implementation Plan for an HRD Learning Intervention

Referencing the work that you did in Week 5 for the Needs Assessment and HRD Design Assignments, think about the implementation/delivery/facilitation approaches that you included in your lesson plan. Implementation is not covered until this week, but often when people are preparing a lesson plan, they include implementation methods. If you did not include implementation in your Week 5 work, no problem, you can add that information in now. You will state how you plan to carry out the actual HRD Learning Intervention. This might include information like, specific location, how each session of the program/intervention will be delivered (in-person, video, specific activities, resources needed, etc.). Once you add this information or if you included much of this information in your Week 5 assignment, move to the next step.

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Expand the Week 5 lesson plan by one column labeled Implementation Reasoning. In the cell next to each activity outlined in the lesson plan, label the implementation approach you choose and briefly explain why this approach works well for this activity or if you should consider an alternative approach.

At the end, provide a paragraph regarding any pandemic-related influences on your implementation choices and how HRD implementation will be regarded in the future to obtain maximum effectiveness of HRD in your industry.

Comprehensive Needs Assessment for Initech
Zelieka Isaacs
Organizational training and Development
Doctor Lyons
April 14,2024
Comprehensive Needs Assessment for Initech
As an outside consultant, I have been tasked with conducting a thorough needs
assessment for the organization Initech based on the provided video clips and job description for
a data analyst position. The needs assessment will be looking at the organization at three
different levels – namely the organizational level, the task level, and the human or individual
level. Through the analysis of the organization’s dynamic variables, including management,
employees, processes, the environment, and organizational culture overall, the goal is to perform
a complete evaluation of Initech’s current status and find potential problems or areas for
development. This will be an important tool for Initech in identifying their very specific
problems and improving their operations specifically in this role and the data analysts generally.
Organizational-Level Needs Assessment
Analysis of the Videos and Their Depiction of Initech’s Organizational Culture
The video clips present the viewers with a view of Initech’s organizational culture, which
is characterized by dysfunctional management and low employee morale. The leadership
technique seen to be employed relies heavily on micromanagement and control as middle
managers are all the time monitoring and criticizing their subordinates (YouTube, 2016). In a
top-down formula, the employees will likely be disengaged and lack the enthusiasm and passion
needed to take pride or ownership in their work. Apart from that, the organizational procedures
are inefficient and entangled with bureaucracy, deepening their exasperation and resentment
(YouTube, 2016).
Initech’s Organizational Structure and Alignment with the Data Analyst Role
Initech follows a hierarchical and an inflexible organizational structure that clearly
differentiates the management from the rank-and-file employees. This reporting structure and
decision-making process can, therefore, hamper the attempts by data analyst to communicate
insights and influence strategic decisions. Furthermore, the scope of the data analyst role is not
defined appropriately; inadequate resources and support could get in the way of their job
fulfillment. With the rise of data-driven decision-making in the corporate world, Initech must
link this role to the organization’s overall objective and provide the necessary resources and
freedom for this position to prosper.
Task-Level Needs Assessment
Review of the Data Analyst Job Description
The job description for data analyst role at Initech explains the main responsibilities
which are collecting, analyzing and interpreting data to support business decision making,
developing reports and dashboards and identifying trends and patterns for informing strategic
initiatives. The needed skills and competencies may include proficiency in data mining and
manipulation, advanced analytical and problem-solving abilities, strong communication and
presentation skills, and a solid understanding of pertinent business domains (Naqvi et al., 2021).
These job demands suggest that Initech wants to hire a seasoned data professional who is highly
skilled and versatile to serve as a trusted strategic partner to the organization.
Alignment between Job Requirements and the Observed Work Environment
On the other hand, the short video clips indicate that the Initech workplace might not
completely match the expectations of the data analyst profession. It is uncertain whether there
are enough tools and equipment for employees or the organizational inefficiency, and lack of
support observed could mean a shortage of resources or the necessary investments in data
analysis systems and infrastructure (Spraakman et al., 2021). Also, the video does not show any
conclusive training and development chances for employees in detail, which might limit the
usefulness of the data analyst in the future. The possible among the desired job requirements and
observed work environment might be the most challenging problem for Initech to attract and
keep the best data talent.
Person-Level Needs Assessment
Evaluation of Employee Capabilities and Fit for the Data Analyst Role
The video does not offer any information on the actual employees with Initech who may
be doing the job of data analysts. However, it is felt that the observed behaviors and attitudes of
the staff may reflect their gaps or opportunities for additional development. The employees’ overt
indifference and lack of enthusiasm could signify a mismatch between their talents and job
requirements or just general motivation and satisfaction issues (Spraakman et al., 2021).
Meanwhile, the cultural environment that is micromanagement and bureaucracy, which might
restrain creativity and problem solving skills, needed for good data analysis, is the other area of
problem. However, the problem can be mitigated by appointment of data analysts who can be
capable and fit in the organization’s strategic plan.
Identification of Individual Growth and Development Needs
For the best performance of the data analyst role of the company Initech, it is important
to establish what growth and development deficiencies its employees possess. Such endeavor
may involve developing targeted skill upgrading programs such as teaching data visualization,
statistical analysis or business intelligence tools to improve the technicians’ expertise in the area.
Furthermore, the company must seek to develop comprehensive career advancement plans to
retain all the skilled employees and to ensure that the job of a data analyst is perceived as a nice
and rewarding career (Naqvi et al., 2021).
Synthesis and Recommendations
The study of Initech has indicated a number of areas that need improvement. A main
obstacle at the organizational level is based on the management style, leadership approach, and
organizational culture of disaffection and inefficient processes. The design of the organizational
structure and how it correlates to the data analyst role are also problems that need to be
addressed in terms of the available resources and support for this essential function. The data
analyst job description comprises the duties and the required skills at the task level. Nonetheless,
the discovered working environment reveals some mismatches including the inadequate tools
and technology, as well as no possibilities of training and development. These holes could impair
the analyst’s ability to perform their role efficiently.
Recommendations for Addressing the Identified Needs
Organizational-level changes:

Implement a more collaborative and empowering management style to foster employee
engagement and ownership
Streamline organizational processes and workflows to improve efficiency and agility
Ensure the data analyst role is strategically aligned with the organization’s goals and
provided with the necessary resources and autonomy
Task-level adjustments:

Invest in modern data analysis tools and technologies to support the data analysts’ work
Develop and implement comprehensive training and development programs to upskill the
data analysis team
Continuously review and refine the data analyst job description to ensure it remains
aligned with the evolving business needs
Person-level development initiatives:

Conduct a thorough skills assessment to identify individual strengths and areas for
Offer targeted training and coaching to address skill gaps and enhance personal growth
Implement a robust career development framework to incentivize and retain top talent
In conclusion, the thorough needs assessment for Initech has shown that the organization
is facing various problems, with the data analyst position being one of the most critical. The
targeted initiatives at the organizational, task, and personal levels can lead the Initech company
to fully utilize their data analysis skills and develop a more involved, productive, and flexible
workplace. However, on-going monitoring and evaluation will be crucial to see that these
improvements mentioned above are sustainable and the organization is still aligned with its
strategic objectives.
Naqvi, S. K., Shahzad, F., Rehman, I. U., Qureshi, F., & Laique, U. (2021). Corporate social
responsibility performance and information asymmetry: The moderating role of analyst
coverage. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(6), 15491563.
Ndidi, A. M., Amah, E., & Okocha, B. F. (2022). Micromanaging behavior and employee
productivity in SMEs in Rivers state. International Journal of Research and Innovation
in Social Science, 6(4), 745-755.
Spraakman, G., Sanchez-Rodriguez, C., & Tuck-Riggs, C. A. (2021). Data analytics by
management accountants. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 18(1),
YouTube, (2016).
YouTube, (2016).

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