MGMT201 Proposal Part 2 Planning

The  first function of management to address for this project is planning.  Decision-making is an important part of the process, and there are  decisions that need to be made for future planning of any organization  to stay competitive.

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As  part of the planning process — DESPITE the evidence that demonstrated  that SWOT is a spurious and specious tool for organizational decision  making — you will conduct a SWOT analysis on your chosen company.

Be  sure to include the EDITED version (i.e., shows that you fixed the  issues that I highlighted in my feedback) of your Module 1 proposal  assignment.  In other words, add to the proposal template what  you submitted in Module 1, and use the SWOT template provided to perform  a SWOT analysis. Be sure to usecredible sourcesto support your analysis.

Add  the Part Two content from this assignment to the appropriate section of  the assignment template.  Be sure to use the SWOT template provided to  perform a SWOT analysis. Be sure to usecredible PEER-REVIEWED sourcesto  support your analysis.  If you include blogs, wikis, Harvard Business  Review, Newsweek, Forbes, CNN, etc….any invalid sources WITHOUT first  having spoken to me, you will receive the lowest possible score on the  References component of the assignment rubric.

Be sure to incorporate all instructor feedback  from Module 1 along with this module’s planning portion and submit the  entire document. Be sure to examine the rubric to identify specific  grading criteria.

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After  you conduct your SWOT analysis, write an essay in at least 500 words.  Include two (2) new scholarly resources not previously used,  appropriately formatted headings and subheadings, and address the  following:

Add a heading:  Introduction

Write an introduction to explain what you will discuss in your Part 2 submission.

Remind the reader of your company and the idea you proposed.

Add a heading:  Planning, Strategy, & Decision Making

Add a sub-heading:  Planning

Explain the specific elements associated with the planning function of management.

HINT:  Use the textbook table of contents as a guide for organizing  the sub-sections of the planning discussion and the content you should  discuss.)

HINT:  This is NOT the place to mention your company OR your idea.   At this point, you are merely explaining the theoretical concepts that  you will need to consider during the planning function.

Add a sub-heading:  Strategy

HINT:  Use the textbook table of contents as a guide for organizing the strategy discussion and the content you should discuss.)

HINT:  This is NOT the place to mention your company OR your idea.   At this point, you are merely explaining the theoretical concepts that  you will need to consider about strategy.

Add a sub-heading:  Decision Making

HINT:  Use the textbook table of contents as a guide for organizing  the sub-sections of the decision making discussion and the content you  should discuss.)

HINT:  This is NOT the place to mention your company OR your idea.   At this point, you are merely explaining the theoretical concepts that  you will need to consider when making decisions.

    Add a heading:  SWOT Analysis.

Use the SWOT table provided in the template.

  • Populate the SWOT table with information that relates to your company’s internal and external S, W, O, and T.
  • Include three bulleted items for each of the SWOT table cells.
  • Be sure that I can understand your SWOT content (i.e., don’t just  put one or two word responses.  If I cannot understand your point, I  cannot give you credit.).  Also, when appropriate, cite your SWOT  content.

Add a heading (you can choose your own heading):  Discussion

    NOW, you will begin to combine the information you presented above with your company and idea.

HINT:  Keep in mind that this is not a fantasy project.


Which of the planning process concepts will you need to apply to your project idea?

  • Which of the decision making concepts do you think might come into play during the planning and execution of your idea?
  • What questions would you like to be able to answer?
  • How will you collect and analyze data to answer them?

Again, rather than spend time trying to find specific data, explain  WHICH data you would want to collect and why you would want to collect  it.  What will you do with the data you indicated you must collect?   Again, think PROCESS.  Don’t try to propose fantasy solutions.

  • Example:  Rather than fantasize that you would build a new facility  with air conditioning and six windows — something you do not have  sufficient data to propose — explain the planning PROCESS.
  • For example, “(Valid Scholarly Journal Source, Date) explained that  management must evaluate the availability of resources that will be  necessary to complete the project.  Considerations include….”
  • So, explain the PROCESS explained in the textbook to demonstrate  that, given enough time, you would eventually be able to get to the  specific details of whether to build, lease, or buy a facility.

Example:  Rather than propose a fantasy explanation for “How and when” you will implement your idea, think PROCESS.

  • For example, Rather than fantasize that the proposed launch is in  the Spring of 20XX, explain the factors that you would need to consider  when identifying a launch date.  What are the things that you must  consider before identifying a launch date?  What happens if there are  delays?  Think PROCESS…not fantasy.
  • Don’t state immediately. Immediately can mean different things to  different companies. Be thoughtful and come up with a specific date for  your launch and provide a reason for that launch date.  One more  time….PROCESS.
  • Add a heading: Conclusions

This is your opportunity to explain anything that you learned about planning.

  • You do not need to summarize what you already wrote.
  • What questions remain unanswered about the planning function?

