Strategic Opportunity Mgmt Week 9 Assignment


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Guiding Coalition Recommendations

Terrell McGhee

MBA 699

Strategic Opportunity Mgmt




The success of an exit strategy is often influenced by the coalition team set up by the organization to spearhead the change initiative and deliver results. The most critical part of building a coalition team is identifying key individuals with social and leadership skills to warrant effective communication in an organization and providing feedback to the managers about how other stakeholders feel about the proposed change. To this end, this paper identifies individuals within one of the largest Life Science Organizations in the Midwest to form a coalition team that will initiate, lead and sustain the exit strategy and provides recommendations to the board of directors on the proposed sale of the organization.


The employee person report provides critical information about different individuals, their position, and the influence they have in shaping the organization. Therefore after reviewing this report, four individuals have been selected to form the guiding coalition. These individuals have demonstrated that they can influence others and are committed to having a beneficial impact while directing the change efforts. When building a team to operate as a guiding coalition, it is important to consider four crucial criteria to ensure that the team is effective. These four qualities are leadership, expertise, power, and creditability. To this effect, the five individuals to constitute a guiding coalition are:

i. Omar Mattsson, Manufacturing Director

ii. Elain Hartwick, Acting Director

iii. John Martensson, Research Director

iv. Chris Bottling, Sales Executive


The four individuals identified above have demonstrated through their positions that they have the leadership and social qualities which are integral in guiding the coalition to provide recommendations to the board of directors. The qualities and experience of each coalition team member are described below to justify their suitability.

Omar Mattsson, Manufacturing Director

a. Has worked in the Life Science Organization for three years

b. He manages 12 manufacturing plants with 580 employees

c. Has the highest job satisfaction of 4 points.

Omar joined the Life Science Organization due to an acquisition and expresses satisfaction with how the integration has proceeded successfully. Omar is a highly successful manufacturing director who has established the firm’s distribution network in the Middle East, and his strategies have proven successful. This track record positions Omar as an invaluable resource to the guiding coalition, having experienced the exit strategy before when he joined the company.

(ii) Elain Hartwick, Acting Director

a. Has worked in the organization for ten years

b. Has high job satisfaction scoring 3 points

c. Managers 18 senior managers

Elaine Hartwick has a reputation for being a strong leader who can quickly adapt to change. Besides, one of Elaine’s many admirable qualities is her ability to recognize and value the unique contributions of others around her. In her position as director of senior managers, she will have the most influence over those who make decisions and will therefore be the power leader in the guiding coalition.

John Martensson, Research Director

a. Managed more than 100 scientists in the organization’s research labs in three countries

b. Has worked in the organization for 22 years

c. Has the highest job satisfaction scoring 4 points

John Martensson is in charge of the three different research facilities that the company owns and operates in three countries. Interestingly, John was in the company when it merged with another company in the past; as such, he understands how the exit strategy works. John is also mainly dedicated to the firm’s scientific research; he will therefore serve as the guiding coalition’s team leader because of his long history with the organization and his ability to influence other employees with his endorsement of the transition.

(iv)Chris Bottling, Sales Executive

a. Manages over 150 sales representatives worldwide

b. Has worked in the organization for ten years

c. Has an average job satisfaction score of 2 points

Chris is a practical leader and has successfully overseen the integration of two acquisitions at previous employers. His background in corporate restructuring positions him to provide valuable insight for the project. Therefore, Chris Bottling would serve as the guiding coalition’s team resident specialist to provide his vast experience on mergers and acquisitions to the team and help provide recommendations to the organization’s board of directors.

Team Building Strategies

Establishing clear roles and responsibilities is vital to building a well-functioning team. Team members should know their strengths and weaknesses and how they can best contribute to the team. This requirement is that the group have a wide range of perspectives and be fully invested in the effort to change and the desired outcomes. As a result, everyone on the team will know what they are working toward and how they may affect change (Khan & Wajid, 2019). Members of the guiding coalition must be reliable and capable of easing the transition to new circumstances for those around them by defining their roles and articulating a common goal. For the team to succeed, its members must feel safe confiding in one another. They should prioritize change and actively involve individuals who may be affected by the transition to win their support. Creating a positive and supportive team environment where team members feel comfortable communicating and collaborating is also essential. Besides, regularly team-building activities and strategies can help to strengthen the team bond further and improve team performance (Marhasova et al.,2022).

In the context of the Life Science Organization exit strategy, the guiding coalition team must work cohesively to develop a plan of action and long-term goals. They need a plan specifying the outcomes they want to see from their team development efforts and how to prepare for its eventual sale. More importantly, the guiding coalition team should think about keeping their most productive workers invested in the company after the sale is finalized. This will help keep their teams motivated by fostering an environment where employees can look past the sale’s negative implications and instead focus on the benefits of the exit strategy. The best way to keep talented employees from leaving is for the team to work together to gain a deeper appreciation for how each member’s job and department contributes to the whole organization’s success.

