Two papers corrected MLA cites correced and content added for college A+ paper (SMARTWRITER ONLY)

Please add great word content and corrected messed up MLA cited soureces only on (ENG 2205) at the bottom my professor is crazy on this stuff and needs to be picture perfect.  I have added the format for the social work paper at the bottom

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The Ramayana and Sei Shonagon

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Tommy Bush Sr.

Professor Menon:

September 12, 2013

The Ramayana and Sei Shonagon


This is a paper on the world literature and compares Valmiki’s, The Ramayana with Sei Shōnagon, The Pillow Book. In directly the paper will compare Indian literature with Japan literature. Both the books have their own importance in their respective culture. First of all both the books will describe in which century they are created and their founders. The paper will also tell to which country both the books belong.

Next, that paper will describe the summary of each book, their characters, and an overall analysis of both the books. Both the book compare their main characters, roles, themes and backdrop, followed by the thesis statement and a brief statement of the reaction the student felt after reading the literature.

Ramayana is a great Indian epic poem written by Valmiki in the 5th century BC. In the Indian subcontinent, Ramayana is the oldest and the most popular epic. This epic is written in Sanskrit language. Ramayana means, the journey of Lord Rama”. Rama has been shown as a incarnation of God Vishnu and another main character Ravan’s who depicts the evil force. The book shows a final victory of Lord Rama over Ravana for safeguarding the Dharma.

The Pillow Book shows the court life in the 11th century in Japan and the book is written by Sei Shonagon. This is a classic text that represents great beauty in its content and literature and is written when the Heian culture is at its heights. The book contains anecdotes, humorous observations, and subtle impressions. The Pillow Book reflects Shonagon’s royal and religious ceremonies, its nature, its pilgrimage, its conversation and poetry. The writer also explained the character sketches and other things that she loves and loathes. She has a sharp wit with eloquent style of writing. She has beautifully explained the Heian upper class and Ivan Morris’s notes and has made a great content for readers and scholars (Morris 1991).

The Ramayana

Ramayana is a Sanskrit word which means the journey made by Lord Ram. This is a great Hindu epic written by Valmiki in the 4th and 2nd century B.C. This is a smriti which is secondary to the authority of Shruti. The Ramayana is spared through seven books and has 2400 verses. Ramayana, first book is called the Book of Youth that explains the childhood of Ram. Ram is the eldest son to the King Dasarath and Queen Kausalya. Dasarth has three wives, to which there were four sons, Ram, Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughan.

Both the brothers Ram and Lakshman were sent with sage Vishwamitra so that they can help them sages to complete their rituals by killing the demons who are interrupting their rituals. While Rama was living with sage Vishwamitra, he got an invitation from King Janaka who has arranged a Swayamvar for her daughter Sita and many princes from different kingdoms were invited in the Swayamvar ceremony. Sita was the incarnation of goddess Lakshmi. Ram successfully bend Lord Shiva’s bow and had won Sitas’ hand for marriage. In Ramayana, both Ram and Sita were idolized as ideal husband and wife and hence considered as role model for all husbands and wives in the Hindu culture and are worshipped by the worshippers.

Second book is called the Book of Ayodhya. This book tells the story of jealousy by Queen Kaikeyi for Ram. Kaikeyi made a conspiracy and forced King Dasarath to crown her son Bharat instead of Ram and also forced Ram to go for exile for 14 years out of the kingdom in jungle. Third book is called the Book of forest. This book begins with Bharat’s journey to bring Ram back to the kingdom and pleaded Ram to come back to the Kingdom and take his crown. But Rama refuses the request of Bharat and Sais that he will not break his father’s promise. In the meanwhile King Dasarath dies of sorrow and his separation from his son Ram.

In the forest, the demon-ness Surpanakha tries to seduce Rama and fails to do so and brother Lakshmana has cut her nose. Surpanakha was the sister of Ravan and therefore Ravan decided to take revenge from two brothers and send the demon Maricha to lure the brothers and they succeeded to trap them, In the meanwhile Sita was alone in the forest where Ravan abducts her. While Ravan was on her way to Lanka after capturing Sita, Ram’s friend Jatayu saw this and fight with Ravan to save Sita but was killed by Ravan. Jatayu dies in the arms of Ram while narrating the incident.

