Business Question

Assignment Instructions- Volkswagen- Prostitutes- for the firm’s labor representatives

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A corporate scandal involves alleged or actual unethical behavior by people acting within or on behalf of a corporation. Many recent corporate collapses and scandals have involved false or inappropriate accounting of some sort (see list at accounting scandals).

Research the unethical Business situation involving a Company assigned to you below from a newspaper, magazine, journal, TV, or the Internet or in the campus Library on a Company that was caught in unethical conduct. Use at least two (2) other sources to cross check the facts. Cite the sources on the Reference page on the last slide.The References must be written in a formal writing style. (APA or MLA). The Power Point should include/cover all of the following points

  • Briefly summarize the Company’s background/History/origin and the unethical situation.
  • Identify the facts, the ethical or unethical ground rules that are manifested in the situation (ethical theory that is broken) as well as which ethics theories should be applied to remedy the situation.
  • What ethical deficiency, (what did the Company lack-…ie.. check and balance system /no ethical policy etc.) or conflict that brought it about the unethical conduct?
  • How did the organizational leadership handle the dilemma? Did they report it right away, or did they hide it, ignore it etc.. Did they delay informing the public? Did they cooperate with the investigation?
  • Propose a plan for implementing ethical standards and what should have been the method(s) of communication of these standards in order to resolve/prevent the issue/unethical conduct in the future. (utilitarian/deontology/virtue ethics/New York Times rules)
  • 6-8 Slide Power point Presentation should be enough.

Grading Criteria- 40 pts.

This will help you create an effective presentation.

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Content – 20

The information is interesting, important and relevant to the topic

The information is reliable and factual

The concepts from the book are well explained and thought out

The facts are supported by the information in the text or from your research

There is a clear introduction, body and conclusion

You met all the requirements of the assignment—see assignment above.

Organization of the presentation -10

  • The ideas are organized in a logical way
  • The information or arguments are easy to understand
  • The content and delivery stayed focused and on topic
  • The introduction included clear statements and main points
  • The body of the presentation contained supportive details about the main points
  • There is a strong conclusion Visuals and Technology
  • Pictures and graphics improve the presentation and reinforces the main points o Pictures/graphics are creatively placed and not distracting
  • Presentation is attractive and the theme is used consistently
  • Must be at least 6-8 slides.
  • Must include a title slide • Include at least 3 pictures, graphics or clip art.
  • Use a footer for any references such as the images, books, websites or other


Text- 10

  • Text size is easy to read
  • Text color and font type are consistent throughout the presentation Delivery and Grammar
  • The slides contain no spelling or grammatical errors You didn’t speak to fast or too slow
  • Your audio levels are good and consistent throughout the recorded presentation
  • You let the slides guide your presentation

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