Moreover, the staff should have a sense of urgency to prepare everything for the possible sale. The message and the vision must be something that can be imagined, desired, accomplished, adaptable, and shared. It is essential to break down the process of selling a business into achievable steps like customer service and keeping an eye on client turnover to keep all profitable customers (Fredberg & Pregmark, 2022). Suppose the team has a well-thought-out strategy that incorporates the knowledge of all the specialists on the team. In that case, it will be more cohesive, and its members will be more likely to accept responsibility for the steps necessary to carry out the plan.

It should be noted that creating a timeline for the project will instill a feeling of urgency and will show the team the financial impact of delays which will motivate them to get the job done. Throughout the planning phase, the guiding coalition can collect observations, assess the risks, and establish controls necessary to deal with the difficulties it will face during the implementation phase. It will also be imperative for the team to use the company acquiring the firm to its advantage to identify synergies and differences between the present and future states.


Fredberg, T., & Pregmark, J. E. (2022). Organizational transformation: Handling the double-edged sword of urgency. 
Long Range Planning, 
55(2), 102091.

Khan, M. R., & Wajidi, A. (2019). Role of leadership and team building in employee motivation at workplace. 
9(1), 11-11.

Marhasova, V., Maliar, S., Ivanov, M., Garafonova, O., & Kozyrieva, O. (2022). IT Team Building Process Management based on a Competency Approach.



Alternative Buyer Research Report and Acquisition Road Map

Terrell McGhee




Strategic Opportunity Mgmt






In readiness to sell our Life Science Organization in the Midwest, this paper evaluates the alternative potential buyer as a contingency plan should the original buyer bolt out. The VP president of our organization has identified some potential buyers; as such, this report evaluates these buyers to identify one acquirer that will enable our organization to implement an e


it strategy. To achieve the objective and meet the expectations of our VP, this report will focus on one potential buyer to identify its operational capacity, strategic goals, financial clout, and industry competitiveness. Based on the analysis done before to identify the companies in the pharmaceutical and medicine industry based on the NAICS code, this report proposes Johnson &Johnson as the potential alternative acquirer of our organization. To reinforce the acquisition plans, this report will also formulate the road map highlighting the steps and measures to ensure a successful exit strategy for our Life Science Organization in the Midwest.

Alternative Buyer Analysis- Johnson & Johnson Company

Current Market

Johnson & Johnson is an American multinational pharmaceutical, medical device, and consumer packaged goods manufacturer headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The company has grown to become one of the largest healthcare companies in the world, with operations in over 60 countries (Johnson &Johnson(n.d) 2022). Johnson & Johnson is well-known for its consumer healthcare products, including Band-Aid bandages, Listerine mouthwash, Neutrogena skin care products, and Tylenol pain relievers. The company also has a strong presence in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, producing drugs to treat diabetes, HIV, asthma, arthritis, and other medical conditions and medical devices such as contact lenses, hip implants, and heart stents. The company has an extensive portfolio of pharmaceutical products, including treatments for cancer, diabetes, and infectious diseases. Johnson & Johnson is also a leader in developing novel therapies, such as gene and cell therapy. Over the past few years, Johnson & Johnson has invested heavily in developing new treatments for various diseases. For instance, the company has a footprint in digital health, developing products such as connected medical devices and digital health solutions.

Johnson & Johnson serves a wide range of customers in both the consumer and healthcare industries. Consumers of Johnson & Johnson products include individuals, families, and retailers. In the consumer sector, their products are sold in supermarkets, drug stores, mass merchants, and other retail establishments. Their customers include hospitals, healthcare professionals, managed care organizations, the government, and other healthcare providers in the healthcare sector. Johnson & Johnson also sells products to large wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturers.

Financial Analysis

Johnson & Johnson’s capacity as an alternative acquirer of our Life Science Organization in the Midwest is evidenced by its financial powers. According to the company’s income statement for the year ended 2021, it generated a total revenue of $ 9


.775Billion which was a


.55% growth from the prior year, and a total operating cost of $




4 billion. The company’s net profit margin for the same period was 22.26%, and the basic earnings per share of $ 7.93. Besides the income potential, it is also essential to consider the balance sheet position of the potential buyer to understand its solvency and liquidity positions which are the engine of the organization’s success (Johnson & Johnson Financial Statement, 2021). The 2021 balance sheet of Johnson & Johnson company shows a total assets value of $ 1


2.018Billion which comprises current assets of $ 60.979 billion. The company’s current liabilities for the same period were $ 45.226 billion; thus, when divided with the current assets gives a current ratio of 1.35, implying that the company has a strong liquidity position. The solvency position of Johnson & Johnson company is also stable since its long-term liabilities of $ 62.769 are less than its equity of $ 74.023 billion.

