Business Question

I require shortening the report to 5400 words max including references. The content itself cannot exceed 5,000 words, include in-text citations using Harvard referencing methods, around 12-15 references and include a bibliography in the end and AI and Plagiarism report in the end at 10% max. Also attach the original document. I am attaching the outline so you know where you can shorten according to word limit.

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Table of Contents
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Importance of Effective Project Management …………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Processes and Constraints in Project Management………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Methods in Project Management ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Tools available in Project Management ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Task 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Part 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Project Plan ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Project Objectives ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Project Description and Scope Statement …………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Project Deliverables …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Project Stakeholders ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Work Breakdown Structure……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Project Scheduling………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Network Diagram …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Project Resources …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Risk log/register and mitigation plan ………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Project Budget……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Part 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Project Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Project Management Skills………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Approach to Future Project Management …………………………………………………………………………………. 17
Project Log Books …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Name: Fatima Dar
Project Manager, Shaukat Khanum Welfare Trust
Date: 20th August 2024
Shaukat Khanum Welfare Trust undertakes a variety of charitable initiatives such as education,
healthcare, community development, poverty relief and disaster relief with the aim of
improving life for underprivileged people in Pakistan. Being the project manager of Capital
Marathon, I am in charge of supervising a major fundraiser organized by Shaukat Khanum
Welfare Trust that seeks to raise substantial amounts of money for educational services in
Pakistan’s most deprived areas. Participants pay entry fees and seek sponsorships to support a
cause during these charity marathons that are important fundraising events. They usually
involve running races that attract both ordinary people and elite athletes, involving celebrities
or government functionaries to enhance the profile of such activities. The marathon will take
place on a particular date planned for early 2025 to raise significant funds. The route will be
through the heart of the city, Islamabad and is aimed at both ordinary runners and professional
athletes with various prominent personalities participating to improve the image of the
competition. Our fundraising activities would include registration fees, official sponsorships,
donations and sales from food stalls. Managing every aspect of it falls under my role including
acquiring permission from the government and ensuring that everything runs smoothly on race
day all aimed at providing children with better educational opportunities.
Importance of Effective Project Management
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service with a
specific beginning and ending point, a series of definite tasks, and a certain amount of money
allocated for it. It is bound by time limits, cost limitations, and scope specifications in order to
achieve one particular objective. Project management encompasses project planning, execution
and supervision activities aimed at achieving project goals within prescribed boundaries such
as: time, prices, and scope towards producing outputs conforming to quality requirements that
meet expectations of all parties involved therein (project stakeholders). (Siles R, 2018). The
marathon project aims at certain outcomes, for instance, a successful fundraising event that
results in a well-done marathon race, meets the fundraising goal and captivates participants and
sponsors. These goals have a set limit in terms of scope, budget, and time frame. On the
contrary, project constraints are limitations put on the project. These constraints include the
date fixed for the event, amount of money available for organizing the marathon; number of
activities intended for ensuring smooth running of the race. Other constraints entail available
resources like volunteers and equipment, quality measures to be adhered to during the event as
well as managing any potential risks and uncertainties.
In project management, project time, project quality, project scope and project budget are the
major aspects crucial to making sure that the project is successful. For projects to be finished in
the timeframe allocated, project managers prepare elaborate work plans, define important
milestones and keep a close eye on progress so that they can make changes quickly in case
there are delays. On the other hand, quality management is also one of the most important
factors since they have to create certain standards according to which they make sure that their
outputs fit expectations or even exceed them as a way of reducing defects and reworking
efforts. By outlining and remaining loyal to the project scope, project managers guard against
creeping beyond boundaries during implementation while aligning all objectives with
stakeholder expectations concerning deliverables. Moreover, effective budget management
involves monitoring expenses as well as controlling costs in order to keep it within financial
limits; hence maximizing resource efficiency while increasing possibilities for raising funds
towards accomplishing the goals set out. Together with risk management and communication
with stakeholders these actions help in achieving successful results in terms of projects being
In order for the marathon project to be successful, management is a key factor which
encompasses planning, implementation and closing actions. Initially, a comprehensive timetable
will aid in the timely completion of important tasks such as registering participants, coordinating
with sponsors and obtaining the necessary permits hence avoiding delays. Through budget
