MATH 313 Reasoning About Quantities Problems

14.1 #1, #2, #4 (Learning Exercises)14.2 #1 (Learning Exercise), (Supplementary Learning Exercise #1)

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29.2 Activity #1 (This should be in a sepeate file)

Here is the link to the math book where the exercises are

< Back 29.2 Activity 1.pdf Q ♡ ACTIVITY 1 A Fifth-Grade Task Nine different students each conducted a survey to estimate how many students in the school would buy a raffle ticket to win a Wii U. Each survey included 60 students, but the sampling method and the results are different for each survey. The nine surveys and their results follow. (Note: In all cases, yes means that the student agreed to buy a raffle ticket.) Evaluate each of the nine sampling methods. Give reasons why each of the sampling methods is likely to provide valid or invalid statistics. (In this case, the numbers of yes and no responses are the statistics.) 1. Raffi asked 60 friends. (75% yes, 25% no) 2. Marta got the names of all 600 students in the school, put them in a hat, and pulled out 60 of them. (35% yes, 65% no) 3. Spence had blond hair so he asked the first 60 students he found who also had blond hair. (55% yes, 45% no) 4. Jinfa asked 60 students at an after-school meeting of the Games Club. The Games Club met once a week and played different games-especially computerized ones. Anyone who was interested in games could join. (90% yes, 10%) 5. Abby sent out a questionnaire to every student in the school and then used the first 60 that were returned to her. (50% yes, 50% no) 6. Sulin set up a booth outside the lunchroom, and anyone who wished could stop by and fill out her survey. To advertise her survey, she posted a sign that said "Win a Wii U." She stopped collecting surveys when 60 students had completed the survey. (100% yes) 7. Jasmine asked the first 60 students she found whose telephone number ended in a 3 because 3 is her favorite number. (25% yes, 75% no) 8. Dong wanted the same number of boys and girls and some students from each grade. So he asked 5 boys and 5 girls from each grade to get his total of 60 students. (30% yes, 70% no) 9. Paula didn't know many boys, so she decided to ask 60 girls. But she wanted to make sure she got some young girls and some older ones, so she asked 10 girls from each grade. (10% yes, 90% no) © OOO Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox

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