Group project outline

Outline Completion
This Assignment is a completion activity. Grader should be able to understand the direction you are taking with your project and early research should be listed (websites/resources). While this is completion, the grader may deduct points if your project isn’t clear in the direction you are taking. Points are deducted in increments of 5.

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MGMT 5823 – Talent Acquisition
Graduate Student Project
As noted in the course introduction, talent acquisition has evolved from no strategy (post and pray), to a
reactive approach (recruitment), to a proactive approach (attraction). As technology and other factors
continue to change the way organizations approach all aspects of the business, strategies to identify,
attract, and recruit talent should continue to evolve as well.
Your assignment is to research trends and best practices companies and organizations should focus on
and/or implement within their talent acquisition strategy. You do not need to design a strategy, but
instead to identify significant trends that will impact talent acquisition going forward.
Your three- to five-page essay should include:
1) A brief summary of your research
2) The most interesting ideas you found
3) Descriptions of your specific recommendations
Project Grading Rubric – Talent Acquisition (MGMT 4813/5823)
scope, can
teach others)
Quality of Content
Clarity and Coherence
Relevance of Direction and
Focus, Style, and Tone
Focus, style, and tone
result in effective
communication. The
purpose and focus of the
piece are clear to the
reader. Organization and
content achieve the
writer’s purpose well. The
requirements of the
assignment are fulfilled.
(at standard,
minor errors)
Paper follows normal
conventions and has been
carefully proofread. Style
and format are easy to
follow. Documentation of
sources is thorough and
follows convention.
needs some
Contains errors:
subject/verb agreement,
tense, sentence structure.
Writing doesn’t follow
conventional style and/or
format. Source
documentation is
Sentence structure and/or
word choice interfere with
Focus, style, and tone
and obscure meaning.
interfere with clear
Sequencing of ideas and
Direction of paper and
communication. The
transitions between
conclusions do not relate to writer’s purpose isn’t fully
paragraphs and sections
the research content.
achieved, and parts of the
make following the writer’s
assignment may not be
meaning difficult to
Category Score
Total Score
Student meets ‘proficient’
level plus presents clear
Student is able to go
Writing is essentially error- The writing flows smoothly
Choices related to focus,
transitions and summary
beyond the research’s
free in its mechanics. Its
from idea to idea. The
Direction of paper and
style, and tone make the
information at appropriate
immediate conclusions to
format is well-adapted to writer has taken pains to
conclusions are related to piece pleasurable to read.
points during the paper.
put it into a wider context.
the assignment and leads help the reader follow the discussion topic; prompts Writing could be used as a
Visuals are unusually wellStudent provides in-depth
the reader to the writer’s logic of the ideas
further discussion of topic. positive example or model
designed and rely on
elaboration on aspects of
for other students.
graphic images in addition
the content.
to word charts and tables
of numbers.
Sentences are wellstructured and words are
chosen to communicate
Direction of paper and
ideas clearly. Sequencing of
conclusions are related to
ideas and transitions
research content.
between paragraphs and
sections make the writer’s
meaning easy to grasp.
Student Name(s)
Student demonstrates
Student provides a “road
thorough understanding of map” for the paper and
his/her information and is develops his/her topic in a
able to address logical or way that is easy to follow.
appropriate questions
Any visuals used are clear
stemming from the
and reinforce the
presenter’s message.
Student demonstrates a
rudimentary grasp of
his/her information and
has difficulty answering
logical or appropriate
questions related to the
research content.
Student neither
communicates a clear
structure or “road map” for
the paper nor provides an
introduction that helps the
audience anticipate the
content and flow of the

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