implementation of the project is regulated by the following documents…………………………………….. 10
2.3 Project financial status for the reporting period ………………………………………………………………………. 12
2.4 Procurement process ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
2.4.1 The following activities on the procurement process ………………………………………………………………. 13
2.5 Social and environmental issues ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
2.6 Communications/Community Liaison Specialist activities for the second half of 2023 ……………….. 24
SECTION 3: COMPONENTS, GENERAL RESULTS ………………………………………………………….. 26
3.1. Component 1. Improvement of regional links in Sugd Oblast and GBAO (US$89 million equivalent
from IDA; US$2 million from PACT Trust Fund). ………………………………………………………………………… 26
3.2 Component 2. Improve road asset preservation and road safety (US$20 million equivalent). …….. 44
2.1. Improve road asset preservation …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44
Subcomponent 2.2: Improve road safety ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 46
3.3 Component 3 (CUSTOMS SERVICE) …………………………………………………………………………………….. 48
3.3.1 Name and amount Facilitation of cross-border movement of goods, the budget amount is US$20
million. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 48
3.4 Component 4 Support in the implementation, coordination and management of the Project ……… 53
SECTION 4: APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 55
4.1 Appendix 1 – PIG MoT & CS Financial Plan …………………………………………………………………………… 55
4.2 Appendix 2 – PIG MoT & CS Procurement Plan……………………………………………………..60
4.3 Appendix 3 – PIG MoT & CS Project monitoring scheme, indicators………………………………72
4.4. Appendix 4. Short Information on implementation of social and environmental issues……………80
4.5. Appendix 5. Grievance Redress Mechanism Table of PAPs under the CARs-4 Project in GBAO for
the second half of 2023 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 81
4.6. Appendix 6. – Project Implementation Map ………………………………………………………………………….. 85
4.7. Appendix 7. Photos of project sections ……………………………………………………………………………………. 87
Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation
Grievance Redress Mechanism
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Management Plan
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Framework Agreement
Financial and accounting system
Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense
International Development Association
Financing of investment projects
Ministry of Finance
Monitoring and evaluation
National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
National Center for Crisis Management
Operational policy
Projected development objectives
Project Implementation Group
Project Implementation Unit
Project management monitoring system
Project Management Unit
Project Operational Manual
Poverty Reduction Strategy
Republic of Tajikistan
Resettlement Framework Document
State Agency for Labor and Employment
Special drawing rights
National currency (taj)
Bidding documents
Terms of Reference
Shore protection work
Safety risk management
Institute of Geology, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
United Nations
Resettlement Action Plan
United Nations Development Program
World Food Programme
World Bank
1.1 Project description
General information on the project
Project name:
Fourth Phase of the Central Asia Regional Links
Program (CARs-4), (P166820)
Republic of Tajikistan
Sughd oblast, GBAO and Khatlon oblast
Total cost of the project:
133,00 mln. USD
131,00 mln. USD equivalent, Grant of the International
Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank
– including: Group (WB), No. D699-TJ (95,5 million SDR)
2,00 mln. USD, Grant of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund
(TF) Program for Asia Connectivity and Trade (PACT),
No. TF0B3028
Board date:
– July 30, 2020
Project Financing Agreement:
– May 17, 2021, signed between RT and IDA
– November 12, 2021
IDA Financing closing:
– October 31, 2026
TF Financing closing:
– September 30, 2022
PDO Statement
The Project development objectives of the Fourth Phase of the Central Asia Regional Links
Program are to improve the efficiency of cross-border trade (for participants of the regional economy),
as well as the resilience to natural hazards and safety of regional links infrastructure in Sugd and
Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblasts.
The project contributes to the Central Asia Regional Links Program’s higher-level development
objectives to increase cross- border connectivity and enhance integrated regional development to
revitalize historically active economic exchanges in Central Asia and beyond along the Silk Route.
1.2 Project objectives
Project Goals and Objectives
The Project objectives of the Fourth Phase of the Central Asia Regional Links Program are to
enhance the efficiency of cross-border trade for participants of the regional economy and to improve the
resilience and safety of regional connectivity infrastructure in Sugd Oblast, Khatlon Oblast and GornoBadakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO).