Recent Developments

In 2021, an investment of 14.7 billion dollars was made in research and development, which reflected the organization’s commitment to generating life-enhancing technologies and creating value through collaborations that will radically impact the trajectory of health for humanity. One of the most recent projects of Johnson& Johnson Company has been the development of Covid –


vaccine (Patel,2022). The company partnered with the Biomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority of the USA human and health services department to develop a $ 1 billion Covid 19 vaccine. In the financial year 2021, the company advanced its products line through submission for approval to the regulatory agencies. Some of its novel products include the Covid-19 Booster shot and the BYANNLI, a drug for the treatment of Schizophrenia in adults.

Buyer Rationale

The capacity of Johnson & Johnson Company to buy our life science organization is epitomized by several success areas of the organization. Johnson & Johnson has a solid financial position with high-income potential and a strong balance sheet. Besides, the company is one of the most successful pharmaceutical companies globally, with a firm grip on the market, as shown by its pervasive product portfolio and operational departments (Shay,2021). The company has many operational segments such as immunology, oncology, Neuroscience, and pulmonary hypertension, and increased research R&D makes Johnson & Johnson the most potential buyer of our Life Science Organization in the Midwest.

Acquisition Road Map

To ensure that our organization’s exit strategy is successful, the company management has committed to a systematic approach guided by several implementation approaches. Our organization’s acquisition roadmap started with the constitution of the strategic team of the organization’s employees to spearhead the process and guide the VP. This stage was followed by the selection of the members of the guiding coalition and preparing them to understand the objectives of the acquisition and accept and lead the change process. More importantly, the strategic team took steps to look for, evaluate and select the potential acquirer of our company. To avert the looming bolting out of the initial buyer, the VP provided another list of potential buyers based on the guidelines of the NAICS. Against this backdrop, an acquisition roadmap is to be prepared to provide more insight to the VP of the organization to implement the exit strategy. Other steps that have yet to be started and which will be part of this exit strategy include, among others, negotiation with the selected buyer, signing of the acquisition contract, training the employees to prepare them for the exit, and finally, the implementation of the exit strategy. All these activities and their proportion of completion are presented in the Gantt Chart.

Gantt Chart with an acquisition road map



























































Select a period to highlight at right. A legend describing the charting follows.

Period Highlight:



Plan Duration

Actual Start

% Complete

Actual (beyond plan)



































[Example: Form Strategic Planning Team]

1 2


[Form guiding coalition]


[Create change management strategy]


[Perform industry analysis]


[Current buyer and alternative buyer analysis]


[ Top competitors research]


[Select the best potential buyer]


[Create a contingency plan]


[Pitch acquisition to Johnson & Johnson]

13 x

[Contract negotiation]



[Signing of the acquisition agreement]


[Preparing the employees for the exit]


[Finalization and integration]


Our next step in our exit strategy is to present our agency to Johnson & Johnson Company, one of the potential buyers, in the hopes that they will decide to acquire us. The board of directors will oversee doing research and developing the proposal that will be presented to Novartis. This should take a little time as our company has already presented itself to another potential acquirer; nonetheless, the agency will need to update the firm’s financials and modify the pitch to appeal to the new desired buyer. Based on our estimates, we can provide Johnson & Johnson Company with one to two months to evaluate our offer and provide feedback before we jumpstart the final exit strategy steps.


Company overview: Johnson &Johnson(n.d).Retrieved December 5, 2022, from:

Patel, R., Kaki, M., Potluri, V. S., Kahar, P., & Khanna, D. (2022). A comprehensive review of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna & Johnson & Johnson. 
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 
18(1), 2002083.

Shay, D. K. (2021). Safety monitoring of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine—United States, March–April 2021. 
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 

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MBA 699 Project Guidelines and Rubric

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In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Manage stakeholder rela�onships to sustain a compe��ve advantage

Align and integrate a short-term goal with a strategic plan

Create a change management strategy


You are a business development manager repor�ng to the vice president (VP) of business development at one of the largest life

sciences organiza�ons in the Midwest. While the organiza�on has shown constant growth and profitability since its incep�on in

1999, the owners have decided that it is �me to sell. Given the current uncertainty in global markets, the organiza�on’s board of

directors is not convinced that this is the right approach.

While work was underway to find a poten�al buyer, the VP called on you to join the strategic planning team to assess the

organiza�on’s exit strategy and make recommenda�ons to its board of directors. You have been working closely with your strategic

planning team to make some ini�al analyses and recommenda�ons to help plan for the sale of the organiza�on.

