A field trip Glazer Children’s Museum for algebra learning

Assignment3:FieldTripfinal project

30 points: Described below are the requirements for your final project. You will plan/design a field trip – one that you might implement in a future 9-12 classroom. On the day of the final, you will present to the class the field trip you designed and describe the two algebra lessons you would implement as part of the field trip experience.

In order to complete this project, create a Word document that contains the following information:

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PAGE 1: Cover Page

PAGE 2: Information Sheet

PAGE 3: Description of and Rationale for Field Trip


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Letter to Parent


Overview of Lesson

Plans #1 and #2

PAGES 6-on:

Lesson Plans #1 and #2

The information to be contained on each of these pages is described below.

PAGE 1: Cover Page

Include your names and the name of the field trip site.

PAGE 2: Information Sheet

Please include the following information in bulleted form:

  • Name of field trip site
  • Street address
  • Cross streets (e.g., Speedway and Campbell)
  • Phone number
  • Fax Number
  • Web site (if available)
  • Contact name
  • Contact’s email (if available)
  • Days/hours of operation
  • Admission costs (if applicable)
  • Group discounts available (yes or no)
  • Education/student discounts available (yes or no)
  • Are tours available? (yes or no)
  • Length (in minutes/hours) of tours (if available)
  • Approximate number of students that can be accommodated
  • Appropriate grade level(s) of students who might visit this site
  • Extra accommodations for ELL, visually or hearing impaired, etc. (Please describe if available.)
  • Any other comments

PAGE 3: Description of and Rationale for Field Trip(NCTM 3.1)

Provide a detailed description of why you chose the site for a field trip. That is, how is the trip an integral part of the mathematics curriculum? What does this field trip site have to offer students in terms of enhancing their learning? What are the objectives of the trip? Why are you taking students on this trip and what do you hope they will learn? What data will the students be collecting/observing while there? Describe the mathematics you hope the students will better understand/appreciate based on this trip as well as content from other curricular areas. Include an itinerary for the trip. That is, at what time will the field trip start? What exhibits/activities will students engage in/explore first? For how long? Lay out a timeline for the trip. (Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, faculty, and others, NCTM 3.1).

PAGE 4: Letter to Parent(NCTM 3.1)

Compose the actual letter you would send home to obtain permission from students’ parents/guardians to attend the field trip. Based on the location and length of the field trip, you might need to ask for chaperones, drivers, and make arrangement for boxed lunches. Consider including the rules of appropriate behavior they expect the students to follow while on the trip. Ask other teachers who have already designed such a document. In your parent letter, you must be able to communicate your mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to them. Explain what mathematical skills that the students will be learning as the result of this trip.

PAGE 5: Overview of Lesson Plans #1 and #2 (NCTM 8.7)

Provide a narrative description detailing the purpose of both of the lessons/activities you have designed and when these lessons/activities would be implemented (whether pre or post). Describe what data you plan for the students to collect or observe while at the field trip site (Uses knowledge of different types of instructional strategies in planning mathematics lessons, NCTM 8.7).

PAGES 6-on: Lesson Plans #1 and #2 (NCTM 7.3, 8.4)

Design two lessons that will be implemented as part of the field trip experience. These lessons can be pre or post activities that would be implemented either prior to or at the completion of the field trip. One of the two lessons must focus primarily on mathematics. The other lesson can focus on another content area, be strictly a math lesson, or be a math/cross-curricular activity.

Attach all worksheets they plan for the students to complete as part of the two lessons. Also, include any worksheets that might be used by students when collecting or making observations at the field trip site. (Effective teaching, NCTM 7.3; Plans lessons, units and courses that address appropriate learning goals, including those that address local, state, and national mathematics standards and legislative mandates, NCTM 8.4).


Use of various assessments


On the day of the final, you will present the field trip project. This is a joint presentation. Create a PowerPoint presentation I (WILL RECORD MY VOICE LATER AS A MOVIE) to present the field trip project. ******During the presentation, provide all of the information that will appear on page 2 of the Word document created (Information Sheet), as previously described. Discuss the rationale for choosing the field trip site and provide the class with a description of the field trip site’s features (page 3’s contents). Consider including photos of the exhibits that students visit and explore. During the presentation, describe the activities in which the students will engage and the mathematics (and other content areas) that the students will explore/learn more deeply.


Assessment scoring guide






Description of and Rationale for Field Trip.

Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, faculty, and others (NCTM 3.1).

The candidate did not include rational for the field trip. He/she did not communicate his/her mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, faculty, and others. (0 point)

The candidate included a rational for the field trip. He/she communicated his/her mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, faculty, and others. (4 points)

The candidate included a rational for the field trip. He/she communicated his/her mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, faculty, and others and has exceeded the expectations of the assignment. (6 points)

Letter to ParentCommunicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, faculty, and others (NCTM 3.1).

The candidate did not include a letter to parent. (0 point)

The candidate included a letter to parents and has fulfilled the minimum requirements for this criterion. (2 points)

The candidate exceeded expectations by providing additional information that enhances the letter to parents. (3 points)

Overview of LessonPlans #1 and #2

Uses knowledge of different types of instructional strategies in planning mathematics lessons (NCTM 8.7).

The candidate did not provide an overview of lesson plans 1 and 2. The candidate did not use knowledge of different types of instructional strategies in planning mathematics lessons. (0 point)

The candidate provides an overview of lesson plans 1 and 2. The candidate used knowledge of different types of instructional strategies in planning mathematics lessons. (4 points)

The candidate exceeded expectations in providing additional information that enhances the overview of lesson plans 1 and 2. The candidate provides an overview of lesson plans 1 and 2. The candidate also used knowledge of different types of instructional strategies in planning mathematics lessons. (6 points)

Lesson Plans #1 and #2

Effective teaching (NCTM 7.3).

Plans lessons, units and courses that address appropriate learning goals, including those that address local, state, and national mathematics standards and legislative mandates (NCTM 8.4).

The candidate did not provide all the components and assessments of lesson plans 1 and 2. (0 point)

The candidate provided all the components of lesson plans 1 and 2. (4 points)

The candidate exceeded expectations in providing additional information that enhances lesson plans 1 and 2. (6 points)

Use of various assessments(NCTM 7.5).

The candidate did not make use of various assessments. (0 points)

The candidate used various assessments and met the requirements of this criterion. (4 points)

The candidate exceeded expectations of utilizing various assessments. (6 points)

Presentation/sharing of teaching ideas

Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, faculty, and others (NCTM 3.1).

The candidate did not present the project to classmates. (0 points)

The candidate presented all pertinent information, the rationale, and an adequate description of the activities. (2 points)

The candidate presented all pertinent information including the rationale, description of activities, photographic evidence in a visually appealing way. (3 points)

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