CO101 Project

I’ve attached the requirements in files. Here’s the link to the podcast 

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CO101: The World of Communication, Fall 2022
FTV – Project 2
For this project, you will take what you’ve learned about film and television and use that knowledge to
craft a pitch for a new film or TV series based on one of the following podcasts, which you can access
in the FTV material within the “Readings & Viewings” folder on Blackboard:

Option 1: Wild Things season 1 podcast (use episode 1, “What Went Wrong,” as the basis for
your pitch)
Option 2: Snap Judgment podcast (use the “Ping” episode from 4/28/22)
Your idea and writing must be your own. Do not copy ideas from your discussion section, peers, or real
films or television shows. Plagiarized projects will fail and be reported as academic misconduct.
Requirements for the pitch:
– Your new film or TV series should be based on the podcast you have chosen from the two
options listed above. Do not pick a different podcast of your own.
– Required information, in this order with clear labels:
1. Identify whether you are pitching a film or TV series, and state your new film’s or TV
series’ title (~5 words or fewer for the title)
2. A specific existing American TV broadcast network, basic or premium cable channel,
or streaming platform that your film or TV series would best fit—with an explanation
for why it would fit well there, including comparisons to other films or shows on the
same network/cable channel/streaming platform. (~100 words)
3. A log line and “it’s like” sentence for your film or TV series (~25 words each)
4. More details on your film or TV series’ central story: (~200 words total)
▪ Primary setting(s): city and country
▪ Brief description of the two main characters, such as age, gender, ethnic
identity, key personality or style traits
▪ Main characters’ goals
▪ Key conflicts the main characters face
▪ What genre(s) could the film or TV series be identified with, for production
and marketing purposes? Explain how your film or TV series fits the genre(s).
5. Two labeled images of specific locations that you would feature in the film or TV
series, with a brief explanation of why you chose those locations (how they connect to
the story and add visual interest). (~25 words for each location)
6. A description of your show’s soundscape design and what you want the sound to
convey. For each of your locations above, describe sounds you would feature, such as
nature sounds, sounds related to the plot, or sounds connected to the specific
location. Do not use the score as part of your sound design. Please include sound files
or links to sound clips you created or found online that illustrate the kinds of sounds
described and clearly identify which location these clips are associated with. Note: We
will share some helpful sites for sound clips (~100 words total, not including links)
Assignment continues on the next page.
CO101: The World of Communication, Fall 2022
Other requirements for the project:
• Your header must include your name and your TA’s name and your discussion section letters
(AC, BD, etc.).
• Must be 450-550 words in length (approximately 2 pages, not including the images), doublespaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, with 1” margins.
• Use complete sentences, proper grammar, and logical paragraphing. We recommend that you
organize the paragraphs into the six sections listed above. You may use personal pronouns,
but do not use filler phrases like “I think,” “I believe,” etc. that make writing seem hesitant
and unsure.

Use only .doc or .docx; no .pdf, GDocs or .pages.
Due Date: Tuesday, Nov. 8 (before midnight)—do not wait until midnight to submit it!
Grading Balance

Film or TV series pitch:
Film or TV series title and intended TV network/channel/platform (specific choice, with
Log line/”it’s like” sentence/story details
Location images and explanations
Sound design
Grammar and style
Things we will be checking under the grammar rubric for this project (unless otherwise noted):
• Sentence fragment (Frag.)
• Run-on sentence (Run-on)
• Comma splice (CS)
• Lack of subject/verb agreement (SV agree.)
• Incorrect verb tense (Tense)
• Typos (Typo)
• Nonsensical phrasing that makes you unable to understand the sentence (Unclear)
• Missing articles (Art.)
• Incorrect capitalization (Cap.)
• Incorrectly used semi-colons, colons, and apostrophes
• Missing punctuation at the end of a sentence
• Punctuation placed to the right of closing quotation marks
• The use of filler phrases like “I think” and “I believe”
Things we will not be checking in this project:
• Contractions
• Oxford commas
• General personal pronoun use (I/me/my, you/yours, we/us, etc.)
Suggested sites for free sound clips for FTV project:
When you incorporate the sound clips, just provide a “clickable” link (with the URL) to the
sound clip—don’t embed the sound clip into the document, which can be hard to open.
For example, if you wanted to use this sound of a door opening and closing, you would paste into your project.

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