ALGEBRA2 American Highschool Academy Graph Inequialities & Functions Answers

I need help with my algebra assignment. It is all multiple choice. You do not need to show work, just provide correct and accurate answers. This assignment is based on different topics. Such as, adding and multiplying probabilities, square root functions, nth root, common and natural logarithms, graphing trigonometric functions, statistical measures, normal distribution, inferences and conclusions from data, permutations and combinations, and probablity using combinatorics.

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Which of the following graph shows the inequality y ≤
Which of the following inequalities is shown in the graph below?
Which of the following inequalities is shown in the graph below?
Which of the following graphs shows the function below.
f(x) = 5 –
Which of the following functions is shown in the graph below?
Which of the following functions is shown in the graph below?
Find the range of the function below.
Find the domain of the function below.
x > -2
x ≥ -2
x ≤ -2
x < -2 Find the x-intercept of the function. y= (6, 0) (0, 6) (4 ⅔, 0) (0, 4 ⅔) Find the xintercept of the function. y= (-⅗, 0) (⅗, 0) (0, - ⅗) (0, ⅗) A store found that the number of customers that will attend a limited ime sale can be modeled by N = , where N is the number of customers expected, P is the percent of the sale discount, and t is the number of hours the sale will last. Find the number of customers the store should expect for a sale that is 50% off and will last four hours. 731 customers 1160 customers 3535 customers 5386 customers Use a calculator to approximate the value rounded to three decimal Places. 1.003 1.004 23.302 8.158 Use a calculator to approximate the value rounded to three decimal places. 3.679 1.003 0.216 134.8 Use a calculator to approximate the value rounded to three decimal places. 3.871 -3.871 7.616 -7.616 Use a calculator to approximate the value rounded to three decimal places. 24.125 24.124 8.350 8.349 Simplify the radical expresion. A B C D Simplify the radical expression. A B C D Simplify the radical expression. x -|x| |x| Not a real number Simplify the radical expression. -9 3 -3 Not a real number Simplify the radical expression. A B C D Use a calculator to estimate log 15. 1.1761 1.5 0.6667 2.708 Use a calculator to estimate ln 3 0.4771 20.0855 1.0986 1000 Use a calculator to estimate e2.3. 0.8329 9.9742 199.5262 0.3617 Estimate the solution to the exponential equation using logarithms. 7x = 16 1.1293 0.8451 1.2041 1.4248 Use logarithms to estimate the solution to the exponential inequality. 7p + 2 ≤ 135 - p p p p p ≥ -14.4303 ≤ 0.2688 ≤ 1.9803 ≤ 7.6001 Use a calculator to estimate log4 30. 1.4771 3.4012 0.6021 2.4534 Which of the following is equal to ? Assume a ≠ 1 log 15 - log a loga 15 log15 a ln 15 - ln a Write the logarithmic equation in exponential form. ln 16 ≈ 2.7726 e16 ≈ 2.7726 102.7726 ≈ 16 e2.7726 ≈ 16 1016 ≈ 2.7726 Solve the equation. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth. 3ex - 1 = 0 x = 1.0986 x = -1.0986 x = -0.9102 x = 0.9102 Solve the inequality. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth. e4x ≥ 16 x ≥ 0.6931 x≥2 x≥4 x ≥ -1.2274 Find the amplitude of the function below. y = 4 sinΘ π 2π 4 8 Find the period of the function below. y = 4 sin Θ π 2π 4 Find the period of the function below. π/2 π 2π 4π Find the amplitude of the function below. y = 2 sin 4Θ 2 4 π π/2 Which of the following functions is shown in the graph below? y = 2 tan Θ y = 2 cot Θ y = 2 cot (Θ/2) y = 2 tan (Θ/2) Which of the following functions is shown in the graph below? y = (1/3)sec 2Θ y = 2 sec(Θ/3) y = 2 csc(Θ/3) y = (1/3)csc 2Θ Which of the following shows a graph of the function below? A. B. C. A B C D D. Which of the following graphs shows the function below? y = 2 sec x A. B. C. D. A B C D A marker buoy off the coast of Gulfport, Mississippi, bobs up and down with the waves. The distance between the highest and lowest point is 6 feet. The buoy moves from its highest point to its lowest point and back to its highest point every 8 seconds. Which of the following equations represents the motion of the buoy if it is at equilibrium when t = 0 and it is moving up from the normal water level. A. B. C. D. A B C D A marker buoy off the coast of Gulfport, Mississippi, bobs up and down with the waves. The distance between the highest and lowest point is 6 feet. The buoy moves from its highest point to its lowest point and back to its highest point every 8 seconds. Which of the following graphs represents the motion of the buoy if it is at equilibrium when t = 0 and it is moving up from the normal water level. A. B. C. D. A B C D Which of the following best describes the probability distribution shown below? positively skewed negatively skewed normally distributed continuous probability distribution Which of the following histograms represents the data set given below? A. B. C. D. A B C D Which of the following could best be represented using a continuous probability distribution? The frequency for which different sized flat rate boxes are purchased at a post office. The frequency of temperatures throughout the day in Florida on April 25th. The frequency of different scores achieved on an Algebra test in a class of 30 students. The number of students who use the internet for at least one hour after school. Which of the following best describes the data given in the table below? positively skewed negatively skewed normally distributed none of the above IQ scores are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. What percentage of people have an IQ between 130 and 100? 