Mod 3 dis2

For this Discussion, you will analyze evidence-based strategies to establish stakeholder trust and buy-in for change and counteract resistance to change.

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Module 3 Discussion 2


Reversing the trend of dissatisfaction and disengagement must be at the heart of any serious reform effort. “

– Fullan, 2016, p. 97

Imagine you have just taken on the role as leader of an educational program in your specialization and have been told to implement a change process that is part of a district initiative. As a new leader, you have yet to establish trust with your colleagues, so that when you start to implement the initiative, you are surprised to get immediate push back from your colleagues. How might you work to shift your colleagues’ dissatisfaction and disengagement and support them in their roles as change agents? What leadership strategies would win the trust of your colleagues and help them see the merits of the initiative?

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For this Discussion, you will analyze evidence-based strategies to establish stakeholder trust and buy-in for change and counteract resistance to change.

To prepare:

· Review the assigned chapters in the Fullan (2016) text. Consider the difference between adopting an innovative program, the complexity of actually implementing it, and why stakeholders resist change.

· Read the Gurley, Peters, & Collins (2015); Day, Gu, & Sammons (2016); Covey (2009); and Adams & Miskell (2016) articles. Think about the process of initiating and implementing change, the influence of leadership on change, and how to gain buy-in and trust from stakeholders throughout the change process.

· Reflect on experiences you have had in your professional practice where staff were resistant to a change in your specialization. What attempts were made by leadership to establish trust and buy-in for the change? What strategies were (or were not) used when staff members refused or pushed back during implementation? As a leader, what strategies would you have employed?

· Research evidence-based strategies for establishing trust and buy-in from staff prior to implementing change and for supporting staff when they resist changes during implementation.

Assignment Task Part 1

Write a 1 ½ page explanation of the following:

· Background information on an experience from your professional practice (I work in a Head Start Agency) where staff were resisting a change in a program or practice in your specialization (My specialization is Early childhood education)

· At least two strategies you would have used to establish trust and buy-in from the staff prior to implementing the change. Provide a research-supported rationale for your selected strategies.

· At least two strategies you would have employed when staff members refused or pushed back during implementation of the change process. Provide a research-supported rationale for your selected strategies.

For this Discussion, and all scholarly writing in this course and throughout your program, you will be required to use APA style and provide reference citations.

Assignment Task Part 2

Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.

Respond to at least
two colleagues in
150 words posts each :

· by offering an additional strategy for trust and buy-in and for when staff refuse

· or push back during implementation of the change process. Explain how the strategies would have supported leadership in your colleagues’ experience.

· Be sure to support your response with reference to the Learning Resources, research, and/or your personal experiences.


Required Readings

Fullan, M. (2016).


The new meaning of educational change (5th ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Chapter 4, “Initiation, Implementation, and Continuation” (pp. 54–81)

Chapter 6, “The Teacher” (pp. 97–122)

Chapter 10, “The District Administrator” (pp. 177–208)

Gurley, D.K., Peters, G.B., & Collins, L. (2015). 

Mission, vision, values, and goals: An exploration of key organizational statements and daily practice in schools
 Links to an external site.

. J
ournal of Educational Change, 16(2), 217-242. doi:10.1007/s10833-014-9229-x

Day, C., Gu, Q, & Sammons, P. (2016). 

The impact of leadership on student outcomes: How successful school leaders use transformational and instructional strategies to make a difference
 Links to an external site.

Educational Administration Quarterly, 52(2), 221-258. doi:10.1177/0013161X15616863

Adams, C. M., & Miskell, R. C. (2016). 

Teacher trust in district administration: A promising link of inquiry.
 Links to an external site.

Journal of Leadership for Effective and Equitable Organizations, 52(4), 1-32. doi: 10.1177/0013161X16652202

Covey, S. (2009). 

How the best leaders build trust
 Links to an external site.

. LeadershipNow. Retrieved from

Giancola, S. (2014). 

Evaluation matters: Getting the information you need from your evaluation.
 Links to an external site.

 U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from

Note: This resource is an essential guide for the completion of the Course Project. Be sure to read it for your work in this module, and refer to it often as you complete your Course Project.

Peurach, D.J., Glazer, J.L, Winchell Lenhoff, S. (2016). 

The developmental evaluation of school improvement networks.
 Links to an external site.

Educational Policy, 30(4), 606-648. doi:10.1177/0895904814557592

Required Media

Grand City Community

Go to the 

Grand City Community
 Links to an external site.

and click into City Hall to review the following for this module:

Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2016b). Grand City education and demographic data files [PDF]. Baltimore, MD: Author.



