Final Milestone

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Guidelines for Submission: Your analysis paper must be 10 to 15 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least 10 peer-reviewed sources that are no more than 5 years old, cited in APA format.  

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  • IHP 510 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
  • Overview
    Healthcare marketing is a multidisciplinary area of public health practice. This approach draws from traditional marketing theories and principles, adding
    evidence-based strategies focused on prevention, intervention, and health promotion. It involves the creation, communication, and delivery of health
    information to diverse populations. As a healthcare professional, you will be asked to participate in the marketing process, and, as you will learn throughout the
    course, there are various elements of a healthcare marketing plan.

    The final project for this course is the creation of a marketing and communication plan. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency
    because when working in a management position at a healthcare organization, you could be involved in selecting or creating a healthcare marketing plan. The
    project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
    submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final product will be submitted in Module Nine.

    In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

    • IHP-510-01: Analyze internal and external market factors that impact marketing decisions and strategies in a healthcare setting

    • IHP-510-02: Evaluate ethical issues considered when creating a healthcare marketing plan for alignment with industry criteria

    • IHP-510-03: Apply fundamental principles of strategic marketing to healthcare organization strategic planning that align to organizational mission and

    • IHP-510-04: Evaluate strategic marketing methods used in a marketing plan for their potential to reach specific healthcare audience demographics
    • IHP-510-05: Recommend communication strategies for effectively collaborating with internal and external stakeholders in the implementation of

    marketing plans

    For the final project, you will develop a marketing and communication plan for Bellevue Hospital. In your plan, you will analyze the healthcare organization,
    propose a new service, and develop marketing strategies for this proposed service and identified target market. In addition, you will develop strategies to
    effectively communicate your marketing plan to the internal and external stakeholders, to drive collaboration in the implementation of the plan.
    To begin, you will review NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue. You will use this organization as the base of your final project. Then, review the Bellevue Community
    Needs Assessment (2019). This needs assessment will inform decisions you make in your marketing and communication plan around the service you propose,
    your target market, and the marketing strategies you develop.



    Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and implementation strategy plan. NYC Health & Hospitals. (2019).

    Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).

    I. Introduction: In this section of the marketing plan, you will be describing the current state of the healthcare organization and selected service.
    A. Describe the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the healthcare organization. [IHP-510-03]
    B. Describe the current state of the service, using the guidelines of marketing. [IHP-510-01]
    C. Describe the stakeholders, using the healthcare marketing guidelines. [IHP-510-01]
    D. Evaluate how the current state of the services aligns with the mission statement, vision statement, and goals of the organization.


    E. Describe the current target market this service focuses on, including geographies, demographics, psychographics, and behaviors.


    II. Situational Analysis: In this section of the marketing plan, you will be conducting a needs analysis to identify and propose a service for the organization.

    A. Analyze the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization. [IHP-510-01]
    B. Propose a service to market for this organization. Include an explanation as to whether it is addressing an opportunity or weakness from the

    market factor analysis. [IHP-510-03]
    C. Develop a marketing goal for the proposed service, applying the SMART goal framework. [IHP-510-03]
    D. Justify the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization. [IHP-510-03]
    E. Analyze the competition for the proposed service.


    F. Evaluate how the current marketing strategies used by the organization adhere to industry ethical criteria. [IHP-510-02]

    III. Marketing Strategies: In this section of the marketing plan, you will be defending specific marketing strategies and tactics to meet the marketing goal of
    the proposed service.

    A. Select marketing strategies to guide your marketing plan. Be sure that these strategies are aligned to your previously developed marketing goal.

    B. Describe areas of the Four and Five Ps that will be addressed in the marketing mix. For example, one consideration might be how the
    organization will be paid for the service and how the service could be impacted by policy and politics. [IHP-510-01]

    C. Describe the target market of the proposed service. For example, consider the geographies, demographics, psychographics, and behaviors of
    your target market. [IHP-510-04]

    D. Explain why the currently used marketing strategies will not meet the needs of the proposed market. [IHP-510-04]
    E. Justify how your proposed marketing strategies are appropriate for your identified target market. [IHP-510-04]
    F. Explain how ethical criteria were used to guide your selection of marketing strategies. [IHP-510-02]


    IV. Communication Strategies: In this section of the marketing plan, you will explain the communication strategies you will use to involve the internal and
    external stakeholders of the healthcare organization that will be impacted by the proposed service. (Note that this is unique from your target market.
    These stakeholders are the individuals who will either partner with you to employ the plan or be impacted by the implementation of the plan.)