13.5% 47.5% 95% 27% Which of the following best describes the probability distribution shown below? positively skewed negatively skewed normally distributed continuous probability distribution The diagram below shows a normal distribution. 68% of the values fall within the shaded region, and x with bar on top is the mean. The scores in the shaded region range from 25 to 35. What is the mean of the values in the distribution? 5 10 30 60 The diagram below shows a normal distribution. 68% of the values fall within the shaded region, and the mean. The scores in the shaded region range from 25 to 35. What is the standard deviation of the values in the distribution? is 5 10 30 60 The number of home runs scored by teams in the Fayetteville baseball league are normally distributed and have a mean of 91 and a standard deviation of 12. What percentage of the teams have scored more than 115 home runs? 2% 13.5% 15.5% 98% The number of hours that college freshman spend studying each week is normally distributed with a mean of 8 hours and a standard deviation of 5.5 hours. What percentage of students spend between 2.5 and 19 hours studying each week? 34% 68% 47.5% 81.5% Which of the following is not a measure of center? mean variance median mode Find the mean in the data set below. {2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8} 4 4.7 5 7.8 If the mean of the data set shown below is 16, what is the value of x? {10, 12, x, 9, 18, 14, 20, 23, 25, 10} 19 16 3 15.7 For which data set is the mean, median, and mode the same? {5, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 5, 6} {11, 12, 15, 16, 13, 12, 12} {100, 101, 105, 110, 109, 104, 105, 108, 103} {4.3, 6.4, 2.9, 3.1, 8.7, 2.8, 3.6, 1.9, 7.2} What is the mean of the numbers represented by x + 1, 3x - 2, and 2x - 5? 2x - 2 (6x - 7)/3 (x + 1)/3 x+4 Find the population variance for the data set. Round to the nearest tenth. {67, 91, 94, 89, 63, 67, 86, 67, 77, 95} 12.1 162.5 146.2 79.6 Find the population standard deviation of the data set. Round to the nearest tenth. {20, 15, 32, 38, 27, 16, 21, 20, 34, 30, 40, 24, 23, 11, 40} 9.3 86.4 9.0 80.6 A teacher is comparing test grades for a unit test in her Algebra class. The mean of the scores is 78% with a standard deviation of 3.8. What range gives the set of values that are within two standard deviations of the mean? 74.2 - 81.8 70.4 - 85.6 74.2 - 85.6 70.4 - 81.8 Below is a list of the weights of Defensive tackles on the Chicago Bears NFL football team. Which measure of center best describes the data set? {300 lbs, 296 lbs, 309 lbs, 295 lbs, 300 lbs, 288 lbs} mean median mode none of the above The following data shows the amount of money students paid for textbooks at a college bookstore during the spring semester. What is the range of values that are within 1 standard deviation of the mean. Round to the nearest tenth. {338, 160, 210, 180, 166, 272, 128, 409, 240, 250, 160, 300, 340, 200, 194, 132, 202, 180, 420, 380, 325, 185, 233, 198} 241.8 - 328.4 155.2 - 241.8 155.2 - 328.4 328.4 – 415 Which of the following events would be considered dependent events? It rains in Seattle and it does not rain in New York City. Sandra rolls a die four times. Stephanie chooses an outfit to wear out of four shirts and three pairs of pants. After Kevin picks a popsicle flavor out of a box, Rachel picks a popsicle flavor. Which of the following events would be considered independent events? Two cards are randomly picked from a standard deck of cards. Carlos has math, chemistry, and English homework. He chooses what order to do the homework in. A student answers five multiple-choice questions with A, B, C, or D A group of people choosing what food to eat at a buffet restaurant. Darien is buying flowers for his mother on mothers day. He has choice between white roses, red roses, or yellow roses and a choice between white daisies,pink daisies, or yellow daisies. How many different combinations of flowers can he buy. 6 9 15 54 Cammie is choosing an outfit to wear to school. She has a choice between a blue shirt, a red shirt, or a green shirt. She can wear a pair of jeans or a skirt. Which of the following tree diagrams best represents the number of outfit choices she has. A. B. C. D. A B C D In how many ways can a casting director choose a male and female lead from six female actresses and three male actors? 18 9 362880 72 A restaurant offers the following lunch menu options. Customers are allowed to pick one item from each of the four categories. Main Course Vegetables Beverages Desserts Ham Green beans Coffee Cake Chicken Broccoli Tea Pie Fish Mixed Veggies Milk Ice Cream Beef Potatoes Juice How many different combinations could customers use for their meal? 15 192 4 144 Brandon gave Jennifer his phone number, but Jennifer forgot the last three digits of the number. She knows the last digit is definitely not a 7. The first seven digits are shown below. 823-555-2_ _ _ How many different telephone numbers are possible using the information she knows? 3 30 900 1000 Eight performers are participating in open mic night at a restaurant. How many different ways are there to schedule their appearances? 