Katheryn Gonzales

Dec 20, 2022Dec 20, 2022 at 1:18pm

Manage Discussion Entry

            In my professional experience as a kindergarten teacher in a Title 1 elementary school, I have been through several programs that the district or my school has adopted. One specific program that has been especially difficult for the administration at my school to implement is the use of a Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS). PBIS is an evidence-based practice designed to support student needs and to create a positive, predictable, and safe environment for students. The staff at my school has been resistant to this change because of a lack of training, a misguided understanding of what PBIS requires, and a lack of implementation support from the administration. As a kindergarten teacher, the needs of our youngest learners in my school are not the same as those of fifth-grade students. Preschool and kindergarten teachers are frustrated with the lack of support specific to their student’s needs.

            According to Adams & Miskell (2016), trust from an educator’s point of view can be characterized as “…a teacher’s willingness to risk vulnerability based on the confidence that district administrators act benevolently, competently, openly, honestly, and reliably” (para. 9). The trust that teachers have for administration and district leaders is relational and formed by the observation and judgment of the actions they witness. To create trust and teacher buy-in, evidence-based research suggests the importance of communicating a clear vision, mission, values, and goals (Gurley et al., 2015). Another important evidence-based strategy that promotes trust and buy-in is transparency (Covey, 2009). According to Adams & Miskell (2016), high levels of trust come from openness, cooperation, and relationship. At the same time, low levels of trust come from limited information and a lack of shared knowledge.

            Teacher pushback can deter the change process because unless a teacher sees or understands they need change, they will push back against the change. The first strategy I would employ to combat teacher pushback is to examine the need for change (Fullan, 2016). I would use the following strategy to fight teacher pushback, especially in the case of PBIS implementation at my current school. I suggest the school give more time for implementation to provide adequate resources and materials to each grade level. The adoption of a new program is not more important than the implementation of the program. According to Fullan (2016), the school needs to take a whole-system perspective by going back to the “four drivers,” which are capacity building, collaborations, pedagogy, and systemness.


Adams, C. M., & Miskell, R. C. (2016). 

Teacher trust in district administration: A promising link of inquiry. Links to an external
Links to an external site.

           site. Journal of Leadership for Effective and Equitable Organizations, 52(4), 1-32. doi: 10.1177/0013161X16652202

Covey, S. (2009). 

How the best leaders build trust Links to an external site.
 Links to an external site.

. LeadershipNow. Retrieved from


Fullan, M. (2016). The new meaning of educational change (5th ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Gurley, D. K., Peters, G. B., Collins, L., & Fifolt, M. (2015). Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals: An Exploration of Key

           Organizational Statements and Daily Practice in Schools. Journal of Educational Change, 16(2), 217–242.

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Amanda Puryear

Dec 23, 2022Dec 23, 2022 at 7:04pm

Manage Discussion Entry

     My current district has experienced many changes over the past four years, from the new administration and conservators to new grants and curriculums. My program is one of these new programs. The gifted and talented program (GATE) is in its second year of relaunching. During its initial year, I had no support from the elementary campus, particularly from the campus principal. The gifted and talented program was not on the front burner of a district that is under the eye of state agencies. Other state initiatives like “reading academy” and grant programs that the district is a part of have taken a majority of professional development time from teachers. When I began the process of improving the program, gifted and talented was just “one more thing” on the teacher’s plates, and there was resistance to getting trained in gifted and talented and in providing accommodation/implementing strategies for gifted and talented students. In order to gain some support, I focused on the data. After revamping the testing procedures of GATE, we increased the number of GATE students. This spurred the principal to take GATE seriously and begin the process of working GATE class into the master schedule. 

     Reflecting on this experience, two strategies that I could have used to gain more support is to be transparent and to have a mission for change. These two strategies work together to create an understanding of why the program and its changes were important and create a type of ownership in the change process (Gurley et al., 2015). Fullan (2016) discusses ten dos and don’t when it comes to looking at change. One of these statements is not to assume that your version of what the change should be is the right one or the only one, something successful implantation of a plan for change evolves as more people begin to collaborate. The element of collaboration can help create buy-in from those individuals who are pushing back during implantation; sometimes, people simply want to be heard and involved. This will also create a sense of investment and ownership. Another factor that Fullan (2016) describes is pressure. This pressure can be applied by making the change implementation job-embedded, therefore making the change important to job success.  


Fullan, M. (2016). 
The new meaning of educational change (5th ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Gurley, D.K., Peters, G.B., & Collins, L. (2015). 

Mission, vision, values, and goals: An 
 Links to an external site.

exploration of key organizational statements and daily practice in schools
 Links to an external site.

. J
ournal of Educational Change, 16(2), 217-242. doi:10.1007/s10833-014-9229-x

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