100 psychology questions

1) The world as we know it today is characterized by

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A) more collectivism in comparison to individualism

B) galloping technological changes

C) slower social change than was witnessed in previous decades

D) a movement toward increased industrialization and fewer service industries

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and 99 more, need to have experiece with psychology.

1) The world as we know it






A) more collectivism in comparison to individualism

B) galloping technological changes

C) slower social change than was witnessed in previous decades

D) a movement toward increased industrialization and fewer service industries

2) The fear of technology is known as

A) technophobia

B) electronosis

C) decidophobia

D) computeritis

3) What is the most popular (frequent) method used by Americans to fi nd



A) radio

B) newspapers

C) Internet


4) In today’s world, almost ________ percent of Americans use e-mail.

A) 75

B) 5


C) 100

D) 25

5) Which is NOT a technique to help the environment?

A) recycle

B) reproduce

C) reuse

D) reduce

6) Truly autonomous people who are unafraid to make important decisions and

who accept responsibility for their lives and their decisions are

A) collectivistic

B) self-actualized

C) normalistic

D) decidoteric

7) Researchers have found high stability across a life span for which personality


A) introversion-extroversion

B) authoritarianism

C) perfectionism

D) self-esteem

8) The highest degree of stability of personality has been found in the domain of

A) authoritarianism

B) introversion-extroversion

C) perfectionism
D) self-esteem

9) How does personal growth usually proceed?

A) acknowledgment, dissatisfaction, reorganization

B) dissonance, neutrality, consonance

C) dissatisfaction, reorganization, acknowledgment

D) dissonance, consonance, neutrality

10) The experience of personal growth usually ends with the stage of

A) changing our attitudes

B) reorganizing our experience

C) acknowledging change

D) feeling anxiety and discomfort

11) In which psychoanalytic stage did Freud say genuine love develops?

A) anal

B) genital

C) latency

D) oral

12) According to Erikson, the second stage of psychosocial development poses

the developmental task of

A) autonomy vs. shame

B) industry vs. inferiority

C) trust vs. mistrust

D) initiative vs. guilt

13) The process by which we learn by observing is called

A) reinforcement

B) punishment

C) observational learning

D) learning theory

14) ________ emphasizes the importance of learning and the environment rather

than biological or unconscious drives.

A) Jung’s analytical psychology

B) Bandura’s social learning theory

C) Erikson’s psychosocial theory

D) Freud’s psychodynamic theory

15) Ken argued with Audra that they should give up their stressful jobs and move

to a small town to start a winery. He was confi dent they would be successful.

Ken has high levels of

A) self-effi cacy

B) personality dynamism

C) self-actualizing tendency

D) ego as well as id


) Humanistic psychology has received national prominence as

A) deconstructivist

B) the third force in psychology

C) emphasizing individual sameness

D) Freud’s theory

17) According to the


of positive regard, children automatically develop a

need for

A) behavior rewards

B) acceptance by others

C) social consciousness

D) valuing self

18) According to Maslow, self-actualizing people

A) have reached a healthier level of functioning than the rest of us

B) are more self-centered than the average person

C) have met all their life goals

D) are exempt from anxiety as well as neurotic behavior

19) According to Maslow, self-actualization is

A) more common among children than adults

B) rarely achieved until young adulthood

C) a lifelong task that is rarely completed

D) usually attained in Western but not Eastern societies

20) With advancing age, individual differences in development become

A) no different

B) less pronounced

C) more pronounced

D) none of the above

describe advancing age

21) The developmental task of leaving home most importantly involves

A) differentiating one’s self from one’s


B) getting married and having a family

C) cutting all ties to one’s parents

D) moving out of the family home

22) In the last decade, a trend seen in young adults’ behavior is that

A) more young adults are moving in with their parents

B) more young adults are majoring in humanities and social sciences

C) many are less concerned with social issues, such as environment

D) more females than males between 20-24 years old are living with their


23) Women in midlife often

A) worry about their biological clock

B) avoid schooling

C) avoid adoption

D) avoid the



24) Is there any way to predict Alzheimer’s disease?

A) yes, mild cognitive impairment at midlife often predicts later Alzheimer’s

B) yes, the way to test for it is to test for memory loss when it is fi rst suspected

C) no, it is found only upon autopsy

D) no, there is no way to predict nor to diagnose it for sure

25) Viagra is for

A) men only, not


B) older men in their change of life

C) arthritis in men and women

D) young people, both male and female

26) Which factor(s) account(s) for an individual’s desire to retire?

