Louisiana State University Minimum Wage Paper

– For this assignment, you will be developing both your critical thinking and written communication skills.

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The assignment’s topic is THE MINIMUM WAGE and your specific question will be “SHOULD THE MINIMUM WAGE BE RAISED?”

BUSI 2304 Individual Research Report
BUSI 2304 Individual Research Report
• Overview
– For this assignment, you will be developing both your critical thinking and
written communication skills.
– The assignment’s topic is THE MINIMUM WAGE and your specific question
– Read the two articles attached in D2L: one in favor and the other opposing
it. Conduct some research to find two more articles from reputable sources
that supports your own viewpoint on the issue.
– Value: 150 total / Due: 11/9 @ 11:59 pm
• Key Points
– For this written communication assignment, you will need to consider the
audience you are addressing; to understand the context and purpose of
your message; to develop that message in conjunction with sources
supporting your message; to organize your message thoughtfully; to
incorporate clear sentence syntax; and to employ compositional mechanics
and best practices (like multiple revisions) to eliminate grammar or spelling
BUSI 2304 Individual Research Report
• When creating and delivering your report:
– Put your name at top left corner of the page, then place the title RAISING
THE MINIMUM WAGE directly below.
– Skip a space and then compose a blog entry that is at least 500 words (not
including references) and consists of at least four paragraphs using single
– Use 12-point Times New Roman as a font and single spaced, 1-inch margin.
– Develop appropriate paragraphs to introduce the issue, to summarize
views favoring the issue, and to summarize views opposing the issue.
– In these paragraphs, you must paraphrase source material in your own
words and use in-text APA style citations to render appropriate credit to the
sources you are drawing upon. (See ‘Guide to APA Citations’ in D2L)
– Reminder: Plagiarism will result in a zero, so DO NOT cut and paste text
from the articles/sources to your report. Your report should not use direct
quotations, but should paraphrase all information cited.
– No late submission
BUSI 2304 Individual Research Report
• When creating and delivering your report:
– Evaluate the assumptions behind the arguments made within your source
materials and offer in a concluding section your own opinion that answers
the question of the assignment…and why (again, citing your sources in
support of your final informed opinion as needed). Note that while you
paraphrase your source articles in the early part of your report, you should
identify the main points being made on both sides of the issue.
– At the bottom of your report, create an APA-formatted References list that
lists the four resources in alphabetical order based on the name of the first
author in your source. (See ‘Guide to APA Citations’ in D2L)
– Upload your completed report as a WORD document (.doc or .docx) to the
D2L Dropbox where your writing will be validated for paraphrasing via
BUSI 2304 Individual Research Report
• Criteria
Grammar and Style

Heading: Title, name,
4 paragraphs or more
500 words or more
12-point Times New Roman as a font and single spaced, 1-inch margin
Reference & Citation
• Reference list in correct APA format and with all 4 articles listed (20)
• Inclusion of correctly formatted APA in-text citations within the report
Assumption & Evidence
• Strength and clarity of author’s position (40)
• Quantity and relevance of evidence provided to support that decision

Correct grammar and word choice
Awkward writing
Subject-verb agreement
Poor word choice
Missing/incorrect word
Pronoun and possessive misuse
Incomplete sentence (fragment)
BUSI 2304 Individual Research Report
• Articles
(1) Pro
(2) Cons
A Quick Guide to APA Citations
References: Anatomy of a Source Citation
All source citations will follow the same basic format:
Author: Use author’s last name, then initials only. Sometimes the author is a company or organization.
Date of Publication: Date is put in parenthesis. Begin with the year, then month, date. Do not abbreviate.
Title of Article/Source: Use the full name of the article or source. Only capitalize the first word of the article
title and any proper nouns in the title.
Article location: This will vary depending on the source. For a printed source, this will be the name of the
periodical with the volume, issue, and page numbers. For an internet source, this will be the web address.
Example of a journal article:
Article Title
Pub. Date
Evans, C. (2013). Twitter for teaching: Can social media be used to enhance the process of
learning? British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(5), 902-915. doi:
Publication Name
(in italics)
Volume number
(in italics)
Issue number
Direct Object Identifier
(if available)
Page numbers
Indent 0.5”
Example of a journal article written by more than two authors:
Evans, C., & Lee, S. (2013). Twitter for teaching: Can social media be used to enhance the
process of learning? British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(5), 902-915. doi:
Evans, C., Lee, S., & Wright, C. (2013). Twitter for teaching: Can social media be used to
enhance the process of learning? British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(5), 902915. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12099
Example of a book:
Portes, A., & Rumbaut, R. G. (2001). Legacies: The story of the immigrant second generation.
University of California Press and Russell Sage Foundation.
Book Title (in italics)
Example of a magazine article:
Pub. Date
Publication Name
(in italics)
Article Title
Page numbers
Berg, M. (2017, June 17). If you build it, they will come. Forbes, 199(7), 102-103.
Volume number
(in italics)
Issue number
Example of an article without an author:
(Note: Are you sure there is no author? Are you sure this source is credible?)
Article Title
Pub. Date
Publication Name
(in italics)
Page number (No
volume and issue
for this source)
Would you snoop on candidate’s social media? (2016, August 1). People Management, 14.
Example of a source from a company/organization website:
Corporate Author
Article/Page Title
Ford Motor Company. (2017). Our story. http://corporate.ford.com/history.html
Pub. Date
URL address for webpage. (Be sure to give the
full address for reader to find this source.)
Example of an online article:
Pub. Date
Article Title
Information on how to
find article (URL address)
Conlan, C. (n.d.). Reasons to use social media in your job search.
Example of an article from an online database:
Pub. Date
Article Title
Information on database used to find
article (not the URL link to article)
Trinko, K. (2017). Facebook’s face-checkers have a liberal bias. Retrieved from Opposing
Viewpoints Online Collection.
In-Text Citations
When citing a source in the text, you should note both the author’s name and the year of publication.
This is true whether your author is a person, corporation, or organization.
Here are three ways to cite the author and year when you are paraphrasing:
• Social media can be used to enhance learning and improve interpersonal communication skills
in college students (Evans, 2013).
• Evans (2013) noted that social media can be used to enhance learning and improve interpersonal
communication skills in college students.
• In 2013, Evans noted that social media can be used to enhance learning and improve
interpersonal communication skills in college students.
If your article doesn’t have an author, the in-text citations should look like one of these:
• Employers are now beginning to check candidate’s social media postings to see if potential
employees will fit with the company culture (“Would you snoop…,” 2016).
• “Would you snoop…” (2016) notes that employers are now beginning to check candidate’s
social media postings to see if potential employees will fit with the company culture.
• In 2016, “Would you snoop…” noted that employers are now beginning to check candidate’s
social media postings to see if potential employees will fit with the company culture.
If your article has two authors, the in-text citations should look like one of these:
• Social media can be used to enhance learning and improve interpersonal communication skills
in college students (Evans & Lee, 2013).
• Evans and Lee (2013) noted that social media can be used to enhance learning and improve
interpersonal communication skills in college students.
• In 2013, Evans and Lee noted that social media can be used to enhance learning and improve
interpersonal communication skills in college students.
If your article has more than three authors, the in-text citations should look like one of these:
• Social media can be used to enhance learning and improve interpersonal communication skills
in college students (Evans et al., 2013).
• Evans et al. (2013) noted that social media can be used to enhance learning and improve
interpersonal communication skills in college students.
• In 2013, Evans, Lee, and Wright noted that social media can be used to enhance learning and
improve interpersonal communication skills in college students.
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