As part of the overall objectives, the Project aims to solve the following tasks:
Improve regional links in Sugd Oblast and GBAO;
Improve road asset preservation and road safety;
Improve Road Safety;
Facilitate cross-border movement of goods;
Strengthening of institutional capacity and human resources in Customs Service;
ensure, if necessary, Rapid Response to Crisis and emergencies.
1.3 Project beneficiaries:
Project beneficiaries
The direct beneficiaries of the project include the residents of the project areas in Sugd Oblast
and GBAO Khorog/Barsem settlement, as well as travelers, traders, transit traffic, and population at
large in the communities located along the corridors, who would have access to better quality, more
resilient and safer transport infrastructure.
Moreover, improved connectivity—both physical and institutional—would improve
opportunities for trade and linkage to global value chains for local producers, and will also lower the
prices for consumers, improving their welfare.
Additionally, the project would also benefit the public administrations responsible for
infrastructure development and management and for customs and trade facilitation, who would expand
their knowledge and enhance capacity to perform their roles and responsibilities.
The indirect beneficiaries of the project will be the residents of Sugd Oblast (2.6 million) and
GBAO (227,000 thsd) who are expected to be regular road users travelling along the road sections,
traders both within and cross borders, as well as consumers to benefit from lower prices of traded goods.
1.4 Project components and activities
Project components
The CARs-4 Project consists of the following components:
1.4.1 Component 1 Improve regional links in Sugd oblast and GBAO.
The objective of the component is to improve connectivity and link along priority trade and transport
routes in Sugd and GBAO and increase the resilience of the road infrastructure of these routes to natural
hazards; these routes were selected based on government priorities, available funding, and the
sequencing of construction activities.
Improved road infrastructure will improve the access of the population of both regions to markets
and economic opportunities. High standards of safety and resilience to natural hazards will be applied
in the design and construction of the transport infrastructure mentioned above, based on global
experience and taking into account local conditions.
The final design decisions will take full account of cost-effective, engineered solutions that ensure
the safety of the infrastructure and its resilience to natural hazards.
Activities to be financed under this component include:
i. Rehabilitation of four sections of 51.2 km Category I and Category III roads in Sugd oblast along
Bekabad (Uzbekistan border) – Kanibadam corridor, and (ii) construction of bridge in Khorog city,
construction of galleries and bridges in Barsem village of GBAO to increase resilience routes to
climate hazards such as mudflows and avalanches.
ii. Supervision services for the construction and rehabilitation of roads, and
iii. Preparation of feasibility study, partially financed by the Program for Asia Connectivity and Trade
(PACT) Trust Fund, to improve regional road links for Sugd, Khatlon and GBAO as a basis for
potential credit operation (tentatively titled CARs-5).
The four road sections under activity (i) above include – from west to east: Bekabad (Uzbekistan
border) – Kurkat (12.3 km), Dehmoy – Gafurov (22.0 km), B. Gafurov – Histevarz (6.6 km) and Kuchkak
– Kanibadam (10.3 km). (ii) Construction of bridge across Gund River in Khorog with the length of 200
meters, taking into account 1.1 km of approach roads, construction of 3.5 km of road, more than 550 m
of galleries, bridges and protective structures in Barsem village of GBAO.
The main focus of the above activity (iv), which was financed by IDA Grant (USD 1 million
equivalent) and PACT Trust Fund (USD 2 million equivalent), will be on key regional economic
corridors, namely the unrehabilitated sections of Khujand-Kanibadam corridor in Sugd oblast, GulistonKulоb section in Khatlon oblast and Khorog-Kulma pass section of Dushanbe-Kashgar (China) highway
in GBAO.
An initial assessment of the viability of these key corridors were carried out through a baseline
road survey, identification of disaster risks and mitigation measures, identification and evaluation of
measures to maximize the wider economic benefits of corridor development, and assessment of
technical, economic, financial and socio-environmental feasibility.
1.4.2 Component 2 Improve Road asset preservation and road safety.
The objective of this component is to strengthen the road asset management system for long-term
sustainability and climate resilience of the country’s road network, and to create the institutional
foundation to systematically address road traffic safety issues.
The component consists of two sub-components described below.
A. Sub-Component 2a Improve Road asset preservation (US$8 million equivalent).
Under this sub-component, the following main activities will be supported and implemented:
i. supply and installation of weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems to preserve road assets;
ii. installation and commission of software packages for recording, storage and analysis of road network
condition, traffic volumes, and natural hazard exposure data, development of prioritized maintenance
planning, optimized to allow for budget constraints, and annual maintenance plans, and
training on the installed systems.
B. Sub-Component 2b Improve Road Safety (US$12 million equivalent).
This subcomponent will support and implement the following key activities:
i. Support the Department of State Automobile Inspection to increase use of 4-wheel vehicle safety
belts, through carrying out a legal and regulatory review, publicity campaign to promote use of safety
belts, and design of working procedures and capacity-building to raise compliance;
ii. Retrofit or construct safety barriers along selected road sections in severe mountainous terrains as a
demonstration pilot;
iii. Support DSAI, the lead agency for road safety, to develop a Road Safety Strategy and to establish a
Road Safety Observatory through provision of technical assistance, equipment, support for the design
installation, commissioning and training of staff for a road accident reporting and analysis database,
training of key staff in the management and operation of a Road Safety Observatory, and operating
1.4.3 Component 3 Facilitate cross-border movement of goods
The objective of this component is to streamline and rationalize processes and procedures at the
border and provide a platform for the application of a range of internationally agreed norms and
standards, many of which are incorporated in the Government of Tajikistan’s Medium-Term Program
for Customs Development.
This component will support and implement the following key activities:
i. Upgrading of the Customs information and communication technology (ICT) platform (estimated at
US$12.8 million) including but not limited to:
• equipment and facilities (computers, networking equipment, data center, end-use terminals),
• customs automation software suitably adapted and tested to be compatible with local requirements
and including a module to facilitate relief consignment in the event of natural disasters and other
emergencies, development and testing of the provided system, and
• implementation support up to 2025;
ii. Strengthening of institutional capacity and human resources in Customs Service (estimated at US$1.3
million) comprising:
• integration of the newly upgraded Customs ICT platform with other state ICT systems,
• technical assistance for development of a detailed implementation plan for customs modernization,
• implementation of time release studies,
• assessment of implementation of measures under the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement including
capacity building support in select areas,
• increasing the share of female employees within Customs offices, and training of staff on the revised
code of ethics and gender-sensitive service delivery;
iii. providing support in border control of freight and passenger traffic through the provision of technical
equipment (estimated cost US$5.9 million).
1.4.4 Component 4: Support project implementation, coordination and management
Within this component, the activities of the Project Implementation Group (PIG) under the
Ministry of Transport and the PIG under the Customs Service will be financed, which will perform
technical functions stipulated by the rules and procedures of the WB and the requirements of the Tajik
The component will support the following main activities: support in Project coordination,
Project implementation and Project management, including financial management, procurement and
consulting services, monitoring, training and operating costs and financial audit. The budget under
Component 4 will be distributed between two PIGs – under the Ministry of Transport and the Customs
Service – in proportion to the amount of the project managed by each PIG.
1.4.5 Component 5: Contingency Emergency Response
The objective of this zero-sum component is to provide rapid response in the event of a eligible
crisis or emergency: under this component, Tajikistan will be able to apply to the World Bank to
reallocate project funds to support the emergency response and, if necessary, restructure the project.
The component will support a rapid response to a request for urgent assistance in connection with
an event/emergency that has caused or may inevitably cause severe adverse economic and/or social
consequences in accordance with the World Bank procedures established by OP/BP 8.00 (Rapid
Response to Crisis and emergencies).
The government’s request must be accompanied by an Emergency Funding Plan, which should set
out the details of the implementation of Component 5, including:
i. identification of resources to be allocated for the coordination and implementation of Component 5;
ii. specific activities that may be included in Component 5 and any procedures for such inclusion;
iii. financial management arrangements for Component 5;
iv. procurement methods and procedures for activities to be financed under Component 5;
v. documentation required for the withdrawal of Emergency Expenses;
vi. any other measures necessary to ensure proper coordination and implementation of Component 5.
2.1 Project management and implementation
Project management:
According to the Financing Agreement between the Republic of Tajikistan and the International
Development Association and the Project Operational Manual, the project implementation is carried out
by two main Implementing Agencies – the Ministry of Transport (MoT RT) and the Customs Service of
the Republic of Tajikistan. The implementing agencies will implement project activities within the
relevant components (MoT RT – Components 1 and 2, Customs Service – Component 3) through their
PIGs, that will provide administrative and technical support for the Project, organize and conduct
procurement and ensure the functioning of the financial management system of the Project in accordance
with the requirements of the World Bank.
The MOF will be responsible for the implementation of Component 5 (Contingent Emergency
Response Component) in the event of a crisis or emergency, in accordance with the signed Financing
Agreement (Grant No. D699-TJ).
The Department of State Automobile Inspection (DSAI) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs
of the Republic of Tajikistan will participate in the implementation of the project проекта
(Subcomponent 2(b) «Road safety improvement») in coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the
Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Customs Service,
but will not perform fiduciary duties.
To ensure close coordination, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry
of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Customs Service and the DSAI, in accordance with the
Financing Agreements, signed a “Project Cooperation Agreement”, which, among other things, will
define: (i) the role and responsibilities of these agencies within the project, in particular, the role of the
MoF in the overall coordination of the project, and the role of the MoT and the Customs Service in the
implementation of activities within their respective parts of the Project; and (ii) specific coordination
mechanisms within the project.
Project Cooperation Agreement, satisfactory for the Association between the mentioned
ministries, has been signed on July 27, 2021.
The Project Steering Committee at the level of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (project
supervisor) will provide overall strategic vision and guidance for the Project, monitor activities and
ensure coordination of the ministries and departments involved in the implementation of the Project and
promote the goals and objectives of the Project. The Steering Committee includes representatives of the
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan,
the Customs Service, the DSAI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and other
related ministries and authorities.
The activities of the Steering Committee will be supported by a Secretariat under the Deputy
Prime Minister.
The status of the principal governing documents regulating this Project, the dates on which these
documents were signed, and other documents relating to the terms and conditions of the Financing
Agreement are set forth in the table below.
# s.n.
Name of documents
Date of signature or
approval of the
Regulatory documents:
Financing Agreement on CARs-4 (Grant No. D699-TJ)
between the Republic of Tajikistan and the International
Development Association (IDA) in the amount of 131
million USD
Letter-Agreement between the Republic of Tajikistan and the
Multi-Donor Trust Fund (“TF”) of the Program for the Asian
Connectivity and Trade (“PACT”) on the allocation of grant
in the amount of 1 million USD
Ratification of the Financing Agreement and the LetterAgreement of the Project by the Majlisi Namoyandagon
Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan
Project Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee was established by Decree No. 357
of the Government of Tajikistan, dated July 29, 2022
Additional conditions of the Project’s effectiveness are as follows:
Recipient through the Ministry of Transport of the Republic
of Tajikistan and the Customs Service under the Government
of the Republic of Tajikistan – accepts the POM satisfactory
No.1(8.1) 1548
to the Association
The Recipient shall establish a Project Implementation
Group under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of
Tajikistan and a Project Implementation Group under the
08.06.2021, No. 106
Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of
Tajikistan, whose composition, resources and Terms of
References are acceptable to the Association
Project Cooperation Agreement satisfactory for the
Association between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic
of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of
Tajikistan, the Customs Service under the Government of the
Republic of Tajikistan, the Department of State Automobile
Inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic
of Tajikistan
Project Effectiveness:
12.11.2021 letter
from WB
2.2 Implementation of the project is regulated by the following documents
1. CARs-4 Financing Agreement (Grant No. D699-TJ) between the Republic of Tajikistan and the
International Development Association (IDA) in the amount of 95.5 million SDR, signed on May
17, 2021.
2. Letter of Agreement between the Republic of Tajikistan and IDA on the allocation of grant in the
amount of 1 million USD (Program for Asia Connectivity and Trade Multi-Donor Trust Fund
(PACT) Grant No. TF0B3028 dated May 17, 2021
3. Project Agreement between IDA and the Customs Service of the Republic of Tajikistan, signed on
May 17, 2021
4. Project Appraisal Document (PAD) dated June 26, 2020
5. Guidelines for financial management, payments and other fiduciary instructions as specified in the
Financial Management section of the Project Operational Manual.
6. Project Operational Manual
The organizational structure of the PIG of the Ministry of Transport is shown schematically
Project management structure in the Customs Service
2.3 Project financial status for the reporting period
The CARs-4 Project is financed by the grant from the International Development Association
(IDA) of the World Bank Group (WB) in the amount of 131 million USD equivalent and the grant from
the Trust Fund of the Program for Asia Connectivity and Trade (PACT) in the amount of 2 million USD.
The deadline for the disbursement of the Trust Fund of the Program for Asia Connectivity and
Trade (PACT) Grant according to the Letter of Agreement is September 30, 2021.
The Ministry of Finance has sent a letter (dated 15.11.21) with justification to the Bank to extend
the closing date of financing until the end of October 2022.
Based on a letter from the World Bank dated December 24, 2021, the closing date for financing of the
TF funds has been extended until September 30, 2022.
Disbursement of Project funds for the first half of 2024 (USD) MoT RT:
Plan for 2024
Plan for the
first half of
Disbursed for
the first half
of 2024
% of
for the first
half of 2024
IDA (Grant)
31 328 000,00
9 639 320,00
12 419 620,00
GoT Contribution
175 000,00
175 000,00
158 230,00
31 503 000,00
9 814 320,00
12 577 850,00
Financing source
Disbursement of funds since the beginning of the project (USD) MoT RT:
Total project funds
Disbursement from
the beginning of the
% of
from the
beginning of the
IDA (Grant)
110 600 000,00
36 848 700,00
Trust Fund (Grant)
2 000 000,00
2 000 000,00
GoT Contribution
2 100 000, 00
2 049 890,00
114 700 000,00
40 898 590,00
Financing source
The Interim Financial Report of the current project’s PIG for the first quarter of 2023 was submitted
to the World Bank on August 14, 2024. The analysis of financial management specialists’ activities
showed that financial expenditures for the reporting period were made according to the planned
More detailed information on financial issues, IFR reports are prepared by PIG specialists and
submitted quarterly to the World Bank for information.
2.4 Procurement process
The procurement process under Component 1 Improvement of Regional Links in Sughd Oblast and
GBAO was fully completed. Under this component, 3 (three) contracts for consulting services and 2
(two) contracts for civil works were signed.
2.4.1 The following activities on the procurement process
Subcomponent 2a (i): Improve Road asset preservation. Weigh-in-motion system, WIM.
Based on the agreement and consultations with the World Bank for the package for installation
and commissioning of HDM-4 software (5 licenses) and the package for installation and commissioning
of RAMS software, conducting training on the installed system, new activities were opened in the STEP
system. The Installation and commissioning package of the RAMS software was approved by the Bank
and draft tender documents were uploaded into the system.
Subcomponent 2b: Improve road safety
Subcomponent 2b (i): Consulting services for support the Department of the State Automobile
Inspectorate (DSAI) to increase use of 4-wheel vehicle safety belts, through carrying out a legal and
regulatory review, publicity campaign to promote use of safety belts, and design of working procedures
and capacity-building to raise compliance. Consulting services.
Within the framework of this component, during the reporting period, a contract was signed
between the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan and EASST Expertise for consulting
services CARs-4/QCBS-04 to support the Department of State Automobile Inspection of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan (DSAI) in increasing the level of use of seat belts in
vehicles worth 465,436.47 US dollars. The procurement process is completed.
Subcomponent 2b (iii) (a): Consulting services for the development of the National Road Safety
Strategy (NRSS) with an Action Plan (AP) for the Republic of Tajikistan for 2024-2034.
The request for expressions of interest was published on the UN website ( in
Tajikistan, on the World Bank website, on the websites of the Ministry of Transport and the State
Committee on Investments and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan on 20 October
2023 and in the local newspaper “Jumhuriyat” on 20 October 2023.
By the deadline, five (5) firms from different countries had expressed interest in participating in
this assignment.
The shortlist evaluation report was signed by the Evaluation Committee on 28 December 2023.
The final request for proposals was issued to the above shortlisted firms on 23 January 2024.
On March 4, 2024 the Technical Proposals of five companies were opened at the State Committee
on Investments and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The technical proposal evaluation report was approved by the State Committee on Investments
and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan on April 22, 2024 and the opening of
financial proposals took place on May 1, 2024. According to the combined evaluation report, EASST
Expertise Ltd, which offered the lowest bid price, was ranked first. Negotiations were held between the
Client and the Consultant with the highest combined score on 4 June 2024. According to the consultant’s
proposal, for the implementation of this package the contribution of key personnel in the Client’s country
was 10 person-months, whereas 36 months were requested according to the ToR. The Client has asked
to increase the contribution of key personnel in the Client’s country as it differs significantly from the
requirements of the ToR and is not in accordance with the assignment. The company did not agree to
amend its proposal, and as a result, negotiations failed. Also on 5 June 2024, in accordance with RFP
29.2, the Consultant was notified in writing of all outstanding issues and disagreements and given a final
opportunity to respond. On the same day, the company again refused to change the contribution of key
personnel in favour of the Client.
Next, in accordance with clause 29.2 of the RFP and the evaluation report, negotiations were held
with the next ranked company i.e. Fred Engeeniring S.R.L. on 14 June 2024. Negotiations are completed
with a favourable conclusion from both sides. Notices of Intent to Award were sent to unsuccessful
companies on 26 June 2024.
Subcomponent 2b: The ToR for the supply, installation and commissioning of the Road Safety
Observatory, including support for the design, strategic and analytical capacity building and maintenance
of the Observatory is under review and amendment by the Ministry of Transport and the DSAI of the
MoI of the Republic of Tajikistan.
During the reporting period, in accordance with the World Bank selection procedures, a translator
and an office manager were selected to support the normal functioning of the PIG. The shortage of
procurement specialists in the labour market is one of the main personnel problems. Due to the lack of
experienced specialists on the labor market, PIG of the MoT of the RT cannot select a specialist for
procurement and contract management. The selection process for the procurement and contract
management specialist is currently ongoing.
2.5 Social and environmental issues
Activities of PIG specialists on social and environmental activities for the first half of 2024
for GBAO.
For the first half of 2024, the PIG specialists on social and environmental issues in GBAO
satisfactorily continue to implement all issues within their official competence.
The PIG specialists hold all scheduled meetings with PAPs and all stakeholders. The issues of
PAPs property valuation, which were raised during the project implementation, were considered and
conducted with participation of qualified professional specialists of the regional valuation enterprise
“Narkhguzor” under the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management of the
Republic of Tajikistan for GBAO.
All PAPs who have been placed on the general list and agreed with the World Bank specialists
have been opened personal accounts in local branches of banks. According to the approved RAP, all
PAPs are exempt from paying taxes. All bank fees charged for money transfers are also reimbursed. All
compensation for PAP has been fully paid. The final report on the implementation of the RAP at the
project sites in GBAO has been prepared and sent to the World Bank.
The structure of the implementation of the GRM in GBAO:

Name of the site
Name of Jamoat
Information board
(Construction of
the bridge)
Information board
Information board
Registration logs of
the GRM
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been established
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been established
Responsible persons
PIG specialists:
Aksakalov U;
Amadbekov M.
Consultant’s Engineer
PIG specialists:
Aksakalov U;
Amadbekov M.
Consultant’s Engineer
Shugnan district
(Construction of
a bridge and
Khorog City Tem
office building
Information board
Jamoat Suchan of
Shugnan district;
Information board
Information board
Shugnan district
Information board
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been established
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been established
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been established
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been established
PIG specialists:
Aksakalov U;
Amadbekov M.
Consultant’s Engineer
PIG specialists:
Aksakalov U;
Amadbekov M.
Consultant’s Engineer
PIG specialists:
Aksakalov U;
Amadbekov M.
Consultant’s Engineer
PIG specialists:
Aksakalov U;
Amadbekov M.
Consultant’s Engineer
The specialists of PIG continue to closely cooperate with representatives of the local hukumat
(hukumat of the city of Khorog and Shugnan district) in resolving all social activities.
According to the requirements and rules of the World Bank, registration journals of complaints
and suggestions have been organized in all the jamoats affected by the project (Suchan Jamoat of the
Shugnan district and the Shokhtemuriyon and Somonshahr shahraks of the Khorog city). According to
the requirements and rules of the World Bank, registration journals of complaints and suggestions have
been organized in all the jamoats affected by the project (Suchan Jamoat of the Shugnan district and the
Shokhtemuriyon and Somonshahr shahraks of the Khorog city). Information boards about the
mechanisms for implementing complaints and all necessary contact information, a box for filing
complaints are installed near the administrative buildings of the above-mentioned jamoats, as well as on
the territory of production facilities (the construction site of the bridge in the Khorog city, a work camp
and industrial zone in the village of Zurzimoy in the Shugnan district and the construction site of an
office building in the village of Tem in the Khorog city). All complaints and suggestions, regardless of
the types of appeals made by stakeholders, are registered and recorded, with the aim of resolving all
stakeholder complaints.
Local branches of banks that charge a certain amount for their services from money transfers were
transferred separately amounts for the services they provide. Consequently, all PAPs have received their
full financial compensation.
It was also noted that the activities to move the affected objects from the project area have basically
been completed. Activities to move some objects from the project area are ongoing.
According to the requirements and procedures the PIG social development specialist has organized
and has journals for registering complaints and suggestions in all affected areas of the jamoats (Suchan
Jamoat of the Shugnan district and Shokhtemuriyon and Somonshahr shahraks of the Khorog city).
Information boards about the mechanisms for implementing complaints and all the necessary contact
information, a box for filing complaints are installed at the administrative buildings of the abovementioned jamoats, as well as on the territory of industrial facilities (the construction site of the bridge
in the Khorog cityf, the work camp and industrial zone in the village of Zurzimoy in the Shugnan district
and the construction site of an office building in the village of Tem in the Khorog city). Registration and
accounting of all complaints and suggestions is maintained, regardless of the type of appeals from
stakeholders, with the aim of receiving and facilitating the resolution of complaints from stakeholders.
In the process of reviewing complaints and suggestions, Complaint Review Groups were created in each
jamoat, from among the responsible employees of the jamoat, city and district. Also, in all jamoats where
project sites are located, according to the requirement and procedures on the part the PIG social
development specialist organised and there are journals for registration of site visits by specialists of
PIG of MoT RT, Consultant, as well as representatives of hukumat of the region and district.
A mission of the World Bank team in the first half of 2024 visited all Project facilities located in
Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast. All project sites were visited during the visit to GBAO.
Meetings were held with all stakeholders (PAP, representatives of local communities, PIG specialists on
social and environmental issues, other stakeholders, etc.). Verbal recommendations and proposals to
eliminate minor deficiencies that were identified during the mission were eliminated in a timely manner
and are under constant monitoring.
1. To take regular control of all issues of the GRM implementation in close cooperation with the local
community, stakeholders, representatives of the Supervision Consultant and the Contractor;
2. Implementation of continuous monitoring of the requirements and conditions reflected in the
Contractor ESMP in terms of:
а) providing socially favorable conditions for workers, including living and working conditions ;
b) ensuring improved labor protection and compliance with safety regulations and industrial
safety at facilities;
c) ensuring compliance with environmental protection requirements and norms of permissible
environmental impact;
d) monitoring of the Contractor activities in terms of its impact on social and environmental areas.
e) ensure regular monitoring activities to assess socio-environmental impacts and risks, including
possible risks to labour force, community safety, health, gender issues, risks of gender-based
violence/sexual exploitation and abuse and environmental risks.
All specialists and employees of the Consultant, as well as employees of the Contractor, signed
Codes of Conduct.
Activities of PIG specialists on social and environmental issues for the first half of 2024 for
Sugd Oblast:
For the first half of 2024, the PIG specialists on social and environmental issues in Sugd Oblast
continue to implement all issues within their official competence.

