A Reflection on Chapters 8,9,10,11, and 12 of Leo Tolstoy’s,”The Death of Ivan Ilych”- Journal Assignment 2000 words

I need a 2000 worded journal.Tutor Finacial Hub failed to submit this assignment to me today. It is already late. I will just try and do it and see if the prfessor would accept ot from me. This assignment is due early tomorrow morning. I need someone who will be fast about it. Please no plagiarism as I will go the extra mile to check for plagiarism. If you cannot finish it tomorrow, please do not bid on it.

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The journal should be a reflection of the following book ”Leo Tolstoy,The Death of Ivan Ilych  ” which can be found for free at  online:   http://www.classicallibrary.org/tolstoy/ivan/index.htm.


The requirement for the assignment is below:

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****ALSO, THIS JOURNAL SHOULD INCORPORATE/ MARRY THE SITUATION IN SYRIA TO THE STORY IN THE BOOK. As you reflect on the book, what does it remind you of Syria and growing in the middle east? Please include these in the reflection


1) The minimum length for each journal is 2,000 words. For a B+ or A the minimum is 3,000 words. 
There is no maximum.

The file must be named as follows or there will be five points deducted.

Example for Mary Smith in REL 424 in the Fall of 2013, her first journal:

            smith m 424 F13  j1 [or j2 for journal 2, etc.].

That’s lower case; last name, space, first name initial, space, course number, space,  F or S (Fall or Spring) and year, space, plus journal number.

The journal must be composed on a word processor in Microsoft Word; it must show your reading of the assigned materials, your thinking about matters relevant to the course, and your growth in understanding.

The journal is
 not a summary; it is a
 response to the readings. It is not a discussion of what went on in class. The order of learning is supposed to be: reading, writing, and talking, so journal entries should be made before class discussions of the text; you must
 enter the dates of your writing. (Don’t put the assignments in the headings. Those references show up in the entry itself.) It is good to leave in earlier misunderstandings when they are corrected at later dates (make a note showing your change of mind); this shows development.

5)The journals should reflect the student’s
 humility (a core Benedictine virtue) instead of a “know it all” attitude. Don’t “criticize Shakespeare”; you will lose points for this. Instead of, “Romeo and Juliet were too young; this is stupid,” say, “I was surprised at R’s and J’s youth. I have a lot to learn about love in those days.”

You may disagree with an author or the instructor, but support your position with reflective reasons and the appropriate scholarly research.

The journal must be in proper scholarly form for the humanities. Parenthetical documentation must be used (MLA style) to demonstrate your reading of the text (and not some other source) but Works Cited is not necessary. Do not use “on page ….” (Notice that ideas and information must be documented whether or not there is any quotation.) As a ballpark example, a typical journal might have three or more citations per page.

The MLA Handbook is on reserve in the library; at the end of the Handbook there is a sample paper that illustrates correct style. Directions for writing a paper may be found in theHandbook and also at the OWL and UNC links above under “Documenting Sources.”


You are expected to use the spell-checker and grammar-checker on your word processor. (They’re under “Tools.”) Rewriting is important. With a word processor this is easy to do both as you go along and after you’ve written a first draft. Students are encouraged to rewrite the journal after taking it to the Learning Resource Center in the Student Activities Center for a critique.


The directions for the journal – especially length and MLA style and MLA parenthetical documentation —  are a kind of “gate”; the paper may receive a zero if these requirements aren’t closely followed. Written work that has good content can nonetheless receive a grade of F for not following directions.


The journals are basically a test of how thoroughly you read and reflected on the readings. Journals must comment primarily on the reading assignments but also on other learning activities such as videos; an otherwise excellent journal can receive a C, a B journal a D, and a C journal an F because some of the readings were either avoided or insufficient attention was given to them. As a rule, if a certain author is assigned for three classes while another author is assigned for only one class, the journal should have three times as much material on the first author as on the second. Also, if there is more material assigned on one author or if the author or a character or a narrative is more important, more should be written about her or the character or the narrative.

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