    A. Explain how you will communicate the marketing plan to internal stakeholders.


    B. Describe how you will share this marketing plan with indirect and direct external stakeholders. [IHP-510-05]
    C. Justify how these communication strategies will effectively drive collaboration and contribute to the effectiveness of the marketing plan. [IHP-

    D. Explain the how the ethical criteria were used to guide communication decisions for stakeholders of varying sectors of the population. [IHP-510-


    Milestone One: Introduction
    In Module Three, you will provide an introduction to the healthcare organization (Bellevue Hospital) that is the basis of your marketing and communication plan.
    You will describe the organization’s current services; explain how the organization’s mission, vision, and goals serve its stakeholders; and identify its current
    target market. This milestone will be graded with the Final Project Milestone One Rubric.

    Milestone Two: Situational Analysis
    In Module Five, you will conduct a full situational analysis to identify the internal and external market factors that impact Bellevue Hospital, propose a service to
    market for the organization, and generate a marketing goal for this proposed service. This milestone will be graded with the Final Project Milestone Two

    Milestone Three: Marketing and Communication Strategies
    In Module Seven, you will defend the specific marketing and communication strategies you have come up with to support the service you are proposing for
    Bellevue Hospital. In addition, you will explain the communication strategies you will use to involve the internal and external stakeholders of the healthcare
    organization that will be impacted by the service you are proposing for the hospital. This milestone will be graded with the Final Project Milestone Three

    Final Submission: Marketing and Communication Plan
    In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
    reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.


    Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading

    One Introduction Three Graded separately; Final Project Milestone One Rubric


    Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading

    Two Market Analysis Five Graded separately; Final Project Milestone Two Rubric

    Three Marketing and Communication Strategies Seven Graded separately; Final Project Milestone Three Rubric

    Final Submission: Marketing and
    Communication Plan

    Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

    Final Project Rubric
    Guidelines for Submission: Your analysis paper must be 10 to 15 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use
    double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least 10 peer-reviewed sources that are no more than 5 years old, cited in
    APA format.

    Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Mission, Vision, and


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus description provides insight
    into the mission, vision, and
    goals of the organization

    Describes the mission, vision,
    and strategic goals of the

    Describes the mission, vision,
    and strategic goals of the
    organization in a way that is
    incomplete or unclear

    Does not describe the mission,
    vision, or strategic goals of the


    Introduction: State
    of the Service

    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus description demonstrates a
    nuanced understanding of the
    current state of the service and
    the marketing framework

    Describes the current state of
    the service using the marketing

    Describes the current state of
    the service using the marketing
    framework, but response is
    unclear or incomplete, or
    framework is applied

    Does not describe the current
    state of the service using the
    marketing framework



    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus description includes
    nuanced insights regarding the

    Describes the stakeholders of
    the organization using the
    healthcare marketing

    Describes the stakeholders of
    the organization using the
    healthcare marketing
    framework in a manner that is
    unclear, incomplete, or

    Does not describe the
    stakeholders of the organization
    using the healthcare marketing


    Services Align With


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus response includes less
    obvious points of alignment on
    how the services align with the
    mission, vision, and goals of the

    Evaluates how the current state
    of services aligns with the
    mission statement, vision
    statement, and goals of the

    Evaluates how the current state
    of services aligns with the
    mission statement, vision
    statement, and goals of the
    organization, but response is
    unclear or incomplete

    Does not evaluate how the
    current state of services aligns
    with the mission statement,
    vision statement, and goals of
    the organization



    Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Introduction: Target


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus the description
    demonstrates deep
    understanding of the multiple
    layers of the target market

    Describes the current target
    market this service focuses on,
    including geographies,
    demographics, psychographics,
    and behaviors

    Describes the current target
    market this service focuses on,
    but explanation is incomplete or

    Does not describe the current
    target market this service
    focuses on


    Situational Analysis:
    Market Factors


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus analysis demonstrates
    nuanced knowledge of market

    Analyzes the internal and
    external market factors
    impacting the healthcare

    Analyzes the internal and
    external market factors
    impacting the healthcare
    organization, but analysis is
    incomplete or unclear

    Does not analyze the internal
    and external market factors
    impacting the healthcare


    Situational Analysis:
    Propose a Service


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus explanation demonstrates
    nuanced understanding of
    relationship between market
    factor analysis and proposed

    Proposes a service to market for
    this organization, explaining
    whether service is addressing an
    opportunity or weakness based
    on market factor analysis

    Proposes a service to market for
    this organization, explaining
    whether service is addressing an
    opportunity or weakness based
    on market factor analysis, but
    response has gaps in detail,
    clarity, or logic

