Developing A Three-Tier Distributed Web-Based Application – MySQL – Java

Submit the entire Project-3 webapp folder from Tomcat for this program.3 Submit your entire Project-3 folder from your Tomcat installation webapps folder. This should include all files necessary to run your applications. Your webapp folder must be named Project-3. Do not submit individual files from this webapp, include the entire Project-3 webapp structure from Tomcat. If your webapp folder does not contain the .java files for your webapp, then include an additional, separate zip folder that contains all the .java files. Be sure to let the TAs know where your .java files are located.

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Submit a total of 37 screen shots along with your webapps folder according to the commands listed in the project3rootcommands.sql, project3clientcommands.sql, project3dataentrycommands.sql script files, and the project3accountantcommands.txt file, which show the results of executing the commands in these files via your application.

You provided the 37 required screenshots showing your application’s execution of each of the command sequences in the project3rootcommands.sql, project3clientcommands.sql, project3dataentrycommands.sql script files, and the commands from the project3accountantcommands.txt file. The assumption for this project is that your “client” has only select privileges on the project3 database and the “root” has all permissions. Your data entry-level user will only use the interface provided via the PreparedStatement interface. Your accountant-level user will only use remote procedure calls to execute procedures stored on the MySQL DB server via the CallableStatement interface. This criterion carries the most weight as it is essentially demonstrating that your servlet applications correctly implement the requirements of the project.Note: You can include the folder of screenshots in the top-level of your Project-3 webapp if you would like. Otherwise, submit them as a separate folder and be sure to inform the TAs where your screenshots are located.See the project document for a complete listing of the exact screenshots needed for this project submission. Be sure to label your screenshots and keep them in the proper order in your submission.Weighting for the screenshots will be allocated as:Root user screenshots = 30 points totalClient user screenshots = 10 points totalDataEntry user sceenshots = 15 points totalAccountant user screensots = 5 points totalNOTE 1: Recreate the project3 database before taking the first screenshot and do not recreate it once you start taking screenshots.

NOTE 2: The business logic must be incorporated into your applications with at least the “brute force” version being implemented. If you elect to do the bonus version of the business logic…see the last criterion below.


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The main landing page (authentication.html) page is used to authenticate all users. Each user, upon successful authentication will be automatically re-directed to the correct application. The first-tier of all four of your applications will be a JSP page that will connect the user to the project3 database and allow them to execute SQL commands against this database. You must use properties files to read the user credentials to establish the database connections..The main landing page (authentication.html) page is used to authenticate all users. Each user, upon successful authentication will be automatically re-directed to the correct application. Your front-end pages (for all four applications) must utilize JSP technology (they are not HTML pages) that allows the application to refresh only a portion of the displayed page rather than requiring an entire page refresh. As per the project document, your front-end JSP files for the root-level and client-level users provides the user an “Execute Command” button, a “Reset Form” button, and a “Clear Results” button. The connection to the database is handled by the servlet and must be made via properties file data (resident on Tomcat). The data entry-level user front-end page is also a JSP page, but contains only input template forms for user data entry and does not allow the user to enter SQL commands. The SQL command to insert a new record into the correct table, as per the interface, is executed via a preparedStatement(). The front-end page for the accountant-leve user is also a JSP page that provides only a selection of options for “reports” that can be generated via remote procedure calls. The interface for the accountant-level user is simply a list of radio button check options. NOTE: authentication is based upon the authentication servlet’s connection to the credentialsDB where all user credentials are stored.


If you are helping me with the bonus – see this part of the rubric:

If you elect to do the bonus problem, attach a note to your WebCourses submission. Submit only the bonus version of the project.If you did the bonus part of the project, be sure to indicate to the TAs that you implemented the bonus version of the business logic in your application. To get full credit for the bonus part, it must be correctly implemented. This means that ONLY those suppliers directly affected by an update have their status values altered. This will be reflected in your screenshots for the project3rootcommands.sql and project3dataentrycommands.sql scripts. Note that these are bonus points and the project itself will count as 100 points like all other projects.

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