The purpose of this assignment is to create a poster that will present the visual and graphic presentation of the capstone project. Poster presentation should clearly articulate what you did, how you did it, why you did it, and what it contributes to your field and the larger field of human knowledge. This assignment is due in week seven and must be presented by the student.

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Create your poster per guidance and approval from your capstone course faculty (template provided above). Follow the poster template as outlined and review the recommended resources in creating your poster.


What goals should you keep in mind to construct a poster?

  • Clarity of content. Decide on a small number of key points that you want your viewers to take away from your presentation, and articulate those ideas clearly and concisely.
  • Visual interest and accessibility. The viewers should notice and take interest in your poster so that they will pause to learn more about your project, and you will need the poster’s design to present your research in a way that is easy for those viewers to make easy sense of it.

From the capstone project, students will create an effective poster with the following information:

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Title: Project Title

Authors: Your name, faculty advisor’s name


Purpose or Aims of the Study


Expected Results/Outcomes

Anticipated Conclusions

Potential Implications to Practice


Contact person: include email address


  • Length: One page
  • Format: Poster Presentation
  • Research: At least one peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years

14 American Nurse Today Volume 5, Number 9


doubt what your poster is about. Generally, posters
are read from leO to right; organize the content
with this in mind. When possible, lead the viewer
through the logical Sow using bold take-home
points or arrows.

• Use a visual image. People retain visual images
longer than the wriWen word, so aim for at least one

Most professional meeting agendas set aside speciYc
times for poster presentations. Many organizations o3er
continuing education credit for poster session aWen- dance. Be
aware that if your poster is accepted at a
conference, a presenter familiar with the project or re- search is
expected to be available during poster ses- sions to answer

Page 3 of 3


A networking oppo^unity
Poster presentations are excellent oppo^unities not
just to showcase your work but also to network with
colleagues who have similar interests. E3ective pre- senters
introduce themselves to aWendees and “walk”
them through their poster, oOen adding information
that they think will interest them. Some aWendees
may want to take the information back to their or- ganizations,
so consider having handouts available
to distribute at the conference. Also, bring your busi- ness cards or
wriWen contact information to give to


From poster to a^icle?
Interest in your poster by conference aWendees may in- spire you
to take the next step—turning it into an a^i- cle. OOen, journal
editors aWend specialty conferences

and visit poster exhibits. This can be a good oppo^u- nity to query
them about their journals’ potential inter- est in your topic.

Presenting a poster is a chance to learn from at- tendees about
aspects of your work that pa^icularly
resonate with your audience. This can give you a
beWer idea of how to present your work in a journal
a^icle to ensure it’s informative and interesting
and provides clear implications for the nursing pro- fession.

Poster sessions have become an impo^ant pa^ of
most professional conferences and are an excellent
way for presenters to share their work. Enjoy the expe- rience of
proudly standing next to your poster and dis- cussing your work with
interested colleagues. ✯

referencesBlakesley D, Brizee A. Designing research posters. Purdue University
Writing Lab. 2008. hWp://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/
20080626013023_727 . Accessed July 20, 2010.
Briggs DJ. A practical guide to designing posters for
presentation.Nurs Stand. 2009;23(34):35-
39.Halligan P. Poster presentations: valuing all forms of evidence. Nurse
Educ Pract. 2008;8n41-
45.Keely BR. Planning and creating e3ective scientiYc posters. J
ContinEduc Nurs. 2004;35(4):182-185.
Moore LW, Augspurger P, King MO, ProrW C. Insights on the poster
presentation and presentation process. Appl Nurs Res.
104.Sherman RO. Writing abstracts for podium and poster
presentations.In: Saver C. ed. Anatomy of Writing for Publication for Nurses.
Indi- anapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International; 2011.
University of Bu3alo Libraries. Poster presentations: designing
e3ec- tive posters.
hWp://library.bu3alo.edu/asl/guides/bio/posters.html.Accessed July 20,
Rose O.Sherman is director of the Nursing Leadership
Instituteand associateprofessor of nursing at theChristineE.Lynn College of Nursing
atFlorida AtlanticUniversityin Boca Raton.Shecan bereached at

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Page 3 / 3

Week 7: How to create an e3ect Poster Presentation (O. Sherman) Open with Google DocsOpen with Google Docs


Poster Title – USU Logo

Your name

Significance/Background: Briefly describe the problem you have identified. Include
current statistics, relevant to the problem, peer reviewed articles supporting the
problem. Explain if this problem has been occurring at your clinical setting

PICO-t: Describe problem, population, intervention, comparison, and expected
outcomes and time that you would like to measure the results post intervention.
Expand on your answer using support from evidence.

Aims of the Study – What are you planning to achieve with your study, short term
and long term goals.

Design/Methods: Your peer reviewed articles support the design and methodology of
your project

Proposed Interventions

How would you determine the effectiveness of the proposed interventions/treatments
with the identified capstone problem?

Expected Results/Outcomes

Specify the expected outcomes that will result from the interventions that you will
implement to solve the problem. The results or outcomes should be supported with the
evidence based information from the peer reviewed articles that you have read

Anticipated Conclusions

Include what you have learned in the implementation of this project and will your
project benefit your clinical setting/population

Potential Implications to Practice

The effect of your capstone project to the nursing profession and practice and
humanitiesReferences and contact information

Template below (page 2)

Template for Poster

Create your poster using either PowerPoint or Google Slides. Below is an example of
how to format your poster. In week 8, you will be required to add your poster to your
final oral presentation. You can create this slide, or use the template below:

To download the template for your own editing use, you can do the following (you must
be logged into your USU email account when accessing this document):

Click here to open the Google slide template: Google Slide Poster Template

Using Google Slides
If you want to use Google Slides to create your poster, open the template above. Click
on File on the top menu bar, then click “Make a Copy”. Rename your copy then click
Ok. To submit your poster, download your slide as a PowerPoint, then upload to the
assignment submission drop box.

To convert to PowerPoint for submission: Click on File, then click “Download As”, then
click “Microsoft PowerPoint.” This will open the slide in PowerPoint.



Page 24 of 68

Your poster title:

Think BIG! Really Big!

Group authors

names and


Your biggest impact!

Boldface type

Not all caps!

Page 25 of 68

The Secrets of Readable Text:

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Week 7: Scienti4c Poster Design (Cornell U) Open with Google DocsOpen with Google Docs


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