    Does not propose a service to
    market for this organization


    Situational Analysis:
    Marketing Goal


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus the marketing goal
    demonstrates keen insight into
    the application of the SMART
    goal framework

    Develops a marketing goal for
    the proposed service, applying
    the SMART goal framework

    Develops a marketing goal for
    the proposed service, applying
    the SMART goal framework, but
    goal is incomplete or unclear, or
    framework is applied

    Does not develop a marketing
    goal for the proposed service


    Situational Analysis:
    Alignment of Goal


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus response addresses
    complex alignment among goal
    and organization’s mission,
    vision, and strategic goals

    Justifies the alignment of the
    marketing goal to the mission,
    vision, and strategic goals of the

    Justifies the alignment of the
    marketing goal to the mission,
    vision, and strategic goals of the
    organization, but response is
    incomplete or unclear

    Does not justify the alignment
    of the marketing goal to the
    mission, vision, and strategic
    goals of the organization


    Situational Analysis:

    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus analysis demonstrates keen
    insight into the competition of
    the specific service

    Analyzes the competition for
    the proposed service

    Analyzes the competition for
    the proposed service, but with
    gaps in detail, clarity, or

    Does not analyze the
    competition for the proposed


    Situational Analysis:
    Ethical Criteria

    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus evaluation demonstrates
    nuanced understanding of
    ethical criteria

    Evaluates how current
    marketing strategies adhere to
    industry ethical criteria

    Evaluates how current
    marketing strategies adhere to
    industry ethical criteria, but
    with gaps in detail, clarity, or

    Does not evaluate how current
    marketing strategies adhere to
    industry ethical criteria



    Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value



    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus alignments described are
    more complex

    Selects strategies aligned to
    marketing goals

    Selects strategies, but alignment
    to marketing goals is unclear

    Does not select strategies 3.2

    Strategies: Four and

    Five Ps

    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus description includes
    nuanced application of the Four
    and Five Ps

    Describes areas of the Four and
    Five Ps that will be addressed in
    the marketing mix

    Describes areas of the Four and
    Five Ps that will be addressed in
    the marketing mix, but
    descriptions are incomplete,
    unclear, or illogical

    Does not describe areas of the
    Four and Five Ps that will be
    addressed in the marketing mix


    Strategies: Target


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus description demonstrates
    complex understanding of the
    elements specific to the target

    Describes the target market of
    the proposed service

    Describes the target market of
    the proposed service, but
    description is incomplete or

    Does not describe the target
    market of the proposed service


    Strategies: Currently



    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus the explanation
    demonstrates nuanced
    understanding of the needs of
    the proposed market

    Explains why the currently used
    marketing strategies will not
    meet the needs of the proposed

    Explains why the currently used
    marketing strategies will not
    meet the needs of the proposed
    market, but explanation is
    incomplete, unclear, or illogical

    Does not explain why the
    currently used marketing
    strategies will not meet the
    needs of the proposed market


    Strategies: Justify


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus justifications used
    demonstrate nuanced
    understanding of how to apply
    strategies to proposed market

    Justifies how proposed
    marketing strategies are
    appropriate for identified target

    Justifies how proposed
    marketing strategies are
    appropriate for identified target
    market, but response is
    incomplete, unclear, or illogical

    Does not justify how proposed
    marketing strategies are
    appropriate for identified target


    Strategies: Ethical


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus explanation demonstrates
    nuanced application of complex
    ethical criteria

    Explains how ethical criteria
    were used to guide selection of
    marketing strategies

    Explains how ethical criteria
    were used to guide selection of
    marketing strategies in manner
    that is incomplete or unclear

    Does not explain how ethical
    criteria were used to guide
    selection of strategies


    Strategies: Internal


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus explanation demonstrates
    deep understanding of nuanced
    needs of internal stakeholders

    Explains how to communicate
    the marketing plan to internal

    Explains how to communicate
    the marketing plan to internal
    stakeholders, but plan is
    incomplete or unclear

    Does not explain how to
    communicate the marketing
    plan to internal stakeholders


    Strategies: External


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus description demonstrates
    deep understanding of nuanced
    needs of external stakeholders

    Describes how to share this
    marketing plan with direct and
    indirect external stakeholders

    Describes how to share this
    marketing plan with direct and
    indirect external stakeholders,
    but description is incomplete or

    Does not describe how to share
    this plan with external



    Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value


    Collaboration and
    Effectiveness of Plan


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus response demonstrates
    keen insight into the way
    communication strategies
    contribute to the overall
    effectiveness of the marketing

    Justifies how communication
    strategies will effectively drive
    collaboration and contribute to
    the effectiveness of the
    marketing plan

