Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences Linear Algebra Worksheet

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passes through (5,-2), perpendicular to the graph of x + 2y = 8
Solve each system of equations. Check each answer algebraically.
11. -6x + 3y = 33
-4x + y = 16
12. 2y = 5x – 1
x + y = -1
13. x + y + z = -1
2x + 4y + z = 1
x + 2y – 3z = -3
Graph each system of inequalities. Name the coordinates of the
vertices of the feasible region. Find the maximum and minimum
values of the given function.
14. 52y2-3
4x + y s5
-2x + y s5
f(x, y) = 4x – 3y
15. x>-10
12y? -6
3x + 4y = -8
2y 2 X – 10
f(x, y) = 2x + y
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Graph each relation and find the domain and range. Then
determine whether the relation is a function.
{(-4,-8), (-2, 2), (0, 5), (2, 3), (4, -9)}
y = 3x – 3
Find the functional value.
f(0) if f(x) = x – 3×2
Graph each equation or inequality.
y = x – 2
f(x) = [[3x]] + 3
y < 3|x - 21 6. 2 द Find the slope of the line that passes through the two points. 7. (5, -3), (6,2) YTTER (4,5) (-2.5) 8. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that satisfies each set of conditions. 9. passes through (-6, 15), parallel to the graph of 3x + 2y = 1 A of 20 - tn Fit to page 6 Page view A Read aloud In Add note Algebra 2 All Classes Student Name: CATEGORY Mathematical Concepts ما Completion Outstanding Excellent Average Poor Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows complete substantial some understanding very limited understanding of the understanding of the of the mathematical understanding of the mathematical mathematical concepts needed to underlying concepts concepts used to concepts used to solve the problem(s). needed to solve the All problems are Problems are Problems may be Problems do not show completed correctly competed correctly; completed correctly; work and/or are work is clearly shown; work is clearly shown; work is not always incorrect answers are clearly shown; very checked/confirmed checking/confirmatio little All graphs are All graphs are shown; Some graphs are Not all graphs are correctly shown may have errors on shown; may have shown; may have graphs errors on graphs errors on graphs very little Diagrams and Sketches Mathematical Errors 90-100% of the steps Almost all (85-89%) of Most (75-84%) of the More than 75% of the and solutions have no the steps and steps and solutions steps and solutions mathematical errors. solutions have no have no mathematical have mathematical mathematical errors. errors. errors. Neatness and Organization The work is presented The work is presented the work is presented the work appears in a neat, clear, in a neat and in an organized sloppy and organized fashion that organized fashion that fashion but may be unorganized. It is hard is easy to read. is usually easy to read. hard to read at times. to know what information goes © Copy BI K hp

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