Status of implementation of the social risk management programme

Name of district/site
of the section, km
• Site No. 1. Kurush-Bekabad road, total length 12.3 km.
As of 30.06.2024, compensation for the loss of fruit trees and for compensation for buildings,
structures and auxiliary structures has been paid 100%. All PAPs who have received compensation
have provided receipts and have no claim for compensation. All information is reflected in the RAP
Completion Report for the Kurush-Bekabad section as of 30.06.2024. At present, construction works
on the Kurush-Bekabad road section have not yet started. Construction work is underway on only one
existing bridge. Compensation with respect to loss of business and irretrievably lost business will not
be provided at this site as the project does not impact the complete demolition of the building and
demolition of the commercial facilities structure. The outlets will continue to operate.
• Section No. 2. Dehmoy-Gafurov Road, total length 22 km.
Compensation for loss of fruit trees/crops and for compensation for buildings, structures and auxiliary
structures on the Dehmoy-Gafurov Road section has been paid 100% as of 30.06.2024. All PAPs who
have received compensation have provided receipts and have no claim for compensation. All this
information is reflected in the RAP Completion Report for the Kurush-Bekobad section as of
Construction work on the Dehmoi-Gafurov Road section is currently underway. Due to the
commencement of construction works, temporary access and alternative approaches are organised by
the Contractor. Compensation for loss of business and for irretrievably lost business will not be provided
in this area, since the project does not affect the complete demolition of the building and the demolition
of the commercial facilities. The outlets will continue to operate.
• Section No. 3. Gafurov-Khistevarz Road, total length 6.6 km.
As of 30.06.2024, compensation for loss of fruit trees/crops and for compensation for buildings, structures
and auxiliary structures on the Gafurov-Khistevarz Road section has been paid 100%. All AH/PAP who
received compensation provided receipts and have no claims regarding the compensation. All information
is reflected in the Report on completion of the RAP as of 30.06.2024.
On this site, due to minor modifications, specifically: by a minor change in the axis of the road of the
Gafurov-Khistevarz section in relation to 5 (five) AH/PAP, maintenance work made it possible to avoid
and minimize, as far as possible, the impact on auxiliary structures and the cutting down of fruit trees,
from among the auxiliary structures of the AH/PAP of Rakhimov Bakhromzhon Abdugafurovich,
Samatov Mukhidinzhon Muminovich, Sodikov Ikrom, Rakhimov Bakhodur and Tukhtaeva Karomat.
In this section also due to some expansion of some road sections, garden plots of dekhkan farms/PAPs,
including Vaidullo Makhsum farm, Khalil Makhsum farm and Bahovaddin Makhsum farm, were
additionally affected.
In relation to 3 (three) PAP, an additional assessment of the loss of fruit trees was carried out; the
assessment was carried out by specialists from the SUE “Narkhguzor”. All additional compensation for
loss of fruit trees was paid as required. The complaints and applications of the PAP were considered and
decided in favor of the PAP.
Alternative approaches and roads to commercial properties are available, but several commercial
properties have temporarily ceased business operations, and therefore compensation equal to lost income
for the period of temporary impact or cessation of operations has been paid. The RAP for the GafurovHistevarz Road section has foreseen and planned according to the RAP measures matrix cases of impact
on loss of business and loss of crops. All applications received in regard to compensation for loss of
business/income by IE/AH/PAP were accepted and reviewed.
Compensation for loss of business in respect of five (5) PAPs has been paid in full to date as per the
RAP measure matrix.
• Section No. 4. Kuchkak-Kanibadam Road, total length 10.3 km.
As of 30.06.2024, compensation for all losses on the Kuchkak-Konibodom road section is 100% paid. All
information is reflected in the RAP Completion Report as of 30.06.2024. All AHs/PAPs who have
received compensation have provided receipts and have no claim to the compensation received. Also at
this stage, all primary documents for loss of business/income in respect of the five (5) AHs/PAPs of the
Kuchkak-Konibodom road section have been accepted. They were paid 100% compensation.
With the commencement of construction work, temporary access and alternative approaches are organized
for commercial facilities by the Contractor.
Loss of agricultural land according to the RAP measure matrix affected four (4) dehkan farms and
entities. PIG of the MoT officially sent a letter to the Chairman of the Sughd Region and again to the
Chairman of the Konibodom city regarding the allocation of land plots for four affected households.
Land will be allocated to PAP/Dehkan farms to continue agricultural activities as per the RAP measure
The structure of the implementation of the GRM in the Sughd region:

Name of site
Name of Jamoat
Information board
Jamoat: Firuzoba; Jamoat:
R. Khamroboev
Maintenance Department
Place of residence of
workers of GHANA and
Industrial Zone
Information board
Information board
Information board
Kurush Jamoat of Spitamen
Information board
of Spitamen
Jamoat Gulhon and Dehmoy
Jabbor Rasulov district.
Jamoat Goziyon B. Gafurov
In jamoats of Isfisor and
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been created
Information board
Information board
Information board
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been created
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been created
Information board
Information board
A journal of
complaints and
suggestions has
been created
PIG specialists:
Nasreddinov Sh;
Akhmedov I.
Contractor and
PIG specialists:
Nasreddinov Sh;
Akhmedov I.
Contractor’s and
PIG specialists:
Nasreddinov Sh;
Akhmedov I.
Contractor’s and
PIG specialists:
Nasreddinov Sh;
Akhmedov I.
Contractor’s and
Project-affected parties may refer complaints about a Bank-financed project to the appropriate local
grievance redress mechanism or the World Bank’s corporate grievance service.
In all jamoats where the project sites are located, according to the WB requirements and regulations,
journals for registering complaints and suggestions are organised. Registration and accounting of all
complaints and suggestions is maintained, regardless of the type of appeals from stakeholder, with the
aim of receiving and facilitating the resolution of complaints from stakeholder. In the process of
reviewing complaints and suggestions, Complaint Review Groups have been created in each jamoat,
from among the responsible employees of the jamoats, which will, of course, assist in solving problems
and other obligations and provide full support in the implementation of this project “CARS-4” in the
Sughd region.
World Bank Team Mission (May-June 2024)
As part of the implementation of the current project, in the first half of 2024, a mission of
specialists from the World Bank team visited the Republic of Tajikistan. According to the plan of
activities, the mission team visited all Project facilities located in Sughd region.
To obtain full information on the implementation of social measures, meetings were held with all
stakeholders (PAP, representatives of local communities, PIG specialists on social and environmental
issues, other stakeholders, etc.).
During the project site visits, the Bank’s social and environmental mission team with the
participation of specialists from the PIG, the Consultant and the Contractor on the field were familiarised
with the current situation. Based on the results of familiarisation and discussions with all parties,
satisfactory work on the social activities carried out, no gross violations or shortcomings in the
implementation of social and environmental activities of the Project were noted on the side of PIG
Compliance with environmental risk management requirements
The WB mission team specialists noted the relevance of environmentally significant risks during
the implementation of the CARS-4 project. The Ministry of Transport’s PIG, the Construction
Supervision Consultant and Contractors’ environmental specialists who supervise compliance with the
ESMPs for specific sites under contracts.
Since the previous mission of the WB team, there have been noticeable improvements in
environmental performance (good cleaning of the industrial site and warehouse, availability of hard
cover and secondary containment for chemical tanks, waste sorting and dust suppression, etc.). It should
be noted that there are minor gaps in compliance with the ESMP in terms of managing health and safety
risks to workers in accordance with the Labour protection and Safety plans for both contracts, both in
GBAO and Sughd. The contractor does not strictly adhere to the issues of compliance with safety and
labor regulations.
The following facts are noted: Workers employed at construction sites are still not provided with
the necessary complete set of PPE. These shortcomings were identified during previous mission.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues should be strictly managed in all supervision and
monitoring activities by the CSCs and PIGs.
According to the signed Contract, the Supervisory Consultant and the Contractor shall comply
strictly with all OHS requirements. Strictly supervise all matters related to regular OHS training. Keep
under review all matters relating to the health safety of all employees, checking the availability and use
of PPE.
The MoT PIG should also verify compliance with health and safety issues and procedures in
place. The Contractor, under the supervision of the Supervision Consultant and specialists of PIG of the
MoT shall ensure proper handling and disposal of waste from the demolition of existing road surfaces,
as well as other construction waste generated during the implementation of the project and temporarily
buried in the designated areas, in accordance with national legislation and plans for the handling of
construction waste and materials for specific sites.
The specialists of the PIG of the Ministry of Transport must promptly prepare all reports on the
effectiveness of environmental and social risk management. All reports are regularly sent to the Bank
for information. The monitoring and implementation report for the current project for the first half of
2024, covering the period from January to June submitted in July 2024.
Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)
The grievance redress mechanism for the current project remains well functioning. As of 13 June
2024, a total of 138 grievances/requests (79 in GBAO and 59 in Sughd), appeals and commendations
related to resettlement issues have been registered and resolved in the GRM. Only three (3) complaints
(one in GBAO and two in Sughd region) are still pending with the PIG/MT.
The first one, on the construction of a road section in GBAO, is related to possible access to a
petrol station, the project mission is currently working on this complaint and will resolve the issue by
end of June 2024. The second is a complaint filed directly with the Bank, which is registered in the
Bank’s GRS under GRS -2711 regarding an additional U-turn (roundabout) on the Gafurov-Histevarz
section of the Sughd Oblast. The third complaint relates to the international workers of the contractor in
Sughd Region (countries of origin from Ghana and Uganda).
The main issues that require a positive solution are issues related to the provision of weekly days
off, poor communication between the management personnel of the Contractor (China). This resulted in
delayed payment of salaries/benefits and improper handling of staff health issues at the site.
The Bank mission asked the PIG to follow up on these complaints and provide the Bank with a
response by end of June 2024 with a detailed explanation of each case (this point was met in a timely
manner). The above three complaints remain open until fully implemented and positively resolved, with
Bank staff following up and verifying resolution of all issues during the next mission in autumn 2024.
All recommendations and comments have been considered and taken into account. Currently,
measures are being taken to resolve them by the Contractor, Supervision Consultants and PIG specialists.
Status of implementation of the environmental management programme

