Employment Law Unit VIII Article Critique

Unit VIII Article Critique

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For this assignment, you will search the CSU Online Library for an article that addresses how terminating the employer-employee relationship can be one of the riskiest tasks for an employer. It should discuss the many possible impacts of the termination as well as numerous potential legal hurdles. After choosing your article, briefly summarize the purpose for the article and answer the following questions:

  • What is the authors’ main point, and what evidence is used to support it?
  • How does the termination of the employer-employee relationship create risk and legal issues?
  • How do exceptions to the employment at-will doctrine factor into termination decisions?

Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view. Identify if your point of view conflicts or agrees with the ideas and point of view of the article’s author.You should then defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects of the argument. Offer your own opinion. Explain what you think about the argument. Describe several points from the article with which you agree or disagree. What evidence from the article, your textbook, or additional sources supports your opinion?Conclude your critique by summarizing your argument and re-emphasizing your opinion.Your critique should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages. You must use a minimum of three sources, one of which may be your textbook. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.This  

Article Critique Example

provided by the CSU Writing Center shows this type of formatting.

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Concerning Coffee Consumption

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There are typically four sections of the article review: Introduction, summary, analysis, and
conclusion. Be sure to review your syllabus’s instructions for any additional requirements.


The introduction should introduce the article by providing the reader with the
article title and the author name. It will also give some details about what you will be
talking about in the subsequent paragraphs.


The summary follows the introduction and presents the main points of the

article. The summary provides readers with an overview of the article, which will help
them understand your analysis. Only include information that is relevant to your


After the summary comes the analysis. This is where you analyze the article

for the reader. This is your chance to give your opinion on the article’s content.


The conclusion is last. This is where you make any final points and draw your
conclusion about the information presented in the article. Your references will follow
on the next page – remember to always start them on a fresh page.

For further information regarding these sections and helpful tips on how to write your
article critique, please view the Article Critiques tutorial.

APA 7th edition allows for a variety of different font choices for papers. Options include

Times New Roman (size 12), Calibri (size 11), Arial (size 11), Lucida Sans Unicode (size

10), and Georgia (size 11). This example paper is written in Times New Roman, size 12.

The same font and font size should be used throughout the entire paper.



Concerning Coffee Consumption

“Coffee… the Effects are as Good as the Aroma,” written by Edward H. Nessel (2012),

asserts that coffee is both delicious and provides a myriad of health benefits in every cup.

However, while Nessel (2012) acknowledges that coffee should not be consumed in excess, he

does not discuss the potential hazards that are posed to regular coffee drinkers, focusing instead

almost exclusively on the positive. An opposing study by Ja Young Jung (2013) of Seoul

Venture University posits that the potential negative side effects of habitual coffee consumption

are often ignored due to the popularity of the drink and the conflicting information provided to

the consumers.


According to Nessel’s (2012) research, coffee is packed with unexpected health benefits.

Polyphenols, one of the coffee bean’s many components, are the primary cause of these amazing

effects due to their key ingredient: Chlorogenic acid. This acid is known to both reduce chronic

inflammation and act as a mental stimulant. “Regular coffee consumption… lowers the risk of

developing type 2 diabetes by up to 67 percent” (Nessel, 2012, p. 6) because certain enzyme

activities that increase blood sugar are blocked by the chlorogenic acid. This same acid also

strengthens and protects DNA from potential damage, theoretically lowering the risks for a

variety of different cancers. Nessel believes that Americans in general should be made aware of

these health benefits, as well as the type of coffee that they should be drinking; “green beans,”

for example, are packed with polyphenols and should be favored over their more popular roasted

counterparts, since the all-important polyphenols can be reduced or even destroyed by roasting.

Article critique introductions

need to include the name of

the article and its author.

The Summary section should provide an

overview of the information that will be

analyzed in the Analysis portion of the critique.

Use these guiding questions to help structure your Summary:

What was this article about?
Why was this article written?

Who is the target audience for this article?
What is the author’s opinion on this topic?

What is the author’s main argument?

The introduction is the only section

that does not receive its own level

heading. It follows immediately

after your title, which is boldfaced.



While Nessel’s (2012) arguments for coffee consumption are convincing, there are a

number of other studies that show coffee can have just as many negative effects as positive.

Jung’s (2013) study, for example, finds that caffeine leads to “dependency, withdrawal

symptoms… and… both psychological and physical symptoms of addiction” (p.155).

Additionally, while Nessel (2012) states that the polyphenols present in coffee can help to

prevent cancer, Jung (2013) finds that the equally present caffeine can negatively affect the

reactions of cellular tissues exposed to carcinogens. Nessel’s (2012) argument for the

consumption of coffee almost completely hinges on the coffee consumed being of the correct

type (the aforementioned green beans); otherwise, the health benefits that he enumerates can be

considered null due to the process of roasting and a general preference to add sugar, cream, and

other flavorings to the beverages. Jung (2013) takes these factors, as well as the other chemical

components of the coffee bean, into consideration for his study, producing more reliable results.


Edward Nessel’s (2012) article is enlightening and filled with positive support for his

argument, but does not include enough information about the potential downfalls of the drink.

This article would benefit from further research into these possible health risks of drinking coffee

and providing, where possible, counters against these. However, the data provided regarding the

benefits polyphenols have been shown to have in diabetics and patients at risk for cancer is

extremely convincing, and obviously well-researched. The compilation of this important

information about coffee and polyphenols into a single article is almost certainly beneficial to

those studying this subject.

The Analysis section should evaluate the

author’s arguments and convey your

opinion on the topic to the reader.

Keep in mind that you are not limited to

one paragraph per section. If you have

several different issues to analyze, be

sure to use multiple paragraphs to better

organize your information.

Use these guiding questions to help structure your Analysis:

Is the information comparable with other current research?
What are the strong points? The weak points?
Has the author used reliable sources and facts?

Were the arguments convincing to you? Why or why not?

Provide at least one other source to

evaluate your article against. Be sure to

use peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.

The Conclusion is where you will

assert your final opinion of the article

and include any recommendations for


Use these guiding questions to help structure your Conclusion:

What improvements could be made to the article and its arguments?
Is the information in the article useful?

Were the arguments effective?
Do you think that the author has made a significant contribution to

their field with this article?



Jung, J. Y. (2013). Effect of negative awareness of coffee on its preference and recommendation

intention. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 19(3), 153-174.

Nessel, E. H. (2012). Coffee… the effects are as good as the aroma. AMAA Journal, 25(3), 5-8.

The word “References” should be
centered at the top of the last

page, boldfaced.

If you have any generalized questions

about your references page, refer to

the APA Citation Guide.


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