Choose a comic and analyze.
Applying principles of McCloud’s Understanding Comics tographic novel/extended plot comic of your choosing• 1500-2000 words approximately, double-spaced, visualexamples mandatory (can be as appendix or in text)Less about plot or character development – summarize plot tostart but focus on visual techniques used to advance it• Choice of analytical tools from McCloud up to you – ascattershot approach is never effective though
Consider your comic as a designed text –
everything is there for a reason – so why did thecreator put X there?– Avoid “McCloud says A. Here’s an example ofA.” Yes, but so what? A recipe for a B at best(and worse if you get it wrong.)– Your own perspective on why author doessomething is acceptable Do not analyze all the things. Pick McCloudpoints most relevant to your chosen work, feelfree to ignore others
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