BIS 375 Final Exam

BIS/375 Exam  TRUE/FALSE.  Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false. 1) Purchasing a new server is an example of an infrastructure investment.      2) Publishers have elected to sell books through online companies like, through retailers like Barnes and Noble, through wholesalers who sell to small book stores, and through their own Web sites. This is an example of a multichannel approach.      3) Electronic retailing is primarily found in B2B markets.      4) E-tail success requires either quality merchandise, excellent prices, or excellent service.      5) Since Napster encouraged peer-to-peer file sharing and did not actually publish music at its site, the courts ruled that Napster’s operations were exempt from traditional copyright laws.      6) A retailer is an intermediary that operates between manufacturers and consumers.  .      7) Key performance indicators are used to quantitatively track critical success factors.       8) In evaluating EC projects, it is always necessary to complete a cost-benefit analysis, even when the cost of the project is small and the value to the organization is minimal.      9) A major difficulty in justifying EC projects is that many costs and benefits are intangible and therefore very difficult to measure.     MULTIPLE CHOICE.  Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 10) A retailer is an intermediary who operates:     A) in B2B markets between suppliers and manufacturers.  B) between manufacturers and consumers.   C) only in pure-play e-commerce markets.  D) an Internet Service provider.    11) All of the following product categories are well established on the Internet today EXCEPT   A) office supplies B) sporting goods.  C) new cars.   D) computer hardware.    12) In e-tailing, the customer        A) is always a consumer.  .  B) may be a consumer or a business.  C) is a wholesaler.  D) is always another business.    TRUE/FALSE.  Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false. 13) An EC project may produce only one intangible benefit.      MULTIPLE CHOICE.  Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 14) Justification is typically not needed in all of the following EC situations EXCEPT:    A) when the relevant data are not available, inaccurate, or too volatile.  B) when the value of the investment is small.  C) when the IT department is certain that the project is financially justifiable.  D) when the EC project is mandated.    TRUE/FALSE.  Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false. 15) Metrics are more effective in measuring intangible costs and benefits than tangible costs and benefits.       MULTIPLE CHOICE.  Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 16) All of the following are tangible metrics which might be used by a net-enhanced B2B organization EXCEPT:    A) profit per item sold.  B) design-to-market.  C) risk reduction.  D) cash-to-cash cycle.    17) Dell’s strategy is best described as:    A) direct marketing from a manufacturer.  B) a brick-and-mortar strategy.  C) a click-and-mortar strategy.  D) a shared service mall strategy.    18) Sears marketing strategy would best be described as:    A) a shared service mall strategy.  B) a brick-and-mortar strategy.  C) a click-and-mortar strategy.  D) direct sales by a manufacturer.    19) The method in which the organization evaluates intangible benefits using a low-cost, trial EC system before deciding whether to commit a larger investment in a complete system is:    A) benchmarks.  B) scoring methodology.  C) information economics.  D) value analysis.    20) An analysis technique in which grids are used to plot investment proposals against decision-making criteria is called:    A) rate of ROI.  B) ratio analysis.  C) a portfolio approach.  D) net present value.   

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