A) attitudes toward retirement

B) perceived adequacy of income

C) general health

D) all of the above

27) What is true of the Social Security system?

A) the government can be depended on to help the elderly even if they have

never worked a day in their lives

B) the age for eligibility is rising

C) individuals automatically receive it upon retirement

D) all of these are true

28) The more active a person is, the more satisfi ed a person remains is explained


A) disenchantment

B) the climacteric

C) activity theory

D) disenfranchisement

29) All those perceptions of “I” and “me” together with the feelings and beliefs

associated with them are called the

A) social self

B) ideal self

C) real self

D) self-concept

30) The notion that each of us has multiple selves really means

A) there is no coherent core of the self-concept

B) everyone has multiple personality disorders

C) there is no such thing as the self-concept

D) the self-concept is a cluster of self images

31) Experiences that are inconsistent with our existing self-concept tend to be

A) admitted fully into conscious awareness

B) distorted or denied to awareness

C) incorporated into our ideal self

D) labeled accurately

32) Experiences that are consistent with both our sensory reactions and self–


A) are denied to awareness

B) are usually distorted

C) are rarely accurately labeled

D) comprise the core of our self-concept

33) Low self-esteem is characterized by

A) trying so hard to improve his math scores

B) poor performance on spelling tests

C) refusal to accept praise

D) all of the above

34) According to the text, our perception of how others view us is keyed to

A) who we would like to be

B) what others think of us

C) the way we see ourselves

D) our parental infl uence

35) Research demonstrates that most individuals

A) expect higher grades than they receive

B) underestimate their own intelligence

C) overestimate how salient their own behaviors and appearance are to others

D) feel self-feedback is more important than feedback from others

36) One of the best ways to handle personal criticism is to take it as

A) a matter that requires you to defend yourself

B) a matter which requires immediate action

C) a cue that action may be required

D) the refl ection of another person’s envy

37) During the early stages of psychotherapy and self-improvement, people tend

to express a lot of

A) rejection of the therapist

B) self-insight

C) self-dissatisfaction

D) self-acceptance

38) Which of the following is true about the ideal body thought to be desired by

the opposite sex?

A) women believe men want a thin woman, but men do not confi rm this

B) college women think men want a woman who is thinner with larger breasts

than the woman the men say they actually desire

C) college men think women want a man who is thinner and taller than the man

the women say they actually want

D) the type of woman men actually want is dissimilar to the body ideal held by


39) With regard to health behaviors, which personality trait enables us to adopt

healthy and therefore preventive behaviors?

A) competitiveness

B) self-effi cacy

C) introspection

D) conformity

40) A return to previous behavior is called

A) addiction

B) rebound

C) relapse

D) none of the above

41) Women doctors

A) spend more time with patients

B) explain medical terminology better

C) allow patients to talk more

D) all of the above

42) According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food pyramid, what substance

should we consume the most of?

A) meat

B) breads

C) dairy

D) fruits and vegetables

43) Which statement is true about dreams?

A) dreams are unnecessary

B) dreams are realistic and meaningful

C) dream analysis is well agreed upon

D) dream time decreases as we age

44) Physical fi tness is associated with

A) fi ghting some cancers

B) reducing anxiety

C) improved mood

D) all of the above

45) ________ locus of control is when a person believes they have control;

________ locus of control is when a person feels an outside source has


A) internal; external

B) external; internal

C) personal; external

D) personal; internal

46) One of the most reliable predictors of who will complete or drop out of programs

for weight loss or substance abuse is the individual’s

A) educational level

B) perceived control

C) gender

D) marital status

47) When we want to lead and inspire others, we should

A) focus only on the negative aspects of changing our ways

B) focus on short-term but negative effects

C) focus on being optimistic and emphasizing the positive

D) focus on building empathy

48) In the recommended process for making wise decisions, the fi fth and fi nal

stage consists of

A) accepting the challenge

B) assessing your actions and decision

C) following through with your decision

D) searching for alternatives

49) Which of the following is an example of reactance?