As part of the planning team, your first task was to select people from your organiza�on to build a guiding coali�on to help the

organiza�on transi�on during and a�er the acquisi�on.

Then, you were asked to analyze one of the organiza�on’s core strengths, its talented pool of employees. This included analyzing the

a�ri�on data to understand why employees have le� the organiza�on and recommending ways to ensure employee stability in the

future. This essen�al informa�on will be provided to poten�al acquirers to assure them of the organiza�on’s ability to retain talent.

While planning was underway, your first poten�al buyer started to get cold feet. So, you were asked to research an alterna�ve buyer

and build a con�ngency plan. This con�ngency plan is an important part of your exit strategy and your report to the board of

directors. You and your team were also asked to formulate an acquisi�on road map that lays out the ac�on steps and �melines for

the plan.

Now that the ini�al analysis and plans are complete, your VP is ready to make the presenta�on to the board of directors. The VP has

asked you to prepare a formal report that you will send to the board prior to the presenta�on. This report will include the analyses

and plans you have developed over the last few weeks. It is important to note that your report will provide a first impression to the

board about the upcoming presenta�on and mee�ng. You need to cra� a compelling message that provides insights based on all the

work your team has done and substan�ates your posi�on with data. In addi�on, as a part of your report, you will also outline a

change management strategy that will help ensure a smoother transi�on a�er the sale of the organiza�on.


Write a merger integra�on report that includes your analyses and insights and provides a change management strategy for moving

forward toward a sale of the organiza�on in the course scenario. Compile your work from Milestones One, Two, and Three in your

report. Remember to address and incorporate any feedback you may have received from your instructor on your milestone


Guiding coali�on: Use the organiza�onal chart and the employee personas provided to guide your selec�on of the guiding coali�on

for the organiza�on in the


Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

1. Recommenda�on: Use the organiza�onal chart and the personas to iden�fy people who should be part of the guiding

coali�on. Review the personas to iden�fy the individuals who have the influence and commitment to make a posi�ve impact

while providing guidance for the change ini�a�ve.

2. Ra�onale: Jus�fy your choice of guiding coali�on team members. Your responses should address the following for each

individual you recommend for the coali�on:

a. What is the person’s �tle and how many people do they manage?

b. How long has each person been with the organiza�on?

c. What area(s) of the organiza�on does this person influence?

d. What is your ra�onale for choosing the person? Consider the person’s characteris�cs for your ra�onale.

e. What role will each person fulfill as a member of the guiding coali�on?

3 T b ildi t t i D ib � i� d t t i ill i t d t b ild ll f � i t Y


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Reflect in ePortfolio Download Print

Open with docReader

3. Team-building strategies: Describe ac�vi�es and strategies you will introduce to build a well-func�oning team. Your

response should address the


a. What strategies will help the members align with the change ini�a�ve of the organiza�on in the scenario?

b. What steps or ac�ons will you take to establish a sense of urgency within the team?

c. How do these ac�vi�es and strategies help build trust?

Employee a�ri�on analysis report: First, use the employee a�ri�on data to create visuals in Tableau that capture the trends and

possible reasons for reten�on and a�ri�on in the organiza�on. Then, write a report about the current state of human resources and

a�ri�on. Include screenshots from your visualiza�ons to support your report. Remember to consider the employee’s employment

status when visualizing and analyzing the data. The Status column in the spreadsheet indicates whether the employee is a current or

former employee of the organiza�on.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

1. Current employee demographics: Summarize the current employee demographics for the organiza�on from the course


a. Use Tableau to visualize the demographic data such as age, sex, marital status, and experience and include the

corresponding screenshots in your summary. Choose the graphs or charts that that are best suited to represent the

demographic data.

b. Choose at least two different graph or chart types to represent the demographic data and include the corresponding

screenshots in your wri�en summary. Explain why you have selected the specific chart types to represent your data.

2. A�ri�on analysis : Analyze the given employee data to answer the following ques�ons about a�ri�on in the organiza�on,

including its causes and the rela�onship between a�ri�on and various employment factors. Use Tableau to create a visual

summary of the data and include the corresponding screenshots in your analysis. Choose the graphs or charts you believe

are best suited to represent the required data.

a. Iden�fy the five top reasons for a�ri�on.

b. For those who le� the organiza�on, how many years had it been since their last promo�on?

c. At what age does an employee typically exit the organiza�on?

d. A�er how many years of employment does someone typically leave the company?

e. What is the connec�on between how many �mes a year a person was trained, how long they stayed at the

organiza�on, and whether they have le�?

3. Reten�on: Compare the a�ri�on analysis data with your current employee details to evaluate and prevent future a�ri�on.