    Justifies how communication
    strategies will effectively drive
    collaboration and contribute to
    the effectiveness of the
    marketing plan, but response is
    incomplete, unclear, or illogical

    Does not justify how
    communication strategies will
    effectively drive collaboration
    and contribute to the
    effectiveness of the marketing


    Strategies: Ethical


    Meets all “proficient” criteria
    plus explanation demonstrates
    deep understanding of nuanced
    decisions to communicate with

    Explains how the ethical criteria
    were used to guide
    communication decisions for
    stakeholders of varying sectors
    of the population

    Explains the how the ethical
    criteria were used to guide
    communication decisions for
    stakeholders of varying sectors
    of the population

    Does not explain how the
    ethical criteria were used to
    guide communication decisions
    for stakeholders


    Articulation of

    Submission is free of errors
    related to citations, grammar,
    spelling, syntax, and
    organization and is presented in
    a professional and easy-to-read

    Submission has no major errors
    related to citations, grammar,
    spelling, syntax, or organization

    Submission has major errors
    related to citations, grammar,
    spelling, syntax, or organization
    that negatively impact
    readability and articulation of
    main ideas

    Submission has critical errors
    related to citations, grammar,
    spelling, syntax, or organization
    that prevent understanding of


    Total 100%

      IHP 510 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric




      Milestone One: Introduction

      Milestone Two: Situational Analysis

      Milestone Three: Marketing and Communication Strategies

      Final Submission: Marketing and Communication Plan


      Final Project Rubric


    Milestone 1 – Bellevue Hospital

    Deanna Buchanan



    Bellevue Hospital is widely regarded as the nation’s pioneering medical facility. Back in 1736, when it first opened, it was only a little infirmary with enough room for six patients. In recent years, its groundbreaking work in public health, medical research, and medical education has helped it become the most important academic medical center. Both inpatients and outpatients may access the cutting-edge medical treatment available at Bellevue Hospital (NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue, 2018). There is a need for additional marketing strategies even though it offers a comprehensive list of extremely effective services. In the healthcare industry, marketing means reaching out to potential patients, telling them about services, and keeping them interested in healthcare (NYC Health + Hospitals, 2019). The hospital’s marketing efforts should always reflect its core beliefs and long-term goals. With careful consideration of internal and external marketing aspects, Bellevue Hospital will provide its patients with top-notch service as part of its implemented marketing strategy. Success for the hospital may be guaranteed by strategic marketing that prioritizes congruence with its core values, mission, and vision.

    Mission, Vision & Goals

    Bellevue’s mission is to “provide the highest quality of care to the people of New York and to treat every patient with dignity, cultural sensitivity, and compassion, regardless of their ability to pay” (NYC Health + Hospitals, 2019). Bellevue always gives patients the best possible care, treatment, and services to achieve this mission.

    Bellevue’s vision is “to be a fully integrated health system that enables New Yorkers to live their healthiest lives” (NYC Health + Hospitals, 2021). The principles upheld by ICARE represent the ideals held by Bellevue. Integrity, compassion, accountability, respect, and excellence are all ICARE standards. These expectations apply to every Bellevue staff member. By remaining true to these principles, Bellevue seeks to improve the quality of care they provide to patients and inspire more participation from employees in the company’s overall vision and mission (NYC Health + Hospitals, 2019).

    State of service

    NYC/BV offers a wide range of services to the people it helps. These services include access to highly qualified medical experts, new care programs, and cutting-edge medical technology. In this context, the obesity and weight-management service is the state of service under review. Comprehensive care for obesity and its associated diseases, like diabetes, is provided by a team of experts at the NYC/BV Center for Obesity & Weight Management. The hospital is a renowned leader in several areas of medicine, including bariatric surgery. Specialists in specialties such as surgery, medicine, nutrition, and psychology make up the bulk of the hospital’s core team. Many different inpatient and outpatient treatment programs are available for patients of all ages who are overweight or obese. A healthcare facility that offers a wide range of services must follow federal ethics to protect patients’ privacy while giving professionals access to important medical information.


    Stakeholders are “individuals, groups, and institutions whose interests are directly or indirectly affected by the actions of those involved in an enterprise” (NYC Health + Hospitals, 2016). Ethical healthcare marketing involves adhering to a code of conduct for administrative and clinical behavior that considers the interests of all parties involved in healthcare delivery. Stakeholders from all across New York City and beyond have a vested interest in the success of Bellevue Hospital, including patients, their loved ones, employees, the hospital’s board of directors, and their health insurance providers. The Bellevue Community Advisory Board (CAB) is a key stakeholder. The CAB’s main job is to bring together the hospital’s patients, staff, and community members. The CAB is uniquely positioned to serve as a sounding board for community concerns and to disseminate and promote community goals and values (NYC Health + Hospitals, 2016). Because Bellevue listens to what its stakeholders say, the hospital has kept a loyal group of patients.