The fourth book is called the kingdom of monkeys. In this section, Ram was wandering in the forest to locate Sita , where he received help from the king of Kishkindha, Sugriva. But the entire monkey kingdom fails to find Sita. Then they met jatayu’s brother Sampati, who has been gifted with great vision. He used his power and locates Sita sitting in the garden of Ashok trees on the island of Lanka. Now ram has located Sita and the entire monkey army proceeds towards Indian Ocean.

The fifth book is called the Sundara , which means Hanuman. When Ram with his army reached Indian Ocean, they realized that they have no facilities or boats to cross the ocean with the army. Only Hanuman has the ability to fly and therefore he flew over Indian ocean and reaches Lanka to meet Sita. Hanuman met Sita and told her that Ram is on his way to save her. But he was caught by the Ravana army men and they set his tail on fire as a punishment to enter the Lanka premises.

But instead of Hanuman feeling helpless, he flies and set the entire city of Lanka on fire. Then he left Lanka and informed Ram about the entire incidence and his meeting with Sita. Finally the army gets a way to cross Indian Ocean, they used stones to make a bridge, each stone is inscribed with the name Ram so that they do not sink and hence abridge is formed over Indian Ocean.

The sixth book is called the Book of War. Ram killed Ravana and saves Sita. Later on when they both returned to Ayodhya and Ram become the king of Ayodhya. The seventh book is called The Book of Beyond. Ram makes Sita prove her celibacy through a test of fire and also sent Sita to the jungle and lost his credibility. He believed on the gossip and banished Sita. It was believed that this seventh book was not originally written by Valmiki; rather it was added later on.

Readers have learned many things from Ramayana book. The book told about ideal king, ideal husband, ideal wife, ideal brother etc. The entire book was about Ram’s determination towards fulfilling his father’s promise and proved to be an ideal son and king (“Ramayana: Summary”).

The Pillow Book

Some of the earliest and most beautiful literary works in the world are done in Japan and one of the superlative works is The Pillow Book, the first and best written “lifestyle” diary. This book is almost 1,000 years old. The book’s style, syntax and structure has been recognized as the most elegant and accessible in the Japanese language.

“The Pillow Book is a sort of diary that Sei Shonagon kept while she served as a lady in waiting to Empress Sadoko during the last decade of the 900’s. The entire text is segmented into six parts. In The Cat Who Lived in the Palace, she writes about a dog named Okinamaro and how he gets banished from the palace for trying to bite Lady Myobu, the cat, who got awarded the headdress of nobility. When the dog came back to the palace, no one knew if it was really him, and he was avoiding betraying himself and letting everyone know it was really him” (The Pillow Book).

She covered all varied topics. She writes poetry in her journal, gossips about the people in the court, and writes about the wonders of nature. The book has no real plot but there are recurring characters and themes. Its few themes are beauty, position, and nature.

Recurring characters are other courtiers, especially the Emperor and Empress. Her life was revolving around taking care of Empress, preparing for festivals and special occasions, and going on pilgrimages to temples. Only at some occasions she visited her family otherwise this palace has become her home (Shōnagon).

In The Hateful Things, she wrote about the people who do not respect others and she personally do not like those people who try to become over smart or people who do gossip or those who interrupts others. In Graceful things, she explained about different things that likes and appreciates. She mentions things that are pretty and elegant to her like Women behind a curtain of state.

The book contains brief essays ranging from observations of nature to witty comments what she faces in the imperial court. The Pillow Book was written by Sei Shonagon who was popular for her beautiful language but at the same time she was known for her controversial topics which she selects at that time. She always highlights social problems and other problems that people like to hide from others, she has also highlighted some beautiful things of Japanese culture and nature. She was the inspiration for many upcoming writers.

In Hateful things, Sei has collected many letters from different people and each letter described a unique action or event or action of people in the culture. She criticizes all those who speak bad to others, or the people who interrupts others while talking or complaining. She also hates those people who tell the story in too much detail. She is good in criticisms but never pointed on particular with their names.

She also believed that people become used to their behavior whether good or bad that they never realized that their behavior is bad and is hurting others. She also believes that tension is continuously breeding between all social relations. “A newcomer pushes ahead of the members in a group; with a knowing look, this person starts laying down the law and forcing advice upon everyone- most hateful” (504) (The Pillow Book). She also forces people to change their behavior if they do not have respect for others.