Your response should address the following:

a. Using the trends from the a�ri�on data iden�fy if more current employees are likely to leave. Explain your findings.

b. What does your a�ri�on analysis tell you about employee stability in the organiza�on? How is it likely to affect your

organiza�on’s evalua�on by a poten�al buyer?

4. Ac�onable steps: Based on finding from your reten�on analysis, provide three specific ac�ons that the organiza�on can take

to prevent employees from leaving. Provide ra�onale.

Alterna�ve buyer research report: Recommend one poten�al buyer from the alterna�ve buyer op�ons list provided and jus�fy your

choice. Visit the poten�al buyer’s website and research the company’s market and financial situa�on. Include this recommenda�on

as an appendix in your report.

Explain your recommenda�on based on the following selec�on (and rubric) criteria:

1. Current market: Describe the current market of the selected poten�al buyer.

a. What types of products does this organiza�on manufacture?

b. Who are their customers?

c. In which industry do they compete?

2. Financial situa�on: Analyze the organiza�on’s (poten�al buyer) financial situa�on, including revenue, expenses, and


3. Recent developments: Visit your selected organiza�on’s (poten�al buyer) website and review their news and announcements

over the past year. What notable recent events has the organiza�on experienced that might make them more or less

a�rac�ve to your organiza�on as a buyer? Explain your reasoning.

4. Buyer ra�onale: Jus�fy why this poten�al buyer is the best op�on for the life sciences organiza�on. Use data from your

research to support your ra�onale.

Acquisi�on road map: Develop an acquisi�on road map as a tool for sharing the project with the strategic planning team and the

guiding coali�on.

Task: View this topic

Activity Details


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guiding coali�on.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

1. Acquisi�on-related tasks :

a. Describe the tasks and steps that have already been taken toward an acquisi�on since you were appointed to the

strategic planning team.

b. Recommend the tasks and steps that would need to happen over the next one to two years to evaluate and complete

an acquisi�on. For each task and step, provide es�mates for how long it will take to accomplish them, the responsible

par�es, and any dependencies.

2. Gan� chart: Using the provided template, create a Gan� chart that visually illustrates the tasks and steps that you’ve

indicated above (Note:You can copy the chart to include it in the road map document). Your chart should include the


a. Indicate tasks and steps that have already been completed since you were appointed to the strategic planning team.

For example, be sure to include guiding coali�on, industry, and compe��ve research aspects.

b. Indicate “in process” tasks and steps that are currently being performed.

Exit strategy recommenda�ons and plan: Outline your change management strategy for transi�on a�er the acquisi�on.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

1. Change management strategy: Using Ko�er’s change model as a guide, explain each step of the change management

strategy that you recommend. Your response should address the following:

a. How will you create a sense of urgency?

b. How will the guiding coali�on con�nue to guide the change? Who will they impact? Iden�fy which cri�cal tasks from

the acquisi�on road map the guiding coali�on should complete. Also, determine the expected �melines for these

tasks to be completed.

c. What is your strategic vision for the company, its opera�ons, and its employees a�er the acquisi�on?

d. What is the plan for enlis�ng a group of employees to get other employees united around the common vision?

e. What barriers to change do you foresee? How do you plan to remove them?

f. How will you track progress?

g. How will you communicate short-term wins?

2. Summary: Summarize your strategy and assessment of risks.

a. Describe the overall strategy that you recommend for the organiza�on’s acquisi�on goals.

b. Explain how the strategy will fit in the business environment of the oncology market segment in the pharmaceu�cal

industry. Consider using an external business environment analysis to inform your conclusions.

3. Risks: Iden�fy three poten�al risks that may be associated with your recommenda�on and explain steps the organiza�on can

take to mi�gate those risks.

What to Submit

A 16- to 20-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be

cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa�on on cita�ons. This report should

include the following sec�ons:

Guiding Coali�on Recommenda�ons

Employee A�ri�on Analysis Report

Alterna�ve Buyer Research Report

Acquisi�on Road Map

Exit Strategy Recommenda�ons and Plan

Suppor�ng Materials

The following resources support your work on the project:

Resource: HR Employee A�ri�on Survey

This spreadsheet contains employee details such as a�ri�on, demographics, and so on.

Resource: Employee Personas

Use these personas to recommend individuals for your guiding coali�on.

Resource: Organiza�onal Chart ?_&d2lSessionVal=Bf1FoFRqoKj9rNomikAKHFI85&ou=1202966 ?_&d2lSessionVal=Bf1FoFRqoKj9rNomikAKHFI85&ou=1202966




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Use this chart as a reference in order to see where in the organiza�on each of the persons sits rela�ve to other leaders of the

organiza�on. The chart will also provide you with a visual of their sphere of direct influence. (There is also a text-only version.)