    Alignment of Services with Mission, Vision, and Goals

    Many different kinds of medical treatment are available to people in Bellevue. To this day, the hospital remains committed to its founding principles of “one standard of care for everyone” and “all are welcome” (NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue, 2020d). Bellevue meets its mission and vision by offering a full range of services and sticking to the rule that every patient should be treated with kindness and care. The hospital has also been able to keep achieving its mission and vision thanks to its creative approach to process improvement. “Breakthrough has given the NYC Health + Hospitals staff a consistent way to think about coming up with new ideas, making plans, and solving problems” (NYC Health + Hospitals, 2016). To maintain its status as one of the best hospitals in the country, Bellevue has implemented a breakthrough process improvement system.

    Target Population

    The majority of the people Bellevue Hospital treats are regarded as being low-income. Evidence of this may be seen in the percentage of patients with medical coverage. At Bellevue Medical Center, 57% of all hospital discharges are covered by Medicaid, as are 36% of all ER visits and 45% of all outpatient clinic visits. Community Health Survey statistics from the New York City Department of Health show that certain service areas had much higher rates of diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, asthma, and cigarette use than the city as a whole (NYC Health + Hospitals, 2018). Bellevue Hospital primarily serves White and Hispanic people. A large and increasing Asian community is also being treated at the hospital. Despite an increasing elderly population in its target region, the hospital’s patient demographics are increasingly skewed toward younger patients. Patients come from all over the globe to Bellevue Hospital in New York, one of the largest hospitals in the United States. It serves as a primary care clinic for people living in regions with a high need for medical treatment (NYC Health+Hospitals, 2018).


    NYC Health+Hospitals. (2018). 
    Missions and Values. Retrieved from NYC Health+Hospitals:

    NYC Health+Hospitals. (2018). 
    Our Services. Retrieved from NYC Health+Hospitals:

    NYC Health+Hospitals|Bellevue. (2016). 
    2016 Community Health Needs Assessment. Retrieved from NYC Health+Hospitals|Bellevue:


    Situational Analysis

    Deanna Buchanan


    Situational Analysis

    Managers do a situational analysis to get insight into the capabilities, clientele, and external business climate of their company, and this study makes use of a variety of data collecting techniques. Factors like competitiveness and marketing ethics are included in the list of external and internal marketing influences on Bellevue, as are the services that will be used to market the community.

    Marketing Factors

    Internal and external marketing factors have a significant impact on healthcare organizations. Internal marketing factors refer to the internal resources, capabilities, and limitations of the healthcare organization (Cellucci et al., 2014). Internal marketing factors include things like the hospital’s reputation, the quality of its staff and facilities, and its financial stability. Internal marketing factors can also include the hospital’s mission, vision, and strategic goals, as well as its culture and values.

    External marketing factors refer to the external environment in which the healthcare organization operates. These can include things like changes in the healthcare industry, technological advancements, economic conditions, and competition from other healthcare providers (Berkowitz, 2021). External marketing factors can also include demographic changes in the community served by the hospital, as well as the healthcare needs and preferences of the population (Berkowitz, 2021).

    Service Proposal

    A mental health program could be a valuable service for Bellevue Hospital to market, as mental health is an important aspect of overall health and wellness, and access to mental health services can be a challenge for many individuals. The mental health program proposed above could potentially address both a weakness and an opportunity for Bellevue Hospital.

    As a weakness, the hospital may face challenges in terms of attracting patients seeking mental health services. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as competition from other healthcare providers, a lack of awareness about the hospital’s mental health services, or a perception that the hospital is not a top choice for mental health care. By marketing a comprehensive mental health program, the hospital can address this weakness by increasing awareness of its services and attracting more patients seeking mental health care through social media adverts.

    As an opportunity, the proposed mental health program could also present an opportunity for the hospital to expand its services and meet the healthcare needs of the community. Mental health is an important aspect of overall health and wellness, and access to mental health services can be a challenge for many individuals. By offering a range of mental health services, the hospital can provide an important resource for the community and position itself as a leader in mental health care (Cellucci et al., 2014). This can also help the hospital to improve its financial sustainability by increasing revenue from mental health services.

