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Program 5 :: 20 points :: Due See Blackboard @ 11:59 PM

This problem asks you to read in six integer numbers from the user and then determine and print what the largest and smallest of those values are. When you perform your output, display it on a line by itself and print out the smallest value, followed immediately by a colon, followed immediately by the largest value. Print the final output only once.
Here is an incomplete bit of code that can use to get you started:
int value, smallest, largest;
Scanner get = new Scanner ( );
System.out.print( “Please enter first integer: ” );
value = get.nextInt();
// Start processing and reading more numbers to determine largest
// and smallest.
// Don’t use logical operators (&&,||) or the if/else statement;
// we haven’t covered them.
// Don’t forget to output the final results only once!


· Edit, compile and run a simple and fairly straightforward program with a small snippet of code to use to get started. You do not need to use this starter code if you don’t want to.

· Create integer variables and use them appropriately in the program.

· Input values from the user and store those values into variables.

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· Find the largest and smallest of a set of integer numbers.

· Use only the if selection statement to make conditional decisions.

Class and File Naming

· Name your class NetID_SmallestLargest and source file, using your UNO NetID. For example, for Loki account jsmith, he or she would create a class jsmith_SmallestLargest.

Submitting Your File

See the document in Blackboard Course Materials for how to submit your assignment.

Grading Notes

· Remember that programs must be created in Loki using vim.

· Remember that your program requires a complete, digitally signed Honor Pledge to be graded.

· Only use material through lecture 5. By this point, we’ve covered if, if/else and logical operators. You may not need to use all of those structures or operators, and in fact your code may be shorter if you focus on just the if statement.

· Name your class according to the “Class and File Name” section above.

· Only output the largest and smallest values once in your program.

· Make sure your output follows the format outlined above and according to the example below here. A portion of your grade is for following this format exactly.

Points to Think About

· Does your program handle negative numbers in the input sets?

· For six distinct input values, there are 720 possible combinations of those numbers. To completely test your program, you would want to test all 720 possibilities. Since you probably won’t test all of those possibilities, you should at least test about 15 or 20 possible combinations with the largest and smallest values in each of the positions (i.e., 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then 2 1 3 4 5 6, etc).

· You should also test if the same value occurs more than once in the input (i.e., 2 3 -1 6 -1).

· What if all of the numbers are the same (i.e., 62 62 62 62 62)?

CIST 1400, Introduction to Computer Programming

Programming Assignment

Page 1 of 2

Sample Program Run (user input is underlined)

Please enter first number: 123487

Please enter second number: -18822

Please enter third number: 12347

Please enter fourth number: -314

Please enter fifth number: 432123

Please enter sixth number: 432121


Sample Program Run (user input is underlined)

Please enter first number: 62

Please enter second number: 62

Please enter third number: 62

Please enter fourth number: 62

Please enter fifth number: 62

Please enter sixth number: 62


CIST 1400, Introduction to Computer Programming
Programming Assignment

Page 1 of 4

Program 9 :: 40 points :: Due See Blackboard @ 11:59:59 PM

The You Package It We Savage It Shipping Company charges the following shipping costs to
ship packages:

Weight of Package (in pounds) Rate Per 25 miles (or partial 25 miles) shipped

From 1 lb up to and including 8 lbs $ 1.10
From 9 lbs up to and including 17 lbs $ 3.75
From 18 lbs up to and including 20 lbs $ 5.01
From 21 lbs up to and including 36 lbs $ 6.89
From 37 lbs up to and including 80 lbs $ 8.14

Write a program that asks for the distance a package is to be shipped (an integer value) and
then the weight of a package in pounds (integer value). With this information, calculate and
display the shipping charges for that package.

You may assume that all distances and weights will be integer values. You may not assume,
however, that the values are within the appropriate ranges. Because of this, your program will
need to continuously prompt the user to enter a distance until they enter a value greater than 0
(1 or above). Any value less than 1 should cause your program to re-prompt for a distance.

Once a valid distance has been obtained, your program will need to continuously prompt the
user for a valid weight until they enter a value between 1 and 80 inclusive. Any value outside of
that range should cause your program to re-prompt for a weight. The company cannot ship
packages less than 1 pound or over 80 pounds.

Output your results with two significant digits after the decimal place.

To calculate the shipping cost, figure the shipping rate based on the weight, then use the
number of miles to calculate the actual shipping cost.

For example, for a package that weighs 22 pounds that is being shipped 55 miles, you should
charge the individual $20.67 because: you should charge $6.89 (based on the weight) for the
first 25 miles, $6.89 for the second 25 miles and another $6.89 for the remaining 5 miles, which
is a fraction of 25 miles. Do not pro-rate the shipping charges based on partial mileage (like
5/25 miles).


 Create int and double variables and use them appropriately in the program

 Possibly use the && operator along with selection structure(s) to determine the

shipping rate.
 Use arithmetic to calculate how many times the rate needs to be charged based on

the distance given.
 Use looping structures to perform data validation on user input.

Class and File Naming

 Name your class NetID_Shipping and source file, using

your UNO NetID. For example, for Loki account jsmith, he or she would create a

class jsmith_Shipping.

