Training Needs Analysis


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Training Needs Analysis

To understand the development needs throughout the business, COMPANY XYZ would like to have a meeting with you (the training manager) to discuss your department training requirements. In order to provide some structure to the session, Company XYZ asks that you complete the attached training analysis form prior to the meeting. 

Some other items you might want to include in your meeting are:

· Organizational Chart

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· Job Descriptions

· Training Goals for the department

· Training Goals for the employee’s

· Competency Reports

· Other relevant training data

Your perspective on training development opportunities, along with the data that you provide, will help Company XYZ better understand your goals and help close/support any competency needs your department. 


a) The attached form can be completed by inserting your text below each question.

b) Complete the title page with your information. This title page format should be submitted with every written assignment.

c) Delete these instructions before submitting your assignment.

d) Delete blank or empty space between a question answer and the next question for a professional appear.

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Training Needs Analysis

Complete the following in a total of 1,050-to 1,400 words.

1. What is your training problem statement or objective? 

2. What skills and knowledge are required to perform the work?

3. What are the measures of successful performance of the work?

4. Are people performing at the levels required?

5.  Is there under-performance for specific groups of employees?

6. What are the causes of under-performance?

7. What training will help bridge the gap between the standards of performance needed and the actual performance?

8. Is there specific training that is needed in the training triad categories below? 

a. Technical training

b. Business skills training

c. Human skills training

9. What is the expected return on the investment (ROI)?

10.  What does success look like?

11. Do you have a budget for the training development/course?

12. Any other relevant information? 

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