8 36 8,064 40,320 How many different 5-digit codes are possible using a keypad with 10 digits where no digit may be used more than once? 50 100,000 30,240 3,628,800 A camp counselor and 5 campers are sitting at a picnic table. The counselor must sit in the middle and one camper who tends to start trouble must sit to her immediate right. How many different ways are there for the rest of the campers to be seated? 5040 720 120 24 Brent started to solve the following probability problem as shown below: A shipment at a department store contains 40 alarm clocks. 4 of them are defective. If 6 alarm clocks are removed from the shipment at random, find the probability that four of them are defective. Brent’s work: C(4, 4) = What is the correct next step to solve the problem? A. B. C. D. A B C D =1 Stacy started to solve the following probability problem as shown below: Two cards are drawn from a fair deck of cards without replacement. Find the probability that both cards are Spades. What is the correct next step to solve the problem? A. s + f = 78 + 1325 = 1404 B. C. D. C(13, 2) • C(52, 2) =78 • 1326 = 103,428 A B C D Suppose the probability of success of an event is s and the probability of failure is t. What is s + t? P(s) • P(t) 0 1 cannot be determined Stephanie is solves the probability problem below incorrectly. In which line does she first make an error? Find and correct the error in this line. Brittany plans to take Pre-Calculus, English 12, Physics, Physical Education, Economics, and Anthropology in her senior year. She hopes to have Pre-Calculus and Physics in the morning. What is the probability that her first two classes will be Pre-Calculus or Physics. A. B. C. Line 4; correction: P(6, 6) = 6! • 6! =518,400 D. A B C D A committee of four people is to be formed from 6 lawyers and 8 teachers. Find the probability that all of them are teachers. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent. 36.0% 89.0% 1.1% 7.0% A committee of four people is to be formed from 6 lawyers and 8 teachers. Find the probability that two are teachers and two are lawyers. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent. 42.0% 4.3% 7.0% 75.0% There are five seniors and four juniors are nominated for President, Vice President, and Treasurer of student government. A president will be chosen first. A vice president will then be chosen from the remaining nominees. A Treasurer is chosen last. Assuming that everyone has an equal chance of winning, what is the probability that a senior will win President and Vice President and a Junior will win Treasurer? Round to the nearest tenth of a percent. 47.6% 15.9% 11.9% 65.0% Gina started to solve the following probability problem as shown below: Three men and four women line up at a checkout counter at a store. Find the probability that the first two people in line are men and the last two people in line are women. Gina's work: What is the correct next step to solve the problem? 6 • 3 = 18 6/3 = 2 6+3=9 6-3=3 Which probability histogram can be used to represent the data below? A. B. C. D. A B C D Use the probability histogram below. According to the distribution, what is P(Age = 23) 23% 0.25% 25% Not enough information to tell The spinner below is spun twice. What is the probability that it will land on a red and green? Round to the nearest tenth of a percent. 3.1% 37.5% 2.8% 1.6% Brittany’s cat just had kittens. There are 3 white kittens, 2 black kittens, and one tabby cat. If she gives two cats to her cousin, what is the probability that one will be white and the other will be black? 66.7% 40% 30% 10% There are 52 teams in the NFL. The Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl last year. Which expression shows the probability that they will also win the next two years? A. B. C. D. A B C D The distribution of letters in a Scrabble game are given below. If 7 pieces are taken from the 100 piece set and Y is considered a consonant, what is the probability that the first two pieces chosen are vowels? Round to the nearest tenth of a percent. 17.6% 17.4% 17.2% 7% A magician is doing a magic trick with a standard deck of cards. He asks Melissa to draw a card at random and then replace it. Then he asks Brandon to draw a card from the deck. What is the probability that both Melissa and Brandon draw a spade? Round to the nearest tenth of a percent. 6.3% 5.9% 0.6% 0.5% he distribution of letters in a Scrabble game are given below. If 7 pieces are taken from the 100 piece set, what is the probability that the first two pieces chosen are “S” and the third is an “E”? A. B. C. D. A B C D Each of the spinners below is spun once. What is the probability that both spinners land on a 3? 1/9 7/12 1/12 2/7 Each of the spinners below is spun once and then added. What is the probability that the sum is odd? 1/2 3/7 1/6 1/12 A box of ice pops has 3 blueberry, 3 cherry, 2 lemon, and 2 orange ice pops. Mark, Brad, and David all take ice pops out of the box randomly. What is the probability that Mark and Brad will get cherry and David will get lemon? 1/120 9/500 1/60 3/225 There are 10 contestants are competing on a singing show. 6 of them are females and 4 are males. Each week a contestant is voted off of the show. What is the probability that 3 females are voted off in the first 3 weeks? 3/5 3/25 27/125 1/6

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