Final Reflection on Administrative Policy Presentation

For this assignment, you must write a personal reflection on what you have learned from preparing and delivering your group assignment presentation on the effective rollout of a global administrative policy. This assignment will help you critically evaluate your learning experience, understand your strengths and areas for improvement, and articulate the value of collaborative work in achieving academic and professional goals. Your reflection should cover what you learned from the coursework and the group interaction. Answer any questions about your learning journey after attending this course and how you intend to apply the acquired knowledge.

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Cover Page

a.    Title: Personal Reflection on Group Assignment Preparation and Presentation.
b.    Your Name and ID.
c.    Course Title.
d.    Date.

Table of Contents

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Reflection Content (4-6 pages)

a.    Introduction.
b.    Brief introduction to the group assignment topic.
c.    Overview of the personal reflection purpose.
d.    Personal Learning from Coursework and how you plan to use it for improvement.
e.    Key concepts and theories learned from the coursework relevant to the assignment.
f.    How did your group apply these concepts during the group assignment preparation?

Group Interaction and Collaboration

a.    Description of your role in the group and tasks you were responsible for.
b.    Insights gained from working with group members.
c.    Challenges faced during group interaction and the participants overcome it.
d.    Skills developed or improved through group collaboration.

Presentation Preparation and Delivery

a.    Reflection on preparing for the presentation.
b.    Lessons learned from the delivery of the presentation.
c.    Feedback received and personal assessment of the presentation performance.

Personal Learning Journey and Future Application

a.    How the experience contributed to your personal and professional development.
b.    Specific skills or knowledge you plan to apply in future academic or professional settings.


a.    Summary of the key points discussed in the reflection.
b.    Final thoughts on the overall learning experience.

References Page

a.    List references and sources cited in the reflection (if applicable).

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Format: Your choice of font, 12-point font, double-spaced, APA compliant.
  2. Length: 3-5 pages of reflection content (excluding Cover Page, Table of Contents, and References Page).

Tips for Writing the Reflection:

  1. Be honest and reflective about your experiences.
  2. Use specific examples to illustrate your points.
  3. Reflect on both positive experiences and challenges.
  4. Discuss how you have grown personally and professionally through this assignment.

A Strategic Approach for
Multi-Country Implementation of AntiHarassment Policies
Group Members’ Names:
Chandima Bandara, Le Nguyen, Mary Uche.
ADMG 571: Global Administrative Policy
July 13th, 2024
> The presentation intends to outline a global administrative policy rollout.
> The rollout looks at anti-harassment policies in USA,Vietnam and Nigeria.
Objectives and Key Topics
> Planning Phase
> Communication and Training Strategy
> Implementation Plan
> Metrics and Evaluation
What is an Anti-Harassment Policy?
• An anti-harassment policy is a comprehensive framework established by our
organization to prevent, address, and eliminate harassment within the workplace.
• It defines harassment, Including but not limited to sexual, verbal, physical, and
psychological harassment.
Intended Outcomes
Enhanced compliance and cultural alignment.
Improved employee understanding and regulatory adherence.
Positive organizational impact.
Legal Landscapes:
Regulatory Landscape
Tolerances a major cultural
consideration when it comes to
harassment whereby Nigeria and
Vietnam are more tolerant to
harassment advances as compared
to USA.
Understanding cultural differences
The compliance institutes
protection from any form of
harassment and punishment for
participation in harassment
investigation or reporting
harassment instances.
In legal term USA is the principal –
Commitment to a harassment-free
work environment. Statutes include
origin, identity, orientation, reprisal,
among others (Ross, n.d.).
The Vietnamese labor law (Clause 9
Article 3 of the Labor Code 2019)
stipulates punishment and dismissal
for any individual or organization
involved in any form of harassment
(Uyen, 2022).
The Nigerian law classifies
harassment as offensive physical or
behavioral act against victim (Umah,
Stakeholder Engagement:
Customization and Localization
of the Code:
Involved stakeholders include shareholders,
employees, customers, local authorities and
community members.
The customization process involves adapting
the primary anti-harassment policy, based on
U.S. law, to ensure it complies with and is
relevant to the legal and cultural contexts of
Nigeria and Vietnam.
Leadership bodies such as local and federal
government as well as organizational leadership
and Human Resource are integral members of
the team.
A representation from each section of
stakeholders form the team responsible for the
In local terms the code translates to entitlement
of employees to a harassment free environment,
that is free from any form of physical, behavioral
harassment and protects those who report
harassment cases or involve in harassment
manifestation as well as stipulate punishment for
any instance of harassment
Such a code incorporates and balances the three
nations’ viewpoints as well as balances local,
federal and global standards.
Development of
• The anti-harassment program develops a
unified and documented message for
communicating its policy to the audience.
• The program uses localization in a way that it
makes the communication available in a
format and language that the target users can
access. Such a move includes translating the
message into local languages.
• The communication utilizes various channels
including conferences, emails, memos, among
others to ensure that the communication
spreads effectively to the target audience.
• The program incorporates multimedia
elements such as videos and animations to
make the communication more engaging and
accessible. These visual aids help explain the
policy and reporting mechanisms clearly.
Details of Training and Education Programs
Addressing Time Zone Challenges:
Conduct assessment of training needs.
Set specific time for overall that is favorable across time
zones 1100 hrs.. UTC (0700hrs in USA, 1200hrs in
Nigeria and 1800 hrs. in Vietnam).
Develop training module.
Apply the coaching and role-play training methods.
Ensure there is maximum participation in the training sessions.
Having an audio, visual version of the training material.
Ensure new employees are mandated to complete
all required trainings on workplace harassment.
Offering flexible training schedules to enable the
stakeholders take the training sessions during their
convenient time.
Rollout Schedule with Key Milestones:
• Initial announcement
• Administration onboarding
• Designation of roles and responsibilities.
Pilot Testing and Feedback:
• Outlining a selection of regions for testing (Abuja in Nigeria and Hanoi in
• Getting the feedback from the test.
• Implementing changes in respect to the feedback.
• Preparation for a full-scale launch.
Full-Scale Launch Strategy:
• Conceptualization of the policy.
• Full scale practice of the policy in areas of concern.
• Constant review and progress support.
Compliance Metrics:
• Training completion rates
• Adherence to the new code
• Regular audits and surveys
Engagement and Training Participation
• Employee engagement levels
• Participation rates in training programs
• Feedback from training sessions
Incident and Cultural Integration Metrics:
• Risk mitigations and timeframes.
• Incident handling interventions.
• Cultural inception aspects.
• Outcomes overview and management.
• Feedback on integration.
• Overall Goal and Mission: Zero tolerance for any form of harassment.
• Enhanced Compliance
• Improved Understanding
• Positive Impact
• Cultural Considerations
• Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). Sexual harassment: Charges filed with EEOC. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
• Hofstede Insights. (n.d). Country Comparison tool. The Culture Factor
• Ross, W. (n.d.). Departmental policy on harassment. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved July 10, 2024, from
• Umah, O. (n.d.). In Nigeria, women are standing up for their rights. Action4justice in Nigeria. Retrieved July 10, 2024, from,Hundred%20Thousand%20Naira%20or%20both.
• Uyen, L. H. P. (2022). Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Vietnam’s New Legal Framework. Mondaq. Retrieved July 10,
2024, from–sexual-harassment/1241744/sexual-harassment-in-vietnam#authors.

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