Business Question

Note: Please provide three word documents per the instructions. Use the attached template.

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Individual Course Project: Strategic Staffing Handbook


For your Individual Course Project, you will create a Strategic Staffing Handbook.  This major course deliverable is over one-third of the course grade.  You will complete and submit your Strategic Staffing Handbook in three parts.


The objective of this Individual Course Project is to create an original Strategic Staffing Handbook that contains many of the vital tools used in the staffing process. This manual should be written with management in mind as the audience. Although the Human Resources department will “own” the handbook, it will be shared with hiring managers to assist them with understanding the company’s philosophy, methodology, and practice on staffing. As an academic process note, Turnitin reports will be monitored, and no more than 20% of your paper should be quoted or borrowed from outside sources. APA Style 7th Edition should be used to format and cite your work.

Guidelines and Milestones

You are the new Human Resources Business Partner at a medium-size organization and it is your job to create an original (not copied from the text or other sources) handbook with many of the tools needed in the strategic staffing process. The body of the project should develop the following staffing tools. Organize your paper through the use of headings, which correspond to the following topics and tools:

Provide a brief background of your organization (you can use a real one or fictitious one.) Introduce the company to which the strategic staffing handbook applies. Talk about details such as the number of employees, years in business, strategic focus, mission, the types of positions this company has, and its purpose in the industry. End with a strong thesis statement that sets the stage for the rest of the handbook. In other words, the last one or two sentences of this section should summarize what you plan to talk about in this document.

Define strategic staffing, as it pertains to your organization. (Review Course Objectives 1 and 2 as well as the supporting KSAs).
Transition from the introduction where you discussed the company to talking about what the definition of strategic staffing is, why it’s important to staff strategically and how you will go about making sure that strategic staffing happens in your company. You will cite ideas you use to help you develop the definition of strategic staffing. Explain how staffing structure, policies, practices, procedures, information systems, budgets and legal reporting requirements can be implemented as an integrated staffing management system to help organizations meet their strategic goals. At the end of the section, you need to transition into the job analysis section, where you discuss the importance of having job analysis in place in order to effectively staff the organization.

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Job Analysis

(Review Course Objective 4 as well as the supporting KSAs). Identify the components of a complete job analysis (job content, requirements, competencies, compensation) and explain how the different parts of an integrated staffing management system contributes to each component. Explain how your organization will perform job analysis (i.e. method, timing, and who). If it will be accomplished differently at different levels of the organization, be sure to explain that difference.

  • Legal Aspects of Staffing
  • . (Review Course Objective 3 as well as the supporting KSAs). Given the possible vulnerabilities in today’s litigious environment, identify and describe the laws and regulations that affect the recruiting and selection process. (Include at least 3 laws/regulations that pertain to recruiting or selection, and explain their pertinence to your company’s strategy on staffing, in plain language, geared to your middle managers and hiring managers).

    1. Recruiting
    2. (Review Course Objective 4 as well as the supporting KSAs). Describe the decisions involved in planning for effective recruitment, including sources (internal, external), types, and messages.
      After putting a job analysis in place for all positions in an organization, we know what we are looking for in regards to the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities needed for a position when hiring. Given this information, you can discuss the method(s) for recruiting you would use. Discuss what method(s) you might use and the importance of the method(s) you have chosen. How would you use that method? Provide the rationale behind why that method is appropriate for your organization. In this section you would cite information related to what your recruiting method(s) are, and how they might be used. Your rationale may also be cited, but is likely that that is how the info is related to your company and thus would not be cited, as it is original work. You will also include an example of a position posting, as it may appear “on” or “in” the method you chose to recruit. This position posting is focused on one position in the organization, thus, this entire section can be focused on one position if you desire.

    Selecting the right Candidates. (Review Course Objective 6 as well as the supporting KSAs).
    After recruiting quality candidates, organizations have to decide what tools it will use to select the candidate(s) to hire. These tools consist of a variety of assessments, such as interviews, personality testing, among many others. All selection tools chosen, must be job relevant. What methods will you use to select the right candidates for your organization?  Why?

