Advantages of Mobile-Based and Voice-Based E-Commerce discussion

1st discussion:

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Advantages of Mobile-Based and Voice-Based E-Commerce:

From all perspectives, we must first understand that Mobile Commerce aligns with a few different modern-day outlets such as shopping, banking, and online

digital transaction through electronic devices.  This new technology processing is done in seconds and is normally conducted via the Internet.  This process

has spread globally like wildfires and has made its precedent to have these friendly transactions made anytime, anywhere in a matter of seconds.

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I am going to use the Apple Mobile Wallet to the class for my first question regarding the advantages that we get from using the mobile digital wallet daily.  The

digital wallet allows me to make so many different purchases by using my mobile device without using cash.  The mobile wallet app safely stores my

debit/credit with the touch, pin, or swipe capabilities.  There are several different mobile wallets that we can use to help complete the process and purchase

within seconds.  Here are a few listed mobile wallets below:

Apple Pay

Google Pay


My next platform that I use every day, is to download a mobile money transfer app that I use to transact my larger sums of revenue.  Money transfer once set

  • up properly you can send and receive money through your mobile device.  Also, I’m able to link my bank account directly to the app.  I remember when the
  • first money transfer apps were implemented to move funds.  The most recent money transfer apps that you can take advantage of it services are:
  • Venmo
  • Zelle ( My favorite)

    Cash App

    The listed platforms normally offer 24/7 service with chatbots for online communication. Their checkout service process is fast.  It also allows us to have live

    chat with vendors in the process of making a purchase.

  • 2nd topic:
  • 1. Convenience and Accessibility:Mobile based e-commerce enables the customers to shop at their convenient time and from any place they are through the mobile phone or tablet. This convenience enhances the probabilities of purchase since one is able to shop around, shop while in transit, or shop right from home.2. Personalization and Targeted Marketing:Looking at the features of mobile devices, it can be said that they offer a vast amount of data about preferences, behavior, and location of the users. It is for this reason that this type of data can be harnessed to make individualized shopping experiences and appropriate marketing strategies to the interested party. For instance, mobile e-commerce platforms can provide targeted alerts, suggestions, promotions, etc. , configured to a user’s past activity and geographic location, thus improving the experience of the buyer.Advantages of Voice-Based E-Commerce:1. Hands-Free Convenience:That is why voice based e-shops enables users to buy things without hands and eyes – the opportunity is very useful when the user is doing other work, driving a car, cooking or just cannot use hands/eyes for some other reason. Automating the voice commands can also make the process of shopping faster and convenient and it will also be easy for the users to order for the products online.2. Enhanced User Experience:Voice-based e-commerce also comes with ease and simplicity to the user in their engagement with the e-commerce platforms. Voice interface of virtual assistants such as Alexa of Amazon or Google assistant in the context of shopping makes the experience more elaborate and more friendly. Omni-channel customers can get answers to questions, product recommendations and do a purchase through fairly simple voice conversation so the level of satisfaction with services is higher.

    3rd topic:

    An organizational structure gives information about how activities and tasks are shared among the organization’s teams or employees for ultimately achieving the goal. This gives an overview of the roles and responsibilities of employees within the enterprise. The more organized the structure is built the more efficient the company can function.

    There are four types of organizational structures in global systems. They are briefly as follows: [Indeed Editorial Team, 2022]

    Functional Structure

    This is also known as the bureaucratic structure and here mostly the companies are divided into particular departments or groups who have specific responsibilities. This structure will be found in small and medium sized industries or businesses. The advantages of this structure are employees having the same skill set are teamed up which brings a great sense of teamwork. The demerits could be like lack of communicating with other departments and there will be unexpected competition and management problems in each department.

    Divisional Structure

    This structure deals with multiple teams working simultaneously alongside each other towards achieving a common goal. Each team will be led by an executive who directs them and manages them and looks after the budget allocation and resources. This structure is mostly preferred by large companies. Divisional structure has its own merits like they can focus on the particular service with perfection and this brings centralized leadership. Coming with the following demerits there would be minimal growth when it comes to integration services and there is competition between departments.


    This type of organization structure will have no management levels. There will be only one manager acting intermediate between the executives and all the employees. The reason to be called flatarchy is that it is a blend of hierarchy and flat structure organization. Mostly small scaled companies use this structure as they have less number of employees. They are cost effective and there is a scope of good communication among individuals, there is also better decision making and higher employee satisfaction. As usual the demerits go like employees can conflict over things and there can be confusion in leadership.

    Matrix Structure

    In this structure employees have two managers and they are put into two teams – project and product managers along with a functional manager. This can simply be described as a mix of various structures. This has a sense of duality and can have better resource sharing among employees. People have the scope to widen their skill set and can work on vivid projects that will need vivid levels of expertise. There is also space for leadership confusion and roles would not be clearly defined and also costly than expected.

    4th topic:

    Four most common organizational structures used by corporations with worldwide information systems. Each subsidiary is treated as an independent firm by the multinational structure, which gives them a lot of leeway to adjust to local market conditions. According to Bartlett & Beamish, (2024), despite the potential for inefficiency and duplication of work, this structure is beneficial for meeting local demands. The international structure strikes a balance between global coordination and regional responsiveness by centralizing certain functions, such as research and development, while allowing for local modifications. To achieve efficiency and uniformity, the global structure consolidates decision-making and standardizes processes worldwide; nevertheless, this approach may come at the expense of local relevance. In conclusion, the goal of the transnational structure is to merge global efficiency with local responsiveness. In order to keep operations flexible while encouraging knowledge sharing and innovation, it necessitates a sophisticated synchronization of resources and competencies across all units. The best way to take use of both global and local advantages at the same time is with this structure, but it’s complicated and calls for top-notch management and reliable data systems.Every structure has its own set of pros and cons; businesses need to pick the one that works best for their long-term objectives and day-to-day operations.

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