In the part, Embarrassing Things, Sei explained that there are some people who find it hard to recognize the embarrassment or what is embarrassing and it is very difficult to reproach such people. She came to know that people praise themselves for the things that were funny and did not care about others feeling and thinking about them and are always ready to make fun of themselves in front of others. “It is embarrassing to know that one’s visitor can overhear, But how to stop them?” (504) (The Pillow Book).

In Remember a Clear Morning, she was inspired by Japanese nature and admired it. In this section, she discussed about the Chrysanthemum festival that was about to begin in the ninth month of the year. She has truly explained the morning of this festival with true colors and it shows the real Japanese nature and culture. Her writing in this has attracted people towards the true Japanese nature and its fascination. “It has been raining all night. Despite the bright sun (…)”( 505). “On the bamboo fences and crisscross hedges I saw tatters of spider webs; (…) I was greatly moved and delighted.” (505). “What most impressed me was that they were not at all impressed” (505). (The Pillow Book). All these sentences explain that how beautifully she has described the Japanese nature at that time.

In the Letters Are Commonplace, Sei has shown her excitement of receiving letters from people staying at far places and is someone is special. That was the time when the only medium of communication was letters so she reflected the significance of letters at that time to keep the relation alive. “When one has been worrying about something and wants to tell a certain person about it, what a relief!” (505). Receiving and sending letters was one big part of the life in that period. This shows that people in Japan value relationships and always keep trust upon each other (The Pillow Book).

Readers find that book has encountered all the correct sentiments in right manner. Readers find that Sei has served in the court of the Empress Sadako, one of the most culturally refined courts in the history. She has described the appearance of conducts on the life of each aristocrat around her. She gave beautiful comments on the insight and are often time scathing. Even with the passing time, the book manages to retain its charm and freshness (Genji, Haiku, Rumi, and Tagore).

The book, “The Pillow Book” demonstrates all the events that are considered not good by the writer and these events are just a reflection of unique cultural values and concept of Miyabi. Miyabi is a refined courtly taste and a perfection of form and color. Majority of the described events differs from the concept and is in ancient Japanese societies. This concept was valued. Sei Shonagon describes various examples of hateful things and fifth example of this list shows that “the sight of men in their cups who shout, poke fingers in their mouths, stroke their beards, and pass on the wine to their neighbors with cries…” (Hateful Things).

Through this example, the writer wanted to show that she has observed well-bred people violating the concept of Miyabi which has made its distasteful. The writer evaluates the concept of Miyabi on the basis of social aspects and also tells how to behave socially.


This comparative analysis concluded that both are the books that reflect their own culture which is unique and special. It also shows that both the books are divided into different sections to make the content easy and understandable for the readers. In Ramayana, each section has its own separate theme, story and value and similarly in the, The Pillow Book has a separate section that explains different themes and Japanese nature and culture.

It is good to find that the book reflect the fascinating exploration of life among the nobility when the Heian period was at its peak. It also beautifully explained the superb pleasures of a confined world in which poetry, love, fashion, and whim dominated along with harsh reality. The books has also discussed variety of themes like nature, society etc. The writer has provided a witty and intimate window on a woman’s life at court in classical Japan (Shonagon).

Work Cited

Genji, Haiku, Rumi, and Tagore. “Asia’s Great Books in the past Millennium.” Books in Asia That Changed the Last Millennium. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. .

“Hateful Things.” N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. .

Morris, I. “The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon.” The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon. N.p., Dec. 1991. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. .

“Ramayana: Summary.” Ramayana Summary. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. .

Shonagon, Sei. “Summary of The Pillow Book.” N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. .

Shōnagon, Sei. “The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon.” Book Rags. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. .






DSM-V: Depression

Annie Bush

University of West Florida

Milton is 55 year old divorced African American man, who works as a city driver. When he came into my office the first time there was a clear indication that he was not ready to talk about his life. He was very hesitant and he hardly made any eye contact. He had a letter from his boss informing me that he required assistance and it be highly appreciated. Once he settled down, I had a chance to evaluate him physically. It was way past working hours yet he was still in his work uniform, it was dirty and stained. He had a long beard and long unkempt hair, his eyes were blood shot. He has a slurred speech and starts every sentence by repeating the first word. This is a clear indication that he has no interest in his physical and social appearance (Narrow, 2009).

