WEEK 7: Presenting InformationPresenting Digital Information
In this lesson, you will submit your Final Project presentation for instructor review. The project
is a culmination of all of the research which you have completed utilizing the Big 6 process
model throughout the course.
Course Objective(s):

CO8 Synthesize information from multiple scholarly sources and communicate information with
clarity and depth via a multimedia project.
Weekly Objectives:

WO 7.1 Explain why it is important to self-evaluate (self-reflect) on the research process.
WO 7.2 List some best practices when presenting a topic when using presentation software.
Topics of Discussion:

Evaluate the research process
Self-evaluate your project
Complete research project
1. To determine or set the value or amount of; appraise.
2. To judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of; assess.
3. An act or instance of evaluating or appraising.
All definitions taken from
Information Literacy – The ability to know when there is a need for information,
to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and
share that information for the problem at hand.
Descriptions taken from the Association of Colleges & Universities Value
The Big 6 Model: Evaluation
Evaluation is the final step in the Big 6 research process and includes
analyzing the product for its effectiveness in solving the information problem
and judging the process. Learning to evaluate yourself and your work is
essential to academic success as well as becoming a better employee,
spouse, friend, parent, and myriad other roles.
Self-evaluate the Research Process
If your information need is informal, such as deciding where to find the phone
number of a local pizza restaurant so that you could order a delivered pizza
for dinner, then your evaluation will be simple. In that case, you might ask
yourself whether finding the phone number was easy, and if it was not, what
method you might use next time.
If your information need is formal, such as in finding facts about a field of
study presentation on the topic, your evaluation process might be much more
formal, as well. In that case, you might take a look at the final project to
ensure that it meets assignment requirements in order to earn full credit, and
think about the steps you took to gather and manage information leading up to
your final project creation. If you have gathered your sources effectively and
stored them in an organized way, you will be able to review them as you
prepare to subject your final project.
How will you know if your final creation expanded upon your project plan? Did
you confirm that the questions you asked in your plan have been answered
through your research? Are these details part of your final presentation? How
have you compared the final product to your original thinking in the project
plan? Of course, in a project of this size, you may have altered your original
purpose—this is okay. Simply be certain to account for these changes before
you submit your presentation for final review.
Submit the Product for Formal Evaluation
After self-evaluation and peer-evaluations are complete, the assignment can
be submitted for a formal instructor evaluation and grading.
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In this stage of evaluation, you will receive a number score indicating
how your work measures up to the expectations of the assignment, and
you will also receive a few comments from the instructor about your
project’s strengths and areas needing improvement. No two instructors
would grade your product exactly the same, but using a grading rubric
helps instructors to remove much of the subjectivity in grading student
work and use set criteria to judge the work’s various traits—giving you
the most objective grading possible.
Often, when students submit a final product for grading, that is the end of it.
The student receives a grade in return, puts the paper or project away, and
never thinks of it again. However, failing to consider your instructor’s feedback
deprives you of the growth you can achieve by considering suggestions for
improvement and comments about your strengths. Reflecting on the product
and others’ feedback can give you a sense of accomplishment in thinking
about your own performance and help you set goals for future academic
As you review your final Field of Study project for this class, consider what
you have learned through completing the project. This is not just about the
topic you chose or the writing you added to the presentation, but about your
time management skills, and your ability to narrow a topic, search for sources,
sift through for relevant information, evaluate the sources, and combine it all
into one cohesive product that communicates something effectively to an
audience. How did you deal with any setbacks or frustrations along the way?
How did you accomplish the tasks needed to pull it all together? And, most
importantly, how can you take these skills with you into life experiences,
professional endeavors, and other college coursework in the future?
In the beginning of our course, you considered the importance of digital and
information literacy. Then, you proceeded through the six steps of the Big 6
research process, which included task definition, information seeking
strategies, location and access, use of information, synthesis, and evaluation.
Each week, as you moved to the next step in conducting your research and
working with information, you were pushed to explore and narrow your focus.
Some steps in the research process might have been natural for you and took
little time. Others might have presented real challenges and new opportunities
for learning. As you think back to your process throughout the class, what
worked well for you? What did not work? If you had to provide advice to
another student just getting started in this class or on a research project, what
kind of advice or counsel might you provide to help the other student

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