Ardrey Kell High School Algebra Worksheet

Instructions are attached in PDF. Do Parts 1,2,3 and I can do part 4

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Algebra 2 Module 4 DBA
40 points 10 points each part
Part 1 – Application
Pick one of the two graphs below. Describe a situation which could be modeled by this polynomial graph. Be
sure to label the x and y axis with what each will represent in your real life graph. Sample labels could include
time, temperature, speed, distance and more. Be sure to add numbers to your axes as well and explain how
you came up with your situation.
Part 2 – Find the error(s) and solve the problem correctly.
Use synthetic division to determine if x +3 is a factor of the given polynomial.
If so, what are the other factors. If not, why not?
+ 7π‘₯
+ 3
7 3
-6 -3
2 1 0
Yes, since the remainder is 0 it is a factor. The other factor is 2π‘₯ + 1
Part 3 – Discussion Question
How can synthetic division be used to find factors of polynomial functions?
Part 4 – Reflection
This question required:
1. What new information have you learned from this module? What surprised you about what you
learned? What knowledge from your past courses did you use in this module?
Choose 2 of the following questions:
2. Over the course of this module, what concept did you find the most challenging? What did you do to
clarify the concepts in this module to further your learning?How did I move through roadblocks or
3. What was your favorite thing that you learned about this module? Why was it your favorite and give me
an example of a problem that you really understood and can’t wait to apply on the test.
4. Write a short story describing something that you did in this module of Algebra 2 that made you proud
of yourself.
5. The course resources and your teacher say that note taking is really helpful in mathematics. As you
went through this module would you agree or disagree with that? What additional advice would you
give to a student that is beginning the course today?”
Your response must be at least three paragraphs (1 per question you choose).
Not applicable
(0 points)
(up to 5.5 points)
(up to 8.5 points)
(up to 10 points)
Part 1
Solution is
incorrect and the
student did not
show or explain
work or work the
problem incorrectly.
Solution is
incorrect; however
the student showed
their work and
made an error(s)in
calculations. OR
Solution is correct
but there is no
work shown or
Solution is correct,
however there is
little work shown
for the problem.
Solution is correct.
All work shown and
explained using
language from this
Part 2
Find the
Errors not found or
explained. Error in
attempt to rework
the problem.
Some or no errors
found. Problem
reworked out
All or most errors
found and
Problem not
reworked correctly.
All errors found
and explained.
Problem worked
out correctly with
all work shown
Part 3
question not
answered or
discussed without
correct conclusion
Errors in
discussion. Little to
no mathematical
language included
in the discussion
Discussion has few
errors. Little to no
language included
in the discussion
Discussion is
correct using
language included
in this module to
answer the
Part 4
Reflection not
attempted but
response is less
than 3 paragraphs.
No specific
examples given.
3 paragraphs are
written but less
than 2 sentences
and/or meaningful
discussion is
missing for a
paragraph. Little to
no specific
examples given.
3 paragraphs of at
least 3 meaningful
sentences each
answering each
question reflecting
on this module.
Specific examples
are given to justify
the reflection

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