Submitting Your Program

See the document in Blackboard Course Materials for how to submit your assignment.

Grading Notes

 Remember that your program requires a complete, digitally signed Honor Pledge to
be graded.

 Name your class according to the “Class and File Naming” section above.
 Your program must follow the output requirements as outlined.
 Do not use any material from beyond Lecture 9.
 Format the output of your result to have two decimal places.
 You must prompt for the values in the order distance and then weight.
 You must validate the distance (at least 1 mile) before prompting for the weight.
 You must validate the weight (between 1 and 80 inclusive) before calculating the final

shipping cost.
 At this point it is expected that you should be able to distinguish when to use just an

if structure and when to use if/else or if/else if when appropriate. Be sure

to use the appropriate structure for the situation.
 Be sure to use the proper type of loop code for the situation, i.e. while or do/while

for indefinite, a for loop for definite

 You must have some sort of an introductory statement, though you may determine
the name of your company and exactly what it says (remember – it must be clean and

Testing your Program

 Since there are so many ranges and boundaries in this program (ranges for weight
and ranges for distance), you should test a number of different inputs in your
program. For instance, pick a distance of 15 miles and then test each of the following
weights with it: 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 44, 45, 46, 64, 65. Then pick a
particular weight such as 25 and then a few different distances: 1, 10, 24, 25, 26, 45,
50, 51, 75, 902. You should manually calculate the desired results or run the sample
program below for each of those combinations and then see if your program
generates the correct results.

Suggested Approach to Solution

Writing more complex programs like this is easier if you break it down into steps and code and
test each step along the way. Here is how you might approach writing the solution to this

1. Write a basic program that prompts the user for an integer value for the distance to ship
the package. Compile, run and test your program to make sure it reads the value

2. Modify the program to use a loop to validate the input from the user to make sure that
the user enters a value greater than or equal to 1. After the loop, have an output
statement that prints the distance the user entered. This output statement is a
debugging tool that will be removed when you are done with your program. If you
haven’t covered sentinel-controlled loops yet in class, you can skip this step, but
remember to come back to it and finish it before handing in your program.

3. Testing for the distance should include attempting to enter a bunch of values less than 1.
You should continuously be prompted by the program to enter a distance until you enter
a value greater than or equal to 1.

4. Once you are certain that you are entering and validating the distance correctly, do the

same basic coding thing for the weight. Add code to your program that will then prompt
the user for an integer value for the weight of the package to be shipped.

5. Modify the program to use a loop to validate the input from the user to make sure that
the user enters a value greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the maximum
weight. After the loop, have an output statement that prints the weight the user entered.
This output statement is a debugging tool that will be removed when you are done with
your program. If you haven’t covered sentinel-controlled loops yet in class, you can skip
this step, but remember to come back to it and finish it before handing in your program.

6. Compile and test this portion of your code. Testing should include attempting to enter a
bunch of values less than 1 and greater than the maximum weight. You should
continuously be prompted by the program to enter a weight until you enter a value
between 1 and the maximum weight, inclusive. Then the program should end.

7. Once you have these two inputs working correctly, determine the shipping rate based on
the weight using some sort of selection statement. After determining the shipping rate,
have an output statement that prints the shipping rate. This output statement is a
debugging tool that will be removed when you are done with your program. You may
wish to store the shipping rate into a separate variable.

8. Compile and test your current program. Testing should include running the program a
number of times, entering various values for the weight (remember to test all
boundaries). Given the shipping rate chart given at the beginning of this program
description, you should know if your program accurately calculates the shipping rate
based on the weight of the package.

9. Finally, add code to your program that will determine how many units of 25 miles the
package is being shipped (remember that parts of 25 count as a full 25, so 75 is 3 units
of 25 while 76 is 4 units of 25). Output the “parts of 25” so you know if your program is

calculating how many units of 25 there are correctly. This output is a debugging step
and should be removed before submitting the program. Multiply this number by the rate
you determined in step 7 and output the result.

10. Test your program with a few sets of values against the sample program available on
Loki to see if you get the same results. Remember to take out the debugging
statements from your code before submitting it.

A Sample Program Run (user input is underlined)

Welcome to the You Package It We Savage It Shipping Company.

How far will you be shipping the package in miles? 0
That is not a valid distance, try again.
How far will you be shipping the package in miles? -1
That is not a valid distance, try again.
How far will you be shipping the package in miles? -91
That is not a valid distance, try again.
How far will you be shipping the package in miles? 0
That is not a valid distance, try again.
How far will you be shipping the package in miles? 678

How heavy is your package in pounds (1 – 80)? 0
That is not a valid weight, try again.
How heavy is your package in pounds (1 – 80)? -1
That is not a valid weight, try again.
How heavy is your package in pounds (1 – 80)? 81
That is not a valid weight, try again.
How heavy is your package in pounds (1 – 80)? 100
That is not a valid weight, try again.
How heavy is your package in pounds (1 – 80)? -1
That is not a valid weight, try again.
How heavy is your package in pounds (1 – 80)? 39

The shipping rate for 39 pounds is $8.14 per 25 miles.
Your total shipping cost for 678 miles is $227.92

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