In the first half of 2024, the following activities were carried out by the specialist of PIG of
MT on environmental protection issues (Akhmedov Ikrom):
Environmental protection monitoring
Conducting environmental monitoring for vibration, noise, air and water pollution for all
construction zones of the project:
The controlled parameters were:
air quality;
surface water quality;
noise and vibration level;
radiation background;
environmental monitoring under construction conditions for all sections of the KanibadamKuchkak, Gafurov-Histevarz and Dehmoi-Gafurov Road sections.
environmental monitoring is carried out by an accredited laboratory of the ESPM (Environmental
and Social Protection Management) of the Sughd region.

Conducting a compliance monitoring inspection of the ESMP-P:
Site No. 1. Kurush-Bekabad Road under rehabilitation with a length of 12.3 km.
Site No. 2. Dehmoy – Gafurov Road under rehabilitation with a length of 22.0km.
Site No 4. Gafurov-Histevarz Road under rehabilitation with a length of 6.6km.
Site No 4. Kuchkak – Kanibadam Road under rehabilitation with a length of 10.3km.

Monitoring of identified non-conformities with the ESMP and their corrective actions
More detailed measures to comply with environmental risks are set out in the Report for the
first half of 2024 by the PIG Environmental Specialist.

Name of permitting documents with
reference to the object
Air Emission Permits for Asphalt
Concrete Plant Quarry for KanibadamKuchkak sections,
Dredging Plant and Reinforced Concrete
Air Emission Permits for Asphalt
Concrete Plant, Reinforced Concrete
Crushing Plant in B. Gafurov
Issued by
Committee on
Protection under the
Government of the
Republic of Tajikistan
Number and date of
No. 239/13 dated
No. 134/13 dated
Monitoring of identified non-conformities with the ESMP and their corrective actions
Table of requirements for the implementation of the approved action plan on environmental issues based
on comments received from the World Bank mission team during the field visit from June 5 to 7, 2024.
WB’s remarks
Status of elimination of the WB’s remarks
Kanibadam-Kuchkak and Dehmoi-GafurovHistevarz sections
Prepare a shortened and updated CESMP
Management Plan) for further recycling of old
asphalt concrete wastes
Corrective Actions for the Dust Suppression
and Air Quality Plan.
An industrial (construction) site in Kanibadam,
operates an asphalt concrete plant. This asphalt
concrete plant has a device for cleaning air from
dust. The collected dust from the cleaning device is
poured onto an unprepared dust collection area.
When the weather is unfavourable, the collected
dust is spread all over the industrial (construction)
site in Kanibadam
Draft documentation for two sections Kanibadam-Kuchkak
and Dehmoi-Gafurov-Histevarz, reduced and updated CESMP
for further recycling of old asphalt concrete waste was
prepared and submitted for approval
On the Kanibadam-Kuchkak and GafurovKhistevarz sections:
Removal/purification of waste oils.
Storage/warehouse of waste oils and other
hazardous chemicals.
For the collection and storage of waste oils and other hazardous
chemicals, a special collection point has been organised and a
shed has been constructed.
Contractor’s Environmental Protection Specialist
During repeated meetings with representatives of the
Contractor, it was recommended:
1) re-equip a container for collecting dust (after the treatment
plant has been in operation);
2) equip the container with an additional screen to prevent
the spread of dust outside the treatment facility;
3) provide technical access to clean the container from
collected dust.
4) carry out timely dust removal of the area
The contractor installed a technical heating element that
holds back accumulated dust. It also allows the container to
be technically cleaned of accumulated dust.
Contractor’s Environmental Protection Specialist
On the site of the industrial zone of Gafurov.
On the site of the industrial zone in Kanibadam.
At the industrial site:
The workers involved in the production of reinforced
concrete products carry out work outdoors under
direct sunlight.
Done/ Resolved
Dehmoy-Gafurov section.
The territory of the industrial (construction) site in
Ruhak, where the concrete mixing plant and asphalt
concrete plant are being installed, is not fenced, which
facilitates free access, and there are no warning signs
and information board containing information about
the industrial (construction) site.
The industrial (construction) site in Ruhak of Dehmoi-Gafurov
section should be provided with fencing to restrict free access.
Also, it is necessary to provide the industrial (construction) site in
Ruhake industrial zone of Dehmoi-Gafurov section with warning
signs about the entrance to the industrial zone.
The installation of a canopy for workers has been completed.
In order to eliminate direct exposure of the workforce to the sun,
the Contractor must provide a seasonal shelter for the workforce
involved in the production of reinforced concrete products, in
particular for workers tying reinforcement structures.
Contractor’s Environmental Protection Specialist
The territory of the industrial (construction) site in Ruhak, where
a concrete plant is operating and an asphalt concrete plant is being
installed, has been fenced off.
Warning signs and an information board containing information
about the industrial (construction) site have been installed.
Contractor’s Environmental Protection Specialist
During construction, the Contractor strengthened road safety
controls on all sections being rehabilitated.
Contractor’s Environmental Protection Specialist
A temporary bypass road has been organized on the
Bypass road of the Kanibadam section
Installation of road signs and plastic barriers on the
Gafurov-Khistevarz Road.
Laying a pipe on the Dekhmoy-Gafurov section
Installed plastic barriers and road signs along the Dekhmoy-Gafurov
3. Installation of concrete barriers and road signs along the
Dehmoy-Gafurov Road.
PIG specialists on social and environmental issues to take control over the implementation of all
comments and recommendations given by the specialists of the World Bank mission team (June
Regularly control of all issues of the GRM implementation in close cooperation with the local
community, stakeholders, representatives of the Supervision Consultant and the Contractor;
All issues of GRM implementation in relation to registration of all types of submitted complaints,
statements, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, using
the registration log from the Employer and registration logs from the Contractor, as well as control
of visits to Jamoats using visit registration from the Employer, Consultants and Contractor;
Continuous monitoring of the requirements and conditions reflected in the Contractor’s ESMP.
5. Ensure regular monitoring activities to assess socio-environmental impacts and risks, including
possible risks to labor force, community safety, health, gender issues, risks of gender-based
violence/sexual exploitation and abuse, and environmental risks.
The Report for the first half of 2024 on social and environmental activities within the framework of the
ongoing Project was submitted by the PIG to the WB for information. At the same time the Report is
posted on the Ministry of Transport website:
2.6 PIG Communications/Community Liaison Specialist activities for the second half of 2023
PIG Communications/Community Liaison Specialist conducted the following activities during
the first half of 2024 conducted the following activities:
During the past period, the Communications Specialist held 4 meetings on SEP in Sughd region.
Project sections in Sugd

Name of section
Section of the
6.6 km
Khistevarz Road
Section of the road
22 km
Section of the road
Section of the road