    Discuss the interview process your company will use during hiring. Discuss who will be involved, why, and provide a list of interview questions (at least 8) which are legal, non-generic, and specific to the position (you posted above) in the organization – develop these questions for the position you mentioned in the job posting earlier in the handbook. Explain to managers how to create similar questions for other jobs they will need to fill. If you use the questions from the Week 5 assignment, be sure they are specific to the job posted above.

    1. State what pre-employment tests and assessments will be allowed and used at your organization. Provide the names of at least three such tests or assessments, and provide details about their use. Explain the philosophy of the company towards these tests/assessments, and guide managers in their use. (i.e. performance, personality, honesty and integrity, background, criminal, drug tests, etc.). Please make sure to note which assessments cannot be implemented until after a conditional offer of employment. This section should include a balance of assessments (or selection tools) you will use both before and after an offer.

    Performance Management (Review Course Objective 5 as well as the supporting KSAs). Describe how ongoing evaluation and review contribute to the retention of successful employees. Identify and describe the method and process of job performance review your company will use. Provide instructions for calibration of performance appraisals across the company.

    1. Retention. (Review Course Objective 7 as well as the supporting KSAs). Retaining successful employees allows an organization to minimize the costs associated with recruitment and training of new employees, identify how workforce management practices (workforce team formation, more horizontal organizational charts, etc.) can affect effective staffing decisions that meet organizational needs for flexibility and encourage employee retention. Discuss the processes and procedures your organization will put in place to help retain high quality employees.

    Provide a closing summary to the paper. This summary should be directed to your instructor – summarize the main points and utility of the handbook you created, and provide information on what you found difficult, or easy, about the assignment. What did you learn from this? What new ideas did you come up with? What would you like to find out more about?

    1. In the end, you should have a Strategic Staffing Handbook that you can reference in the future. Build this assignment for yourself!

    Project Tips and Templates.

    The course project should be 12-15 full pages in length, double-spaced.

    1. You must use the template for this project. See attachment template.

    Even though the manual is a business document, it is to be written in APA Style 7 format.


    Individual Course Project Part I (Draft)

      This portion of the course project Staffing Handbook includes the following sections.

    Company Background

    1. Definition of Strategic Staffing

    Job Analysis

      Legal Aspects of Staffing

    Your handbook must be completed to this point for the draft and should be approximately 3 to 4 full pages.

    1. Individual Course Project part II (Draft)

    This portion of the course project Staffing Handbook includes Project Part I plus the following sections.


    Sample Posting

    1. Selection

    Interview Process

    Interview Questions

    1. Pre-employment Tests and Assessments

    Your handbook must be completed to this point for the draft and should be approximately 3 to 4 full pages plus project part I.

    1. Individual Course Project part III (final project)
    2. This portion of the course project Staffing Handbook includes Project Part I & II plus the following sections.

    HRM410 Course Draft and Final Version Template
    Student Name:
    Type your name here

