University of Minnesota Professional Knowledge Sharing Essay


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Introduction to CommunicationGroup Analysis Project(110pts. of each student’s overall grade)For the next few weeks, you will be working on a thorough analysis of a specific group of yourchoosing that you are a member of (or were a former member of).The project will include a detailed analysis of the chosen group focusing on specific groupelements that have been observed throughout the course of your membership. The finishedproduct will be an essay that sufficiently presents your analysis.Once you have settled on a group that you would like to analyze, you will explore theconnections between the group communication concepts we have discussed this semester andyour lived experiences within the group. Below is a list of the items that need to be addressedwithin your essay.Your essay should include the following parts (the guideline I offer pertaining to length is such:provide as much information as it takes for you to clearly articulate how your group isinfluenced and affected by the following items):? An introduction that gets the audience’s attention and b roadly reveals the group youhave chosen, and previews the topics that will discussed.? Before you begin to analyze the group, an overview of the group and your place withinthat group is necessary. Focus on the 5Ws (who-how many people?; what-team, workgroup, social?; where?;when- for how long?;why-if not abundantly obvious) to help thereader better understand how you became a member of this group and how the groupcame to be. By providing a solid foundation of understanding at the beginning it makesyour analysis much easier to write.? A thoughtful analysis of the group communication concepts that are in play throughoutyour participation within the group. This analysis should overlap several courseconcepts (not limited to group communication) simultaneously. This analysis candescribe what is present as well as offer solutions to what would make the groupfunction better. The numbers in parentheses represent where these items can be foundwithin the chapter slides; the first numbers the chapter, the second number is the slide.? This analysis should include:o The Goals of the group (13; 8)? An overview of your individual goals (task and social)? An overview of the group goals (task and social)? Hidden agendas that are present that affect group performanceo Roles (14; 9-14)? Your formal role? The informal roles you commonly fill (with brief examples that supportyour analysis)? Task? Maintenance (aka social/relational)? Negative roles

o self-centered

o unproductiveo Interaction (13; 5)? An overview of the type of communication network your group haso Leadership (14; 5)? Leadership style of the groupo Power (14; 6-8)? Types of power within the group? Types of power you have within the group? Relevant types of power commonly used throughout the groupo Problem solving within the group (14; 15-18)? Is your problem-solving method successful?? Common decision-making methods used within the groupo Proposed adjustments for the group? Communicative problems affecting your current group? What changes would you like to see pertaining to how your groupcurrently operates that would make for a better experience for all.o A conclusion that summarizes your analysis experience and highlights anyinsights gained from the process.The essay portion of this project is due in the dropbox the first day of presentations.

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