A) driving slowly because someone is tailgating to get you to speed up

B) reading a book you have always wanted to read just for sheer pleasure

C) fi nishing a crossword puzzle and feeling very proud of yourself

D) giving money to charity every year and giving the same amount

50) The technique of listing the advantages and disadvantages of a given course

of action before making a decision is called

A) values clarifi cation

B) direct decision therapy

C) creative confl ict management

D) the balance sheet procedure

51) The need that appears at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy is

A) belonging

B) physiological needs

C) safety needs

D) self-actualization

52) According to Maslow’s hierarchical model of needs, the most urgent need is

A) the highest level of unmet needs

B) the need for self-actualization

C) the need for security and other social needs

D) the lowest level of unmet needs

53) Intrinsic motivation involves active engagement out of personal interest, while

external motivation involves

A) engagement to satisfy family

B) a need to have others guide you

C) engagement as a means to an end

D) a desire to help others

54) Zuckerman and others suggest that the need for sensation-seeking behavior

A) is entirely due to our life circumstances, especially our fi eld of employment;

if the job is boring, we seek sensations elsewhere

B) may be partly biological

C) becomes stronger with age

D) is not affected by social infl uences

55) An effi cacious person says:

A) ”Why didn’t I do this yesterday?”

B) “We don’t have to be perfect.”

C) ”I can do this. “

D) “I may do it now or never.”

56) Based on his cross-cultural research, Matsumoto claims that a seventh

universal emotion expressed on the human face is

A) frustration

B) love

C) joy

D) contempt

57) A basic principle of person perception is

A) our fi rst impressions are not the most lasting impressions

B) people form impressions of others only after they have gleaned lots of information

C) not all of us form fi rst impressions of other people; we wait to pass judgment

D) people tend to form extensive impressions of others on the basis of very little


58) Our fi rst impressions of people are generally based on

A) sound psychological principles

B) very little information

C) careful observations

D) a lot of experience with the person

59) When it comes to physical attraction between people of the opposite sex, the

“matching hypothesis” implies that

A) females seek males who match their parents’ images

B) males seek females like their mothers, and females seek males like their


C) we are attracted to people who reciprocate our liking of them

D) we seek people who are about as attractive as we are

60) Shyness in the extreme is called social anxiety, or

A) social phobia

B) unfamiliarity

C) psychopathic

D) biological predisposition

61) Who is shy?

A) teens are the shiest age group in America

B) women are shier than men

C) adults are shier than children

D) whites are shier than minorities

62) Which statement is true about loneliness?

A) people with high emotional intelligence experience greater loneliness

B) individuals whose parents died experience increased loneliness

C) people who are high in empathy and aware of their emotions tend to be lonely

D) some of the loneliest people had divorced parents when they were young

63) What is the correct sequence of group formation, according to the text?

A) forming, storming, norming, and performing

B) storming, forming, norming, and performing

C) norming, storming, performing, and forming

D) forming, storming, performing, and norming

64) In what type of social infl uence situation do we follow direct commands from


A) interpersonal attraction

B) compliance

C) conformity

D) obedience

65) The “great man theory” found ________ traits to be correlated with effective

U.S. presidents.

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

66) Which set of terms best fi t together?

A) in-group, task-oriented, groupthink

B) great man theory, women, conformity

C) collectives, conformity, group polarization

D) emotional intelligence, charismatic leader, transformational leader

67) The person who remains neutral in a confl ict but renders a binding solution to

the confl ict is known as a(n)

A) mindguard

B) arbitrator

C) mediator

D) none of these is correct

68) People who score high on the Realistic theme of the Strong Interest Inventory

would most likely enjoy a job working as an

A) accountant

B) biologist

C) engineer

D) stockbroker

69) Which is NOT a major reason that job satisfaction tends to rise with age and/

or years on the job?

A) knowing offi ce politics and how to circumvent them

B) having more realistic job expectations

C) job security

D) rising pay

70) Which of the following is an example of sexual harassment according to the

text’s defi nition?

A) a male coworker whistles at his female colleague who wears a short skirt to

work; she is so distressed by this that she never again wears a short skirt to


B) a male employer puts his arm around his secretary who is uncomfortable

each time he does this

C) a male coworker often tells dirty jokes which embarrass all the female employees

D) all of these are examples, especially if the behavior impedes the performance

of the women

71) According to a Lou Harris poll, compared to workers in the recent past, the

average American worker today

A) has the same amount of leisure time

B) works fewer hours a week

C) has less leisure time

D) has more leisure time

72) The most common reason Americans take a vacation is for

A) family togetherness

B) escape

C) self-discovery

D) relaxation

73) The Masters and Johnson team identifi ed ________ stages in the sexual

response cycle.

A) 6

B) 5

C) 4

D) 7

74) When she is sure she won’t see anyone she knows, Sveta occasionally goes

out in public dressed like a man. She probably is

A) a transsexual

B) a crossdresser

C) intersexed

D) autoerotic

75) According to the text, the ideal type of love is

A) intimate love

B) passionate love

C) companionate love

D) consummate love

76) Which one of the following birth control techniques is regarded as most effective?

