Annotated Bibliography Social Contract, Lack of access to healthcare in the United States

Lack of access to healthcare in the United States

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Chapter 3 Writing Technical Documents and Memo Format

Chapter 3 The Writing Process and Memo Format

Please watch my video on how to write memos:

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Link for video #1


Instructions: We will not necessarily read the chapters in the textbook in chronological order. We will start with Chapter 3 and Memo Formatting. Most of your assignments for this class will need to be done in Memo format. Please


watch a short video on Technical Writing.    Here is the link to the video on YouTube: 

Link for video #2


Play Video


For this assignment you will watch the videos and read chapter 3. You will also read pages 386-388 that explain Memo formatting and give examples of how to do that format.


After watching the video and reading chapter 3, type a 400 to 500 word Memo to me (size 12, Times New Roman) responding to specific information found in the Videos AND Chapter 3 (your heading is not included in the word count of your memo).  Pick at least one detail that you found interesting or helpful. Feel free to mention any information you found confusing or that which you disagree.


I do NOT want a summary of the chapter and video; I want your thoughts/response to some of the information in the chapter AND video.  
Use the Memo sample on page 387* as the model for your memo.  Make your memo look 
just like this sample in regard to appearance and usage of spacing (double/single), tabs, punctuation, headings, bold, italics, underlining, categories listed, purpose etc.


For any of these response essays when you are referring to specific information from the book and video, make sure you list/cite the page number in and the book and video speaker to which you are referring. 

Remember this is Technical Writing and formatting is imperative. For many of you, this is your first 


 into the world of technical writing. The key to technical communication is following instructions and attention to detail. Make sure you pay attention to the instructions of each assignment. Your grade will depend upon it! 

* I realize in the business world, there is more than one way or style to write a memo.  But in order to be fair and consistent, for this class we use the sample on page 387 in the book so that you gain experience in following this particular example, and for me to have a consistent sample to evaluate your attention to detail in following the instructions.  

Project 3:

Annotated Bibliography

(100 points)

This Assignment Measures the Following Course Objectives

4. Apply grammar and usage rules correctly.

5. Evaluate library and online resources relevant to a specific topic.

8. Properly document sources through in-text parenthetical and end-of-text bibliographic documentation according to


or APA in order to avoid plagiarism.

PURPOSE: Introduces students to other databases (Proquest, Gale, etc) and source evaluation. Reinforces reading and analysis skills, summary, and citation skills while emphasizing issues about plagiarism.

GOALS: Students will complete the research for their upcoming research project. Students will locate, evaluate, and analyze sources for an academic audience.

Genre Options

Annotated Bibliography


See materials related to social contract theory, the focus of Project 4

Intended Audience

Academic Audience

Minimum Requirements:

Source Requirements

8 academic sources

3 minimum must be PGCC library database resources

1 source must be an academic, peer-reviewed journal article

Length Requirements

Will vary with formatting (4+ pages) 


· All sources should be appropriate for an academic audience

· At least 3 sources should come from the PGCC Databases

· Includes at least 1 peer-reviewed source that is appropriate to the writer’s reading level and to the assignment

· Includes an introductory paragraph(s) to introduce the research topic and its importance/relevance

· Each source is presented in correct MLA format

· Annotation for each source includes both summary of main claims and evidence
and also analysis of rhetorical situation and appropriateness of source for the research question.



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Introduce your research topic and its importance / relevance. This section should be one paragraph.

Annotated Bibliography

Insert the source, properly cited in MLA-Style, as it would appear in the works cited page.

Summary (these sections can be done in paragraph form or bulleted list as seen here):

· Summarize the source.

· Identify the rhetorical situation: Main claims, audience, purpose and context. Include at least one direct or paraphrased quote from the article to support one of these elements. The quote must be cited in-text using MLA-Style. If you would like to expand this section more, you can also identify other elements of the rhetorical situation, such as: form, tone and tools.

· This section mirrors the work you did in the Single-Source Analysis Assignment.

Source Evaluation:

· Explain why this is a credible source. Use your findings from the Source Evaluation Worksheet to guide this section. If you find a source is not credible, do not include it in the Annotated Bibliography.


· Explain how / why this source is useful to your research.

Begin your next source. Sources need to be in alphabetical order based on the first piece of information in the entry, just as on a works cited page.

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