Name of activity
Publications on
the progress of the
A meeting on the SEP was held with the
employees of the jamoat and PAP
(30.04.2024) with the participation of 10
(including the participation of women
A meeting was held with employees of
the Isfisor jamoat of the B. Gafurov
participation of 11 people (including
65% participation of women)
A meeting was held with employees of
the Dehmoy Jamoat of the Rasulov
District (02.05.24) with the participation
of 6 people
(including 90% participation of women)
A meeting was held with the employees
of the jamoat (03.05.24) with the
coverage of 6 people on interaction under
the Project. (including the participation
of women – 80%)
Awareness of the
Awareness of the
Awareness of the
Awareness of the
11 publications about the project
GBAOwere published in electronic media Sughd region
(websites), including on the websites of
Khovar, the Ministry of Transport, Asia-
Expected results:
Raising public
awareness of the
Articles on the
progress of the
Radio reports
Video reports
information on the
progress of the
Plus, Sughd News, Sputnik in Tajik and
Newspapers “Sadoi Konibodom”,
Sughd region
Awareness of the
Two radio reports each:
GBAOAwareness of the
Sughd region
Radio Ozodi,
Radio Tojikiston
TV “Tojikiston” and TV “Jahonnamo
GBAORaising public
TV” Badakhshon 3 videos
Sughd region
awareness of the
GBAORaising the level of
awareness of the Sughd region
stakeholders on the
progress of the
In general, 19 publications were prepared and distributed about the activities of the “CARs-4” project in
state and independent media for the second half of 2023, including 3 articles and information published
in the press, in republican (TV “Tojikiston” and TV “ Jahonnamo), as well as on the regional TV channel
TV “Badakhshon” 3 (three) videos were shown on the progress of construction of road sections in subproject areas in GBAO, on radio (Radio Ozodi, Radio Tojikiston) 2 radio reports on the construction of
the sub-project section of the Khistevarz-B.Gafurov and Kuchkak Kanibadam roads were broadcasted.
Electronic media (websites) published 11 publications about the project were published in electronic
media (websites), including on the websites of “Khovar”, Ministry of Transport, Asia-Plus, Sugd News,
Sputnik in Tajik and Russian.
During this period, in order to better interact with stakeholders, actively uses a Facebook page of the
CARs-4 Project (, where information on project activities in
the subproject territories is regularly published and updated, and a feedback mechanism was created,
through which subscribers can get answers to their questions.
3.1. Component 1. Improvement of regional links in Sugd Oblast and GBAO (US$89 million
equivalent from IDA; US$2 million from PACT Trust Fund).
Subcomponent 1 (i): Reconstruction and rehabilitation of four sections of roads of category I
and III with total length of 51.2 km in Sugd Oblast, transport corridor Bekabad (border with Uzbekistan)
– Kanibadam.
As part of the above sub-component, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the following
sections in Sugd Oblast are provided:
Number of
Length, km
1. Rehabilitation of Kurush Bekabad section
2. Rehabilitation of Dehmoy-B.
Gafurov section
3. Reconstruction of B. Gafurov Histevarz section
4. Reconstruction of Kanibadam Kuchkak section
3 / 76,95
11 / 444,2
The civil works contract was signed with China Railway Wuju (Group) Corporation on
November 25, 2022. The Engineer set a commencement date on March 1, 2023, the Contractor started
mobilization of construction machinery and equipment, construction of the main and additional camp in
B. Gafurov and Kanibadam, also civil works in Kuchkak-Kanibadam and Dehmoy – B. Gafurov sections.
At the moment more than 251 units of construction machinery and equipment have been
mobilized at the construction site, civil works on removal of old asphalt concrete, excavation,
embankment construction, culvert construction and bridge construction, road base and pavement
construction are in progress.
The total number of specialists and labor force at the construction site is 461 people, including
89 foreign citizens and 372 citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan. Of these, 51 are technical engineers,
410 are regular employees and 26 are women.
General information and the current status of the Civil Works Contract is shown in the table
Executing Agency/Project Client
Implementing Agency
Source of financing
− Ministry of Transport of the Republic
of Tajikistan
− CARs-4 Project Implementation
− World Bank Group (WB)
International Development
Association (IDA) Grant, No. D699TJ
No objection of the Bank to the bid
evaluation report
− November 7, 2022
Letter of acceptance
− November 23, 2022
Date of signing the Contract
− China Railway Wuju (Group)
− November 25, 2022
Total Cost of the Contract
− 56 679 833,61 USD
Construction Supervision Consultant
Positive conclusion of the state expertise on
the project
− ISAN Corporation + М50 Consulting
No. 67/21/67 dated June 19, 2021
Duration of civil works
− 1095 days
Commencement date
− March 1, 2023
Completion date
− February 28, 2026
Total amount of disbursement USD / %
− 21 308 245,39 / 38%
Including: advance payment
− 10 070 782.14 / 18 %
work performed:
− 11 237 463,25 / 20 %
Overall progress as of:
Planned according to the calendar schedule
Actual achievements
Planned and achieved to date.
Elapsed time
– June 30, 2024
32,14 %
31,04 %
– -1.10 %
− 488/1095 days (44.57%)
Summary of progress
The following summary shows the periodic and cumulative progress of the contractor’s works
from the commencement date to 30 June 2024 (first half of 2024) for the Fourth Phase of the Central
Asia Regional Links Program (CARs-4), Contract No.: CARs-4/RFB/W-PQ/02, Rehabilitation of Road
Sections in Sugd Oblast.
For the first half of 2024, the contractor’s performance was 17.03%. The overall completion is
31.04% out of 100% as of the end of June 2024, with 607 calendar days remaining until the completion
of the Project.
А. Overall progress as of June 30, 2024
• Plan/schedule: 32.14%
• Actual Implementation: 31.04%
• Deviation (+/-): -1.10%
• Note: according to the updated schedule presented on April 15, 2024.
• Time passed: 488/1,095 days (27.95%)
• Time remaining: 607/1,095 days (72.50%)

В. Main reasons for delays. (negative delay).
Shortage of basic materials such as bitumen and reinforcement in full volume.
Delay in mobilization of construction equipment: one paver and a roller.
C. Recommendations from the Consultant to increase progress in construction work

To ensure timely delivery of bitumen materials to the construction site, procurement should be
carried out with careful consideration of the required volume of bitumen to be used.
To speed up excavation work on sites No. 2 and No. 3, it is necessary to mobilize additional
construction equipment.
Additional mobilization of one asphalt paver and rollers is required to increase the pace of work on
laying asphalt concrete pavement, including the construction of the base.
Mobilization of an additional work team for the construction of section No. 1 (section K-B).
Construction of the bypass of Bridge No. 7 must be completed as soon as possible in order to begin
the main work on the bridge.
Comments from the Construction Supervision Consultant:
Consideration is being given to engaging an additional subcontractor to catch up with the schedule
delay by commencing earthworks on Section K-B, mobilisation of the subcontractor will take place
The Contractor daily conducts safety briefings at each workplace to prevent unforeseen accidents,
and prior health and safety education/training has been conducted at the construction site.
Road safety facilities such as concrete barriers, plastic barriers and road safety signs are installed
and maintained at the required locations in accordance with the traffic management plan.
A safety team, consisting of a Chinese safety specialist, a local safety engineer and labourers,
inspects the site from time to time and continues to patrol to ensure that the safety barriers, signs
and fencing already in place are maintained in good condition.

1. Kurush – Bekabad, L-12.3 km
Construction of two coastal support bodies A1 and A2 has been completed; construction of the
wardrobe walls of the supports is underway.
Construction of two support columns No. 1 and 2 has been completed; construction of sub-truss
beams is underway.
Construction of the engineer’s auxiliary office in Spitamen has been completed.
2. Dehmoy – B. Gafurov, L-22.0 km
Construction of culverts including culvert inlet and outlet at km 0+075, km 1+045, km 1+190 and
km 2+356 was completed.
Construction of the pipe inlet and outlet at km 2+694 and km 3+964 is ongoing.
Work has been completed on dismantling the existing bridge No. 3 at km 3+420, including the
construction of a bypass.
The installation of bored piles on supports No. 1 and No. 2 of bridge No. 6 at km 14+690 has been
The construction of the grillage of the coastal supports of bridge No. 6 has been completed, work
is underway to install the bodies of supports A1 and A2.
Dismantling of pile heads of supports No. 1 and No. 2 continues.
B. Gafurov – Khistevarz, L-6.6 km
Excavation of the existing road from km 2+300 to km 3+000 on the left-hand side in progress.
Construction of the embankment from km 4+360 to km 4+600 and from km 3+220 to km 4+600 on
the left-hand side was completed.