A) diaphragm

B) cervical cap

C) combined birth-control pills

D) condom

77) Which STD if left untreated can cause brain damage, blindness, or paralysis?

A) genital herpes

B) syphilis

C) chlamydia

D) all three of these

78) In the triangular theory of love, ________ is the motivational aspect of love.

A) passion

B) commitment

C) intimacy

D) romance

79) According to studies comparing people’s current romantic relationships with

their childhood attachment styles, individuals who exhibit the “anxious-ambivalent”


A) are the most cynical about romantic love

B) report their romances last the longest

C) are the most prone to jealousy

D) fall in love easily, but rarely fi nd true love

80) The divorce rate in the U.S. now stands at ________ percent.

A) 50

B) 75

C) 25

D) 5

81) EFT is a technique to

A) change thought and emotional patterns

B) intervene in disputes

C) handle family budgets

D) aid in sexual dysfunction

82) Studies of divorced people have shown that

A) most remarry in the fi rst year after their divorce

B) few of them are willing ever to marry anyone

C) most divorced people marry another divorced person

D) none of these is true about divorced people

83) According to Hans Selye, stress which has a benefi cial effect on us is called

A) eustress

B) hypostress

C) distress

D) hyperstress

84) What are common reactions to terrorism?

A) feeling tense

B) sleep problems

C) feeling numb

D) all of the above

85) In his fi rst week as an air-traffi c controller, Harley is already complaining of

headaches and fatigue. Harley’s symptoms are characteristic of which stage

of the general adaptation syndrome?

A) the intermediate stage

B) resistance

C) exhaustion

D) alarm

86) Cumulative changes that refl ect the cost to the body for adapting to stressful

demands is called

A) allostatic load

B) acting out

C) homeostasis

D) repression


Final Examination

Psychology of Adjustment

87) Withdrawal from a stressful situation

A) is a viable problem-solving response under some conditions

B) is almost always an unhealthy, maladjusted response to stress

C) is a temporary symptom-reducing response, so it rarely works

D) is the preferred response in almost all stressful situations

88) In terms of mental disorders, most mental health professionals greatly attend


A) the statistical rarity of the behavior

B) the legal model of insanity

C) the person’s reputation among his or her peers

D) the individual’s level of personal distress

89) With regard to mental disorder and diversity, which statement(s) is/are true?

A) minorities in treatment receive poorer quality care

B) minorities are underrepresented in mental health research

C) minorities have less access to mental health services

D) all of these are true

90) Which is not a category of compulsions?

A) hoarder

B) slacker

C) repeater

D) orderer

91) In contrast to major depression, bipolar disorder

A) is more common in the general population

B) is more prevalent among women than men

C) is more prevalent among married people

D) usually occurs before age 30

92) Which of the following are obvious symptoms of psychosis?

A) fear of being alone and fear of high places

B) overeating and anxiety

C) delusions and hallucinations

D) none of these is a symptom of psychosis

93) Which type of therapy emphasizes the importance of the therapist’s attitude

of acceptance and empathetic understanding of the client?

A) psychoanalytic therapy

B) rational-emotive therapy

C) person-centered therapy

D) gestalt therapy

94) The notion that the people who can help you best are those who have similar

problems is a common assumption in

A) gestalt therapy

B) contextual therapy

C) mutual-help groups

D) social skills training

95) The class of medication for mental disorders that has increased most dramatically


A) lithium products

B) antianxiety drugs

C) antipsychotic medication

D) antidepressants

96) ________ has been shown by multiple studies to reduce depression.

A) Eating more salt and less sugar

B) Exercise, such as jogging

C) Eating more sugar and less salt

D) Listening to classical music

97) People tend to overestimate the risk of death from causes such as

A) strokes

B) heart attacks

C) accidents

D) diabetes

98) Mary is less fearful of death than many older people her age. According to the

text, a major reason for Mary’s diminished fear of death probably is her

A) having a college education

B) genuine belief in the afterlife

C) feeling that “it can’t happen to me”

D) having cared for a terminally ill friend

99) The healthy process of grief work involves

A) avoiding formal funeral services for others

B) wearing mourning clothes

C) not talking about one’s loss

D) sharing one’s feelings of grief

100) What is a typical response of caregivers to long-term caregiving?

A) depression

B) relief when the cared for person dies

C) self-satisfaction

D) resentment

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