He slowly started getting comfortable when he ignited a cigarette and he communicated to me about his life. He derived from a family of five, but had not seen his mother or siblings for over ten years. His wife asked for a divorce from him seven years ago and left him with his three children and he has not seen them since then. The only friend he has is his dog Bruno, who he seemed to value very much. He hardly has friends as they all think he is a strange man and the only thing that he does for fun is going out alone to have a drink or purchasing alcohol and drinking it at the comfort of his home while watching television. He confessed that ten years ago he used to love going to social events and attend to basketball games with friends, but now he hardly does any of those activities. In fact he seemed not to like the idea of being in public as he felt like everybody would be judging him for whom he has now become.

It was clear that he was experiencing clinical depression. According to beach et al 2006, he has most of the indications of a depressed man. This is because he hardly has any social life. He in fact confesses that he feels that his siblings, wife and children are better off far away from him. He sees himself as a failure, this is evident from the story he tells of how when he was young he used to think he would have achieved far better results for his life than what he currently accomplished. He barely cares about his hygiene or even physical appearance and has not had close or personal relationships with anybody for the last seven years or so. During the conversations there are instances when he drifts off, and talks about how happy he as when he first got married and how grateful he was when he became a father, but he completes the sentence by saying that he ruined it all and there is now no going back, it’s too late.

When I asked him about his eating habits he hardly seemed to be interested, he can easily remember the last time he had a good bottle of vodka, but not a good meal, he likes take out, cooking is too overwhelming for him. He talks about Velma, his ex-wife and how he loved her cooking. All these are clear indications of a depressed man who blames himself for all the misfortunes he has experienced and has lost touch with his reality and mostly with his social life.

He confesses that a few years back, he was diagnosed with acute hypertension and was told to start living a healthier life style in order to reduce chances of it becoming worse. He has hardly stuck to that as his lifestyle is getting worse. When I asked him about the lifestyle changes, he said what is the need for living healthy when there is really nothing to live for? He confesses that he smokes and drinks alcohol in order to calm himself down and not to think about life in general; reason being is if he thinks too much his blood pressure will rise steeply. He avoids thinking about his life and chooses to live everyday as it comes. When I asked about the last time he had a proper medical checkup he could hardly seem to remember. He gives an approximation, but says he has an appointment the next week and is planning to attend it.

Milton has undertaken intense changes in his life. He talks about how he loved playing basketball while in high school and how sports helped him gain a full ride scholarship to college. However, after playing a few games in college he injured his right knee (ACL) and he can no longer perform at a Division one level. As he says this he touches his knee and to him it seems like something that had just transpired yesterday. This was enough to end his scholarship and this placed him in the city searching for job opportunities. After this life altering event his life took a completely different turn this time for the better. When he met his wife he became better, he studied at a community college and got an exceptionally good job in the insurance industry, but he was fired years later when the firm downsized and this made his life very difficult. His marriage took a downward spiral and his family and friends according to him were always against him. He used to love going to church, but he has not attended service in well over five years. He sometimes in the most recent years tried to reach out to his ex-wife, but she did not want anything to do with him, in fact she took a restraining order against him and moved and now he is unable to locate his former spouse. He hears from people that his two daughters are now married and his son is doing well but to him the ship of being a father has already sailed.

For a person of his age and given that during the conversation he was smoking heavily, Milton has a good memory of things, especially what previously mattered to him. He has a GFA of 35; this is in accordance with the Widiger (2000), analysis of a person’s behavior, responses and social relationships. He has severe social problems as he hardly talks to his neighbors or even personnel at work, he prefers to have lunch at work alone. He never goes out, in fact he cannot remember the last time he went out to have a sociable dinner. He feels like his dog Bruno is his only real and true friend because he would never leave him. He has economic problems as he says he is unable to cater for some of his needs and lives in a small apartment downtown but he has already accepted that his life will never reach any level higher than his status quo.

In order to accurately determine his state, I gave Milton a depression inventory as a test. This was inclusive of a BDI test and an MMSE analysis. He scored 15 in the MMSE. In the BDI he seemed not to answer questions that required some form of calculation and did not even bother to attempt them. He has a mean score of .78. This clearly indicates that he has impaired cognitive ability and he requires immediate treatment (Narrow, 2009). Milton is tired of the turn that his life has taken and wants out, but he feels desperate because he does not know how to undo what has happened in his life. He wants to reach out to his mother and siblings and more so to his daughters, but has no idea how to accomplish this feat. He feels that they will reject him all together.

