MGT 420

Management 4201) __________ refers to the propensity for a product to perform consistently over its useful life.

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  A.  Conformance  B.  Serviceability  C.  Reliability  D.  Durability  E.  Perceived quality


  2) Like engineers, operations managers are very concerned about product and process design. However, rather than focusing on only the technical aspects of those activities, operations concentrates on the __________ of these activities.

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  A.  Economics  B.  Marketing  C.  Staffing  D.  Financing  E.  Management


  3) __________ refers to the efficiency with which a product achieves its intended purpose.


  A.  Performance  B.  Serviceability  C.  Conformance  D.  Features  E.  Reliability


  4) Which type of power is derived from the possession of special knowledge (or the assumption that a person has special knowledge)?


  A.  Power of expertise  B.  Legitimate power  C.  Referent power  D. 


power  E.  Coercive power


  5) __________ is the process by which a leader influences a group to move toward the attainment of superordinate goals.


  A.  Leadership  B.  Controlling  C.  Organizing  D.  Empowerment  E.  Planning


  6) __________ goals are those goals that pertain to achieving a higher end that benefits not just the individual, but the group.


  A.  Substantive  B.  Hierarchical  C.  Superordinate   D.  Deterministic  E.  Empowerment-related


  7) __________ is concerned with monitoring process capability and process stability.


  A.  Reengineering  B.  Life testing  C.  Concurrent engineering  D.  Statistical process control  E.  Redundancy testing


  8) Business cases, process mapping, voice of the customer, change management, and problem/objective statements are used in the ______ Six Sigma process.


  A.  defining  B.  controlling  C.  improving  D.  measuring  E.  analyzing


  9) A firm’s understanding of the customers, their needs, and their wants is referred to as:


  A.  customer culture  B.  closeness to customers  C.  cultural richness  D.  customer conformance  E.  internal customer perspective 10) The three aspects of Juran’s trilogy are:


  A.  planning, control, and improvement  B.  leadership, cost, and quality  C.  organizing, management, and control  D.  cost, quality, and customer satisfaction  E.  labor, management, and systems


  11) The development and dissemination of the basic seven tools of quality was the work of:


  A.  Kaoru Ishikawa  B.  W. Edwards Deming  C.  Joseph Juran  D.  Genichi Taguchi  E.  Philip Crosby


  12) Feigenbaum’s primary contribution to quality thinking in America was his assertion that:


  A.  the entire organization should be involved in improving quality  B.  quality problems are largely the result of ineffective implementation  C.  quality equals profitability  D.  quality problems are largely the result of insufficient and ineffective planning  E.  quality is free


  13) The model of reactive customer-driven quality shows:


  A.  a firm’s quality performance is increasing while quality costs are also increasing  B.  a firm’s quality performance is decreasing while customer’s expectations are also decreasing  C.  a firm’s quality performance is increasing while customer’s expectations are decreasing  D.  a firm’s quality performance is increasing while quality costs are decreasing  E.  a firm’s quality performance is increasing while customer’s expectations are also increasing


  14) Process design in services has traditionally focused on the:


  A.  transaction  B.  exchange  C.  follow-up  D.  acquisition  E.  completion


  15) The view of the customer that asserts that he or she is a valued asset to be managed is referred to as:


  A.  opinion of the end user  B.  voice of the customer  C.  customer relationship management  D.  house of quality  E.  cry of the customer


  16) Your author indicates that although statistical inspection is an important approach to improving quality, it is inherently:


  A.  wrong  B.  difficult  C.  philosophical  D.  reactive  E.  evil


  17) Quality experts agree that quality can be assured only during the:


  A.  production phase  B.  installation and testing procedure   C.  design phase  D.  sales process  E.  marketing campaign


  18) The core of quality management variables contains:


  A.  leadership  B.  information analysis  C.  strategic planning  D.  team approach  E.  environmental characteristics 19) Strategic planning has two important dimensions. These are:


  A.  analysis and synthesis  B.  proactive and standardized  C.  content and process  D.  strategic and routine  E.  implementation and control


  20) Strategic planning implies planning for:


  A.  the short term  B.  the long term  C.  the short term in manufacturing and the long term in services  D.  the intermediate term  E.  the short term in services and the long term in manufacturing


  21) The ten determinants of service quality as determined by Parasuraman, Zeithamel, and Berry include responsiveness, which involves the willingness or readiness to provide service. This is demonstrated by:


  A.  company name  B.  waiting time to receive service  C.  accuracy in billing  D.  company reputation  E.  calling the customer back quickly


  22) The three spheres of quality are:


  A.  quality planning and management, quality assurance, and quality control  B.  quality in products, quality in services, and quality in customer orientation  C.  quality in design, quality in manufacturing, and quality in customer service  D.  quality planning and management, quality conformance, and quality education  E.  internal quality, external quality and quality systems


  23) _____________ approaches are required to achieve the desired results because quality is not under the purview of any specific group.