management, resources will be allocated accordingly while at the same time ensuring that
fundraising is maximized without going beyond the limits of the event’s finances. Additionally,
clear communication among sponsors, local authorities and other affected parties will help to
avoid confusion during the event. Risk management identifies potential challenges and ways to
avoid them as well. In summary, effective project management is what ensures smooth
operations throughout all phases of an event helping it achieve its success as well as
Processes and Constraints in Project Management
The initiation phase is primarily focused on defining the goals of the project and examining its
feasibility. This entails ascertaining the need for the marathon, whose purpose is to raise funds
for education in marginalized areas of Pakistan, and obtaining approval from government
planners and relevant stakeholders. Planning meetings will define the fundraising target of Rs
100 million, select 5 KM race track from Faizabad to Shah Faisal Mosque and fix date for the
event. The project charter; this is the main deliverable that outlines objectives, scope and key
stakeholders of a given project.
The planning stage is all about how to develop a detailed map for the project. A comprehensive
timeline for tasks such as participant registration, sponsor engagement, tract acquisition, and
advertising is necessary. Budgeting helps to allocate resources within financial limits. Developers
will draw up budgets that will facilitate conservation of risk management plan and highlight
possible challenges that may occur in future while communication strategies will help in
coordinating with sponsors, local authorities and other involved parties.
In the execution phase, the project plan is put into effect. This process consists of setting up
registration booths, finalizing sponsor agreements, obtaining necessary permits and managing
logistics. In addition, there shall be marketing campaigns in order to attract participants and
keep them visible. Coordinating with local authorities and volunteers will ensure that the race
route is properly set up and secure. For instance, effective on-site management will be vital for
smooth operations during an event.
The focus of the monitoring and controlling phase is on tracking project development against
the plan. This weighs task accomplishments, budget conformity and whole performance.
Periodic progress updates and performance reports will be useful in noting any variances from
the intended path thereby triggering corrective measures. Risk management strategies will
point out any emerging problems in a timely manner making sure that the project keeps to its
standards concerning scope and quality.
In this last stage, closure of all project activities takes place as well as determination of success
or failure. It entails determining if the marathon achieved its fundraising objectives; customer
satisfaction levels; and quality benchmarks met by the event. Completion of final reports on
finances and performance reviews would be done. There would be a debriefing meeting with
stakeholders during which lessons learnt and methods for improving performance are
presented together with final appreciation of those who sponsored, volunteered or took part in
the marathon.
For management of the charity marathon, time is a crucial factor in the project management
model known as the triple constraint model. It is important to stick to schedules so that
activities will take place as planned avoiding delays. The scope defines what the project seeks to
achieve, for instance, organizing a race and achieving fundraising objectives, and ensuring all
planned activities are carried out. Cost entails appropriate budgeting for various expenses
without surpassing monetary limits. Quality ensures that everything done during the marathon
are good e.g., transportation and experience to runners/participants. Successful and wellorganized charity marathon calls for balancing these constraints.
Methods in Project Management
Waterfall method is a sequential and linear method. In order to successfully take on a project,
one has to start this methodology in a clear manner. With every stage of Waterfall (conception,
initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, implementation and maintenance) that is
passed, developers come to the next step. This narrowness and linearity of Waterfall makes it
ideal for simple unchanging projects. It is simple to administer because each step has concrete
outputs and well-defined beginning and end points. (Massey E, 2022)
Flexibility lies at the centre of Agile method. The development starts with a simple project and
breaks it into small modules. They work on these in sprints (which could take one week or one
month). In every sprint, evaluation of the project priorities are done, and tests are carried out.
These sprints enable identification of faults or defects in the system and client comments or
feedbacks to be adopted in a design prior to the next sprint. It is phenomenal in activities when
it does not have any well understood final aim and it takes shape as it proceeds on. Because of
multiple phases, customers are able to offer ongoing input that is based on their demands.
(Massey E, 2022)
The Lean method centres around constructing a small collection of specifications and providing
that Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to users and the market far earlier than in Waterfall or
Agile methods. In this manner, you can also get off board quicker if you are not, thus conserving
two invaluable resources in any project namely time and money. Often times by focusing only
on what is fundamentally needed, therefore allows Lean methods to speed up processes, which
translates into reduced project duration and costs. At the same time it also makes sure that at
that particular point in time products meet specific customer’s expectations exactly.
When it comes to managing the charity marathon project, a combination of various methods,
such as waterfall and agiles, is best fitted. In this respect, the waterfall methodology provides a
structured framework for planning and organizing the event in such a way that important
components like permits, sponsorships and logistics are well defined and adhered to. This
approach is crucial for setting a clear timeline and achieving predefined milestones. On the
contrary, agile methodology offers flexibility and responsiveness to enable the project team to
incorporate real-time feedback and unexpected problems. By integrating agile practices into
their operation plans, they can make iterative improvements according to participant or
stakeholder input. Thus, while at first it may seem like having an elaborate plan would make