What information differed from what you believed previously?  What reinforced what you believed previously?

The format you used here is fine. You can also use the template. Either way, from this point forward, you
will just ADD to the paper and submit the previous paper that includes the new information. Section
Review: “New Balance” Content: Analysis: This section provides a comprehensive overview of New
Balance, highlighting its commitment to the community and environmental sustainability. The
comparison with Nike and Adidas is insightful, but places too much emphasis on the marketing and
competitive strategies. Organization: The essay is logically structured, starting with New Balance’s
mission and vision, followed by a comparison with competitors, and concluding with recommendations
for improvement. The transitions between sections are smooth, but the overall flow could be enhanced
by using headings and subheadings and breaking down the recommendations into clear, distinct points.
Grammar: The grammar is mostly correct, but there are some minor errors and awkward phrasings. For
example, “New Balance is a privately held multinational firm that begun in the early 1900s” should be
“New Balance is a privately held multinational firm that began in the early 1900s.” Additionally, ensure
consistency in verb tenses and clarity in sentence structure. References and Citations: The in-text
citations are present but need to follow APA guidelines more closely. Ensure that all sources are properly
formatted and included in the reference list. For instance, the in-text citation “(Davis, 2014)” needs to be
correctly formatted, and the reference list should include full citations in APA format. Final Comments:
Improve the flow by clearly distinguishing the recommendations and ensure all grammatical errors are
corrected. Adhere strictly to APA formatting guidelines for all citations and references. Remember… you
must focus on the five functions of management. This isn’t a marketing course. The company is not
important. The idea is not important. Applying the five functions of management to both IS ALL THAT IS
Title of Paper in Upper Lower Case and Bold
Student’s Name
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
MGMT 201: Principles of Management
Instructor’s Name
New Balance
New Balance is an organization committed to the community and preventing negative
environmental impacts. They seek to empower people driven by their passion in life as their
central vision and put the body in motion using the most advanced technology in footwear
globally as their mission. New Balance is a privately held multinational firm that begun in the
early 1900s and distinguishes itself from competitors by using one hundred percent renewable
energy sources. They aim to achieve this goal in all of their global locations. Better marketing
approach is one way they can increase their global competitiveness (Davis, 2014).
Nike’s sponsorships and partnerships with significant figures elevate them to a level of
excellence. Nike has a worldwide reputation and effective marketing strategies. As people
become more aware of New Balance’s global identity, other initiatives such as global relief,
customer relations, and community involvement will also gain visibility. Despite not being as
well-known as Adidas and Nike, New Balance consistently achieves its organizational goals. It
can expand in America by presenting new items and targeting emerging market segments. The
organization faces competition from major companies like Adidas. Such threats can be viewed as
a positive force, encouraging innovative thinking to survive and succeed in the market (McFarlin
and Sweeney, 2014).
New Balance’s limited exposure represents both a threat and an opportunity. Consumers
may not associate New Balance with fashion, shoes, or unique footwear. To keep up with current
trends and increase profitability, New Balance should collaborate with celebrities. Marketing and
advertising will also provide opportunities. This will attract new customers and encourage
feedback on improving the company. A widespread market with common or similar products and
commodities can threaten an organization’s success. Competitors can easily produce and sell the
product at a reasonable price. The company employs a cost-leadership strategy to maintain prices
while minimizing expenses. The organization could use a market differentiation strategy to
create superior, unique products that competitors struggle to replicate (Fontaine, 2020).
Use the above SWOT template provided and ensure you use credible sources to
support your analysis.
After you conduct your SWOT analysis, write an essay in at least 500 words and
two new scholarly resources than previously used addressing the following:

Describe in detail your new idea for your chosen company. Provide the SWOT
component related to your idea and explain. (Ex: ensure to include your idea in
the opportunities of your SWOT).

Include production and logistics of your new idea. (Ex. Do you need to expand
your building, add more employees, build a new production line, add a
distribution center in another country). Be specific.

Outline how it impacts the company’s growth, competition, or market demands
(it could affect some or all). Be specific and use research, data, statistics, and
make an estimation of how much it could add to the company’s profit margin
and how you foresee this growing the company.

Explain “how and when” you will implement your idea. Again, be specific, for
example, proposed launch is in Spring of 20XX. Don’t state immediately.
Immediately can mean different things to different companies. Be thoughtful and
come up with a specific date of your launch and provide a reason for that launch
Davis, I. S. (2014). The re-emergence of the minimal running shoe. journal of orthopaedic &
sports physical therapy, 44(10), 775-784.
Fontaine, S. P. (2020). Analyzing the Social Media Presence of Nike, Adidas, and New Balance
Using Social Listening.
McFarlin, D., & Sweeney, P. D. (2014). International management: strategic opportunities &
cultural challenges. Routledge.

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