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Gender And Sexual Orientation

In what ways are differences between the males and females culturally, rather than biologically, determined? How might the differences be reinforced or changed in classrooms? How might you, as a Christian teacher, avoid discrimination of students and/or parents of students whose beliefs about gender are different than your own? Support your answer with information from the text and/or 1-3 outside resources. 500 words!

PART B-Essay: Gender Identity


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Explain how beliefs about the diversity of sexual orientation, the stages of clarification people go through, and gender discrimination issues have changed over the last several decades and continue to change. How have these changes caused challenges to public school teachers who strongly adhere to the Bible’s teachings? What can public school teachers do to respect all students’ beliefs and still maintain their own Christian integrity? This assignment should be written according to APA guidelines, 500 to 600 words. Refer to your text and 1-3 outside resources for this assignment. Include a references page for your sources.


Essay: Bullying


Interview two teachers, who teach at the level you teach which is 1st grade about ways in which they address bullying in their classrooms. Ask questions about their policies, typical responses, consequences, as well as any particular examples they may be willing to share regarding situations when they responded to discriminatory or prejudiced remarks or behaviors by their students toward students of diverse sexual orientation. Try to determine whether teachers’ approaches are typically proactive—they anticipate potential discrimination and put things in place to prevent them from happening—or reactive, they typically just focus on correcting or disciplining students after the behaviors have occurred. How are the teachers you interviewed advocates for students? This assignment can be written as an interview or an essay, according to APA guidelines, 500-600 words. Refer to your text and 1-3 outside resources for this assignment. Include a references page for your sources.

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