execution easier down the road; similarly, it has been found that such an arrangement allows
one to begin with a certain amount of detail before adjusting over time when necessary
resulting into both organized marathon event that concludes in success.
Tools available in Project Management
A Gantt chart is a kind of project management tool that shows what has been done in relation
to how long it was supposed to take. Tasks can have their start and finish dates, milestones, task
dependencies, assignments and so on in a Gantt chart. (Meardon E, 2019) Gantt Charts are
critical for the planning of the project timeline. They present a graphical outline of the project
schedule. This visualization assists in understanding the order of activities and the general
project timeline, which is important for following timelines so that deadlines can be met since
this event is happening on January 30, 2025. Besides, this graph can help one to monitor tasks’
progress in order to keep up with time and address delays or overlaps immediately. Such charts
are also useful in resource allocation since they indicate when resources will be used and where
they should be utilized what makes it important for logistics management of organizing
marathon races involving numerous participants, sponsors and stakeholders.
A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is one of the instruments used in project management
which describes in detail step by step how to accomplish large projects that have many
elements that are in motion. When you break the main goal of a project into parts, the work
breakdown structure integrates all its aspects like scope, cost and deliverables into one
comprehensive instrument. (Organ C and Bottorff C) This systematic division into various levels
related to hierarchy helps in arranging the assignment of responsibilities and keeping a record
of advancement with ease. For instance, for marathon WBS would encompass such essential
aspects like route design, sponsorship coordination, athlete registration just to mention but a
few. Thus the structured method guarantees that none of its part is ignored hence enabling
more categorized approach towards managing individual unit in detail.
A technique for managing projects that involves sketching out every essential task to be
completed in a project is known as Critical Path Analysis (CPA). The length of time that is put
into such projects is referred to as the entire path from beginning to end, through all difficult
and easy tasks. Also, when identifying these activities, it additionally records the time taken for
each and other. A project deadline can be established with realistic expectations, utilizing this
method and monitoring its progress during the course of completion. (Kenton W, 2021) This
enables the project manager to emphasize essential tasks that will determine how fast he or she
will be able to complete the project. This tool is especially vital in guaranteeing that major
events take place on time so as not to hinder other important activities such as getting
clearances from local authorities and arranging for top runners to participate in the marathon.
When it comes to project management and efficient planning, SmartSheet is a reliable online
project planning software that can boost your team’s productivity within a very short time span
thus enabling an early project delivery. It is capable of initiating as well as completing projects
by allocating responsibilities, arranging timetables, sharing files among other participants and
measuring performance. (Schwartz B, 2024) tion. It allows real-time updates and sharing of
financial information. This is necessary in order to manage the Rs. 100 million fundraising target
wisely. With SmartSheet, the project manager can monitor expenses, track donations and
manage sponsorship contributions ensuring that the project remains within budget and
meeting its financial targets.
Microsoft Project is a kind of project management application used for scheduling, project
planning, resource management and time tracking. Features include Gantt charts, kanban
boards, project calendars etc. for project managers. (Keup M, 2022) This means that finance
officers can create more intricate financial projections, stay informed about actual expenditure
on respective projects against the planned amounts and thus provide forecasts of different
parameters of performance. Regarding this example of marathon, Microsoft project would help
the manager to find out if the target amount for raising funds that was set at Rs.100 million is
being attained as well as look into appropriateness of resource arrangement concerning its
efficiency. Its reporting capabilities would also aid in tracking progress made during
implementation so that goals are achieved on time and within stipulated cost limits.
Choosing the right tools to suit specific project needs, objectives and limitations pays off in
effective project management. The success of a project such as the Capital Marathon Race
depends on using proper planning, budgeting and evaluation tools for streamlining processes,
efficient resource management and compliance with deadlines. Thus, the importance of picking
the right tools for any given project cannot be overemphasized; an example is when employing
a Gantt Chart ensures correct timing of all activities while Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
sections it in manageable jobs which add clarity and concentration. This then enables smooth
running of the event where all tasks are accomplished on time as well as within set budget
limits. Ineffective instruments however lead to delays, misappropriation of resources including
finances which eventually means that success of these projects becomes questionable.
Different types of projects call for different project management methods and processes.
Critical Path Analysis (CPA) and Microsoft Project are essential tools in determining time-bound
activities and enabling control over finances in large events such as the Capital Marathon. On
the other hand, a smaller project involving fewer parameters may not need such sophisticated
tools. For example, basic scheduling and budgeting resources may be sufficient for an event
carried out by a charity while a corporate initiative with several stakeholders and huge financial
allocation would use more advanced options like Smartsheet or Microsoft Project. It is
important to recognize what kind of project is involved in order to choose the most effective
instruments for addressing its specific issues.
Affirmation concerning the necessity of tool selection in project management is advocated in
works by various scholars such as (Kayser D, 2020). In my opinion, tools should not only be