    Marketing Goal

    Using the SMART model is recommended for developing a hospital’s marketing strategy. It’s a framework that guarantees the goal will be SMART (“specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound”) (Berkowitz, 2021). To develop a marketing goal for this proposed service, it could be helpful to consider the SMART goal framework. For example:

    Specific: Increase the number of patients seeking mental health services at Bellevue Hospital by 20% within the next year.

    Measurable: The goal will be measured by tracking the number of patients seeking mental health services at the hospital over the course of the year.

    Achievable: This goal is achievable because it represents a realistic increase in the number of patients seeking mental health services at the hospital.

    Realistic: The goal is realistic because it takes into account the resources and capabilities of the hospital, as well as the needs of the community.

    Timely: The goal has a specific timeframe of one year, which allows for sufficient time to implement marketing efforts and see results.

    Goal Alignment

    The proposed mental health program marketing goal for increasing the number of patients seeking mental health services at Bellevue Hospital by 20% within the next year aligns with the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the hospital. First, the hospital’s mission is to provide high-quality, culturally competent care to the diverse communities it serves. By offering a range of mental health services, the hospital can fulfill this mission by addressing a significant healthcare need and making these services more accessible to the community (Schönberger, 2019). The hospital’s vision is to be a leader in healthcare, and offering a comprehensive mental health program can help the hospital achieve this by expanding its services and positioning itself as a top choice for mental health care. Finally, the strategic goals of the hospital include improving access to care and financial sustainability. The proposed mental health program can support both of these goals by increasing revenue from mental health services and making these services more accessible to the community.


    To identify and analyze the competition for the proposed mental health service at Bellevue Hospital, it will be important to consider the other healthcare providers in the region offering mental health services. Lenox Hill Hospital and NYU Langone Health are significant competitors for Bellevue Hospital in terms of mental health services. Both hospitals offer a range of mental health services, including individual therapy, group therapy, and medication management. They also offer specialized mental health services or therapies, such as child and adolescent mental health or geriatric psychiatry. It would be useful for Bellevue Hospital to research the specific mental health services offered by Lenox Hill Hospital and NYU Langone Health in order to understand how its own services compare and how it can differentiate itself in the market. However, Bellevue Hospital differentiate its proposed mental health services from those offered by Lenox Hill Hospital and NYU Langone Health by offering specialized services or therapies. Also, Bellevue Hospital’s proposed mental service are high-quality care, which is an advantage to the hospital in market. By considering the reputation of both the competition and Bellevue Hospital, the hospital can determine what it needs to do to improve its reputation or highlight its strengths in this area. Also, competitors may be located in convenient areas that are easily accessible by public transportation or by car. Bellevue Hospital is conveniently located in market opportunities to improve its accessibility for patients seeking mental health services. Finally, Bellevue Hospital mental services are competitive as it offers mental health services at a range of costs, including insurance-covered services and self-pay options.

    Ethical Criteria

    To determine how the current marketing strategies used by Bellevue Hospital adhere to industry ethical criteria and codes such as those of the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), it will be helpful to consider the specific marketing tactics being used and how they align with ethical guidelines (Shi & Singh, 2022). First, the hospital’s marketing strategy is ensuring that marketing materials are accurate and truthful. Secondly, the facility has strong confidentiality protocols. Thirdly, it ensures that patients are fully informed about their treatment options. Finally, the facility provide patients with access to their own records.


    Berkowitz, E. N. (2021). 
    Essentials of health care marketing. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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    IHP 510 Milestone Three: Marketing and Communication Strategies

    Deanna Buchanan


    Marketing strategies

    Promoting services for mental health and drug addiction requires building relationships with individuals seeking help, their loved ones, and the larger community. If Bellevue wants to increase its internet market share, it must prioritize marketing initiatives that use social media. Marketing a mental health and drug addiction education program on social media would be effective for Bellevue Hospital since 40% of customers say that social media impacts how they cope with health (Cellucci et al., 2014). Email advertising is just another method in the marketer’s toolbox. Promoting the program to prospective clients by emailing them personally and encouraging them to sign up. This may include describing the program, listing the advantages of joining, and giving discounts or other incentives. Last but not least, there’s content promotion. In order to gain the audience’s confidence and position the hospital as an expert in mental health, we will be producing and distributing high-quality, topical material. Various material formats, such as blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos, may be used to spread awareness and understanding of mental health concerns and the available support services among the target audience.

    Individuals in recovery from drug addiction or mental illness often report feeling lonely, anxious, and on edge and have very low levels of self-esteem. So, hospitals need to use marketing strategies that foster constructive connections with individuals like these patients and other hospital stakeholders. Studies have established that individuals use social media for various health-related reasons, such as seeking out emotional support or learning more about their disease and treatment alternatives (Berkowitz, 2021). Bellevue could use social media to promote healthcare services by sharing relevant news pieces, motivational images, encouraging words, and success stories. People searching for therapy or information might feel less alone and more hopeful with the help of this approach (Cellucci et al., 2014).