Milton is experiencing depression as a result of the many unfortunate events that have occurred in his life. His social life is non-existent and this pushes him to become an alcoholic. His cognitive ability is also impaired due to the MMSE and BDI tests. He also has health problems as he hardly visits the doctor’s office for regular check-ups of his blood pressure.

Widiger. T.A. Clark. L.A. (2000).,

Toward DSM—V and the classification of psychopathology

by Psychological bulleting of America, states that depression can be a cause of socio economic factors that make a person not be able to function properly in the society. It is also encouraged by feelings of self-pity and a low self-esteem. These are symptoms that are observable in Milton.

Narrow. D R. W, Kuhler. E. (2009).

The conceptual development of DSM-V

, American Journal of Psychology, American Psychiatric Association Print, expansively explains that clinical depression is expressed by lack of concern for one’s appearance, tendency to withdraw from the rest of the society and denial by use of drugs and substance in an effort to forget.


Narrow. D R. W, Kuhler. E. (2009).

The conceptual development of DSM-V

, American Journal of Psychology, American Psychiatric Association Print

Widiger. T.A. Clark. L.A. (2000).

Toward DSM—V and the Classification of Psychopathology

, Psychological bulleting of America, University Print

Beach H.R. S, Wamboldt Z. M, Kaslow J. N. (2006). Relation Process and DSM-V: Neuroscience Assessment, Oxford University Press, New York

Student Project

There is no extension of the due date for the project. Late projects will not be accepted. A grade of zero will be given if the project is not turned in on time. Hard copy of the paper must be turned in to this instructor on or before the due date . No electronic submission

Paper Requirements

Use the DSM V to identify a coded disorder and use the symptoms of that disorder to create a client and case vignette. The client you create should meet all the criteria for the diagnosis you select. See following page

Student project paper organization and points distribution:

· 2 pts APA cover (page 1)

· 3 pts APA format entire paper (running heads and citations etc.)

· 20pts Accurately completed Multiaxial sheet (page2)


50 pts Create a client and present your client in a narrative using clinical language and terminology to describe symptoms of a DSM disorder. DSM V guidelines and criteria. This section must be at least 4 pages long and no longer than 5 pages (pages 3, 4, 5, 6) you will be penalized 5 points for each ½ page short of the 4 page narrative.

Make this person real…

· What do you observe when you meet and speak with this client

· What does this client say and how do they say it

· Describe symptoms of your client that represent indicators for an Axis I diagnosis

· Include medical issues. You must include at least one medical from Axis III

· Describe background and environmental contributors to the diagnosis at least three Axis IV factors Also provide demographics, age, race, sex etc…

· Discussion of the GAF explains criteria as it relates to your client (a paragraph 5pts.)

· You must give your client at least one assessment/ inventory/test relevant to confirming your diagnosis (depression inventory, substance abuse, OCD, bipolar or anxiety inventory etc…)

· Discuss and explain the results of the inventory ( a paragraph 5pts)

· Justify your diagnosis using DSM V criteria, terms and rule outs.( a paragraph 5pts)

· Use information secured from your two peer reviewed journal articles on the subject of the diagnosis to support your diagnosis,(a paragraph for each article 10pts)

· 10pts APA Resource/ reference page (page 7or 8) you must use and document the following:


· You must use, document and cite in text, at least two peer review journal articles on the topic of your diagnosis.

· The articles appear in reputable psychological research journals.

· Articles must have a publication date of 2001 to present.

· Document where you secured your assessment

· 10pts Appendix Place a copy of the inventory/assessment you used with your client in the appendix

Multiaxial Assessment

Multiaxial Evaluation Report Form

AXIS I: Clinical Disorders

Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention

Diagnostic code DSM-IV name

___________ ___________________________________________

AXIS II: Personality Disorders Mental Retardation

Diagnostic code DSM-IV name
___________ ___________________________________________

AXIS III: General Medical Conditions

ICD-9-CM code ICD-9-CM name

___________ ___________________________________________

AXIS IV: Psychosocial! And Environmental Problems


Q Problems with primary support group Specify: ___________________

Q Problems related to the social environment Specify: _
Q Educational problems Specify:

Q Occupational problems Specify:

Q Housing problems Specify:

Q Economic problems Specify:

Q Problems with access to health care services Specify:

Q Problems related to interaction with the legal system/crime Specify:_________

Q Other psychosocial and environmental problems Specify:

AXIS V: Global Assessment of Functioning Scale

GAF Score: _________

Version 5/07

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