appropriate for project magnitude but also match the capacity of a team and available
resources. The wrong choice of tools can burden the team leading to inefficiencies while right
tools enable a project manager to keep control and concentrate. Ultimately, applying correct
project management tools is vital for coordinating time, cost and scope hence ensuring that a
project is successful overall but specific to its requirements.
Task 2
Part 1
Project Plan
Project Title
Capital Marathon Race for Shaukat Khanam Welfare Trust
Project Objectives
The aim of the Capital Marathon Race is to generate Rs. 100 million for charity for education in
underdeveloped and resource-poor remote areas of Pakistan. This will be done through a
marathon which is 5 km long in Islamabad on January 30, 2025, having 500 general runners and
20 elite runners alongside collecting funds through sponsorships, food stalls and door-to-door
fundraising. It will be carried out with approval from government bodies as well as support from
local authorities. What these funds will do is directly contribute to constructing educational
infrastructure in neglected regions thus it can be time bound and measurable project. The
objectives are realistic with fundraising milestones that can be achieved as well as participation
rates; coordination for the event making sure that it has a well-planned approach within the
given time frame.
Project Description and Scope Statement
Project Title: Capital Marathon Race – Fundraiser for Education in Remote Areas of Pakistan
Project Objectives
● You would be able to gather Rs. 100 million from participants’ fees, donations and
● Enroll 500 ordinary runners and 20 best ones for this great marathon.
● Ensure all government regulations are adhered to in addition to acquiring all the required
approvals for the occasion.
● Market the marathon so as to get media attention and draw notables, government officials,
sportspeople as well as celebrities into it.
Project Deliverables
● Event Planning: The planned government approvals should be sought. Final route logistics
must be drawn up and proper safety measures put in place.
● Marketing Campaign: The event should be advertised through a complete media and
marketing plan, consequently attracting sponsors and public participation.
● Runner Participation: 500 general runners as well as 20 elite ones should be registered and
coordinated for their participation in this marathon race event.
● Fundraising Strategies: Donation booths need to be set up, along with door-to-door
collections and food stalls that are going to boost the race’s finances.
● Event Execution: There will be a 5KM marathon race organized properly with logistics, media
coverage, and food vendors along the route.
● Post-Event Activities: Cleaning the race track will take place followed by briefing sponsors
about what transpired during the day as well as compiling results from fundraising events
conducted before the marathon took place.
Project Stakeholders
Donate Money
Positive boost to their
brand image
Provide necessary
permissions and
Clear instructions and
recognition of their
Preferred mode of
Formal emails,
Official letters,
Local Authorities
Participants (Runners)
Manage local
logistics, traffic, and
Participate in the
Cover and promote
the event
Assist in organizing
and running the
Provide food, drinks,
and other services
Contribute funds
through donations
Chief Guests
Attend and possibly
speak at the event
Event Management
Plan, execute,
monitor and close
the event
Smooth conduct of the
event without
Well-organized event
and recognition of
Access to event details
and notable attendees
Clear instructions and
recognition of
Profit from sales and
smooth event
Transparency in how
funds are used
Recognition and
positive association
with the cause
Successful event
execution without
Meetings, Phone
Emails, Social
Media, Event
Press releases,
Press conferences
Briefings, Emails,
WhatsApp groups
Meetings, Emails
Emails, Online
Formal invitations,
Personal phone
Internal meetings,
Emails, Project
Work Breakdown Structure
Project Scheduling
Obtain government
and local authority
Preceding Activity
Activity Time
5 days
Secure sponsors and
Finalize event route
and logistics
Media and marketing
Runner registration
(general and elite)
Coordinate with
volunteers and staff
Finalize vendors (food
stalls, water stations)
Organize safety and
medical support
Secure guest
Set up race track
Install race signage
and sponsor logos
Coordinate food
stalls, donation booth
On-site media
coordination and
guest reception
Manage runner
logistics (bibs, timing,
Conduct marathon
Post-event clean-up
Compile fundraising
results and financial
Post-event media
coverage and thankyou messages
Sponsor and
stakeholder debrief
7 days
3 days
B, C
5 days
10 days
5 days
3 days
5 days
3 days
G, H
1 day
1 day
G, J
1 day
I, L
1 day
E, M
1 day
1 day
1 day
3 days
2 days
1 day
Network Diagram
Gantt Chart
Project Resources
Human Resources
Successful running of the Capital Marathon Race will need many people talents doing their
various functions for smooth implementation. The Project Manager is at the top and will look
after event as a whole, organizes different groups, manages risks and sees that project does not
deviate from its time, cost and scope. Under him are Event Coordinators who take care of
different aspects of the marathon such as registration, guest management and communicating
with sponsors as well as media houses. Volunteers would be very instrumental in managing onground activities like assisting runners during race, manning water stations and directing
crowds. Also on standby would be Medical Staff such as doctors and paramedics for any
emergencies that might arise during an event. A bunch of Security Personnel will work together
with local law enforcement to make sure that runners, spectators and VIP guests are safe. Traffic
Controllers will ensure the closure of roads and keep the non-participating traffic flowing
smoothly. Timing systems, audio-visual sets and registration databases will be handled by
Technical Staff whereas event promotion, sponsor attraction as well as media communication
will take place under Marketing and PR Professional’s roles. Arbitrarily important government
authorities also get involved for obtaining permits, coordinating with locality departments and
ensuring compliance with law. Celebrity Liaisons are responsible for dealing with
sportswomen/men; governmental officials; radio or television personalities that are high up
there at receptions. These all human resources must work together in a way that meets an
objective to raise Rs 100 million at the event.
Physical Resources
Logistics for the marathon would need a variety of physical resources. To begin with, race setup