    Four and Five P’s of Healthcare Marketing

    Price, place, promotion, and product are the “Four Ps” of marketing. By highlighting the specific services it offers, such as therapy, counseling, and psychiatric care, and focusing on the unique features of its services, such as the qualifications of its mental health professionals or the use of innovative treatment approaches, the hospital can effectively communicate the value of its product to its target audience. To make its services more accessible, the hospital could consider its pricing strategy, such as offering discounts or financial assistance. It could also consider how it distributes its services, such as through in-person visits or teletherapy options, and consider partnering with community organizations to offer its services in convenient locations (Berkowitz, 2021). To raise awareness about its mental health services, the hospital could use a variety of promotional tactics, such as advertising in local media, promoting the services on its website and social media platforms, and collaborating with community organizations.

    Patients, policymakers, and payers are the three P’s chosen for healthcare marketing. Bellevue Hospital could use patients, policymakers, and payers of healthcare as key audiences in its marketing efforts for its mental health services. To reach patients, the hospital could promote its services on its website and social media platforms, advertise in local media, and collaborate with community organizations (Berkowitz, 2021). To target policymakers, such as elected officials or government agencies, the hospital could promote the importance of mental health care and advocate for policies that support the provision of such services (Berkowitz, 2021). To target payers, such as insurance companies, the hospital could work with them to develop coverage plans and promote the benefits of such coverage to potential patients (Cellucci et al., 2014). The government provides funding for Bellevue since it is a public hospital. If the hospital wants to keep getting funding, it must ensure its programs and advertisements are in line with the rules. Grants called Mental Health Block Grants (MHBG) are available from the federal government to help states expand their community mental health services (Berkowitz, 2021). By targeting these key audiences, the hospital can effectively promote its mental health services and advocate for policies that support the provision of such care.

    Target market

    Significant community health needs in Bellevue include treatment for mental illness and drug misuse (Berkowitz, 2021). Patients, their loved ones, and the greater NYC community would therefore constitute the target demographic for this educational initiative. There is a wide range of ages, genders, races, and socioeconomic statuses among New York City’s population of people with mental health and drug addiction issues. Substance misuse and mental illness affect people of all ages, races, socioeconomic backgrounds, educational levels, and walks of life in New York City. Research shows that Latina teens face disproportionately high rates of suicide ideation (Karim et al., 2020). In addition, another study indicated that 20% of low-income mothers in the city have postpartum depression (Karim et al., 2020). New York City drug use data were published in a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). SAMHSA (2015) reported that of the various demographic groups currently residing in New York City, 25.3% of adolescents, 47.7% of African Americans, 53.4% of whites, 57.6% of those who work full-time, 52.2% of college graduates, and numerous other groups admitted to using illegal drugs in the previous year. The survey also analyzed the prevalence of mental health disorders such major depressive episode disorder and suicide ideation among various populations who used various drugs (SAMHSA, 2015).

    The target market might have different psychographics and behaviors in addition to different demographics. Patients with depression may use marijuana for pain relief, while those with social anxiety may turn to alcohol for consolation (Karim et al., 2020). For instance, regardless of a person’s age, color, socioeconomic status, etc., they would be included in this program’s marketing efforts if they were in need of or interested in learning more about mental health and drug misuse.

    Currently Used Strategies

    As of right now, Bellevue Hospital’s marketing strategies are centered on “establishing an action plan to ensure health information materials, products, and services are accessible and understandable by patients and the communities they serve,” as well as “strengthening communication to inform and engage staff, patients, and communities in understanding the hospitals health equity, principles, and goals” (Karim et al., 2020). Regardless, they use subpar promotional techniques. There is nothing except their location and client feedback on their Facebook page. They also maintain a Twitter account, which is packed with helpful information, words of encouragement, a link to the main site, and beautiful images of motivation. The hospital is already making good use of this kind of advertising, but it would be much more effective if they had a Facebook page. Whereas Facebook has 2 billion users as of the beginning of 201


    , Twitter only has 330 million (Karim et al., 2020). Reaching a big population is important in New York City due to the prevalence and diversity of mental illness and drug misuse. Therefore, the best way for the hospital to reach more people is to use Facebook as a marketing tool.