Construction of the base from km 3+200 to km 3+800 and from km 5+800 to km 6+400 on the lefthand side was completed.
Black crushed rock from km 3+100 to km 3+600 and from km 5+200 to km 5+500 on the righthand side was completed.
Installation of the curb from km 5+600 to km 5+800 on the right-hand side is in progress.
Construction of bollards on supports A1 and A2 of bridge No. 8 at km 4+320 has been completed.
Construction of engineering buildings, including a laboratory, continues in Gafurov.
Construction of a bypass on the left side of bridge No. 7 continues.
At the contractor’s main camp in Gafurov, the production of precast concrete elements for culverts,
curbs, trays and the manufacture of T-beams continues.
4. Kanibadam – Kuchkak, L-10.3 km
In the camp of contractor No. 2, the continuous production of prefabricated elements for culverts
and curbs is underway
Construction of a culvert at km 1+120 continues.
Construction of trays from km 1+200 to km 1+800 on the right side has been completed.
Construction of the base from km 9+000 to km 9+500 has been completed.
Completed construction of black crushed stone from km 9+200 to km 9+500 on both sides.
Construction of the lower asphalt layer from km 1+500 to km 4+500 on the right side has been
Construction of curbs continues from km 9+300 to km 9+500.
Construction of transition slabs on both supports of bridge No. 10 at km 9+541 has been completed.
Construction of the body and the cabinet wall on supports A1 and A2 on bridge No. 11 at km 9+845
In the area of bridge No. 11, T-shaped beams (L-15m and L 24m) are being manufactured for bridges
No. 9 and No. 10.
Overall progress and progress on each section for the first half of 2024.
a. Overall progress
for 2024
Since the
beginning of
8 788 027, 27
8 788027, 27
16 366 322,26
35 236 891,36
for the first
half of 2024
51 603 213,62
*(56 679 833)
Note: (*contract amount).
b. Overall progress of each section
Kurush-Bekabad Section
Since the
for the first
for 2024
half of 2024
7 797 006,80
385 172 13 385 172 13
739 476,69
*(8 381 782,31)
7 057 530,11
Note: (*contract amount).
Dehmoy – B. Gafurov Section
for the first
half of 2024
for 2024
g of
1 780 176,51
2 445 87
10 472 678,29
12 918 552,3
*(13 887444,
1 780 176,51
Note: (*contract amount).
C. Gafurov – Khistevarz section
for the first
half of 2024
for 2024
Since the
beginning of
12 225 133,66
1 732 301,43 1 732 301,43 2 431 937,63 9 793 196,00
*(13 142 018,65)
Note: (*contract amount).
Kuchkak-Kanibadam section
for the first
half of 2024
for 2024
Since the
beginning of
19 784 733,01
5 072 805,54 5 072 805,54 10 749 033,88 9 035 699,13
*(21 268 587,99)
Note: (*contract amount).
Environmental Incidents or defects in the contract requirements, including contamination,
pollution or damage to land or water supply:
During the reporting period, no incidents were recorded, since a package of permits was received in
advance from the CEP (Committee on Environmental Protection) under the Government of the Republic
of Tajikistan and local authorities of the city and district of the region, while no pollution of atmospheric
air, land and water resources was detected.
Health and safety incidents, accidents injuries that require treatment and all fatalities:
During the reporting period the following work was carried out by the labour safety and health
engineer guided by the objectives of the enterprise, the current labour legislation of the Republic
of Tajikistan, orders and instructions of the superior management of the project, legislative and
normative legal acts, methodical materials on labour protection issues, norms on labour
protection and safety, internal labour regulations in force at the enterprise:
1. Provision, methodological guidance for certification of workplaces according to working conditions,
certification of work on labor protection and control over their implementation was introduced;
2. Conducted jointly with representatives of the society, inspections of the technical condition of
equipment, machines and mechanisms, devices, means of collective and individual protection of
workers, the condition of sanitary and technical devices for compliance with labor protection
3. Timely control of all types of labour safety briefings by the responsible persons of the sites of the
4. Organisation of storage and control of issuing special clothing, special footwear and other personal
protective equipment to employees.
5. Safety work was organised on the Dehmoi-Gafurov, Gafurov-Histevarz and Kurush-Bekobod sections
of the road, where the following activities were performed:
– Removal of vegetation layer on Gafurov-Histevarz Road section;
– Reinforced concrete manholes and prefabricated reinforced concrete gutter headings on the GafurovHistevarz and Dehmoi – Gafurov Road sections;
– Training of the Company’s foreign employees in specialities as required by the legislation of the
Republic of Tajikistan;
– Organization and control over quarterly briefings by foremen and team leaders at all work sites.
– Checking and staffing medical supplies at all work sites.
– Attracting the population living along the road under construction for permanent employment.
Interaction with regulators: identify agency, dates, subjects, results.
– There were no inspections or comments from regulators, i.e. employees of the Committee for
Environmental Protection, the Sanitary and epidemiological stations (SES) and the fire brigade of the
city and districts of the region, on the rehabilitated sections of Kuchkak-Kanibadam, GafurovKhistevarz, Kurush-Bekabad and Gafurov-Dekhmoy.
The status of all permissions and agreements:
– Work permits: number required, number received, actions taken for those who did not receive;
During the reporting period, work permits were obtained from the regional migration service for 3
migrants who work at the above-mentioned sites.
List areas/sites with required permits (quarries, asphalt and concrete and mortar hubs), dates of
application, dates (actions for follow-up if not issued), dates submitted to resident (or equivalent), status
of area (pending permits, work abandoned without reclamation, implemented withdrawal plan, etc.);
– Permits for atmospheric emissions for the asphalt concrete plant in Gafurov were received from the
Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan under No.
134/13 dated 04/30/2024.
– The project of maximum permissible atmospheric emissions for the Dehmoi – Gafurov section was
developed to obtain a permit for atmospheric emissions from the Committee for Environmental
Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
– The project of Maximum Permissible Emissions into the atmosphere from crushed stone crusher of B.
Gafurov district was developed for obtaining a permit for emission into the atmosphere from the
Committee on Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
– The project of standard of formation of industrial and domestic wastes on crushing of crushed stone of
B. Gafurov district for reception of the permission for placement and burial of wastes from Committee
on protection of environment under the Government of Republic of Tajikistan is developed.
– A package of documents has been prepared for storage of excavation and soil from the DehmoiGafurov roads to be rehabilitated.