has to be put in place including 5 km track from Faizabad to Shah Faisal Mosque where barriers
and signs, and mile markers must be there. In order to keep runners hydrated, water stations
must be put at regular intervals along the track. Every participant must have race bibs, timing
chips, and finish line medals. Furthermore, tents and marquees will be required at registration
desks, medical stations, and VIP lounges on both starts as well as finish points. Sound system
will be set up to announce race details and introduce guest speakers, podiums and stages will
be set up for the awards ceremony, as well as government officials’ speeches and that of other
important people. To ensure that there is enough food for both participants and spectators,
food stalls will be erected around the venue while portable restrooms strategically placed on
several spots along the route offer bodily assistance. Before as well as after the event, vans and
trucks are going to be needed for transporting equipment, supplies and people. Additionally,
sponsor banners as well as advertising boards will be placed all along the way so that
organizations supporting this process can get exposure.
Other Resources
Human resources and physical resources are not the only ones that contribute to the success of
marathon but they are as well among them. In other words, government approvals and permits
will need to be secured to host the race in Islamabad, thereby ensuring that the marathon
complies with local laws and regulations. Local authorities such as police, traffic management
teams, and municipal services must cooperate to ensure safety and logistic support all through
the event. Measures for health and safety including insurance policies for runners and
emergency protocols should be set up so as to mitigate risks. Furthermore, it is also important
to have IT structures in place that will facilitate issues related to registrations, timing as well as
communication. There should also be a website or app developed specifically for the
participants where they can register themselves or track their results. Promoting the event will
require rolling out media partnerships and advertising campaigns across television, radio, social
media and newspapers to attract participants, sponsors and donors. Caring and managing
sponsorship agreements is essential, they include points such as putting the logos of sponsors
on race banners, t-shirts and any marketing materials. Moreover, it is crucial to have both online
and physical tools for collections that will facilitate tracking of donations from the general public
or through house to house approaches ensuring there is openness as well as accountability in
achieving the figure of Rs.100 million, which is the intended goal. Lastly on race day
coordination of transport services for both participants and observers together with parking
should be organized to deal with the increase number of people who would be coming into
town during that time. This effective management of all resources will culminate in a successful
Capital Marathon Race in line with its objective of raising funds to support education in remote
areas of Pakistan.
Risk log/register and mitigation plan
Risk Owner
(Probability X
Rain (Adverse
Permit Delays
Project Budget
0- Management and
1- Marketing and
2- Registration and
Timing Systems
3- Medical and
Emergency Services
4- Security and Traffic
5- Logistics (Tents, Water
Stations, etc.)
6- Celebrities and VIP
Guests (Honorariums,
Travel, etc.)
7- Food Stalls and
Vendor Setups
8- Sponsorship
Management &
9- Miscellanous
(Permits, Unforeseen
Budget (Rs.)
Total Estimated Budget: Rs. 30,000,000
Part 2
Project Evaluation
Project Management Skills
A few important project management skills must be possessed in order to be able to
successfully plan, execute and close an event like the Capital Marathon Race.
Planning Skills: hard and careful plan is required for this project. This involves logistics, route
management, permits and authority coordination. Listed tasks such as marketing, registration
and event day operations should have detailed timelines prepared in advance. The project
manager should know how to distribute resources well enough to achieve the Rs. 100 million
fundraising target.
Analytical Skills: Being capable of examining data, for example changes in runner signups, likely
dangers (climate, security etc.) and predictions about finances, is vital. Accompanied by an
analytical mind sponsorship arrangements, checking if they make sense regarding costs and
conducting thorough scrutiny on facts could help achieve maximum amounts raised.
Time Management Skills: Managing different tasks simultaneously will require proper timing
given the marathon is a big event. Things such as obtaining permits, getting sponsors, marketing
the event and managing volunteers have to be done within very strict timelines. Doing so
effectively ensures that all deadlines are met without affecting the quality of the event.
Course on Software Skills: A project of this scale needs an acquaintance in project management
systems like MS Project or Asana for example while at the same time having a knowledge about
the tools that are necessary for runners’ registration processes, timing systems as well as data
tracking. It is possible to use budgeting and finance software in order that an organization can
keep a check on its expenditures so as to always stay within budget constraints.
Communication Skills: Speaking clearly is important when dealing with different parties like
government agencies, benefactors, community members, suppliers or even project participants.
Effective communication assists in controlling risk factors; dealing with problems when they
arise; making sure every person understands what he/she is supposed to do in relation to the
project objectives. For example, written communication will be useful for marketing the event
while talking may help during contacting sponsors and discussing things within a team.
Capacity for Managing Risks: The best would be to evaluate all forms and types of risks faced by
such projects as there are many types of disruptions that they experience. It means that there is
need for skilled people who can do risk management and prepare countermeasures in case
things go wrong without any notice.
Approach to Future Project Management
Anticipating the future, there are some alterations which I intend to make for better
administration of subsequent projects by utilization of more versatile and adaptive techniques.
The implementation of an agile methodology in future projects would facilitate enhanced
adaptability and greater speed at which changes can be implemented. Agile encourages
repeated work phases (known as sprints) with regular sponsorship reviews, allowing teams to