    Appropriateness of Social Media Marketing for Target Market

    In addition to the billions of users that Facebook boasts, Twitter also has millions. Because of this, Bellevue hospital should make the most of social media while they still can (). For health-related questions, social media is a go-to resource for people of various ages, backgrounds, places, personality types, etc. Others use social media for confirmation, to gauge their own experiences against those of others, and to vent their emotions without fear of retaliation from those who “get it” (Cellucci et al., 2014). As a result, promoting mental health and substance addiction resources on social media is an excellent way to reach individuals who may be in need of treatment or who may be curious to learn more.

    Ethical criteria

    There are several ethical criteria that guided the selection of using Facebook as a marketing tool for promoting mental health services. AMA has a Code of Medical Ethics that provides guidance on the ethical use of social media in the healthcare industry. This includes principles such as maintaining confidentiality, avoiding conflicts of interest, and ensuring that online communication is accurate and respectful (Perez, 2021). Also, ACHE has a Code of Ethics for Healthcare Management that includes principles related to the ethical use of social media in healthcare (Perez, 2021). This includes principles such as respecting patient privacy, avoiding conflicts of interest, and being transparent about the use of social media in healthcare.

    Communication strategies

    It is essential that all involved stakeholders within an organization be consulted when crafting marketing plans. These individuals or groups, whether within or external to the company, are the ones who have something to gain from the business’s succeeding.

    Internal Stakeholders

    Those who are “directly and/or financially engaged in the operating process” are considered “internal stakeholders” (Cellucci et al., 2014). These would be the doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, and board members at Bellevue. One communication strategy is using surveys with built-in suggestion boxes sent through staff newsletters to get these people involved in the marketing process (Berkowitz, 2021). Priority stakeholders will be employees since they have first-hand knowledge of the services offered and an intimate understanding of the company’s strengths and limitations (Berkowitz, 2021). One-on-one meetings will be used to schedule individual meetings with key stakeholders, such as doctors or administration, to discuss the marketing plan in more detail and address any questions or concerns they may have. Additionally, the organization’s intranet or other internal communication channels will be used to disseminate updates and information regarding the strategy.

    External Stakeholders

    Individuals or organizations outside of an organization who influence it or may have an impact on it are known as external stakeholders (Cellucci et al., 2014). Public health authorities, city/state lawmakers, funders, and the target market would make up Bellevue’s external stakeholders. There are several ways that I can share marketing plan for mental health services with indirect and direct external stakeholders through:

    Press releases: I can issue press releases about the marketing plan to local media outlets, which can be shared with the general public and with external stakeholders, such as legislators and public health officials.

    Social media: I can use social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, to share information about the marketing plan with external stakeholders and the general public.

    Networking events: I can attend networking events and conferences related to mental health and use these opportunities to share information about the marketing plan with external stakeholders.

    Collaboration and Effectiveness of Plan

    Here are a few strategies I can use to leverage internal and external stakeholders to ensure that they are collaborating and supporting the mental health services:

    Involve stakeholders in the planning process: I can involve internal and external stakeholders in the planning process for the mental health services by asking for their input and feedback on the marketing plan. This can help to ensure that their concerns and needs are addressed and that they feel invested in the success of the plan.

    Communicate regularly: I should aim to communicate regularly with internal and external stakeholders about the progress of the marketing plan and any updates or changes. This can help to keep everyone informed and ensure that everyone is on the same page (Cellucci et al., 2014).

    Build relationships: Building strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders is key to ensuring their support for the mental health services program. It is important to take the time to get to know these individuals and understand their needs and concerns, and work to build trust and credibility with them over time.

    Ethical Criteria


    Standards and codes of ethics, such as the ACHE Code of Ethics, must be included in marketing plans. Professionalism entails a dedication to the highest levels of ethics and ideals like honesty, fairness, and consideration for others’ feelings. It’s crucial to maintain a level head and make sure everyone’s thoughts are heard and appreciated while dealing with stakeholders both within and outside the organization. By adhering to these moral standards, the hospital and its stakeholders, as well as the surrounding community, will have confidence in the planned mental health program’s ability to attract and retain participants.


    Cellucci, L. W., Wiggins, C., & Farnsworth, T. J. (2014). 
    Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach. Health Administration Press.

    Berkowitz, E. N. (2021). 
    Essentials of health care marketing. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

    Karim, F., Oyewande, A. A., Abdalla, L. F., Ehsanullah, R. C., & Khan, S. (2020). Social media use and its connection to mental health: a systematic review. 

    Perez, M. (2021). Ethics and Decision-Making in the VA Healthcare System. 

    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2015). Results from the 2015 national survey on drug use and health: Detailed tables. [PDF]. Retrieved from

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