Resource: Alterna�ve Buyer Op�ons

Use this list of global biomedical companies to select one company to research as a poten�al alterna�ve buyer.

Resource: Gan� Chart Template

Use this template to create a Gan� chart to support your acquisi�on road map.

Resource: Footnotes and Appendices

Use the Appendices sec�on of this resource for help with adding an appendix to your report.

Project Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%)


Not Evident (0%) Value

Guiding Coali�on:

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally

clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

individuals who
should be part of
the guiding
coali�on; iden�fies
the individuals who
have the influence
and commitment to
make a posi�ve
impact while
providing guidance
for the change

Shows progress
toward proficiency,

but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
individuals who will
have the most
influence and
commitment to
make a posi�ve
impact while
providing guidance
for the change

Does not a�empt


Guiding Coali�on:

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Jus�fies choice of
guiding coali�on
team members
using details about
each individual in
the guiding
coali�on including
their �tle,
experience in the
organiza�on, their
area of influence,
the ra�onale for
choosing them, and
the role the person
will perform in the
guiding coali�on

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include providing
sufficient and
accurate details
about each chosen
individual, such as
their persona
details, a logical
and well-thought-
out ra�onale for
choosing them, or
the roles and
they will perform in
the guiding

Does not a�empt


Guiding Coali�on:


Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Describes ac�vi�es
and strategies that
help build a well-
func�oning team,
including strategies
to help members
align with the
change ini�a�ve of
the organiza�on in
the scenario and
steps or ac�ons to
establish a sense of
urgency within the

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include describing
strategies to ensure
alignment of the
team to the change
ini�a�ve in the
course scenario,
describing how to

Does not a�empt

5 ?_&d2lSessionVal=Bf1FoFRqoKj9rNomikAKHFI85&ou=1202966 ?_&d2lSessionVal=Bf1FoFRqoKj9rNomikAKHFI85&ou=1202966

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urgency within the
team; explaining
how these
ac�vi�es and
strategies will help
build trust in the

describing how to
establish a sense of
urgency, and
explaining how
these strategies
can build trust in
the team selected
for the guiding

Employee A�ri�on
Analysis Report:

Current Employee

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Summarizes the
current employee
demographics for
the organiza�on
from the course
scenario; includes
visualiza�on of the
demographic data
such as age, sex,
marital status, and
experience from
Tableau; chooses
two graph and
chart types that
best suit the data;
explains the choice

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
summarizing the
demographics of
the current
correctly; including
all relevant and
accurate visuals
from Tableau;
choosing and
explaining at least
two different graph
and chart types
that best reflect
the data

Does not a�empt


Employee A�ri�on
Analysis Report:


Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Analyzes the given
employee data to
answer all
ques�ons about
a�ri�on, including
its causes and the
between a�ri�on
and various
factors; includes
screenshots of the
visual summary of
a�ri�on data from

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include consistency
between narra�ve
and visuals;
including all
relevant visuals;
answering all
ques�ons about
employee a�ri�on
and its rela�onship
to different factors

Does not a�empt


Employee A�ri�on
Analysis Report:


Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Explains whether
more employees
are likely to leave
the company and
why and evaluates
employee stability
in the company;
explains how that
may affect the
evalua�on by a
poten�al buyer

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include providing a
clear reason why
employees may or
may not leave the
company or
employee stability
correctly; providing
a logical
explana�on of how
this can affect the
evalua�on by a
poten�al buyer

Does not a�empt


Employee A�ri�on
Analysis Report:

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally

Provides three
specific ac�ons

Shows progress
toward proficiency,

Does not a�empt


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y p
Ac�onable Steps

p y
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

that the
organiza�on can
take to prevent
employees from
leaving and
provides ra�onale

p y
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include providing
three specific and
relevant ac�ons
that the
organiza�on can
take to prevent
employees from
leaving; providing
clear, adequate
ra�onale for each

Alterna�ve Buyer
Research Report:

Current Market

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Recommends one
poten�al buyer
from the list
provided and
includes its current
market, such as its
customers, and the
industry in which it

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include providing
accurate and
informa�on about
the poten�al buyer
such as details
about its products,
customers, and

Does not a�empt


Alterna�ve Buyer
Research Report:

Financial Situa�on

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Analyzes the
financial situa�on,
including revenue,
expenses, and

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include correctly
analyzing and
clearly describing
the organiza�on’s
financial situa�on,
including revenue,
expenses, and

Does not a�empt


Alterna�ve Buyer
Research Report:

Recent Developments

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Iden�fies notable
recent events the
organiza�on has
experienced that
might make it more
or less a�rac�ve as
a buyer; explains

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
relevant notable
events, correctly
determining their
impact on its
assessment as a
buyer; providing
clear and logical