modify plans during the course of a project. This would especially help when dealing with
unanticipated circumstances such as altering sponsorships or making sudden alterations in
To keep the team in sync, I would propose to organize daily or weekly stand-up meetings.
Regular catch-ups with key stakeholders and team members would allow for rapid updates, thus
enabling identification of any blocages. The meetings promote accountability by aligning all
Future projects must rely on constant feedback loops. Potential issues can be detected early on
through daily or weekly feedback from team members, participants and sponsors. This type of
feedback should not only tackle the problem at hand but also enhance the quality of the event
making it better within its own timeframe.
Applying Total Quality Management (TQM) entails ensuring that all processes are marked by
high quality and efficiency levels. TQM improves each stage of project gradually, so as to fulfill
both sponsors’ and participants’ wishes about the event. The empowerment of the team is also
one of its main characteristics, whereby they are given appropriate equipment as well as taught
skills to enable them produce top notch results.
I would utilize more advanced technology such as real-time tracking software, mobile apps for
participants, and automated systems for registration and donation collection in future projects.
It would improve the overall participant experience, thus allowing smoother project execution
by streamlining processes.
A complete post-event review having detailed documentation of all lessons learned, actions
taken and performance metrics will be introduced. This will make sure that the current project’s
mistakes and successes are packed in order to refine strategies for future projects thereby
promoting continuous improvement in the organization.
As a consequence of these changes, future projects can be executed more efficiently, flexibly,
with greater satisfaction from all stakeholders resulting in positive outcomes for everyone
Project Log Books
Name: Fatima Dar
Project Title: Capital Marathon Race – Fundraiser for Education in Remote Areas of
Date: 01.07.2024 till 31.07.2024
Update on Period of Development
Initial project planning began. We established the marathon’s objectives and started
creating a work breakdown structure (WBS). Basic planning for the 5km route and
logistics were drafted. The budget estimate was completed, with a target of Rs. 100
Risks and/or Issues Identified?
A potential risk is the difficulty in securing sponsors early on due to slow outreach.
Additionally, logistical planning could face roadblock delays with government approvals.
Problems Encountered
Initial sponsor outreach has been slower than expected, as potential sponsors are
hesitant to commit without detailed event plans.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
A potential new idea is to start early recruitment of volunteers through universities to
ensure we have sufficient staff for the marathon. This could reduce risks of underresourcing the event.
What Have I Learnt About Myself This Month?
I’ve learned that I am more comfortable planning the big picture but need to work on
attention to smaller logistical details. I also need to improve my follow-up strategy with
Tasks Planned for Next Month
– Increase sponsor outreach
– Begin formal discussions with local authorities
– Finalize initial route plan
– Start volunteer recruitment
Project Plan Status to Date (On, Ahead, Behind)
Status: On Track
Tutor Feedback
Name: Fatima Dar
Project Title: Capital Marathon Race – Fundraiser for Education in Remote Areas of
Date: 01.08.2024 till 31.08.2024
Update on Period of Development
Gained momentum in sponsor outreach, securing two sponsors. Had initial meetings with
government officials to begin the process of securing permits for road closures. The
preliminary volunteer recruitment has begun at local universities.
Risks and/or Issues Identified?
The risk of delays with permits is still present, and the weather forecast for January
indicates a possible risk of rain, which could impact the event.
Problems Encountered
There have been communication gaps between the event team and local authorities
regarding the necessary paperwork for road closures, causing minor delays.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
We are considering incorporating food stalls along the marathon route to increase
community engagement and raise additional funds during the event.
What Have I Learnt About Myself This Month?
I’ve discovered that I need to improve my delegation skills. There were several instances
where I took on too much myself, which slowed down certain processes.
Tasks Planned for Next Month
– Finalize the road closure plan with authorities
– Expand sponsorship efforts
– Draft the marketing campaign
– Finalize food stall arrangements
Project Plan Status to Date (On, Ahead, Behind)
Status: Slightly behind due to delays in permit approvals.
Tutor Feedback
Name: Fatima Dar
Project Title: Capital Marathon Race – Fundraiser for Education in Remote Areas of
Date: 01.09.2024 till 30.09.2024
Update on Period of Development
The event route has been finalized, and we’ve secured the necessary approvals for road
closures. Sponsorship outreach continues, with an additional Rs. 10 million pledged.
Public marketing campaigns have been launched, and the registration for participants is
Risks and/or Issues Identified?
We’re facing a potential issue with the timeline for securing VIP guest appearances.
There’s also concern about volunteer recruitment, as we’re short of the numbers
Problems Encountered
Some of the local businesses along the route are opposed to road closures, which has
caused some minor logistical setbacks.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
The idea of creating a “virtual marathon” is being explored to attract more participants
globally and expand fundraising through online donations.
What Have I Learnt About Myself This Month?
I’ve learned that I tend to over-prepare, which sometimes causes delays. I need to focus
on being more agile and adaptable when changes arise.
Tasks Planned for Next Month
- Finalize volunteer recruitment
– Confirm guest appearances
– Push for additional sponsors
– Launch virtual marathon initiative
Project Plan Status to Date (On, Ahead, Behind)
Status: On track, but with a few logistical delays.
Tutor Feedback
Name: Fatima Dar
Project Title: Capital Marathon Race – Fundraiser for Education in Remote Areas of
Date: 01.10.2024 till 31.10.2024
Update on Period of Development
Volunteer recruitment has been completed, and we’ve secured a major celebrity as the
brand ambassador for the marathon. Participant registrations have exceeded 300
