How to apply the proper rules to writing

how do I apply the proper rules to writing

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Week 6


Academic Integrity

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Creating change is one of the key factors of Marriage and Family Therapy. Therefore, it is crucial for you to develop a profound understanding of the different types of change that may occur in therapy and yourself as a therapist and a graduate student. Specifically, now that you have had a few weeks in the graduate program, you will consider if the change is needed in your thoughts regarding academic integrity and writing, conducting research, and time management skills.

As you read last week, systems function with rules. These rules are insights that guide interactions and can be both explicit (a specific curfew time) or implicit (an unspoken understanding about how members of the system should behave; for example, people do not tend to discuss family issues outside the family).


This week, you will focus on explicit rules. Within many academic fields, a set of rules is established to inform how authors in the field communicate. In the field of MFT, the American Psychological Association’s (APA) formatting guidelines are followed. These guidelines identify how to properly cite sources and how to structure an academic paper so you produce work that adheres both to NCU’s and to your profession’s academic integrity standards. In a nutshell, academic integrity involves you producing original work for each assignment and giving credit appropriately when you use others’ work to support your ideas. Not following this policy (submitting work that is not your own
not giving credit when using other sources) will have consequences as severe as dismissal from the program.

Please Note:
APA formatting, appropriate paraphrasing, and academic integrity are expected throughout this course and for all courses in this program. Therefore, you are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare all the assignments. Be sure to review all the resources available in Academic Writer, which is accessible through the Academic Success Center (ASC) link at the bottom of your NCUOne home page.

Review the resources listed below (and previously provided resources, as needed) to prepare for this week’s assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc.

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List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Week 6

Week 6 –


: Apply Proper Rules of Writing in an Academic System


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This assignment is divided into three parts:

· After reviewing this week’s resources, write a brief summary identifying the consequences of academic integrity violations and resources available to students to assist with writing and APA format.

· Next, review the Week 6 Writing Samples document found in this week’s resources. The first sample is titled

Collaborative Language Systems

– Introduction. Edit this portion of the paper for grammar, formatting, and citations. Be sure to use the Track Change feature in Word.

· Then, review the sample in the same document titled Collaborative Language Systems – Founders. Summarize and paraphrase the content.

Total Length: 3-5 pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Collaborative Language Systems


Collaborative language systems – CLS, also referred to as collaborative therapy is a postmodern approach to therapy built on language and communication. It can be described as “a language system and a linguistic event in which people are engaged in a collaborative relationship and conversation—a mutual endeavor toward possibility” (Anderson, p. 2, 1997). The theory and therapeutic approach to collaborative language systems was a joint venture between Harlene Anderson & Harry Goolishian developed in the 1980s. However, the foundational roots of this model can be traced all the way back to the ideas of David Jackson, Gregory Bateson, and Kenneth Gergen and later to that of the Mental Research Institute – MRI Team (Anderson and Gehart, 2012).

This model is based in social constructionist theory and hermeneutics. Collaborative therapists believe that our experiences of reality are constructed via the ways in which we interact with other people… a central idea behind social constructionism. Hermeneutics on the other hand deals with the methodology of interpretation. Combined together, collaborative language systems therapists rely on assessing the language clients use in therapy to help navigate the process of finding solutions to their clinical problems.


Anderson, H. (1997). Conversation, language, and possibilities: A postmodern approach

to therapy. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Anderson, H., & Gehart, D. (2012).
Collaborative therapy: Relationships and conversations that make a difference.

Collaborative Language Systems


Harlene Anderson and the late Harry Goolishian developed the collaborative language systems approach, an approach to therapy that originally evolved from the early works of family therapy. Sometime in the 1970s, Goolishian led an interdisciplinary team at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. They employed an approach called Multiple Impact Therapy (MIT) and worked intensively with adolescents with psychiatric problems. This was a short-term family centered approach and they included the adolescents, their families and other professionals as well in their treatment and care.

Around the same time, members of this group became interested in the work of the MRI team based out of Palo Alto, California. The MRI team recommended that therapists use and speak the clients’ language in therapy rather than teach the client to speak the therapist’s language. This way of thinking caused the team at Galveston to move away from cybernetics and general systems theories and they now began to focus on the clients’ language as being central to therapy. Anderson and Goolishian (1988) now assumed that human beings are language systems, language-meaning-making system. This gave way to the possibility of exploring therapy as a conversational dialogue and hence the beginning of therapy based on a collaborative language systems approach.


Anderson, H. & Goolishian, H. A. (1988), Human Systems as Linguistic Systems: Preliminary and Evolving Ideas about the Implications for Clinical Theory.
Family Process, 27(4), 371–393. doi:10.1111/j.1545-5300.1988.00371.x

Organizing Research & Citations

Organizing your scholarly articles and other research material may be as simple as saving those document files to your computer and placing them into clearly organized folders. Others may prefer to print out hard copies of your articles and file them in physical file folders.

The Library provides additional approaches to organizing your research materials, as described in this guide. Regardless of which method you choose, organizing your research is a crucial step in the overall research process. By organizing your research material you will be able to: easily retrieve your sources now and in the future; group similar sources together; and possibly identify potential patterns or links within your research topic.

Organizing Research & Citations FAQs

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I cannot locate a DOI for my electronic source. What should I do?


How do I find DOI numbers?


How do I download and use Zotero in the Library?


Does the Library provide electronic copies of the APA Publication Manual?


How do I set my citation style to APA 7th in RefWorks?


How do I view an APA formatted citation in the Library databases?


How do I cite a dataset from Statista?


When using the Cite button in Roadrunner Search or EBSCOhost, the APA formatted citations are incorrect. Why is the format inaccurate?


Can the Library assist with using and troubleshooting Zotero?


How do I cite a doctoral dissertation retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database?


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