    Use this template for all drafts of your project (your Handbook must have parts 1 -4 completed
    for full-points consideration—this will likely be 3 to 4 full pages) and 100% complete for the final
    o Individual Course Project I (due in Week 3)
    o Individual Course Project II (due in Week 6)
    o Individual Course Project III (Final) (due in Week 8)
    Remember, this is a Staffing Handbook, not an Employee Handbook
    Remember that no more than 20% of the Handbook can be from borrowed material- both
    draft and final version (so plan accordingly on any borrowed material used). The majority of the
    Handbook must be original—meaning written by the student. ALL sources used (textbook,
    Internet, etc.) must be cited via proper APA citations (both in-text with quotation marks and a
    References section). This includes any forms or samples in the Handbook. Everything in the
    Handbook will count towards the “no more than 20% borrowed” requirement, including any
    forms and/or samples. It is advisable if you create these yourself, if applicable. However, if you
    utilize (and cite) a form/sample from another source note that images of forms/samples are
    NOT permitted. They must be text-based so they are readable by Turnitin.
    See the Course Project tab for lengthier descriptions of each section. The specifics of the
    requirements of each section are NOT included here.
    Text font can be no larger than 12.
    You do not need to include a table of contents but can if you wish.
    Be sure to insert your fictitious company name, where needed, in the Handbook below.
    Your Handbook must be full 12-15 pages (not including this page, the cover page, table of
    contents, or any reference page), double-spaced. You may single-space any forms or samples
    you create.
    Note that the spacing placed between sections is for illustration purposes only. Some sections
    you write may be longer than others. However, remember the final page count of text required
    (12-15 full pages).
    File Naming Convention for Submitting Drafts and Final Version: LASTNAME_HRM410_Draft_I_
    CourseProject.doc (or .docx), LASTNAME_HRM410_Draft_II_CourseProject.doc (or .docx),
    LASTNAME_HRM410_Final_ CourseProject.doc (or .docx)
    Proceed to the next page to begin creating your Handbook.
    Handbook Date:
    Individual Course Project I (due in Week 3). Your handbook must be completed to this point for the draft
    due in Week 3 and should be approximately 3 to 4 full pages.
    Sample Posting
    Interview Process
    Interview questions (at least 8) which are legal, non-generic, and specific to the position.
    Pre-employment Tests and Assessments
    Individual Course Project II (due in Week 6). Your handbook must be completed to this point for the draft
    due in Week 6 and should be approximately 3 to 4 full pages.

