WU Algebra Worksheet

Hello, I’m looking for someone to do my algebra project for me. Please take a look of the description and let me know if you’re able to do it

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Quadratic Equation Project
Parabolas All Around Us
Objective: Create a poster showing me that you understand how to apply what we’ve learned
about quadratic to the world around us.
1. Find a real-life image displaying a parabolic shape.
 I will provide provide a list of parabolic shapes of well-known places in the world
and around the tri-state area. If you are not interested on any of the places I
provide, find one that you find interesting. Make sure you inform me.
 You will be doing research on the real-life parabola that you choose, I recommend
you to pick something you find interesting.
2. Create a quadratic function that models your image.
 Upload the image to Demos using the plus symbol on the upper left-hand side.
 Each of you will be creating your own unique equation.
A. Place the ends of your parabolic image on the x-axis. You can use the
option center to move around your image.
B. Graph your equation over the image using Desmos. Write the equation in
vertex form, it will be easier to trace a parabola around the image you
chose. ***The vertex and the y-intercept cannot be the same point.***
C. After you are done finding your unique quadratic equation, find the
following points of intersection: vertex, y-intercept, and zeros.
 Print your image with the graph on top of it (when the print page comes up, make sure
you are only printing one page.)
3. Create your poster.
Write the equation that you created at the top of the poster board. Make sure the
equation is in standard form.
Label the following points of interest on your graph. You may draw them by
o Vertex
o Roots/zeros
o Axis of Symmetry
o Y-intercept
Write the equation in vertex form. Copy down the equation you found on
o Be sure to write in complete sentences. “The vertex form of the equation is
Put the equation in standard form.
o Be sure to show all your work and use complete sentences. “The standard
form of the equation is ___________________.”
Direction of opening section: You need a statement such as “The parabola of this
equation opens _____________ because ___________.”
Write the axis of symmetry.
o You must include the formula that you use to find the axis of symmetry as
well as all the work that you did to find your equation.
o You must include a statement that says, “The axis of symmetry is _____.”
Write the vertex
o You must include all of the work that you did in order to find the vertex as
well as a statement that says, “The vertex is located at (__,___).”
Write the maximum or the minimum.
o You must describe how you determine if the equation has a maximum or
minimum value and what that value is. You include a statement that says,
“The ________ value is ____.”
Write the y-intercept.
o You must describe how you found the y-intercept and include a statement
that says “The y-intercept of this equation is ________.”
Write the discriminant.
o The discriminant is used to determine how many and what type of
solutions the quadratic equation has.
o You must include your work and a explanation how you determine the
number and type of solution. Also include the statement “There are ___
____ solutions to this quadratic equation.”
Write the Roots/Zeros.
o There are two ways you can find the zeros of a quadratic equation by
factoring and by using the quadratic formula. Since you are creating your
own quadratic equation and your zeros are not always going to be whole
numbers, we are only going to concentrate on the quadratic formula.
o You must include the quadratic formula, your work and the statement that
says, “The roots of this quadratic equation are (___, ___) and (___, __).”
Write a paragraph about the real life parabola you chose.
o You must include where the item is located, and any interesting facts such
as how long did it take to build or if it represents anything important in the
place it is located.
o Your paragraph must be at least 5 sentences long. Write this paragraph in
your own words.
o At the end of the paragraph include the link where you found the
information. Even in math class we have to cite sources.
Project Due Date: ________________________
Hint: Check for GCF First!
 Axis of symmetry: 𝑥 = − 2𝑎
 To find the vertex, you must plug in the x value found for the axis of symmetry into the
original equation. Remember the vertex is a point.
−𝑏±√𝑏2 −4𝑎𝑐
 Quadratic Formula: 𝑥 =
 Y-intercept: To find the y-intercept replace all of x’s in the original equation with 0.
 Discriminant: 𝑏 2 − 4𝑎𝑐. If the discriminant is positive there are two real solutions, if it is
a negative there are two imaginary solutions and if it is zeros there is one real solution.
Quadratic Equations Project Grading Rubric
Real Life Example
Description of Task
A real life example of a parabola pictured included.
Possible Points
Label the points of interest on the picture (vertex, yintercept, roots , and axis of symmetry)
Points Earned
Poster Board/ Accuracy
Description of Task
The problem in standard form is written on top of the
Vertex Form: The statement “The vertex form of the
equation is __.”
 Equation in vertex form is included
 The work needed to convert from vertex form
to standard form included.
 Work is accurate.
Direction of Opening Section: “The parabola of this
equation opens ___ because ____.”
Axis of Symmetry Section:
 The formula for the axis of symmetry is
 The work needed to find the axis of symmetry
is included.
 Work accurate
 The statement “The axis of symmetry is ___.”
Vertex Section:
 The work needed to find the vertex is
 The statement “The vertex is located at (_ ,_)”
 Work is accurate.
Maximum/Minimum Section:
 A description of how to find the y-intercept
given the equation is included.
 Work accurate and shown.
 The statement “The y-intercept for this
equation is (__, __).” is included.
Possible Points
5 pts
Points Earned
Roots/ Zeros Section:
 The zeros are found using the Quadratic
Formula. (Label Quadratic Formula then show
 Quadratic Formula is included.
 The statement “The roots of this quadratic
equation are (__, __) and (__, __).” is
Research Section:
 At LEAST 5 sentences are written.
 Complete sentences
 No grammar errors
 Location of the real-life parabola.
 Citation at the end of the paragraph is
 Link of the source is included.
The poster is neat and eligible, with each section
clearly labeled.
Total Points:
100 pts
Real Life Parabolas
Real Life Parabola
Verrazano Bridge
George Washington Bridge
Bayonne Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
Washington Square Park Memorial
St. Louis Arch (Gateway Arch)
Entertainment Restaurant Los Angeles,
8. Pennybacker Bridge Austin, Texas
9. Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco,
10. The Kauffman Center for the Performing
Arts Kansas City Missouri
11. Sydney Opera House
12. L’Oceanografic , Spain
13. Sydney Harbor Bridge, Australia
14. Roman Aqueducts
15. Shenyang Hun River Ribbon Bridge
16. Zhivopisny Bridge, Russia
17. Guanzhou Bridge, China
18. Infinity Bridge, United Kingdom
19. Tara Bridge, Montenegro
20. Moon Bridge Taipei
21. Devil’s Bridge, Italy
22. Regatta Arch Hotel Indonesia
23. Burj Kalifa Dubai
24. Eiffel Tower, France

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