Programming Question

Simple Sorting Algorithms Computer generate and process output as necessary to create nice looking illustrated diagrams that graphically demonstrate how 3 common sorting algorithms work. I suggest you first write a console program and generate appropriate text console output (or write a text file). Then copy from the console and paste into Excel (or import the file). Comma-Separated-Values (csv) can be helpful with Excel. Then use Excel to highlight and further illustrate the algorithm. Use text and arrows as desired to make it clear how the algorithms manipulate data. Create a diagram that clearly illustrates the execution pattern for each of the following sorting routines, as shown in the example below. You can paste your final Excel tables into Word to add additional formatting. Use Word to add highlights, arrows, and other markups. You can also print out the data and add markups by hand with colored pencils, paintbrushes, or something like that. a) BubbleSort b) SelectionSort c) InsertionSort • Download the posted source code, study it until you understand it, then modify it as required to print the array after each pass of the outer loop! • Include your MODIFIED SOURCE CODE, with appropriate changes to the initial comment header. Change the header to give credit to the original author (me) then add your name and date and indicate the changes you made. • Use a one dimensional array of unsorted values as input. • You may hard code the input. Use the initial unsorted number sequence shown below. • Test your code with to make sure it works properly. • You must print the array after each pass at least! You may print it more frequently, if desired. Remember to annotate the additional data changes shown. • You must highlight your output as described above! Example: Partial Sample Output from Selection Sort: 60 50 30 40 90 100 20 10 70 80 60 50 30 40 90 80 20 10 70 100 60 50 30 40 70 80 20 10 90 100 60 50 30 40 70 10 20 80 90 100 60 50 30 40 20 10 70 80 90 100 and so on until the array is sorted… these can be quite lengthy if you show every change…and that is good. Languages: Modify the posted C++ code “HW0 Source Code”. Be sure to annotate your code to include your name, a description of what you changed, and give credit to any code used, eg include a statement something like “…based on Professor Ross’ code…”. Turn in: 1) Paper source code listings for each sorting routine. 2) Paper output listings, highlighted to show the sorted list growing. Documentation standards: Follow the requirements in the syllabus regarding assignment

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