Name of permitting documents with
reference to the object
Emission permits for asphalt concrete
plant in Gafurov
Issued by
Number and date of
No. 134/13 dated
Committee for
Protection under the
Government of the
Republic of Tajikistan
– List areas with required landowner agreements (borrow and spoil camp areas), dates of agreements,
dates submitted to the Resident Engineer (or equivalent);
On the Gafurov-Dehmoy section:
– A package of documents has been prepared on allocation of a land plot for storage of excavated soil
from the territory of Galamaydon, Yova Jamoat for the Dehmoi-Gafurov site to be rehabilitated, and
work is underway on coordination with the local authorities of B. Gafurov district.
– Identify the main actions taken in each area during the reporting period and the main points of
environmental and social protection (land clearing, boundary marking, topsoil salvage, traffic
management, decommissioning planning, operation implementation);
– During the reporting period, the contractor removes old asphalt and concrete waste and the fertile soil
layer to designated special temporary storage sites.
– The boundaries of the allocated sites are followed.
– Safe traffic signs have been installed.
– For quarries: Resettlement and compensation status (completed or details of actions and current status
during the reporting period).
– The Contractor signed a lease agreement with ‘Khonasozi Sugd’ LLC for temporary use of land plots
with the area of 5.0 hectares for inert materials quarry. According to the contract, rent and other taxes
are paid on time.
Actions taken to improve conditions:
Completion of construction of industrial and residential premises of production base No. 1 of B. Gafurov.
A check was organized to check the compliance of the production base with sanitary standards and a
certificate of compliance was received from the sanitary and epidemiological station of the B. Gafurov
Medical services:
In order to prevent illness and injury, the Contractor has organized the following activities:
• Mandatory periodic medical examinations are carried out;
• an agreement has been concluded for the provision of a health center to the company’s employees;
• Periodically, classes are held on providing first aid in case of an accident with the involvement of
medical workers;
• A medical worker was hired, a room was allocated for a first-aid post, and 20 sets of medicines and
medications (first aid kits) were purchased for two bases and facilities.
Gender (separately for foreign workers and locals):
Number of women employees, percentage of the labour force, gender issues raised and addressed (crossrefer to complaints or other sections as appropriate). For the first half of 2024, the number of women
hired for temporary light work is-26:
Training on compliance with health and safety regulations:
• Number of new employees, number of introductory trainings received, dates of introductory trainings.
50 workers were hired. The employer organized training for persons hired for work in harmful and
hazardous working conditions, in safe methods and techniques for performing work, with on-the-job
training and exams, and in the process of work activity, periodic training and testing of knowledge of
labor protection requirements.
• Number and dates of production meetings, number of employees receiving training on labour
protection and occupational health and safety, ecology and sociology.
Workers in blue-collar jobs who are new to the specified jobs or who have had a break in work for more
than a year undergo training and testing of their knowledge of labour protection requirements during the
first month.
The employer organises periodic training on fire safety measures.
To familiarize and study the safety rules and safe work practices, the following work was done:
Three meetings were held with workers, foremen of the sites and the population living along the road
under construction in the sections of Gafurov-Histevarz, Dehmoy-Gafurov and Kurush-Bekobod;
At the meetings the participants were informed about the current laws and other normative legal acts on
labour protection and other normative documents of the Republic of Tajikistan, explained the essence
and purpose of the road construction.
In the reporting period, systematic weekly scheduled work was carried out with the Company’s
employees to prepare for examinations on labour safety and health protection.
Information and visual signs were installed and glued on transformers, cabinets and other electrical
equipment at the Company’s operating construction sites and company sites.
• Number and dates of infectious diseases (including STDs) outreach and/or training, number of
employees receiving training (during the reporting period) the same questions apply to gender
awareness work and training of signallers.
No infectious diseases were detected during the reporting period.
• Number and date of SEA and SH (sexual exploitation and abuse)) and (sexual harassment) prevention
outreach and/or training activities, including the number of employees receiving training on the
contractor’s code of conduct for personnel (during the reporting period and in the past), etc. There
were no SEA and SH and no breach of the code of conduct for employees was found.
• Environmental and social supervision:
• Ecologist: number of days worked, sites inspected and number of inspections of each site (road
section, work camp, accommodation, quarries, soil reserves, dumps, wetlands, forest crossings, etc.),
activity highlights/findings (including environmental violations and/or best social practices, actions
taken), reports to environmental specialists and/or social specialists/construction/site management;
• in the reporting period worked 26 days, inspected the site of work preparation asphalt concrete plant,
reinforced concrete product, crushing and sorting farm, quarries, rehabilitated sections of road
Spitamen, Kanibadam and Gafurov, places of storage of old asphalt concrete waste and storage of
fertile layer of land in all areas, work camp and living quarters of the camp checked – 8 times, the
facts of violation is not found and to eliminate the shortcomings given a verbal warning.
• Sociologist: number of days worked, number of partial and full inspections of the facility (by
district: road section, work camp, residential premises, quarries, reserve soil, waste heaps, clinic,
HIV/AIDS center, community centers, etc.), key activity points (including identified violations of
environmental and/or social requirements, actions taken), reports to environmental protection
and/or social issues specialists/construction/site management; During the first half of the year,
construction sites were inspected 13 times, including a road section, a work camp, residential
premises, waste heaps and a quarry.
• At the time of the inspection, no violation of the requirements of the law on environmental protection
of the Republic of Tajikistan was identified.
• Including violations of environmental or social requirements on the rehabilitated sections of the
Dehmoi – Gafurov, Gafurov – Histevarz, Kanibadam – Kuchkak and Kurush – Bekabad roads during
construction were not registered.
• The Contractor provided assistance in humidification and watering from dust (11-13 times/day) in
populated areas on the Kanibadam-Kuchkak, Gafurov-Khistevarz and Dekhmoy-Gafurov Road
• Actions taken to recommend/require improved conditions:
• An inspection of the compliance of production base No. 1 in Gafurov with sanitary standards was
organized and a certificate of compliance was received from the district sanitary and epidemiological
• In June, 2024 the Project Coordinator Sidikov U., the Engineer Abdulloev F. and the Specialist on
social development Nasreddinov Sh. held information meetings with residents and responsible
persons of Khistevarz B. Gafurov district.
• During the meeting representatives of the Ministry of Transport of RT and responsible staff of PIG
explained the purpose and objective of the Project “CARs-4”, and it was explained that the project
affected people are the population of the area where the project is implemented, also this segment
includes travellers, traders, transit transport drivers and residents of settlements living and working
on both sides of the road under construction and they can learn about their rights and the procedure
of the resettlement process through consultations of social development and environmental specialists
of the groups.
• During the reporting period, on 17 June 2024, a meeting was held on compliance with safety and
code of individual conduct among the employees of the corporation for the construction of Bridge
No. 3 on the B. Gafurov – Dehmoy Road section on 17 June 2024.
• During the reporting period on 28 June 2024, at the site of construction of Gafurov-Dehmoy road,
near Sarichashma mahali, Gulhona Jamoat and Dehmoy village, J. Dehmoi Corporation engineers
including Social Development Specialist, Road Safety Engineer and Safety Engineer held meetings
and awareness raising activities with the chairmen of the mahallas and the people of Sarichashma
mahalla of Gulhona Jamoat and Dehmoi village of Dehmoi Jamoat on road safety and safety
compliance of the people during the construction of the road at this site.
• During the reporting period from 6 to 7 June 2024, the World Bank representatives with participation
of the Deputy Minister of Transport – Director of the PIG and other officials visited and familiarised
with the construction works on the road sections of Kanibadam-Kuchkak, Dehmoi-Gafurov, GafurovHistevarz and Kurush-Bekabad roads under construction. During the inspection and visit by the
World Bank representatives, some deficiencies and violations were found during construction work
on the sites, which were reported at the meeting and the World Bank gave specific instructions to the
engineers and specialists of the Contractor and Consultants to correct the violations and deficiencies
within a month and provide a report on the work performed with a photo report.
• In accordance with the requirements and procedures, a journal for registering complaints and
suggestions has been organized. The logs are compiled separately on the Dehmoi-Gafurov, GafurovHistevarz, Kurush-Bekobod and Kanibadam-Kuchkak road sections to be rehabilitated and each
section includes all information on persons who apply in the form of telephone, verbal and written
• In the process of reviewing complaints and suggestions, a Grievance Redressal Team was established
in Dehmoi and Gulkhona Jabbor Jamoats of Rasulov district, Khistevarz, Isfisor and Goziyon B.
Gafurov district, Kurush Jamoat of Spitamen district and Khamroboev and Firuzoba Jamoats of
Kanibadam city from among responsible employees of Jamoats that will assist in solving problems
and other obligations and full support in the implementation of this project “CARS-4” in Sughd
• In June, the Contractor recruited 44 persons in Gafurov-Dehmoy, Gafurov-Histevarz and KurushBekobod sections and 6 persons in Kanibadam-Kuchkak section and conducted briefing and training
on environmental protection, code of conduct, safety and road safety.
Infectious diseases (including STDs):
No infectious diseases were detected during the reporting period.
Traffic, road safety and vehicles/equipment:
• No traffic accidents or accidents involving project vehicles and equipment were recorded.
road traffic accidents and incidents related to road safety, and accidents involving vehicles or property;
no road accidents or emergencies not related to the project occurred during the reporting period.
General condition of vehicles/equipment (subjective assessment of the ecologist); non-standard repairs
and maintenance required to improve safety and/or environmental performance (for smoke control,
At this stage of the project all vehicles are in new condition and meet all technical and environmental
Erosion control: control measures implemented depending on location, water crossing
conditions, environmental checks and results:
• At the moment, the start of construction on the rehabilitated sections of Kanibadam-Kuchkak,
Kurush-Bekabad, B. Gafurov – Khistevarz and B. Gafurov-Dekhmoy land erosion has not been
Blasting: number of blasts (and location), status of blasting plan:
• The project does not provide for blasting operations in all areas.
Spill response, if any: spilled material, location, quantity, actions taken, disposal of material
(report of all spills that resulted in water or soil contamination):
• For the reporting period, no spills of waste oil products and fuels and lubricants were recorded in all
sections of the Kanibadam-Kuchkak, Kurush-Bekabad, B. Gafurov-Dekhmoy and B. GafurovKhistevarz facilities.
Control waste:
• Household waste removal is carried out on a regular basis by the municipal services of the city of
Kanibadam and B. Gafurov district, on the basis of a contract.
• Household waste is transported to a citywide garbage dump for burial and is not reused or recycled.
Details of tree planting and other necessary mitigation measures undertaken during the
reporting period:
• No tree planting was carried out in the rehabilitated areas of Kanibadam-Kuchkak and B. Gafurov Khistevarz. There was no cutting down of trees in the B. Gafurov-Khistevarz and B. GafurovDekhmoy sections.
Detailed information on the necessary measures to protect waters and wetlands taken during
the reporting period.
• The main water bodies in the impact zone of the CARs-4 Project, on the Kanibadam-Kuchkak
section with a length of 10.3 km, are the Big Fergana Irrigation Canal and on the Dekhmoi-B.
Gafurov highway section with a length of 22.0 km is channel Khoja-Bakirgon.
Subcomponent 1(ii): Construction of bridge in Khorog and construction of galleries and bridge near
Barsem village in GBAO to improve the resilience of road links to natural and climatic hazards such as
mudslides and avalanches.
As part of the above sub-component, the construction of the following sections in GBAO is
1. Construction of bridge in Khorog city across Gund river with the length of 200 m and access roads
to the bridge with the length of 1.1 km;
2. Construction of road in Barsem village with the length of 3.42 km, including construction of
avalanche protection galleries with the length of 550 m and construction of bridge with the length of
82.3 m.
Based on international competitive bidding, China Road and Bridge Corporation was selected to
carry out the civil works of the sections in GBAO. The contract with the Contractor was signed on March
27, 2023. The commencement date for construction was assigned by the Engineer on June 1, 2023. To
date, the Contractor has completed mobilization and has begun construction work on the common
excavation and rock soil at the Barsem site, and the construction of bridges in the Khorog city and bridge
in Barsem. Currently, more than 95 units of construction machinery and equipment have been mobilized
at the construction sites. The number of specialists and labor force at the construction site is 228 people,
including 25 foreign citizens and 203 citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan. Including 27 of them are
technical engineers, 201 ordinary employees and 7 women.
General information and the current status of the Civil Works Contract for the above subcomponent is shown in the table below:
Executing Agency/Project Client
Implementing Agency
Source of financing
No objection of the Bank to the bid
evaluation report
− Ministry of Transport of the Republic
of Tajikistan
− CARs-4 Project Implementation
− World Bank Group (WB)
International Development
Association (IDA) Grant,No.D699-TJ
− March 3, 2022
Letter of acceptance
− March 18, 2023.
− China Road and Bridge Corporation
Date of signing the Contract
− March 27, 2023
Total Cost of the Contract
− 31 283 742,39 USD
Construction Supervision Consultant
− ISAN Corporation + М50 Consulting
Positive conclusion of the state expertise on
the project
− No. – 68/21/68 dated June 19, 2021
Duration of civil works
− 900 days (30 month)
Commencement date
− June 1, 2023
Completion date
− December 17, 2025
Total amount of disbursement USD / %
− 12 362 151,67 / 40 %
Including: advance payment

4 971 411,55 / 16 %
work performed:

7 390 740 ,12 / 24 %
Overall progress as of:
Planned according to calendar schedule
Actual achievement
Planned and achieved to date.
Elapsed time
30 June 2024
31,00 %
31,76 %
+ 0,76 %
− 396/900 days (44.00%)
Summary of progress
The following summarizes the periodic and cumulative progress of the Contractor’s work under
the Fourth Phase of the Central Asia Regional Links Program (CARs-4), Contract No. CARs-4/RFB/WPQ/01, Construction of new bridge in Khorog and avalanche protection galleries and bridge in Barsem
Village of GBAO, from the commencement date to the end of June 2024.
During the reporting period the Contractor has completed 17,25% of the work during the reporting
period. Total progress as of June 30, 2024 is 31.76% of 100% for the remaining 504 days to completion.
• Overall progress as of June, 2024
(i) Plan/schedule: 31.00%
Actual Implementation: 31,76%
• Delay (+/-): +0.76%
• Plan as per approved contractor programme dated 13 July 2023
• Time passed to date: 396/900 days (44,00%)
• Time remaining: 504/900 days (56,00%)
Main reasons for the delay
The work is carried out in accordance with the approved programme.
Suggestions from the Consultant to catch up and avoid further delays in work;
Construction activities:

The driving of supports No. 1, the most difficult to construct between supports No. 1 and No. 2 in the
middle of the Khorog River in the Khorog section has been completed.
The construction of foundations for the T-beams of the Khorog Bridge on a mechanically stabilized
earth embankment (MSE) has been completed.
Beam fabrication will commence on the foundation erected on top of the MSE and will proceed as
planned, with pavement work on the MSE to be completed after the T-beams have been completed.
Therefore, work on the MSE will be suspended for now, and work on other sections of the bypass
will be completed.
The construction of the substructure of the Barsema Bridge has been…

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