ECO 306 Project One

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ECO 306 Project One Guidelines and Rubric
Your first project for this course is to create an informa!ve presenta!on. The presenta!on will
analyze how U.S. interest rates behaved during a 10- to 15-year period in the last 50 years.
Through your research, you will examine economic trends and risks and the impact of monetary
policy on interest rates.
This presenta!on will help you understand interest rate behavior. By analyzing a sufficient
period of !me, you will iden!fy trends and changes in interest rates and witness the impact that
key economic events have on interest rate determina!on. In doing this project, you will develop
an apprecia!on for the rela!onship between policy targets and market factors that impact
economic ac!vity. The final product will be submi#ed in Module Three.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Explain the determinants and behavior of interest rates as they relate to markets
Analyze the rela!onship between monetary policy and the economy for informing
responsible business decision making
Suppose while in the pursuit of your business degree at SNHU, you opt to gain some prac!cal
experience and take on an internship as a business analyst for a major company. In this role, you
need to complete a research project that demonstrates the rela!onship between business risks
(such as geopoli!cal, economic, climate, and so forth) and interest rates (in other words, the cost
of borrowing to finance capital expenditure). The senior management will use this informa!on to
make informed business decisions to meet their growth targets. In comple!ng this project, you
will present your findings to senior management.
For this project, create a PowerPoint presenta!on of 8–10 slides. Analyze U.S. interest rate
behavior over a 10- to 15-year period during the last 50 years. You will access informa!on in the
Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED) and create a presenta!on that includes speaker
notes and visual representa!ons of your findings.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
I. Overview: Define the specific interest rates and !me period that you are analyzing, and
explain why you chose them.
II. Interest Rates
A. Explain interest rate trends over the !me period and whether they have been high or low
by historical standards.
B. Using FRED tools, visually illustrate changes in interest rates during the !me period.
C. Describe economic risk factors that have impacted interest rates in the !me period and
what kind of impact they had. Consider bankruptcies, financial crises, geopoli!cal factors,
and so on.
D. Describe underlying economic condi!ons that impacted the ac!vity of these interest
rates during the !me period.
III. Monetary Policy
A. Discuss the impact of interest rate changes on general business decision making.
Consider expanding or contrac!ng opera!ons, deciding to undertake or postpone
addi!ons of capital (in other words, increasing produc!ve capabili!es), or increasing or
decreasing inventories.
B. Explain the causal rela!onship between the federal funds rate and market rates of
C. Using your analysis of interest rates during the !me period as a guide, explain the
internal and external impacts on the economy.
Final Submission: Presenta!on
Submit your presenta!on in Module Three. Your presenta!on should be a complete, polished
ar!fact containing all of the cri!cal elements of the final product. Your presenta!on should
reflect the incorpora!on of knowledge and feedback gained up to this point in the course. This
submission will be graded with the Project One Rubric.
What to Submit
Your presenta!on should be 8–10 slides with speaker notes, visual representa!ons of your
findings, and cita!ons adhering to the latest APA forma$ng.
Project One Rubric
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and explana!on demonstrates excep!onal balancing of brevity
and detail
Proficient (85%)
Defines the specific interest rates and !me period being analyzed, including an
explana!on of why they were chosen
Needs Improvement (55%)
Defines the specific interest rates and !me period being analyzed, including an
explana!on of why they were chosen, but defini!on is cursory or explana!on is
Not Evident (0%)
Does not define the specific interest rates and !me period being analyzed
Interest Rates: Trends
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and explana!on demonstrates a complex grasp of how interest
rate trends compare to historical standards
Proficient (85%)
Explains interest rate trends over the !me period and whether they are high or low by
historical standards
Needs Improvement (55%)
Explains interest rate trends over the !me period and whether they are high or low by
historical standards, but explana!on is illogical or contains inaccuracies
Not Evident (0%)
Does not explain interest rate trends over the !me period
Interest Rates: Changes
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and illustra!on demonstrates a masterful use of FRED tools to
show changes in interest rates
Proficient (85%)
Visually illustrates changes in interest rates during the !me period using FRED tools
Needs Improvement (55%)
Visually illustrates changes in interest rates during the !me period using FRED tools, but
illustra!on is unclear or incomplete
Not Evident (0%)
Does not visually illustrate changes in interest rates during the !me period using FRED
Interest Rates: Risk Factors
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and descrip!on demonstrates a sophis!cated awareness of
how economic risk factors impacted interest rates
Proficient (85%)
Describes economic risk factors that have impacted interest rates in the !me period and
what kind of impact they had
Needs Improvement (55%)
Describes economic risk factors that have impacted interest rates in the !me period and
what kind of impact they had, but descrip!on is incomplete or impacts are unrelated
Not Evident (0%)
Does not describe economic risk factors that have impacted interest rates in the !me
Interest Rates: Economic Condi!ons
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and descrip!on demonstrates a complex grasp of underlying
economic condi!ons that impacted interest rates
Proficient (85%)
Describes underlying economic condi!ons that impacted the ac!vity of these interest
rates during the !me period
Needs Improvement (55%)
Describes underlying economic condi!ons that impacted the ac!vity of these interest
rates during the !me period, but descrip!on contains inaccuracies or is illogical
Not Evident (0%)
Does not describe underlying economic condi!ons that impacted the ac!vity of these
interest rates during the !me period
Monetary Policy: Business Decision Making
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and discussion demonstrates a sophis!cated awareness of the
rela!onship between interest rate changes and general business decision making
Proficient (85%)
Discusses the impact of interest rate changes on general business decision making
Needs Improvement (55%)
Discusses the impact of interest rate changes on general business decision making, but
discussion is unclear or unrelated to the impact
Not Evident (0%)
Does not discuss the impact of interest rate changes on general business decision making
Monetary Policy: Causal Rela!onship
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and explana!on demonstrates a complex grasp of how the
federal funds rate and the market rates of interest influence each other
Proficient (85%)
Explains the causal rela!onship between the federal funds rate and market rates of
Needs Improvement (55%)
Explains the causal rela!onship between the federal funds rate and market rates of
interest, but explana!on is cursory or has gaps in logic
Not Evident (0%)
Does not explain the causal rela!onship between the federal funds rate and market rates
of interest
Monetary Policy: Impacts
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and explana!on demonstrates a sophis!cated awareness of
how the interest rates impacted the economy
Proficient (85%)
Explains the internal and external impacts on the economy, using the analysis of interest
rates during the !me period as a guide
Needs Improvement (55%)
Explains the internal and external impacts on the economy, using the analysis of interest
rates during the !me period as a guide, but explana!on is incomplete or does not relate
to interest rate analysis
Not Evident (0%)
Does not explain the internal and external impacts on the economy, using the analysis of
interest rates during the !me period as a guide
Ar!cula!on of Response
Exemplary (100%)
Submission is free of errors related to cita!ons, grammar, spelling, syntax, and
organiza!on and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format
Proficient (85%)
Submission has no major errors related to cita!ons, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Needs Improvement (55%)
Submission has major errors related to cita!ons, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organiza!on that nega!vely impact readability and ar!cula!on of main ideas
Not Evident (0%)
Submission has cri!cal errors related to cita!ons, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organiza!on that prevent understanding of ideas
Total: 100%
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