Does not a�empt


Alterna�ve Buyer
Research Report:
Buyer Ra�onale

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Jus�fies why this
poten�al buyer is
the best op�on for
the life sciences
organiza�on and
uses data from
research to support
the ra�onale

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include providing
jus�fica�on for
choosing the
lt � b

Does not a�empt


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alterna�ve buyer or
suppor�ng the
jus�fica�on with
relevant data from

Acquisi�on Road
Map: Acquisi�on-

Related Tasks

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Describe the tasks
and steps that have
already been taken
toward an
acquisi�on and
recommends the
tasks and steps
that would need to
happen over the
next one to two
years to evaluate
and complete an
acquisi�on and
provides es�mates
for how long it will
take to accomplish
them, the
responsible par�es,
and any

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include explaining
the work done so
far clearly or
specific ac�ons for
the next one to
two years or no�ng
details such as
�melines to be
responsible par�es,
and dependencies

Does not a�empt


Acquisi�on Road
Map: Gan� Chart

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Creates a Gan�
chart that visually
illustrates the tasks
and steps; indicates
tasks and steps
that have already
been completed
and indicates “in
process” tasks and
steps that are
currently being

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include crea�ng a
complete Gan�
chart or ensuring
the Gan� chart is
updated correctly
with ac�vi�es that
have been
completed or are in

Does not a�empt


Exit Strategy

and Plan: Change


Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Explains each step
of the change
strategy, including
how they will
create a sense of
urgency, how the
guiding coali�on
will con�nue to
guide the change,
what the strategic
vision for the
company a�er
acquisi�on is, how
to unite other
employees to
support the
common vision,
what poten�al
barriers to change
are and how to
remove them, how
to track progress,
and how to
communicate small

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include explaining
each step of the
process clearly with
respect to the exit

Does not a�empt


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Exit Strategy
and Plan: Summary

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Describes the
overall strategy
recommended for
the organiza�on’s
acquisi�on goals
and explains how
the strategy will fit
in the business
environment of the
oncology market
segment in the

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include providing a
clear summary of
the overall strategy
or sharing the
results of the
analysis of the
oncology market
segment in the

Does not a�empt


Exit Strategy

and Plan: Risks

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Iden�fies three
poten�al risks that
may be associated
with the
and explains steps
the organiza�on
can take to
mi�gate those risks

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
at least three
poten�al risks or
explaining steps to
be taken for
mi�ga�ng these

Does not a�empt


Ar�cula�on of

Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner

Clearly conveys
meaning with
correct grammar,
sentence structure,
and spelling,
demonstra�ng an
understanding of
audience and

Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
spelling, nega�vely

Submission has
cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
spelling, preven�ng
understanding of


Cita�ons and

Uses cita�ons for
ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with
few or no minor

Uses cita�ons for
ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with
consistent minor

Uses cita�ons for
ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with
major errors

Does not use
cita�ons for ideas


Total: 100%

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Employee Attrition Analysis Report

Terrell McGhee

MBA 699

Strategic Opportunity Mgmt


Employee retention is a very vital yet expensive exercise in every organization. It will be more expensive to hire and train new employees than to retain the existing ones who already have experience in their respective roles. Employee attrition implies losing employees through retirement, resignation, retrenchment, or firing (Alduayj & Rajpoot, 2018). Talents are very scarce, and one of the organization’s exit strategies was to examine the likelihood of retaining valuable employees. This report determines some of the factors that lead to employee attrition to aid in strategically drawing plans to maintain the employees of the life science organization.

Current Employee Demographics


According to the given dataset, the age distribution is shown in Table 1. Analysis showed that the average age of the current employees was approximately 38 years. The youngest employee in the organization was 18 years while the oldest was 60 years old, with a standard deviation of 8.89 years.

Table 1: Age


The organization does discriminate on gender during employment. Employees are hired based on their ability to handle their tasks to achieve the organization’s set goals and objectives. According to Figure 1, the number of males employees, around 58.72% (
n = 732), was slightly higher compared to females, 41.28% (
n = 501). A pie chart was suitable in this case to visually represent nominal groups, which aids the investors and willing buyers to quickly asses gender distribution in the organization.

Figure 1: Gender

Marital Status

Figure 2 shows the analysis of the marital status of the organization’s employees. According to the study, about 294 employees reported having divorced, while 589 were married and 350 were single. This can be a significant determinant to examine the mobility of every employee when the need arises. A column chart was utilized since it shows the distribution of employees in the three marital status categories. One can easily compare the groups accordingly to make well-informed decisions.

Figure 2: Marital Status

Education Levels

Education is one of the most significant factors to consider during tasks assignment and promotions. Those with higher education levels are expected to be more skilled in their respective fields and can handle tasks with less supervision. According to Figure 3, most current employees (n = 473) hold undergraduate degrees, followed by graduate degrees (
n = 340). Those with associate degrees were 238, and high school level was 139. The least was in the doctorate category (
n = 43). A column chart best represents the counts in every education level and efficiently helps build comparisons between groups.

