UNH Digital Image Processing Edge Detection with Wavelet Lab Report

According to the content of my project, write an abstract within 340 words. When we start working together, I will tell you the theme. The format and requirements of the abstract, the sample of the abstract, and the project requirement are in the following file. I will post the content of the project I

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ompletedigital image pdigital image processingingd when we work together.

Elements the Abstract Has to Contain
What problem did you set out to solve?
Why is it important to your field?
Appearance in the first few sentences
What methods/materials were used to get answers?
Describe the evidence you have to support your claim.
Give an overview of yoưr most important sources.
What answer did you reach from your research or study?
Was your hypothesis or argument supported?
What are the general findings?
What does it all mean?
What are the implications of your work?
Are your results general or very specific?
Talking: xiaoyu
Learn from an Example
(1) The selective oxidation of methane, the primary component of
natural gas, remains an important challenge in catalysis. (2) We used
colloidal gold-palladium nanoparticles, rather than the same
nanoparticles supported on titanium oxide, to oxidize methane to
methanol with high selectivity (92%) in aqueous solution at mild
temperatures. (3) Then, using isotopically labeled oxygen (O2) as an
oxidant in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), we
demonstrated that the resulting methanol incorporated a substantial
fraction (70%) of gas-phase 02. (4) More oxygenated products were
formed than the amount of H202 consumed, suggesting that the
controlled breakdown of H2O2 activates methane, which
subsequently incorporates molecular oxygen through a radical
process. (5) If a source of methyl radicals can be established, then the
selective oxidation of methane to methanol using molecular oxygen
is possible.
Agarwal et al., Science, 358, 223-227 (2017)
1. Down Load 2 medical images such mammograms, ultrasound, xray, etc… and go
downtown and take 2 pictures of downtown sky scraper neighborhoods.
2. If it is a color image convert to YCbCr and only extract the Y channel
3. Perform 2D DCT and look at the high frequency areas the bottom right quadrant and
estimate the noise constant
4. Use this estimated noise constant to perform a DCT Wiener Filter on each image
5. Use MATALB ‘edge’ function to segment edges using ‘Sobel’, ‘Prewitt’,’Roberts’,and
‘Canny’. For each image you will have 4 segmented images
6. Compare the images and find out which works best and which one has the most detail.
7. Use the city scape images segmented in the previous step to perform the Hough
Transform using the MATLAB function ‘Hough’ and see if you can find the lines in
the city scape pictures
8. Use your smartphone to take a picture of your friends, may be a group picture
a. Download to our computer and read image into MATLAB
b. Convert the image into YCbCr
Run edge detector (different types like sobel, canny, etc…) on the y, Cr and Cb
channels separately. Which one gives you the most definition of the faces in
the image?
9. Perform a 2D Haar Wavelet transform on the Y channel of the face image from problem
8. Use the WaveletMain.m matlab code posted in Piazza. Extend the file so you can see
level 3 and level 4 images and comment on which level of the wavelet decomposition
gives the best edge definition of the faces. Compare the best wavelet edge definition
with edge detectors of the problem 8
*** Remember to to read all you rimages into a double typr array. For examaple:
Im1 = double(imread(‘camermsan.jpg’));
Once you complete all your image processing tasks use MATLAB function ‘imadjust to map all
pixel values to the range [0,1] and then simply multiply by 255 and convert to uint8

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