runners, and we’ve finalized the logistics for race day.
Risks and/or Issues Identified?
We’re still short of our sponsorship goal by Rs. 30 million, and media coverage hasn’t
gained the traction we anticipated. Weather for January remains a risk factor.
Problems Encountered
Some miscommunication with vendors about space allocation on race day has caused
delays in finalizing vendor setups.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
A local business association proposed setting up a vendor market along the marathon
route to raise additional funds and increase community involvement.
What Have I Learnt About Myself This Month?
I’ve become more confident in managing external stakeholders and have improved my
problem-solving skills when handling complex logistics.
Tasks Planned for Next Month
– Finalize vendor setups
– Increase media coverage
– Confirm participation of all elite runners
– Organize race-day volunteer duties
Project Plan Status to Date (On, Ahead, Behind)
Status: Slightly behind in sponsorship and media coverage.
Tutor Feedback
Name: Fatima Dar
Project Title: Capital Marathon Race – Fundraiser for Education in Remote Areas of
Date: 01.11.2024 till 30.11.2024
Update on Period of Development
Finalized race-day logistics and secured an additional Rs. 10 million in sponsorships.
Media coverage has improved, and all elite runners and VIP guests are confirmed.
Risks and/or Issues Identified?
Some issues remain with vendor logistics and uncertainty about the weather on race day.
Problems Encountered
Miscommunication with vendors regarding space allocation caused further delays, but
these issues are being resolved.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
We’re considering live streaming the event to increase online donations and broaden our
What Have I Learnt About Myself This Month?
I’ve improved my flexibility and adaptability when dealing with last-minute changes. I feel
more confident in handling unexpected problems.
Tasks Planned for Next Month
– Final push for participant registrations
– Finalize all logistics
– Confirm guest appearances
– Coordinate with media for live coverage
Project Plan Status to Date (On, Ahead, Behind)
Status: On track, with minor delays in vendor setups.
Tutor Feedback
Name: Fatima Dar
Project Title: Capital Marathon Race – Fundraiser for Education in Remote Areas of
Date: 01.12.2024 till 30.12.2024
Update on Period of Development
All logistics are finalized, media coverage, including live streaming, is secured, and
participant registrations have surpassed 500 runners. Fundraising has reached Rs. 85
million. The final race-day preparations are complete, including timing systems and safety
Risks and/or Issues Identified?
Concerns about weather conditions on race day remain, but all other potential risks have
been mitigated.
Problems Encountered
There was a minor delay in finalizing the race-day timing system, but it has now been
resolved. Coordination with all vendors and volunteers is on track.
New Ideas and Change of Project Direction
No significant changes this month; the focus remains on ensuring the smooth execution
of the event and maximizing the impact of the fundraising efforts.
What Have I Learnt About Myself This Month?
I’ve learned to stay calm under pressure and make quick decisions when unexpected
issues arise. My ability to manage stress and maintain focus has improved significantly.
Tasks Planned for Next Month
– Oversee race-day operations
– Ensure all safety protocols are followed
– Monitor the live streaming and media coverage
– Conduct post-event evaluations and debriefing sessions
Project Plan Status to Date (On, Ahead, Behind)
Status: On track, with all major tasks completed and preparations for race day in place.
Tutor Feedback
EPM- Summer 2024
Tutor: Urooj Shahid Ansari
Assignment Structure Guidelines
BTEC Level 3
Unit Number and Title
Unit Assessor
Assignment Title
Effective Project Management (Unit 31)
Urooj Shahid Ansari
EPM Project Report and Project Plan
The submission consists of an individual REPORT drafted on Microsoft Word (.doc) file
comprising of around 4000-5000 words. Task 1 report 2500 words max and Task 2500 max.
The Assignment should be written in a concise, formal business style maintaining;
❖ Font – Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri
❖ Font Size – 12
❖ Margin space – Standard (Default)
❖ Line spacing – 1.5
❖ Headings – Bold (Font size can be increased for headings and sub-headings)
❖ All material should be properly referenced using a Harvard Referencing Style, including
detailed and all critical in-text citations (within the solution) & Bibliography (at the end).
❖ You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all
sources used arecorrectly attributed.
❖ Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice
(Plagiarism or Collusion).
❖ AI software should only be used as a tool to support your research, AI score should be
15% Max.
Assignment Focus
The assignment should focus on the following learning outcomes:
❖ Learning aim A: Examine the principles and practices of project management.
❖ Learning aim B: Plan a project to meet specific business objectives.
❖ Learning aim C: Manage a project, reflecting on the success of the management methods proc
esses and tools.
EPM- Summer 2024
Tutor: Urooj Shahid Ansari
Assignment Tasks
All assignment tasks have to be done in the context of the given scenario project of
Shaukat Khanam (Welfare Trust). The scenario details are given below:
You are assigned a project as a project manager. You are fully independent to plan, execute, monitor
and control, and closure the project.
Shaukat Khanam (The Welfare Trust) is going to hold a marathon race (Capital Marathon Race) to rais
e charity to promote education in remote areas of Pakistan where these are so proper schools and n
either people have sufficient resources to educate their children. Funds will be raised from about 50
0 general and 20 elite runners, door to door donation collections, sponsors and food stalls. Fund raisi
ng target is Rs. 100 million. Capital Marathon Race will be hold in capital city Pakistan, Islamabad on
Sunday 30th January2025 by the approval of government authorities, and informed to local authoriti
es. A 5KM track from Faizabad till Shah Faisal Mosque, between 11am till 3pm. Chief guests will be fr
om Government personal, sports and TV/Film actors/actresses.
Task 1 (2500 Words)
Introduction to the project: Discuss the scenario that you are assigned the project manager to
organize this charity marathon and discuss what will be accomplished in this report referring to the
charity marathon project. (200 words)
Importance of Effective Project Management: (500 Words)
Following points should be discussed when discussing this heading in separate paragraphs:

Define project and project management, explain project objectives and constraints

Explain how do project management helps to make project successful e.g., completion
of projects within project duration, quality achieved, project scope meets and within
budget etc. (You may add more points)

Explain how effective project management will contribute to this marathon project
Processes and Constraints in project management: (500 Words)

Discuss Processes include Project Life Cycle – 5 processes i.e., Initiation, Planning, Execution,
Monitoring and controlling and closing. (All stages should mention what is expected to happen in the
stages for this specific marathon project)

Discuss the triple constraint model and how it will impact project management in this charity
marathon. (Time, Scope, Cost and Quality)
EPM- Summer 2024
Tutor: Urooj Shahid Ansari
Methods in Project Management: (400 Words)

Define very briefly the waterfall, agile and lean methodology in project management.

Discuss lean, waterfall, agile or hybrid of agile and waterfall whichever method is most
suitable for this project and why.
Tools available in project management: (500 words)

Discussing tools includes project planning tools, project evaluation tools, project budgeting
tools etc —-This should include discussion on tools for each separately:
o Planning: Gantt Chart, WBS, Critical path Analysis.
o Budgeting & Evaluation: Smart sheet and Microsoft Project.

Discuss how these tools helps to meet project objectives and constraints
Conclude the above points in a paragraph form (DON’T MAKE THIS A HEADING): (400 Words)
In this conclusive paragraph discuss the following:

Discuss critically how it is important that effective project management is based on right
choice of project management tools – in other words discuss relationship between right
choice of project management tools and project success

Discuss the impact of appropriate methods, processes and tools used in effective project
management, in given and contrast projects from various typologies.

Evaluate appropriate methods, processes and tools used in effective project management by
adding references of other researchers, and your own opinion.
REMINDER: Every heading above needs to refer and discuss the scenario given the beginning.
Task 2 (2000-2500 Words)
Part 1
Project Plan (Same project as in task 1)

Project Title

Project Objectives: Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound)
objectives for the marathon.
-Project Description and Scope Statement: This should provide extensive detail on what will
EPM- Summer 2024
Tutor: Urooj Shahid Ansari
be included in this project i.e., Deliverables, milestones, limits and exclusions.
Project Stakeholders (create project stakeholders register)
Preferred mode of
Donate Money
Positive boost to their Formal emails, One on
brand image.
one meetings
Project Planning (apply following on given project)
Work Breakdown Structure
Sample for a construction project is shared below. Create your own WBS for this Marathon Project.

Project Scheduling
Activity Number
A- Public
Create a Network diagram for the above activities.
Example below:
2 days
EPM- Summer 2024
Tutor: Urooj Shahid Ansari
Gantt Chart
A template is given below. Left hand should mention the activity name and on the right choose Days
or weeks and design a timeline for your marathon project.
Project Resources
Human (Discuss what are human resources required for given project)
Physical (Discuss what are physical/material resources required for given project)
Other (like what are other than human and physical resources required like facilities etc)
Risk log/register and mitigation plan
Discuss risks associate with given project and plans to mitigate these risks.
(Probability X
Risk Owner
Project Budget
Estimate cost of each activity and as a whole project in table form. A random example is
shared below, please make one according to the marathon project activities.
EPM- Summer 2024
Tutor: Urooj Shahid Ansari
Part 2
Project Evaluation Report
In your own words, analyze the following:
1) Project management skills required for this project (e.g. planning skills, analytical skills, time
management skills, Software skills, Communication skills etc)
2). How will you manage future projects differently (e.g agile methodology, regular meetings, daily
bases feedback, TQM application etc)
Part 3
Project Log books (No word limit)
Maintaining Issue log
-Discuss few issues, follow format of maintaining issue log book, 6 separate logs are required.
(Create 6 log books of the same template below for 6 months (July 2024-January 2025) of your
project, fill up according to the given headings your activities you done in each week)
Logbook week 1
Project Title:
Date: 03.07.2024 till 3.08.2024
Update on period of development
Any risks and/ or issues identified?
Problems encountered
New ideas and change of project direction
What have I learnt about myself this week?
Tasks planned for next week
EPM- Summer 2024
Tutor: Urooj Shahid Ansari
Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind)
Tutor feedback
Good Luck ☺

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