Figure 3: Education level

Working Experience

The organization will need to retain those employees with the highest work experience in terms of years. The higher the level of working experience, the more reliable an employee is since she/he is used to the tasks assigned. Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of the employees’ working experience. According to the analysis, the average number of years of working experience for an employee in this organization is approximately 12 years. The highest work experience is 38 years, while some have no work experience. The descriptive analysis gives a clear description of the variable of interest and aid in making further analysis.

Table 2: Work Experience

Attrition Analysis

Reasons for Attrition

Several reasons may contribute to employee attrition. These may include salaries, job satisfaction, the years and employee spent since the last promotion, and work-life balance, among other factors (Singh, 2019). Table 3 gives the relationships between some factors that lead to employee attrition. An employee’s monthly income can be a significant factor in decision-making on staying in the organization. Those with higher incomes are more likely to stay than those with low incomes. According to the analysis, the current employees have higher average incomes than those who left the organization. Age can also determine employee attrition. Older employees may retire, while an organization may also decide to retain those with higher work experience. Job satisfaction is an excellent factor in employee attrition. More satisfied employees are more likely to retain their positions in the organization. At the same time, those who are less satisfied will tend to look for new opportunities in environments that favor them. The years employees have spent since their last promotion can determine whether the employee will still work for the organization and she/he will resign. Employees who are promoted lately and frequently are more likely to stay in the organization than those who stay for long without promotion. The work-life balance of an employee significantly affects retention ability. Some employees reported a low work-life balance (1), while others reported a high one (4). Employees with low work-life balance are more likely to leave than those with higher work-life balance.

Table 3: Top 5 reasons for attrition

Years since the last promotion for those who left the organization

Employees who left the organization have approximately two years since their last promotion. Around 75% of the former employees have less than two years since their last promotion, according to the analysis in Table 4.

Table 4: Years since the last promotion

Age employees exit the organization.

Analysis was conducted to determine the age at which an employee leaves the organization. Table 5 shows the analysis. According to the analysis, the average age of a former employee is 33.61, approximately 34 years.

Table 5: Summary of Attrition

After how many years does an employee leave the organization?

According to Table 5, the average years spent in the company was approximately five years. According to the dataset, an employee spent close to 5 years before leaving the organization.

The connection between the number of times a person was trained, how long they stayed at the organization, and whether they left.

It is expected that employees who receive more training are more likely to stay as the organization will require them for their more skills impacted by the training. Figure 4 shows the relationship analysis between the number of times employees were trained, how long they stayed, and whether they left. According to the analysis, those who were not trained stayed for the least number of years. Those who received one training stayed in the organization for the highest number of years. A drop was observed as the number of trainings increased for the employees who left.

Figure 4: Training and retention


Determining whether more employees are likely to leave

According to the analysis, the current employees are less likely to leave compared to. Looking at the various factors such as employee income, the current employees have more average income than former employees. This might be why the former employees left, and the organization has done enough to ensure they do not lose employees based on income.

Employee stability

Analysis showed that the organization had allocated the necessary strategies to ensure employee stability in their respective organizational roles. Looking at the trends, the current employees have maintained more stable curves in every aspect, such as training and the number of years they worked for the organization.

Actionable Steps

Employee retention ensures that particular skills and talents remain in the organization. Job satisfaction is one of the significant impacts in ensuring that employees are retained. An increase in the employee’s income can increase the job satisfaction score; hence, the organization will have more chances of retaining their employees.

The analysis showed that the number of years since the last promotion of an employee was higher in the current employees compared to the ones that left. Continuous promotions can lead to high chances of retaining an employee. Employees can stay hopeful that their chances of topping the management are higher. These promotion opportunities have many advantages and prestige; most would like to stay in a good environment.

The work-life balance is vital to every employee. For an employee to maintain the state of equilibrium, the employer must allocate most resources to ensure a conducive environment for their employees (Wood et al., 2020). Continuous training on maintaining personal life and work should be a priority for the organization. Team building will be a good strategy for the organization to optimize employees’ performance socially.


Alduayj, S. S., & Rajpoot, K. (2018, November). Predicting employee attrition using machine learning. In 
2018 international conference on innovations in information technology (iit) (pp. 93-98). IEEE.

Singh, D. (2019). A literature review on employee retention with focus on recent trends. 
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 
6(1), 425-431.

Wood, J., Oh, J., Park, J., & Kim, W. (2020). The relationship between work engagement and work-life balance in organizations: A review of the empirical research. 
Human Resource Development Review, 
19(3), 240-262.










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