    List any sources (in APA format) you used in your Handbook for material you did not write,
    including material from the textbook, the Internet, or any other source.
    As a reminder, no more than 20% of the content above in your Handbook can be borrowed.
    The rest must be written by you.
    Any References listed below MUST also be cited within the text above (within your Handbook)
    with quotation marks and the source noted and vice versa. (In other words, you must have any
    sources noted in your Handbook included here and any sources noted here must be cited in-text
    in the Handbook as well.)
    Remove these instructions from this section after you have completed your References list.
    Individual Course Project III (due on or before Saturday of Week 8). This is the FINAL version of the
    Handbook. All previous sections should be complete. This last section should be approximately 3 to 4 full
    NOTE – THERE are two tabs in this workbook!
    DRAFT RUBRIC – Week 4
    Student name
    The background of the company.
    Real or made-up company. Medium sized.
    A definition of strategic staffing that supports Be sure to include citations to at least one
    the requirements of the organization.
    Component identification of Job analysis and
    explanation of integration of JA.
    Legal aspects of Staffing
    Documentation &
    Organization &
    Final comments
    Identify the components of a complete job
    analysis (job content, requirements,
    competencies, compensation) and explain
    how the different parts of an integrated
    staffing management system contributes to
    each component. Explain how your
    organization will perform job analysis (i.e.
    method, timing, and who). If JA will be
    done differently at different levels of the
    organization, be sure to explain that
    difference. Provide the KSAs for one job
    position (you will use this position
    throughout the project as an example). Be
    sure to name the position. Make it a nonHR position.
    Three (3) laws/regulations that pertain to
    recruiting or selection, and explain their
    pertinence to your company’s strategy on
    staffing, in plain language geared to your
    middle managers and hiring managers (20
    The project should have good structure as
    indicated in the best practices listed in this
    document. All resources used must be
    properly cited.
    The organization of the project should be
    Template use.
    logical and easy to follow without confusion to
    the reader.
    Proofread to ensure that each sentence is
    complete, the correct grammar is used,
    spelling is correct, etc.
    NOTE – THERE are two tabs in this workbook!
    Student name
    The background of the company.
    A definition of strategic staffing (TCO 1
    and 2) that supports the requirements of the
    Job Analysis (TCO 4) Component
    identification of Job analysis and explanation
    of integration of JA.
    Legal aspects of Staffing (TCO 3) Given the
    possible vulnerabilities in today’s litigious
    environment, identify and describe the laws
    and regulations that affect the recruiting and
    selection process.
    Recruiting. (TCO 5). Describe the decisions
    involved in planning for effective recruitment,
    including sources (internal, external), types,
    and messages.
    Assessments (TCO 6).
    7. Performance Management (TCO 7).
    8. Retention. (TCO 8).
    9. Provide a closing summary to the paper.
    Documentation &
    Organization &
    The project should have good structure as
    indicated in the best practices listed in this
    document. All resources used must be
    properly cited.
    The organization of the project should be
    logical and easy to follow without confusion to
    the reader.
    Proofread to ensure that each sentence is
    complete, the correct grammar is used,
    spelling is correct, etc.
    Total points
    TE – THERE are two tabs in this workbook!
    Real or made-up company. Medium sized.
    Transition from the introduction where you talked about the
    company to talking about what the definition of strategic
    staffing is, why it’s important to staff strategically and how
    you will go about making sure that strategic staffing happens
    in your company. You will cite things you use to help you
    develop the definition of strategic staffing. Explain how
    staffing structure, policies, practices, procedures, information
    systems, budgets and legal reporting requirements can be
    implemented as an integrated staffing management system to
    help organizations meet their strategic goals.
    Identify the components of a complete job analysis (job
    content, requirements, competencies, compensation) and
    explain how the different parts of an integrated staffing
    management system contributes to each component. Explain
    how your organization will perform job analysis (i.e. method,
    timing, and who). If JA will be done differently at different
    levels of the organization, be sure to explain that difference.
    Provide the KSAs for one job position (you will use this
    position throughout the project as an example). Be sure to
    Provide three (3) laws/regulations that pertain to recruiting or
    selection, and explain their pertinence to your company’s
    strategy on staffing, in plain language geared to your middle
    managers and hiring managers (5 each).
    Discuss the method for recruiting, the importance of the
    method, how you would use that method, and the rationale
    behind the choice of method. Cite any sources. Include an
    example of a position posting, as it may appear “on” or “in”
    the method you chose to recruit. This position posting is
    focused on one position in the organization, and should
    include information from the Job Analysis (KSAs), essential
    duties, and minimum and recommended requirements for the
    a. Discuss the interview process your company will use during
    hiring. Discuss who will be involved, why, and provide a list
    of interview questions (at least 8) which are legal, nongeneric, and specific to handbook position in the organization.
    It is recommended to develop these questions for the position
    you mentioned in the job posting earlier in the handbook.
    Explain to managers how to create similar questions for other
    jobs they will need to fill. If you use the questions from the
    Week 5 assignment, be sure they are specific to the job posted
    b. State what pre-employment tests and assessments will be
    allowed and used at your organization. Provide the names of
    at least three such tests or assessments, and provide details
    about their use. Explain the philosophy of the company
    towards these tests/assessments, and guide managers in their
    use. (i.e. performance, background, criminal, drug tests, etc.).
    Describe how ongoing evaluation and review contribute to the
    retention of successful employees. Identify and describe the
    method and process of job performance review your company
    will use. Provide instructions for calibration of performance
    appraisal across the company.
    Retaining successful employees allows an organization to
    minimize the costs associated with recruitment and training of
    new employees, identify how workforce management
    practices (workforce team formation, more horizontal
    organizational charts, etc.) can affect effective staffing
    decisions that meet organizational needs for flexibility and
    encourage employee retention. Discuss the things your
    organization will put in place to help retain high quality
    This summary should be directed to your instructor –
    summarize the main points and utility of the handbook you
    created, and provide information on what you found hard, or
    easy, about the assignment. What did you learn from this?
    What new ideas did you come up with? What would you like
    to find out more about?
    Template use.
    Final comments:

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