Dawson Community College Python Questions

MAP Brewing company is located on the edge of Glen Lake on the north edge of Bozeman. The city ofBozeman is concerned about the impact of ongoing releases of alcohol from the customers of MAP
Brewing into Glen Lake. You have been hired by the city to estimate the concentration of alcohol
(ethanol) in Glen Lake using the following equation:
W = Q .c + k· Vivo
where W = 150 g/day is the rate of release rate into the lake, Q = 100 m3/day is the flow rate of
water out of the lake (containing alcohol at the same concentration, c, as the lake), k =
0.025 g0.5/(m1.5. day) is the consumption rate of alcohol by living systems in the lake, and V =
1 x 103 m3 is the volume of the lake. You should solve this equation for the concentration of alcohol
using sympy (or other computational, symbolic mathematics system) and report your estimates and
methodology to the city of Bozeman. The city is considering a limit on the alcohol concentration in Glen
Lake of 1 g/m^3, is the current concentration likely to be in excess of this limit?

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