Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Harley-Davidson Forecast of Revenues and Timelines

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You have received feedback from the senior vice president on your list of recommendations that you submitted in Module 3. It is time to review your list of recommendations again and provide a forecast of revenues and timeline for implementing the strategies.

· Complete a new PowerPoint presentation titled “Forecast of Revenues and Timelines.” Your PowerPoint will include:


A forecast of revenues from the five strategies you presented in Module 3. For instance, if you are recommending adding a new model to focus on a particular market niche, provide a rough estimate of the number of motorcycles, number of customers, the geographic market etc. needed to obtain your estimated revenues. You should forecast revenues for five years.

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· Complete a timeline for how long it will take to implement the strategy and what value chain activities will be modified because of implementation. Provide as much detail as needed to support your recommendations.

APA format and speaker notes is required, submit your presentation by Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Note: Okay this assignment is based on the pervious PPT you have done for the last week, I have attached some documents for help or guide line thank you sir.

Strategic Business Plan Outline

Part I – Feasibility Study

I. Cover page

II. Table of Contents

III. Executive Summary

IV. Summary of Strategic Direction

[Module 1]

a. Vision

b. Mission/ Corporate Values

c. Goals

V. Stakeholders Interest/ Needs

VI. Analysis of the External Environment

[Module 2- Part 1]

a. Results from Scanning

b. Results from Monitoring

c. Competitive Environment

i. Porter’s Five Forces Model

ii. Value Net Analysis

iii. Dynamics of Competition/ Competitor Analysis

d. Strategic Challenges/ Issues facing the Industry

VII. Internal Environment Analysis

[Module 2 – Part 2]

a. SWOT Analysis

b. Value Chain Analysis

i. Primary Activities

ii. Secondary Activities

iii. Resource Based Analysis

1. Internal

2. External

3. Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage

iv. Financial Ratio Analysis/ Five year period

VIII. Strategy Analysis

[Module 3]

a. Cost Leadership Strategy

i. Identify elements that could lead to sustainable advantage

ii. Advantages/ Disadvantages of this strategy

b. Differentiation Strategy

i. Identify elements that could lead to sustainable advantage
ii. Advantages/ Disadvantages of this strategy

c. Focus Strategy

i. Identify elements that could lead to sustainable advantage
ii. Advantages/ Disadvantages of this strategy

d. Combination Strategy

i. Identify elements that could lead to sustainable advantage using several of Cost/ Differentiation/ Focus

ii. Advantages/ Disadvantages of this strategy

e. Industry/ Firm Life Cycle

i. Strategic implications of each stage analyzed

IX. Corporate Level Strategy

[Module 3

a. Identify consequences of Diversification

i. Economies of Scope

ii. Revenue Enhancement

iii. Market Power

b. Identify unrelated Diversification

i. Financial Synergy

ii. Parenting

c. Methods of achieving Diversification

i. Mergers & Acquisitions

ii. Strategic Alliances/ Joint Ventures

iii. Internal Development

d. Corporate Ethics in Value Creation

X. Feasibility Study Summary

a. Conclusions

b. Recommendations

XI. Appendix

Part II – Strategic Plan

XII. Cover page

XIII. Table of Contents

XIV. Executive Summary

XV. Global Economy/ Factors Affecting Global Economy

[Module 4]

a. Motivations/ Risks

i. Motivations for Expansion

ii. Risks in Expansion

b. Competitive Advantage in Global Markets

c. Entry Strategies for Global Expansion

d. Internet Approach/ Strategy

i. How the Internet adds value

ii. Internet Business Models

iii. Competitive Strategies

iv. Leverage E-Business Capabilities

XVI. Corporate Leadership

[Module 5]

a. Direction Setting

b. Organizational Design

c. Organizational Culture

d. Leadership Traits

e. Ethical Organization Characteristics

i. Identify elements

ii. Identify missing elements

f. Learning Organization Characteristics

i. Identify elements
ii. Identify missing elements

XVII. Strategic Plan Summary

a. Conclusions
b. Recommendations

c. Implementation

d. Risks

XVIII. Appendix

Market Analysis Worksheet

/ Outline

The purpose of this worksheet is to help in analyzing the company, it’s products/ brands to get an understanding as to where the strengths/ weaknesses are located. This outline can be modified to suit your needs and the information you have assembled. It is unlikely that you will use all of those listed below. This will aid in making comparisons to competitors offerings within the same industry/ product class/ market.

A. Category Analysis (largest to smallest OR those ideal for this company)

1. Segment (by demographic or product class or region/ country)

a. Description

b. Size ($/ units)

c. Growth Rate

2. Situation

a. Current

b. Emerging Trends

3. Estimated Profit Potential of Trends

4. Opportunities created by the Trends

Conclusion of Category Analysis

B. Brand Analysis (list for each brand OR category of product)

1. Estimated Sales

2. Points of Differentiation

3. Perceived Quality

4. Pricing

5. Value Proposition

6. Core Brand Message

7. Estimated Marketing Budget

Conclusion of Brand Analysis

C. Brand Architecture Worksheet

1. Brand Elements (Strategies/ Descriptions/ Comments)

a. Brand Product/ Service/ Amenities

b. Brand Visions

c. Brand Promise

d. Brand Quality

e. Brand Positioning

f. Brand Targeting

g. Brand Scope

h. Brand Size

i. Brand Distribution

j. Brand Message

k. Brand Association

l. Key Customer Benefits

Conclusion of Brand Elements

D. Points of Differentiation Worksheet by Brand

1. Parity Features

2. Meaningful Points of Differentiation

3. Primary Reason Why People Buy the Brand

Conclusion of Points of Differentiation by Brand

E. Gap Analysis: Areas of Improvement by Brand

1. Gaps

2. Areas of Improvement

Conclusion of Gap Analysis

F. Summary of Market Analysis Findings

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Market Analysis Worksheet

©2010 Argosy University


Strategic Revenue Forecast for the Young Demographic Motorcycle Market
Black Demon Line Cost of Product / Mix
Country Number of Motorcycles Engine Size Deluxe Standard Economy New Revenues from the new product
India 120,000 250 cc $300,000,000.00

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Revenue Forecast Sample
©2006 Argosy University



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