  A.  Radical  B.  PDCA  C.  Cross-functional  D.  Traditional  E.  Normative


  24) Hoshin planning or policy deployment provides a framework for achieving alignment through:


  A.  enterprise resource planning  B.  electronic data interchange  C.  the catchball process  D.  benchmarking  E.  prototyping process 


  25) Which of the following is a description of the “categorizing” stage of the internal environmental analysis process?


  A.  Generate long-lists of strengths and weaknesses from primary and support activities of the firm’s value chain  B.  Determine where, along the firm’s value chain, potential competitive advantage lies   C.  Look at each competitively relevant resources and capability relative to its potential as a cost or uniqueness driver  D.  Choose the appropriate generic strategy for the firm – cost leadership or differentiation  E.  Reconceptualize long-list in terms of resources and capabilities and complete deeper inspection with the application of key questions


  26) The means of generating lists of strengths and weaknesses in the internal environmental analysis process is referred to as:


  A.  surveying  B.  identifying  C.  synthesizing  D.  investigating  E.  scanning


  27) The internal environmental analysis process is a four stage process that includes all of the following stages except:


  A.  surveying  B.  consolidating  C.  investigating  D.  categorizing  E.  evaluating 28) A tool used by many firms to differentiate and discriminate among suppliers is called:


  A.  provider appraisal  B.  provider assessment  C.  partner assessment  D.  supplier appraisal  E.  supplier evaluation


  29) A term used to characterize the relationship between suppliers and customers when a high degree of linkages and interdependencies exist is __________.


  A.  value partnering  B.  supplier linking  C.  supplier/customer codependence  D.  supplier partnering  E.  customer partnering


  30) External validation measures of quality programs such as the Baldrige criteria and ISO 9001:2000 are referred to as:


  A.  single-source measures  B.  single-source filters  C.  stretch validation measures  D.  benchmarking measures  E.  externally-directed filters


  31) A system that aids customer and supplier communication by linking together supplier and customer information systems is referred to as:


  A.  Data interchange  B.  Electronically generated data transfer  C.  Electronic data interchange  D.  CPU data interchange  E.  Computer data transfer


  32) External validation measures of quality programs such as the Baldrige criteria and ISO 9001:2000 are referred to as:


  A.  benchmarking measures  B.  stretch validation measures  C.  externally-directed filters  D.  single-source filters  E.  single-source measures


  33) Single sourcing:


  A.  has no effect on the number of suppliers a firm uses  B.  increases the number of suppliers a firm uses in services industries but decreases the number of suppliers a firm uses in manufacturing  C.  increases the number of suppliers a firms uses in manufacturing but decreases the number of suppliers a firm uses in services  D.  increases the number of suppliers a firm uses  E.  decreases the number of suppliers a firm uses


  34) Many companies perform lengthy inspections of their suppliers that involve long-term visits and evaluations. There programs are often called:


  A.  supplier certification programs  B.  supplier compliance programs  C.  supplier confirmation programs  D.  supplier affirmation programs  E.  supplier requirement programs


  35) From a quality perspective, an interesting variation of the value chain is the concept of the:


  A.  string of value  B.  progression of value  C.  sequence of value  D.  sequence of patrons   E.  chain of customers


  36) Which of the following is not one of the support activities in the value chain?


  A.  Firm infrastructure  B.  Marketing and sales  C.  Technology development  D.  Procurement  E.  Human resource management 37) Which Baldrige criterion requires the applicant to outline what his or her firm is doing in the area of corporate citizenship?


  A.  Customer and market focus  B.  Leadership  C.  Process management  D.  Business results  E.  Strategic planning


  38) The goals of QS 9000 is to:


  A.  find a company that is superior in a particular area, study what is does, and gather ideas for improving your own operation in that area  B.  enhance quality systems for suppliers while eliminating redundant requirements and reducing costs  C.  integrate financial, planning, and control systems into a single architecture  D.  keep American families safe by reducing the risk of injury or death from consumer products  E.  identify and prioritize problems that need to be solved


  39) How many winners of the MBNQA can there be each year?


  A.  8  B.  4  C.  3  D.  6  E.  1


  40) Which Baldrige criteria is used to evaluate the extent to which top management is personally involved in creating and reinforcing goals, values, directions, and customer involvement?


  A.  Information and analysis  B.  Strategic planning   C.  Leadership   D.  Human resource focus  E.  Process management


  41) Which Baldrige criterion focuses on how a firm assesses the relative importance of product or service functions?


  A.  strategic planning  B.  customer and market focus  C.  process management  D.  leadership   E.  information and analysis


  42) Which Baldrige criteria focuses on how the company establishes strategic direction, and how it sets its tactical action plans to implement the strategic plan.


  A.  process management  B.  customer and market focus  C.  strategic planning  D.  information and analysis  E.  leadership

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