300 W1 Discussion

Respond to 2 different students with one or more of the following:

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  1. A link that brings in new information or helps the student you’re responding to
  2. A substantial question (not, “what do you think?”)
  3. A  politely worded critique that shows either a flaw in your classmate’s logic, misunderstanding of the data, or a failure to fully answer the questions
  4. A politely worded reply to any of the above. 


1.Chan, G. & Yanos, P. T. (2018). Media depictions and the priming of mental illness stigma.


Stigma and Health, 3(3), 253-264. 

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http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=8&sid=66026bf7-aa09-4bcd-a73a-7b9d3e35bcc7%40pdc-v-sessmgr01&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPXNoaWImc2l0ZT1lZHMtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=2017-15491-001&db=pdh (Links to an external site.)


2. Neuman, W. L. (2017). Understanding Research  (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

3. The topic discussed in the article I chose is mental illness.  The article discusses the question of the affect the media plays in regards to one’s perception of mental illness.  The study designed involves the random assignment of individuals to descriptions of a violent accident.  Some descriptions were left unaltered while others were manipulated to mention the term and concept of mental illness.  Chan and Yanos (2018) state “we also examined the potential moderating impact of cognitive styles and preexisting attitudes and beliefs.”

4. I would say this research is descriptive

5. Experimental


6.  Results found that participants are likely to associate mental illness with violent outbursts when stated throughout media. I think this was used for applied social research. Chan and Yanos (2018) state “roughly, 43% of the participants in the experimental condition reported the cause of the incident as related to mental illness, in contrast with only 2% of participants in the control condition.”  When asked to provide a recount of the article 42% of participants mentioned mental illness while none of the participants of the control group did (Chan & Yanos, 2018).


7. In an unscientific method one can simply ask the question of does mental illness make one violent?  Asking a question such as this doesn’t entail proper research but a simple yes or no question.  Research isn’t completed to discover why individuals may have these particular beliefs. 

8. Do you think or know of research that discovered why individuals may have these beliefs?

Kenneth Review

1. Article citation.

Steffens, N. K., Haslam, S. A., Jetten, J., & Mols, F. (2018).

Our Followers Are Lions, Theirs Are Sheep: How Social Identity Shapes Theories About Followership and Social Influence.

Political Psychology, 39(1), 23–42. https://doi.org/10.1111/pops.12387

2. Book citation.

Neuman, W. L. (2017). Understanding research. Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

3. Title and topic.

Our Followers Are Lions, Theirs Are Sheep: How Social Identity Shapes Theories About Followership and Social Influence.

This article is fascinating to say the least. It speaks on the idea that people see followers of other groups as being less of an ideal follower, see them as not being an effective follower, and see members of their own group as being “better” overall. This non effective follower is seen as more conformist, blindly following what they are told, and unable to be think for themselves. Conversely, they see their own group as dynamic free thinkers, active, thoughtful, and more engaged with the overall ideas of the group. This drives the mindset of sheep or lions, with sheep being the weak or stupid follower, and the lion being the ferocious free spirit that is strong and something to be admired.

One other interesting thing about the study is the tendency to persuade versus coerce. People tend to try to persuade people from their own group into thinking in a particular manner, and try to coerce out group members into thinking in a manner more in line with their own. This means that if I think you are part of my in group then I would talk to you in a more persuasive manner, seeking to convince you of something, and in the end I would hope to bring you more in line with what my social group believes. Interestingly enough, outgroup members are treated more harshly when trying to bring someone into a certain type of thought, and forceful tactics are more favored in this setting. Basically it comes down to convincing someone to think one way versus forcing somewhat to submit and “surrender” to the superior idea.

4. Research Type

This type of research would be explanatory research because it sought to explain a certain type of behavior. The behavior was identified at the beginning of the research, the author gave some base ideas on what he thought, and then he sought out an explanation to the problem. His research helped to explain why there is such a large instance of see opposing political parties as bad and their followers as being “sheep.”

5. Variety of Research Applied?

This study utilized a lot of different types of research such as surveys and experiments. Much care was taken to ensure a fair and unbiased approach was taken to this issue. Then, after the first study was conducted, a second study was conducted to replicate the first one so that there would be no doubt to he validity of the data found.

6. Overall Intended Application?

The purpose of this study was basic social research. It is meant as a way to identify and explain a problem and not to test a fix.

7. Your UNSCIENTIFIC Re-Do Ideas

To destroy this study, I would eliminate the care taken to gather the participants. I would list a add on Facebook or other social media platforms looking for people to participate in a study about politics. This would mean that people are already entering into the study with some thoughts already preloaded into their brains, with various intentions, and in turn this would skew their thoughts. I could also seek out people to participate in the study from groups that tend to lean more radically in one direction of the political spectrum, which would provide me with people who tend to be more emotional over rational thinkers, and this would heavily skew my results.

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